Saxon's Conquest

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Saxon's Conquest Page 14

by Sable Hunter

  Victoria nodded. “I agree, and I’ve already suggested as much. The other directors are balking; they don’t want to make an announcement. They feel the pageant will be tainted that we might lose participants or sponsors.” She dabbed at her mouth with a napkin. “The whole thing makes me sad.” Placing her hand over Destry’s, she met his gaze. “Promise me that you’ll put pressure on the authorities if even one more shred of evidence is found that my girls are in danger.”

  “I will,” Destry assured her, turning his hand over to link their fingers.

  “This task force is about more than just solving the murders; it’s about stopping the maniac before he kills more women,” Micah assured her. Turning to Alivia, he studied her face, narrowing his eyes as if sizing her up. “Are there any questions you’d like to ask before we go any further, Ms. Hart?”

  “Well, I can clearly see this meeting was called for my benefit, Mr. Wolfe. I know Kyle asked me if I’d be willing to work on the task force, but this sure feels like an interview. Am I auditioning?”

  Destry barked with laughter. “She is a firecracker like you and Sax said, Wolfe.”

  Sax. Destry was referring to Saxon. The idea that they’d discussed her made Alivia feel uncomfortable. “I was invited by the Governor himself, Mr. Wolfe.”

  Micah nodded, giving Destry a pointed look. “I told you she was a smart one.” He looked back at Alivia. “At my recommendation, yes. Your reputation is above reproach, and your achievements speak for themselves, Alivia, but most of what you’ve accomplished, you’ve done on your own. This is a team effort, and we need you on the team. I was told Kyle’s call came out of the blue. After having a night to sleep on it, I wanted to make sure you had no…reservations.”

  Alivia thought she could read between the lines, Micah Wolfe was referring to any doubt she might have about working with Saxon Abbott. For a heartbeat or two, she considered backing out, but the prospect of catching a killer, of putting her program to the test outweighed any reluctance she felt about interacting with a man with whom she’d displayed an extraordinary amount of ill judgement. Hopefully, she’d have an opportunity to redeem herself, in her own eyes if no one else’s. “I think I have something of value to offer the team. So, yes, I would like to participate…if no one has any objections.” Yes, she could make a veiled reference also.

  Micah stared at her for a long moment as silence engulfed the table. Alivia stared back. “Well…I’m positive no one will,” he finally said, giving her a nod and a smile.

  “Excellent.” Alivia took another bite of the rich breakfast. “When shall I report for duty?” Her plan was to go home, sweat off these calories, and psych herself out before she faced Saxon again.

  “I believe you already have,” Victoria laughed.

  “Correct. Lives are on the line, Alivia.” Micah toasted her with the remainder of his coffee. “You’ll be following me downtown to headquarters. We’ve already got a place set for you to work, and I sent you an email earlier with an attachment containing all our contact information.”

  “Great.” Alivia pushed her half-full plate away from her and looked squarely at her teammate. “Let’s go solve a mystery.”

  * * *

  To keep their energy and drive high, Kyle had gone all out at headquarters and installed his teammates a world-class gym. Saxon loved it, he enjoyed working out, but doing it at a Gold’s or a Planet Fitness was just a little too public for his taste. As he grunted out a final set of inclined crunches, dripping with sweat, Saxon wondered if Micah had turned up the heat in the building just to mess with him. He wouldn’t put it past the Wolfe.

  Rising to his feet, he collected himself, draining the contents of his water bottle, and toweling the beads of water from his body.

  “Sax! Where are you?”

  Micah’s unmistakable bellow sounded from below. “Up here!” Saxon called back in response. Knowing there’d be no time for a shower, he grabbed his familiar grey hoodie, leaving it unzipped in front.

  “We have a great gym upstairs,” Micah said as he led Alivia up the steps. “Feel free to use it anytime you like.”

  Saxon could hear voices, but he couldn’t make them out. As he came to the landing, he stopped dead in his tracks when he saw the figure standing behind Micah. “Alivia. I didn’t know you’d be arriving with Micah.”

  Just hearing his voice put Alivia on edge, but seeing him in the flesh with hair mussed, a few days’ worth of stubble on his face, and his rock-hard abs glistening with sweat brought every sensual memory of their shared intimacy to the forefront of her mind. She swallowed hard and nodded at him. “Saxon,” she said, steeling herself against the magnetic pull of his appeal.

  Unconsciously, she brushed at her hair, smoothing it away from her ear and over her shoulder. Just the quick glimpse of her elegant neck made Saxon’s cock flex in his shorts, and he quickly wheeled to return to the gym. “Let me grab a shower.”

  Micah turned to the woman behind him when Saxon stepped away and saw the same look of confused longing on her face that he’d seen on his friends the night of the fundraiser at the Waterloo. “I think you two will work well together.” His voice trailed off. “Like iron sharpens iron.”

  Yes, and the sparks will fly. “I’m sure we will,” Alivia said dryly, trying not to imagine what Saxon might look like in the shower. Standing beneath the spray. His hand soothing soap over his chiseled chest, slipping lower to soap his cock. “So, show me my workstation. I’m ready to dive in and solve this case.”

  In the shower, Saxon banged his head lightly against the tile wall. The soap suds on his skin felt ultrasensitive. Hell, every nerve-ending in his body was on fire. God, she’d looked good! Even in the brief glimpse he’d gotten of her, she shimmered in the low light of the cloudy day, and her skin seemed to glow. Without realizing it, Saxon’s hand eased down to grasp the erection she’d inspired the moment she walked through the door. Stroking himself slowly, he let memories of their time together flow over him as the tip of his thumb rubbed the head of his aching cock. Would he be able to satisfy his insatiable need for her by jerking off?

  Hell, no, not a chance.

  Only a fool would believe he could ever be satisfied where Alivia was concerned. One time with her, and he was addicted for life. The pointlessness of his endeavor mattered little to Saxon as he strained in vain to recreate the impossibly snug way her pussy hugged his cock.

  “She’s so fucking tight,” he mumbled to himself as water rained over his lips.

  His stroking became more frenzied, and he prayed he would be able to maintain some semblance of professionalism when they were finally working together.


  The sound of his name was jarring. Saxon’s hand came off his cock immediately.

  “Sax!” This time the call of his name was followed by a pounding at the door. “Sax!” The door came open a moment later, and Saxon saw a figure through the frosted glass. “Stop stroking it and get out here. You’re ignoring our guest.”

  Micah’s tone was teasing, but Saxon knew there was no use denying the obvious. “I’ll be out in a minute!” Saxon called back, the hard-on in his hands dwindling. “Fuck!” He cursed when he heard the door close. He’d known masturbating wouldn’t cure his craving for Alivia, but now he’d managed to work himself into a worse condition than when he’d started. “I swear to Christ,” he mumbled as he stepped out of the shower. “She’d better have lost that little piece of sunshine sundress and be wearing a burlap sack when I get down there.” Stepping to the mirror, he wiped the haze from the glass and stared into his own eyes. “Brother. You and I both know that wouldn’t matter one bit.”


  Micah was showing the newest member of the team around Saxon’s office when he came in. “Please don’t touch that,” Saxon barked when he saw Alivia inspecting the custom server he’d newly installed in the corner of his office. As soon as the words came darting from his mouth, he realized how foolish he sou
nded. This was A. G. Hart, she ate servers like this for breakfast.

  Alivia stepped back and pivoted to regard him. He was wearing the same grey hoodie with nothing underneath it. A pair of dark blue jeans had replaced the shorts he’d been sporting earlier, and the pants sat low enough she could see the deep V of his hips. Averting her eyes quickly, she refused to stare. The image was burned into her memory already.

  “It’s very…impressive,” she said, finally able to take her eyes off his waist. She didn’t know how he’d interpret her compliment. If he would wonder whether she was referring to the hardware on his desk…or the hardware between his legs.

  “You didn’t have to get so dressed up for us, Sax,” Micah teased.

  Saxon pushed past them both, leaving a trail of his fresh scent in Alivia’s nose as he passed. “I do my best work when I’m comfortable, Wolfe. You want a three-piece suit? Get Destry down here.”

  “Whatever keeps the wonder nerd happy. Please,” he said to Alivia, “take a seat.”

  Alivia took hold of the back of the nearest chair to pull it out. so she could sit.

  “Not there,” Saxon protested. “That’s my spot.”

  Alivia turned to Micah. “Isn’t there another office I could work in? This space seems to be a bit cramped. I need room to bring in the high-powered equipment we need to get this job done.”

  Saxon took her words as a personal affront. He didn’t care how sweet the swell of her breasts looked peeping over the neckline of her dress. “I’ll have you know this is one of the best places to work online in the world. This is all custom done – by me. You won’t find faster internet above or below the Mason-Dixon, sugar.”

  “Don’t call me sugar,” Alivia snapped.

  She didn’t care how defined his abs were or how much she wanted to feel that rasp of his beard against her cheek, Alivia couldn’t handle meaningless terms of endearment. “I think the focus should be on getting the job done, not whose equipment we use or where we work,” she huffed, needing to escape Saxon’s presence before she betrayed her own weakness.

  “Exactly.” Micah paused, giving the two tech geniuses a moment to compose themselves. “Finding this killer and stopping him in his tracks is what’s important. Anything else is foolishness. I’m not sure what’s going on between the two of you, but even a blind armadillo could see the tension between you two is off the charts. You stand here and act like you want to tear each other’s heads off, but I think what you’d rather tear off is one another’s clothes.”

  Saxon’s eyes widened at what was coming out of his friend’s mouth. “What are you doing, man?”

  “I’ve never been one to stand on tradition, I believe in doing whatever it takes to get a job done. So why don’t you two just sleep together already and get it over with, so we can get down to business?”

  Alivia turned and regarded him with a slack-jaw. “Excuse me?”

  “It was a joke,” he said after a long moment with a serious look on his face.

  Or was it?

  Saxon didn’t have a word to say. All he could think about was fucking Alivia. Fucking her against the wall. Fucking her over his desk. Hell, fucking her on the desk in every office of the damn building, and then falling asleep with her in his arms on the floor.

  “All right, enough. Messing with you two is more fun than wrangling a flock of chickens, but the time for seriousness has arrived.” Micah unbuttoned his cerulean blue sports coat and folded his arms over his chest. “We need to get down to business.”

  Alivia folded her arms over her chest in defiance. “I’m sorry, I’m not trying to be a diva, but I’m not sure I can work under these conditions.” Saxon’s nearness and the possibility of being in such cramped quarters with him was overwhelming.

  “This is a volunteer job. We’re not paying you a red cent. I’m not your boss, and I’m sure you and Saxon are both light years ahead of me in knowing how to find the information we need to solve these crimes. But lives are on the line, Alivia,” Micah stated flatly. “For the sake of those who’ve been murdered, and for those who might still be in danger, we need you to put aside your personal feelings to help us get this job done. I’m asking you to work under Saxon. He’s an Equalizer; he understands the way we operate.”

  “Under Saxon?” She kept her voice even, her sex weeping at the mere thought. As if he was tuning them both out, the object of her desire sat down in a chair and began working at the computer.

  “Yes, I know you’re good, but so is he. In the arena of crime-fighting, Saxon’s the best brain in the business. Whatever your differences are, I need both of you to get with the program. We don’t have time for games or egos.”

  Alivia knew even though he was addressing them both – the problem was really her. Saxon might be touchy about his equipment and his spot, but she’d set this whole battle of the sexes in motion when she’d crashed his computer and attacked him on his home ground. Yes, he’d hurt her, walked out after what she’d hoped was a true connection. Maybe. He’d protested her conclusion, insisting he’d left on an emergency and intended for her to call him.

  Hell, whatever.

  The truth was, her current displeasure had nothing to do with accommodations or equipment, this was all about Saxon and the internal conflict she was dealing with over him. “I apologize,” Alivia said. “I want to work on this case, help catch the killer, and save lives. Honestly, I have very little experience dealing with others. I’m used to working for myself, but I want to be a part of the team. I’m sure Mr. Abbott’s technology is as good as he says it is, and I’d like to get to work right away. What do you need me to do?”

  Micah unfolded his arms and relaxed a bit. “Good.” The phone in his pocket rang, and he took it out to answer it. “Just one second,” he told them and stepped outside.

  As soon as Micah left the room, Alivia felt the space shrink even further. She and Saxon were alone. “How about you, Mr. Abbott? Would you feel more comfortable if I wasn’t here?”

  Did he want her to leave?

  God, that was the absolute last thing Saxon wanted. He wanted her to get comfortable, especially if that meant taking a seat in his lap. “I just want you onboard because you want to be. That’s all.”

  He sat with his back to her, performing meaningless tasks on his computer, anything to not have to turn and look into those gorgeous dark eyes of hers.

  Alivia was so frustrated, she could barely breathe. She walked right up behind her new partner and tried to whirl his chair around with a flourish to face her. Hell, the man was so muscle-bound and heavy, he only made it around a bit and still wasn’t facing her.

  “What the hell?” Saxon asked.

  Alivia stepped out to her left until she was right in front of him. “I want to stop this maniac as much as you do, Mr. Abbott. I am fully onboard.”

  “Stop calling me that.”

  “Stop calling you what?”

  “Mr. Abbott.”

  “I’m not calling you names like sugar.” She made a face when she said the last word. “Mr. Abbott is your name.”

  “Just stop.” Saxon couldn’t bring himself to admit it turned him on to hear her address him that way. “Just Saxon is fine. It’s not like I’m thirty years older than you or something.”

  “I’m glad to see you two getting along,” Micah quipped when he came back into the room to see Alivia standing over Saxon with a scowl on her face. “What we need is for you two to put your big brains together and get us some answers.”

  Yea, she wanted to put a few of her body parts close to Saxon’s, not necessarily their brains, but that was as good a place as any to start with. “I’m ready, Micah.” Alivia looked down at the perfect slice of man before her. She didn’t know if she wanted to slap him or crawl into his lap and kiss him to death.

  “Please.” Micah gestured. “Have a seat, Alivia.”

  “Sure.” Putting some space between her and Saxon would probably be a good thing for her blood pressure.

  “Saxon, I know you’ve already set this ball to rolling, but I need you two to go over the usual stuff, to begin with.”

  “Right.” Saxon nodded. “Twitter. Facebook. Insta-this. Insta-that. Social media platforms. Emails. Online presence. Yadda. Yadda. Yadda.”

  “My Dragnet program will make this effort go ten times faster.”

  “We hoped you’d say that.” Micah tapped the table in front of Saxon. “Help Alivia get what she needs to run her program. Whatever you two need from me, in terms of wiring or electricians, just say so.”

  “Will do.” Saxon nodded. He hazarded a glance toward Alivia. “I’m certain I can fulfill Miss Hart’s needs.”

  Alivia nearly choked at his insinuation while Micah grinned. “Perfect,” he said. “I expect miracles from this alliance.” He stopped in the doorway on the way out. “And try not to kill each other.”

  Neither made any promises. Instead, they went to work. Saxon introduced her to his system, albeit a bit reluctantly, and soon she’d accessed her cloud and downloaded Dragnet onto the Equalizer’s server. “Here, let me show you how to get in this monstrosity.”

  He’d listened and learned, taking the time to introduce her to a few specialized programs of his own.

  “Neat, this is a powerful weapon, Alyx.”

  “Thanks, Jak.” She fell right into his theme banter. “So, what’s the plan?”

  “Using our combined arsenal, let’s garner every bit of information we can about Mindy and Mona from everywhere we can think to look. After we do that, we’ll begin isolating certain characteristics of the crimes to find matches.”

  “Okay, review a few things with me. What evidence did they find at the crime scenes?”

  Saxon began to dole out the details, enjoying her company as much as he’d been afraid he would. “Okay, this is what we know. The fingerprint situation was horrendous. In the places where the bodies were found, there were multiple fingerprints. In Mindy Nixon’s car, they collected nearly a dozen.”


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