Saxon's Conquest

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Saxon's Conquest Page 22

by Sable Hunter

  “I’m standing straight as an arrow, Victoria.”

  “Glide. Hands at your sides. Palms open and turned in towards your thighs. Swing your arms naturally as you walk. Lift from the rib cage, relax your shoulders, and keep your chin up. Smile, keep your eyes on the judges, look like you’re having a good time!”

  “This is too much to remember,” she stage-whispered, just a micro-second before Saxon burst in on them.

  “No, it’s not. Practice until it becomes second nature. One foot directly in front of the other. Your swimsuit walk should be slightly faster and peppier than your slower, more confident evening gown walk.”

  “I don’t feel confident.”

  “You should,” Saxon spoke in awe when he saw her. Alivia was a gorgeous feminine feast, and he couldn’t wait to indulge. “You’re amazing.” Hot. Sexy. Cum-worthy. He censored his comments in front of Victoria but vowed to voice them once they were alone. The black halter bikini molded her curves to perfection, showcasing creamy skin, high firm breasts, and a derriere so lush and spankable, he wanted to bow down before her and worship it. “Alivia, you’ll win hands down, there is no one who could compete with you.”

  Alivia blushed, and Victoria clapped her hands. “See? A man’s opinion is invaluable. Now, that was the reaction I was hoping for!”

  “Thank you,” Alivia murmured, fidgeting in front of the other two. She didn’t know what to do with her hands. Finally, she crossed her arms behind her waist, not realizing the move thrust her breasts out even more.

  “Good job, Alivia. I’m not worried about you answering questions. You’ll be the smartest girl there. I am concerned about your talent, however. Do some thinking about what you might like to try, and get back with me tomorrow. And don’t forget, you’re scheduled to fly out bright and early for East Texas tomorrow for your first appearance as a contestant. I made some notes and left them on your desk, an outline of all the contestants and everything you’ll need to know about each one.” As she spoke to Alivia, then glanced at Saxon, there was no way she could miss the sexual tension arcing between them. “Ah, enough for now. I think it’s time for me to go. You two have fun!”

  Saxon couldn’t take his eyes off her. “Every time I see you, you’re more beautiful.”

  “You’re embarrassing me.” Alivia didn’t know what to make of the intense heat in his eyes. “Do you want to work? I located the detective who worked on the Delores Fisher case. We have an appointment with him tomorrow after we finish in Lufkin.” She backed up a step or two, moving her arms to the front of her body, crossing them beneath her breasts.

  “I don’t feel like working.” He stalked to the window and lowered the blinds.

  “What do you feel like doing?” Alivia’s voice was small, she was gulping air into her lungs, but it didn’t seem to be doing her much good.

  “Even while I was with Jet, finding out Sami needed more surgery, you weren’t far from my mind.” Saxon threw off his ever-present hoodie and began to unbutton his shirt. “I can’t stop thinking about you, Alivia. You’re a fever in my blood.”

  “I’m so sorry about Sami. I hope she’ll be all right.” Chill bumps covered her body. She was so excited her knees were weak. “What are you doing?”

  Tossing the shirt to one side, he began to undo his pants. “I’m going to make love to you.” Walking to the door, his hand hovered over the lock. “Unless you have an objection? If you want to leave, if you can walk away from me, now’s the time to go.”

  Alivia closed her eyes, breathing deeply, then opened them to see that he hadn’t moved. “I don’t want to leave.”

  “Good.” He smiled, then continued removing his clothes until he stood before her, unashamed, and completely aroused. “You look incredulous, a little surprised. Don’t you know what you do to me?”

  Alivia didn’t know what to say, so she just shook her head, and let her eyes wander in the same path her hands longed to travel. God, what a sight. He was tanned, muscular. His unruly dark hair begged for her fingers to neaten the strands. His face was strong, with bold features, handsome, the chiseled planes and angles almost savage in their male beauty. And his lips – God, his lips – were full, with just a touch of arrogance.

  “What are you thinking, Alivia?”

  He was standing before her in just his underwear, the bulge of his desire outlined as clear as day in the thin cotton.

  She shook her head, unwilling to admit how she craved him. Alivia wanted more than a kiss from his lips. She wanted to use her mouth and tongue to blaze a trail across his broad chest, over his abs, and down to that… “Oh, God, Saxon,” she whispered as he pushed his shorts down and let his erection spring free.

  “If you keep licking your lips like that, I’m going to cum just from watching you, beautiful.”

  Merciful Heavens.

  Alivia was mesmerized as his hand slid down to his sack, cupped it, massaging it between his fingers. She whimpered as her clit began to tingle. This couldn’t be good for her blood pressure. “What are you doing?”

  “Showing you how much I want you.”

  Alivia gasped as he clasped the base of his cock and began stroking the firm, thick flesh. “Are you going to masturbate?”

  “A little.” His palm could barely encircle the broad shaft, moving up and down without haste, moving slowly from the head to the root.

  Alivia couldn’t be still. She shifted from one foot to the other, the place between her thighs growing hot with longing. Her nipples peaked and ached. Every inch of her body was responding to him.

  “Touch yourself, Alivia.” He tempted her. “For me.”

  “I don’t know if I can.” She was hypnotized, watching his strong, thick fingers pump his cock. Alivia clenched her thighs together, trying to control the need pulsing through her.

  “Try.” His breathing seemed as erratic as her own. She could detect the same desire in his voice that echoed in her own. “I want inside you so much, my dick is about to burst.”

  “Saxon, what you do to me!” She closed her eyes, battling all the barriers she’d erected between herself and anything that might make her feel vulnerable. “Damn you, Abbott. You make me want.” She ached, she hurt. Her whole being was focused on the prospect of his thick cock tunneling into her, pumping hard and deep, her sheath milking him, holding him tighter than even his own hand.

  When she opened her eyes, he was there. “I know, sugar, I know. You do the same thing to me.” His hand came to her hair, gripping it, tugging her head back. “Can’t you feel it? I’m shaking for you.”

  Alivia trembled, then whimpered when his head bent to hers. His lips came to her neck, his teeth grazing over her skin in a primal, erotic move. She clung to his powerful arms, staring at their erotic reflections in the mirror Victoria had left behind. As his tongue danced over her skin, the rasp of the sandpaper caress brought her to her tiptoes, sighing in dazed rapture. She tilted her head, offering the elegant curve of her neck to his lips. “I love this. You know just how to touch me.” A piercing spasm of hunger made Alivia shudder as he continued to lick and nip at her neck, the rough velvet of his tongue making her pussy weep with envy. “Kiss me,” she begged.

  Saxon groaned, bringing his lips up to cover hers. They’d kissed before, but never like this. He took absolute control, his tongue sweeping into her mouth, the taste of him was addictive, like sin – hot and dark. She wanted more. Her tongue touched his, caressing him, drawing him in. She moaned as he pulled back, his mouth moving to her throat once more. She cried out as he nipped her, sucking at the soft flesh. Alivia wove her fingers in his hair, not wanting him to stop. When one of his hands skated down her chest, stopping so near to a swollen breast, she writhed in his embrace, pressing against him, she was burning alive for his touch. If he didn’t give her some relief, didn’t suck her throbbing nipples into his mouth, she would splinter into a thousand burning shards of need.

  “Saxon, please, please.” Alivia quaked as he continued to tease h
er, so near to where she craved him, yet so far. “This is mean of you.” She was so close to climaxing that it embarrassed her. Her heart raced, sending her blood pumping through her veins like lava. “Do something!” Arching against him, her nails bit into his shoulders as desire and confusion tore through her. When he finally cupped her aching breast, tweaking her nipple through the thin material of her bikini top, she convulsed, an orgasm tearing through her.

  “God, you’re sweet.” He tugged the strings on either side of her hips, releasing the tiny bottoms. Alivia paid no attention to the fluttering material as he pushed one of his thick thighs between her legs, moving her back until she was trapped against the wall.

  Unashamedly, Alivia rode the hard muscles of his upper leg, scrubbing her burning clit against his hair-roughened skin. “Saxon! Please!” she cried as he lifted his leg, raising her high enough that her toes didn’t touch the ground. Her plea was answered when he pushed up the cups of her bikini top and covered her throbbing nipple with his mouth. She almost fainted as he sucked hard, drawing her quivering flesh deep. His rough textured tongue swirled around the sensitive tip, driving her mad as he suckled and laved, teasing her with his teeth. She bucked on his thigh, one orgasm flowing into another.

  He held her till she stilled, then he framed her face. “Do it for me. I need to see. Touch yourself.”

  Remembering how she’d felt as she watched him masturbate, Alivia relented. She had no idea what their future held, but one thing she knew for sure. He wanted her; he was caught up in the same sexual frenzy as she was. Moving to the conference table, she sat down on it, then scooted back until she could lie down. Releasing the front clasp of her bikini top, she rid herself of the garment, tossing it to one side. Cupping her breasts, she rubbed her nipples, moaning as the tingles of pleasure flowed through her body. She pulled on her nipples, rolling the distended tips, her head tossing from side to side.

  Saxon watched from the sidelines, his eyes seeking hers, totally enthralled by the sight of this breathtaking woman pleasuring herself. “Lower. Touch your pussy, Alivia.”

  Alivia shuddered as she met his gaze, one hand slipping down her body as she obeyed his request. Spreading her legs, she pressed the tips of her fingers into her slick, hot folds. Her clitoris was so sensitive as it pulsed and throbbed, begging for more attention. “Oh, Saxon,” she moaned as she touched herself.

  Saxon moved a step closer, bewitched by the sight of Alivia as she bowed her writhing body, her fingers moving in circles on the very flesh he craved like a drug. “You’re so sexy, sugar.”

  “Don’t…” she started, then paused, her hands still busy – one pulling at her nipple while the other caressed the soft flesh between her legs. “Don’t make me wait, please.”

  He didn’t. He couldn’t. Saxon moved over her, his mouth claiming hers, his tongue pushing between her lips. “You taste so good,” he growled.

  Beyond desperate, her tongue mated with his, her body pushing up against him as he devoured her lips. She loved how they felt together, the way their skin kissed, the way her engorged nipples tingled as they rasped against the fine dusting of dark hair on his chest. Pulling her to him, he settled his powerful body between her thighs, one hand coming up to mold and knead her breast. “Can I have you bareback? I’m clean. I was tested a while back, and I haven’t been with a woman since.”

  “Yes, God, yes. I’m clean too. My blood is tested at the lab when I donate.” Opening herself up even wider to him, Alivia spread her legs like butterfly wings, raising her hips, her pussy so desperate for him that she wanted to scream. He was right there – so close – she arched higher, the eager flesh of her womanhood nudging the hard thickness of his cock.

  “Tell me what you want, Alivia.”

  “You. Inside me. Now.” She scraped her fingernails down his back, cupping his ass and trying to force him down and into her.

  “Soon. Soon.”

  When he shifted to one side, she whimpered her protest, until his hand moved to her knee, then stroked its way down to her hot core. “Oh, God, yes!” Alivia cried out in relief when he pushed two hot, thick fingers deep inside of her, then took them out to suck them clean of her cream. “You’re slaying me, Saxon. I can’t take much more.”

  “Oh, yes, you can. You can take whatever I want to give you.” Sliding down her body, he lifted one leg over his shoulders, then settled down between her legs. Alivia cried out as his mouth settled over her slit, licking her from bottom to top.

  Her hand found his head, her fingers gripping his hair as he feasted, his tongue and lips devouring her – slow, rough, in, out. “Yes! Please, Saxon…” The heated growls of his pleasure vibrated against her quivering flesh as his tongue speared her, twirling inside of her, gathering her juices into his mouth. “Oh, God. Oh, God. Oh, God,” she whimpered as he fucked her with his tongue. She was completely mindless, bucking beneath him, praying for him to give her what she needed more than air. “Suck me, please suck me.”

  Saxon chuckled, he loved how she responded to him with every fiber of her being. Giving her what they both needed, he covered the swollen bud with his mouth and sucked – hard.

  “Saxon!” she screamed as the pleasure burst inside of her. She was dying, the sweet death of release. The climax crashed over her like a giant wave, sending her spiraling through an ocean of ecstasy.

  “Now, you’re mine!” he murmured, moving up her body, fitting the throbbing head of his cock to the still fluttering opening of her pussy. “Am I welcome?”

  “God, yes, please!” She clasped him to her as he thrust home, burying his thick iron-hard cock to the hilt. Alivia whimpered, fisting his hair as his heavy sac slapped her ass. Enchanted, she watched his face display his own relief at their joining. His eyes closed, his jaw hardened, his muscles tensed. Wrapping her legs around his hips, she tightened her pussy around him, urging him to move. “Fuck me, Saxon. Fuck me hard!”

  Saxon fought for control. This was what he needed, what he longed for. This is what he’d been missing. God, she felt good. Her tight little pussy gripped his bare cock, spasming around him like a greedy velvet fist. “Hold on, baby, hold on.” Holding himself above her, he began to move, giving them both what they needed. With every stroke, her glove-like sheath gripped him, massaging his cock, giving him more pleasure then he’d ever dreamed. “Christ, baby, I don’t know if I can hold out.”

  “Saxon…” His name was whispered with a hard gasp as she bucked against him, her head thrashing, her nails scoring his shoulders. Driving harder and deeper, his cock swelled and pulsed with every thrust. Slipping one hand beneath her back, he lifted her high enough so that he could reach one nipple, then he sucked on it hard, loving how she reacted with her whole soul and body. He’d never get enough of her – never.

  Every time he pulled on her nipple, her pussy tightened its grip on his cock. “You’re perfect. Did you know that?” Saxon whispered as he slammed into her, the pleasure so intense he thought he might pass out. Bringing his lips to find hers again, he arrived just in time to capture her scream as she came, her lips chilled as the warmth of her blood flowed to her heated core. He groaned as she clamped down on his cock with a vise-like grip, her climax squeezing him so hard, he could do nothing but follow her. Ecstasy rippled through his being as he ejaculated into her, ribbons of white, hot passion, flowing from his body to hers.

  As Alivia trembled and panted with release, he gathered her close, kissing the dampness from her cheeks. He could feel her swollen nipples poking his chest like little acorns, still hard and throbbing with passion. Soothing her hair from her face, he kissed her gently. “Now, that was worth driving for hours to get to you.”

  Her breath hitched, and one hand was clasped around his neck. “I hope there aren’t any cameras in this room.”

  Saxon chuckled. “There’s not, I would know.” Maybe.

  “You’d watch it over and over again, wouldn’t you?” She eased off the table, stretching her back, then bending over
to pick up her clothes.

  “Watching it would be good.” He made a grab for her, pulling her into his arms for a kiss. “Repeating the real thing with you, gorgeous, would be far better.” Saxon stole a kiss before he let her go again. “It’s probably cold, but I brought some take-out if you’re hungry.”

  Alivia couldn’t help but smile as she stepped into her pants and pulled them up. “I need to get home. I have a little work to do on one of my robots.”

  “You’re going to have to introduce me to these inventions of yours someday soon.” He hinted broadly as he redressed, tugging on his jeans and shirt.

  “Sure, I’d like that.”

  If she hadn’t been watching him, he would’ve done a fast fist-pump. Picking up the bag of tacos, he held it out to her. “Here, take this with you. You can warm it up in the microwave.”

  Alivia took it, searching his face. “Thank you. Are you sure? Aren’t you hungry?”

  “I’ll be fine.” He gave her a smile. “I like knowing you’re going to eat something I provided; makes me feel all manly.”

  Alivia giggled. “If you were any more of a man, I don’t think I could handle you.”

  “That’s what I like to hear.” He followed her to her car. “If you’ll give me your address, I’ll pick you up in the morning.”

  “135 Live Oak, Hutto. I haven’t checked my email. I don’t even know when we’re flying out.”

  “Hey, you live close to me.” Saxon entered the address into his contacts. “We’re taking the Chancellor jet out of the Executive Airport; it’s not far from where we live. How about seven, can you be ready?”


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