Saxon's Conquest

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Saxon's Conquest Page 33

by Sable Hunter

  “Good.” She placed a well-manicured hand on Alivia’s arm. “Come with me. I’ll go with you to register.” She turned to the others, patting Madison on the arm. “Your rooms are all ready for you. Alivia, of course, will be on the second floor with the other contestants. The rest of you are on the third floor. Here are the keys.” She gave them to Saxon. “Micah, the chief of security for the Eisemann is waiting to confer with you. Alivia’s first event is tonight at six, a welcome mixer. I’ll give you all time to get settled, and we’ll get together later to confer. Sound good?”

  Saxon and Micah glanced at one another. Clearly, this woman was in charge. They chose not to challenge her.

  “How about me?”

  In the conversational lull, Savvy’s voice sounded loud and clear. Victoria whirled around to see who was speaking. “Oh, my, I don’t believe I’ve had the pleasure.” She held out her hand to greet Savvy. Obviously not noticing, at first, that she wasn’t human. “I’m Victoria Kraft.”

  “Hello.” Savvy took Victoria’s hand. “I’m Savvy Hart. How are you?”

  Alivia bit her cheek. Savvy had never claimed Alivia’s last name before. Beyond curious, she just hung back to see what would happen.

  Victoria cut her eyes to Alivia, then back to Savvy. “I am well. Alivia…is this your…?”

  “Sister, Victoria. Savvy is Alivia’s sister.” This answer came from an amused Micah, always the kidder.

  Victoria’s mouth fell open, then she smiled. “Ah, you got me. Alivia, Savvy is very realistic. Very…intriguing.”

  Alivia didn’t often feel the need to tout Savvy’s abilities. For some reason, noticing the looks being exchanged, she felt a bit protective of her creation. “You’re right, Victoria. Savvy is intriguing. Standing before you, in a very pleasing package, is a droid with Artificial Intelligence. She is remotely connected to a computer so powerful, it is only surpassed by the TaihuLight supercomputer in China. Savvy can do anything you could imagine a computer doing, only faster and better. Plus, she is learning and adapting every day, showing the characteristics of a human who is adjusting to a new culture, much like you or I would do if we moved to a country where we had to master a different language and customs. In other words, Ms. Kraft, you are looking at the future.”

  Victoria’s eyes widened. “And this is your creation?”

  “Yes, it is,” Alivia answered.

  “Why, you should show her off during the talent competition, make her do something…” She moved one hand in a circular gesture.

  “Intriguing?” Micah asked, amused at Alivia’s protective feelings toward Savvy.

  “Exactly!” Victoria agreed with a smile.

  “I don’t think so. She’s a little over-qualified for the task, I would think. I’ll stick to my original idea.”

  “Which is?” Saxon asked, all ears.

  “To be announced.” Alivia shut down that conversation. “While I go with Victoria, would you escort Savvy to my room. Please?”

  “Of course,” Saxon agreed.

  “Oh, good.” Savvy purred. “Alone time with Saxon. I can practice my social skills.”

  “You be good.” Alivia wagged a finger in Savvy’s face.

  “Don’t worry. I’ll be on my best behavior.” Savvy gave Alivia an innocent, yet mischievous look, one Alivia had never seen before.

  “You’d better be,” she warned her once more, then gave her droid a smile. “I’ll be there soon, I’m sure.” With one last soothing hand to the spiffy pantsuit she wore, Alivia fell into step with Victoria. “So, where are we off to now?”

  “Registration. I want you to see and be seen.”

  As they made their way from the parking garage to the first floor where the wing of conference rooms and the auditorium was located, Alivia noticed the high number of security personnel. “At least the local law enforcement departments are taking the threat seriously.”

  “Oh, yes, I’m very grateful,” Victoria agreed as they wove their way through the throng of people, most pulling luggage behind them. As they walked, the elegant socialite spoke to dozens, calling them by name, wishing them well or good luck. When they came to a relatively empty corridor, she lowered her voice to speak just to Alivia, “Really, as I told a group of the girls last night, I think they are safer here than they are in their hometowns. Safety in numbers and all that. Plus, Micah has sat up a top-notch surveillance system. If our nemesis comes anywhere near, I have no doubt he’ll be caught.”

  “I hope so. I intend to scope out the whole place. I’ll keep my eye open for anyone who looks out of place.” Since they left the parking garage, she’d been evaluating the crowd. “Other than security and hotel staff, there definitely seems to be two types of male attendees.”

  “Harried fathers and doting boyfriends,” Victoria said with a laugh. “Yes, I’ve noted that myself over the years.”

  As they drew closer to the convention area, the crowd grew denser. Alivia edged closer to Victoria. “I presume all the staff and security have been screened.”

  “Micah has seen to that, yes.” Victoria pointed at a table being manned by three immaculately dressed women. “Here’s where you register.” She swept up to the table and quickly introduced Alivia to the trio. Next to them, Alivia felt like a sparrow among peacocks.

  “Hello, nice to meet all of you,” she stated evenly as she bent to place her name on all the forms needed to ensure her eligibility to proceed in the pageant. When she was finished, she followed Victoria to another area where coffee and muffins were being served, the tiniest excuse for muffins that Alivia had ever seen. “Were those ladies at the registration table contestants?”

  “No. They were runners-up.” Victoria placed a guiding hand to Alivia’s back. “Each contestant has one to serve as an alternate, just in case something goes wrong.”

  Like getting strangled by a serial killer. Alivia didn’t voice her thought out loud. She didn’t intend that to happen to anyone else if she could prevent it. “Are they ever needed?”

  “Oh, once or twice. One year a contestant injured a knee, and another time one dropped out because her grandmother had a stroke.” Victoria pointed to three men and four women congregated next to the windows. “Let me introduce you to the judges; they’ll be so happy to meet you.”

  Alivia pasted a smile on her face and allowed Victoria to shuffle her from person to person. Of the seven judges she met, there were three oil barons, two longtime pageant directors, a former competitor turned movie star, and an award-winning photographer. Several other contestants were hovering around, each vying for attention.

  While Victoria charmed everyone, Alivia’s eyes were busy scoping out the crowd. She tried to look at everyone analytically. Did they look like they belonged? Did they look uncomfortable? Did they look suspicious? “Ha!” Alivia covered her mouth to muffle the laughter when she realized she was the only person in the room who fit the bill as ‘out of place’.

  “What’s wrong?” Without waiting for an answer, Victoria herded her over to another group of people. “Let’s meet some of your competition, shall we?”

  “Oh, joy,” Alivia whispered with little enthusiasm. Going where Victoria led, she met a half-dozen starry-eyed contestants. “Mary Catherine Sutton – Miss Jefferson, Rita Lee Smithfield – Miss Corsicana, Angela Michelle Wood – Miss Corpus Christi…” And so forth and so on. The names began to run together in her head.

  After another half hour of the tedious networking, Alivia was ready to head to her room. “Victoria, I think I need to do something else for a little while. Do you mind?”

  Her mentor reacted with surprise. “Oh, honey, I’m sorry. Are you tired?”

  “No, not really, my mind is racing with some research I want to do on the case.”

  “Well…we really should…” She pointed at another group of people.

  “You do remember I’m here undercover? I’m not really trying to win the contest.” Alivia felt like she shouldn’t have to remind Ms. Kraft of
that fact.

  To her shock and amusement, Victoria put her baby smooth hands on her perfectly proportioned hips and pouted. “Who says you can’t do both?”

  “Reason and good sense. I’m not pageant material, and you know it.” She took Victoria by the hand and coaxed her from the room. “I promise you that I will do my very best tonight, and at every segment of the pageant, but please, let’s not forget why I’m here.”

  Victoria waved her hand. “I surrender – for the moment. Although, I must remind you that you stand as good a chance of winning as any of these girls. You’re the complete package: beauty, brains, and poise.”

  Alivia kissed Victoria on the cheek. “Thank you. I know you’re busy. Take care of your other duties, and I promise to shine my brightest at the Welcome dinner. Okay?”

  “Very well.” She escorted Alivia to her room, leaving her there with one final word of direction. “I left you a bag of goodies on your bed. Look through them, and if you can think of anything else you need, let me know.”

  Knowing Victoria, Alivia was slightly suspicious. “What kind of goodies?”

  “Oh, just normal stuff. Scotch tape, a bombshell bra, and some butt glue.”

  “Butt glue?” she repeated with gusto. “The bra I understand, but what about the others?”

  “Shhh, not so loud. You’re attracting attention.” Victoria took her key and opened the door, nudging her into the nicely appointed room. Going to the King-size bed, she picked up a gaily colored bag. “The pushup bra is from Victoria’s Secret, sure to garner attention. The Scotch tape is great for picking up little bits of eyeshadow off your cheeks; it won’t bother your powder or foundation.”

  Alivia had memorized Victoria’s suggested beauty routine. She’d refrained from confessing the only makeup she normally used was lip gloss and a bit of mascara - sometimes. Yes, she was an oddity. “And the butt glue?”

  Victoria laughed. “Actually, it’s called Firm Grip. Gymnasts and weight lifters use it on their hands to cut down on perspiration. We use it to keep the bikini bottom from moving too much. You don’t want a wedgie on stage.”

  “Wow, who knew?” She opened the container and sniffed. “Not bad.”

  “Good.” Victoria clapped her hands together. “I’ll leave you alone now.” She glanced around. “I see the boys brought your things up already.”

  “Yea, I see that.” Alivia noted her bags by the closet, and her clothes hanging neatly on the rack. There was only one thing missing. Savvy. “Thank you so much, Victoria. I’ll try not to embarrass you.”

  “Oh, you won’t.” Victoria seemed confident. “I’ve worked with many contestants, and you’re just as qualified as they were, if not more so.”

  Alivia wasn’t so sure about that. After showing Victoria out, Alivia considered her next move. She was just about to call Saxon to find out Savvy’s whereabouts when she heard voices in the hall. One of them was, undoubtedly, her droid.

  “I don’t think it would take too many modifications to make me waterproof. I’m sure you could do it, Saxon. Alivia wouldn’t mind. If you would, we could go swimming together in hotel pools.”

  Alivia opened the door to greet her cohorts. “When you fry all your components, Savvy, I’m going to turn you into a large paperweight.” She was surprised to see Saxon carrying more luggage. “I think all my bags are here.”

  Saxon pushed by her, entering the room. “I don’t think modifying you is the answer, Savvy. I think one of those large plastic bubbles would be better. You could just float on the surface like a big beach ball. We could even pull you behind us in a speedboat.”

  “Don’t encourage her, Saxon,” Alivia warned him. Crossing her arms under her breasts, she watched the man she’d come to know as well as anyone else on earth, place the bags he’d been carrying next to her own. “Whose are those?”

  “They’re not mine,” Savvy informed her as she glided into the bathroom. “My small bag holds all I own in the world.” Big sigh.

  Saxon glanced up at her in surprise. “They’re mine. I’m staying here with you.”

  “I don’t think that’s allowed,” Alivia said, surprised.

  “Who says? We’re adults, the last time I checked.” He placed both of their computer bags on the bed. “Who’s going to stop us?”

  Alivia grew flustered, waving her hands in the air. “Contestants aren’t allowed to have men in their rooms. Wholesome atmosphere and all that jazz.”

  “Tough.” Snagging her hand, he pulled her to him. “I’m your bodyguard, which means I have to guard this body,” Saxon growled as he ran a possessive hand down to the small of her back. “Close and personal.”

  “PDA. PDA.” Savvy came out of the bathroom with her eyes covered.

  Alivia laughed. “Sorry, bud, we seem to have a chaperone.”

  “I know who’s sleeping in the closet tonight.” He pointed at Savvy, who did her best to shrug. Turning to Alivia, he gave her a smile. “So, how was your initial foray into the pageant world?”

  “Eye-opening, for sure. These women are serious about this stuff.” She stood in front of the mirror, evaluating her appearance. “I feel like a duck out of water, Saxon.”

  “You’re not a duck.” He came up behind her and pulled her against him. “You’re a swan.”

  She leaned her head against his shoulder and smiled at him in the mirror. “I guess we’d better get to work. Are the rest of the gang on the job?”

  “Yea.” Saxon released her and went to sit at the head of the bed, pulling his laptop out of the case. “Micah met with the police reps and the hotel security. Titus and Tyson are on patrol.”

  “Good. Okay, what’s the plan?” Alivia pulled her hair into a ponytail and secured it with a clasp. “My brain is befuddled by all the beauty talk downstairs.”

  “Well, I suggest we read Father James’ journal to see if we can glean any more information.” Before she could ask how they could read from the same book, Saxon handed Alivia her own copy. “Savvy and I were busy while you were schmoozing. She scanned the whole book in a matter of minutes, and sent the file to one of the hotel printers.”

  “Very good, you two.” Alivia was impressed. Taking her copy, she sat on the opposite side of the bed from him, leaning back against a stack of pillows.

  “What do want me to do?” Savvy asked, standing at the end of the bed.

  “I know.” Saxon snapped his fingers. “Can you get into the hotel’s database?”

  Savvy gave her version of a smile, which was perking up the corners of her lips. “I’m already in.”

  “Download the guest information, and run it against Dragnet. Make sure no one registered has a record of any kind. We’ll know who we’re dealing with.”

  “Will do.” Savvy went to a chair next to a round table and sat down to process the request.

  “Look at you two, bonding and stuff.” Seeing them work together made Alivia happy.

  “It’ll keep her busy.” He ran a hand over the covers, and slipped it beneath her bottom, giving her a playful pinch.

  Alivia jumped. “Hey!” she whispered. “Behave.” She held up her papers. “Important work.”

  “Spoilsport,” he whispered back, but he picked up the papers and began to read. “I’ll start in the beginning. You go to the middle.”

  “Already there.” She started reading the words but became distracted glancing over at Saxon.

  “Be right back. I stocked provisions.” He bounded over to the small fridge and pulled out an energy drink. “Want a Red Bull?”

  “No, thanks.”

  He shut the fridge and returned to the bed, making himself comfortable. Reaching into his bag, he pulled out a packet of Skittles. “Now, I’m all set.”

  “About time,” she teased with a frown, enjoying the sight of him as he went to work. Suddenly, it hit her how much she was going to miss being with him. As she watched Saxon bend over his laptop, wearing that eternal hoodie, a day’s growth of beard on his face – drinking a R
ed Bull and eating Skittles, she realized she could see this going on forever. Alivia’s heart dipped in her chest. She loved him so much. How would she exist without him?

  “What’s wrong? Did you find something?” Saxon asked when he felt the bed shake as her body jerked.

  “No. No. Somebody walked over my grave, I guess.” She grabbed the book and started to read furiously.

  “I never have understood that expression.” Checking his watch, he noted. “Well, we only have two hours, so let’s get serious.”

  Alivia curtailed her panic attack long enough to get serious about their research. After about twenty minutes, she grabbed his arm. “Listen.” She began to read. Father Murray, do you think our life of celibacy caused you to lash out at Delores Fisher?

  Saxon leaned over, so he could read with her. Alivia relished the feel of his body pressing against hers.

  “This is Murray’s answer.” No, celibacy never bothered me. My sexual appetites are low. Although, I do regret never having children.

  “When was this?” Saxon moved her finger to look at the date. “Before or after his time at the orphanage?”

  “Before. 1998.” She clasped his hand. “You suggested we get in touch with someone who worked there. Let’s see if they have a website.”

  “Hell, let’s see if their records are online anywhere. Maybe, I can hack into their old personnel files.” He went to work.

  After a few minutes, Savvy threw up her hands. “Whew! We’re sharing a hotel with a bunch of criminals. There’s DWI’s, speeding tickets, and disturbing the peace violators everywhere!”

  “Anything more serious?” Alivia asked.

  “Not yet.”

  “Keep looking,” she told Savvy, and she did the same thing, delving back into the journal. As she read the references to women that the priest made and the judgmental way he spoke of them, she could begin to see what made him tick. “This was one sick rascal.”

  “Tell me about it.” Saxon turned his laptop. “Look.”

  She leaned toward him this time, close enough to see the words on the screen. The slight contact of her shoulder touching his chest made her tremble. When he wrapped an arm around her back to steady her, she willed herself to concentrate. Reading the text in front of her, she saw what Saxon was referring to. “Damn, he was a brazen thing. They just let him move the boy into his apartment. What did the other priests think was going on in there? Low sex drive, my ass.”


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