Saxon's Conquest

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Saxon's Conquest Page 43

by Sable Hunter

  “Let me get you something to drink.” One ran to find a bottled water while the other knelt beside Saxon, handing him a handkerchief to wipe blood from his face. “What happened?”

  “Somebody jumped me.” Leaning his head back against the building, he wiped the blood away and tried to clear his thoughts.

  “Did they take your wallet? I should call security.”

  Saxon held up his hand, reading the name sewn on the guy’s shirt. “Not necessary, Ralph. I am security,” he said as the other man returned with the water. “Thanks for this. Just give me a minute, and I’ll be on my way. I’ve got a job to do.” If he was right, the blood guy was their killer. He needed to get to Alivia right away. “Help me stand up.”

  They did as he asked, waiting for Saxon to drain the bottle and get his bearings. “Buddy, you ought to see a doctor, you took what looks to be some hard blows to your head.”

  “I will; there’s just something I need to do before I can take time.” He needed to talk to Micah, and he needed to protect the woman he loved – not necessarily in that same order. “Thanks. Where’s the nearest entrance, I need to get to the main auditorium.”

  “You can go through the fire exit right back here.” They led him to the door. “Be careful man; you look like hell.”

  Saxon chuckled, then groaned. He felt like hell. “Thanks.” Hurrying into the building, he ran a hand through his hair, then grimaced when he saw it was covered with blood. “Shit.” He wiped his palm on his pants. As he made his way toward an elevator, he tried to get his thoughts in order. Reaching for his phone to call Micah, he groaned when he found his pocket empty. “Oh, hell, that’s all I need.”

  …Upstairs, Alivia moved with the music, the routine she and Victoria had choreographed coming to her memory effortlessly. She tried to keep her mind clear, but she couldn’t help but scan her surroundings with every turn. In a way, she wished the killer would just make his move. She’d been practicing with this broadsword, and she damn sure knew how to use it. As she danced, her confidence grew. Alivia felt powerful. Noble. Beautiful. For a few moments, she forgot the audience in front of her or that cameras were rolling. In her imagination, she was righting wrongs and standing strong for those who could not fight for themselves. As the number ended, she finished with a flourish and only awakened to reality when she heard the applause.

  “And that…ladies and gentleman, was Miss Lufkin, Alivia Hart. Inventor. Real life crime fighter and a very beautiful contestant.”

  With those words, Alivia took a short bow and abandoned the stage, thankful for that segment to be behind her.

  “Great job, Alivia.”

  Alivia nodded to a smiling Miss Sweetwater, who had brought down the house earlier singing the old chartbuster I Will Always Love You. “Thank you.”

  “Hey, I see you’ve got a different escort tonight. Where’s the sexy, brooding guy? Care to share one of them?” With her hand on her hip, she licked her lips.

  “Sorry, no,” Alivia said as she passed on by to join Titus Landry. “My mama was never able to teach me to share.”

  Titus took the last bite of an apple he’d been eating and tossed the core into a garbage bin beside him. “Hey, I’m sexy. I can’t believe you didn’t introduce me to her,” Titus complained good-naturedly, then chuckled. “Abbott does brood though, doesn’t he?”

  “Yea, he can get lost in his own little world.” She tossed her head, throwing her hair over one shoulder. “Feel free to go back and introduce yourself while I change.”

  “Not on your life. I’ll wait out here for you.” Seeing the look of disappointment on her face, he asked, “What’s the matter? She’s right. You did great.”

  Alivia shrugged. “I just thought Saxon would be here to claim me, that’s all.”

  “Little lady. I don’t know what planet you’ve been living on lately, but it certainly ain’t Earth if you didn’t know Sax claimed you a long time ago. That boy has got it bad for you.” He extended his hand to give Alivia her bag. “I put your piece in the side pocket.”

  “Thanks.” She started off, then stopped, keeping her eyes averted. “You haven’t heard from him, have you?”

  “No, but he’ll show up.”

  Alivia sighed. “All right. Be right back, then we’ll do as Micah suggested and patrol around.”

  “Hold up.” Titus held out his hand, going into the dressing room first. There was no one about. He locked the other entrance to the room, then glanced behind the screens and underneath the stalls. “All clear.”

  Alivia waved her sword. “I could’ve handled them.”

  “I’m sure.” Titus laughed. “Let me hold that for you.” He took the sword and brandished it, taking a few swipes in the air. “Nice.”

  As he left her to change, she admitted to herself that he was a nice guy. Any woman who ended up with Titus would be lucky. Taking a pair of jeans and a top from her bag, she stepped behind one of the screens to change. As quickly as she could, she slipped off the halter top and the skirt. Deciding to leave on the boots, she stepped into her jeans and buttoned them up. A click behind her, caused her to lift her head. “Who’s there?” she asked, thinking another one of the contestants had come into the room.

  When no one said anything, she slowed her movements, reaching slowly for her top, straining to hear. “Hello? Saxon? Titus?” No answer…but she heard a footfall. Clutching the top that she’d been about to put on to her chest, Alivia started to turn to look around the screen. “Who’s…” Her next word was cut off by a hand coming over her mouth.

  At first, she thought this was a joke. Saxon had come to surprise her. In the next heartbeat, she knew it wasn’t. The touch felt wrong. The person’s scent was wrong. She could smell antiseptic.

  “Guess who?”

  The crazy sing-song voice was accompanied by a sharp prick at the base of her neck. The realization that someone held a knife to her throat caused panic to sweep over Alivia. She tried to scream, but the noise was hopelessly muffled.

  “Shhh, you need to be quiet and listen.” He giggled. “I guess your bodyguard hasn’t watched much television. I was standing on top of one of the toilets.”

  Alivia’s thoughts were going wild. Was this the killer? But he was a strangler. This man was threatening her with a knife. She tried to turn her head, but the point of the blade pressed deep enough into her flesh to break the skin. She winced but stayed still.

  “That’s right. If you behave, I’ll let you live long enough to understand.”

  Understand? She understood. Her life was being threatened by a maniac.

  “Once I’ve enlightened you, I’ll do the world a favor.” He leaned closer to her ear, his breath fanning her hair. “I’ll squeeze the life from your body, the same way I’ve done to all of the other faithless harlots.”

  A horrible dawning swamped her. This was their killer. All the concentration and determined energy she’d been exerting to find this beast hadn’t prepared her for the bone-melting terror of being held in his grasp. At his mercy.

  “Know who I am yet, Miss Hart?”

  Something about the way he said her name struck a chord of recognition. She still couldn’t see him, but she recognized his voice. This was the strange man from the mobile blood unit. This was Adam Curtiss. She remembered what Josephine had told her about his botched plastic surgery. A rush of comprehension filled her brain.

  Adam Curtiss was Johnny Raymond.

  Father Murray’s Elisha.

  “You should. You’ve been looking for me. Of course, I’ve been busy. Did your friends find the little gifts I left them around town?”

  Disgusted, Alivia struggled, kicking backwards. He’d been right under their noses all the time.

  “Not so fast!” He pressed the knife in again, and Alivia stilled, anger rushing through her. This man had murdered innocent women. He’d murdered Victoria. Another scream bubbled up from her chest, and she opened her mouth and bit the fleshy part of his palm as hard as she co
uld, kicking backward again. For a split second, Alivia thought she’d get away, but the wiry man was stronger than he looked.

  “There’s no use to rush, Alivia. Your lover is dead.”

  She froze.

  Anguish and pain caused her knees to give out, and she would’ve fallen to the ground if not supported by the arms of the insane murderer.

  Saxon was dead?

  Everything within her screamed… “No!”

  With his hand still over her mouth, Alivia’s denial remained unuttered. As tears flowed from her eyes, the man holding her captive laughed. “That’s right, go ahead and mourn. You’ve got good reason.” He licked the side of her face, causing Alivia to writhe with revulsion. “My patience is growing thin. Today is judgment day. Soon, the whole world will read my revelations and know the end from the beginning.”

  To her surprise, Adam tossed the knife down. Immediately, she lurched forward with a cry, but before she could get more than a few inches, she was yanked back as both of his hands closed around her throat, cutting off her ability to make a sound. “Hold still for one more moment.” He laughed, an evil sound. “I have to share this with someone; it’s just too good.”

  Alivia was so hurt, so scared, so devastated at the news of Saxon’s death, she could barely process his words. She wanted to shut him out – she wanted to shut out the whole world.

  “I’ve spent a lifetime following the teachings of my father,” he whispered. “He showed me the way, the truth, and the light. He taught me who was worthy and who was not. Women like you and these other tramps soil everything. This world cannot be redeemed until your filth is eradicated. I have done my part, but I need to spread my gospel to those who have ears to hear.”

  What was he talking about? The man was crazy. Again, she struggled and again, his grip around her throat tightened.

  “Patience, Miss Hart, I’m almost finished.” He snickered, and she shuddered as his beard tickled her shoulder. “Everyone here is almost finished. Do you want to know why?”

  She didn’t respond. There was no use. Regret cascaded over Alivia like a suffocating fog. Even in this, her last moments, all she could think about was Saxon.

  “I’ll tell you why.” He paused for effect. “Kaboom!” he whispered. “I’m about to blow this place up. The RV is about to explode, and this whole building is going to tumble down. Everybody in it is going to die.”

  His words seeped through her grief and Alivia was dumbfounded.

  There was a bomb!

  …On the other side of the locked door, Titus waited. He’d just gotten off the phone with Micah, trying to find out if he’d heard from Saxon. Alivia was concerned, and he understood why. Even though he’d only been with the group a short time, he knew this wasn’t like Abbott. He shifted on his feet, feeling restless, like he was waiting for the other shoe to drop.

  “What happened to you?” A passing woman’s gasp and squealed question drew Titus’s attention as he turned to see the man in question come trudging toward him. Rushing forward to give Saxon some support, he asked, “My God, you’re injured!”

  “I’ll live.” Saxon brushed off his concern, his eyes wide with concern. “Where’s Alivia?”

  “Changing in the dressing room.”

  “She’s in danger. Adam Curtiss from the mobile blood unit is the murderer. He just tried to kill me.” Even as he spoke, Saxon was moving toward the dressing room.

  Titus delayed only a split second as Saxon’s words sunk in. He moved ahead of the injured man, grabbing the doorknob of the dressing room – only to find it locked! “Oh, hell!”

  Despite his pain, Saxon gathered his strength to step alongside Titus. Raising his foot, he kicked the door with such force that the lock broke. “Alivia!”

  …Dying wasn’t a subject Alivia had spent much time dwelling on. Inevitable though it might be, she’d expected to live another fifty years or so. Now with her body being deprived of air, she struggled to keep her eyes open, her thoughts scattered. She found herself reliving happy times. She could even hear Saxon calling her name.


  One moment she couldn’t breathe, the next moment she was dropped to the floor gasping and choking.

  “Get him!” Saxon yelled to Titus, who was running through the room, talking on the phone with Micah as he went. “He left through that back door!” Going to his knees, he took Alivia in his arms. “Oh, God, did he hurt you?”

  She blinked her eyes, testing her faculties. “Saxon? You’re alive!” She ran a shaking hand over his dear face. “You’re the one who is hurt.”

  “No, I’m fine. Fine. When all this is over, you can kiss me and make it better,” he tried to joke, even as he touched the small, dried stream of blood on her beautiful neck with a shaking hand. “The bastard cut you,” Saxon whispered, helping her put on her shirt and jacket. “There’s going to be bruising too.” He swallowed hard and clasped her to him. “I’ll kill the son-of-a-bitch, I promise you, babe.”

  She nestled against him, thankful to be back in his arms. “It was Adam Curtiss all the time, Saxon.” Her voice was hoarse, both from the abuse she’d just suffered and from emotion. “He told me he…killed you,” she ended her sentence with a sob of relief at the sight of him.

  “He tried.” Saxon grimaced, nodding toward the door. “Landry will get him. Soon, this will be over.”

  “No. No. We’ve got to stop him.” Alivia scrambled to rise. “There’s a bomb, Saxon. He said there was a bomb in the RV. They’ve got to get everyone out of the building!”

  “Holy shit! I’ll call Micah, he’ll dispatch security to handle the people.” He helped her up. “Damn, I don’t have my phone.”

  “Mine’s in my bag.” She ran to get it, pulling her firearm out as well. “Here. Let’s get going. We’ve got to stop him.”

  As they ran toward the exit, Saxon called Micah. “We’ve got a situation, Wolfe.”

  “I heard. Titus is on Curtiss’ trail. Are you two okay? Alivia’s robot has been squawking about her blood pressure being off the charts.”

  “We both had a close call, but we’re okay. Our biggest concern is a bomb.”

  “A bomb?” Micah cursed. “What the fuck? Where?”

  “Curtiss told Alivia he planted a bomb in his RV, he’s planning on blowing this whole joint to kingdom come – and all of us with it.”

  “Shit! What’s your twenty?”

  “We’re on our way down to the RV now. The last time I saw it, it was parked in the basement area loading dock.”

  “I’ll call the bomb squad and meet you there.”

  “You also need to get someone to the auditorium to handle the crowd.”

  “Already on it,” Micah assured him. “I’m walking as I talk. Are you sure you two are all right?”

  “Never better.” Saxon smirked, knowing he looked like death warmed over. “Just get down here as quickly as you can, we don’t know what we’re dealing with yet.”

  “I’ll coordinate with the others, and call you when I’m on my way. Be careful, Abbott,” Micah barked at him. “And that’s an order. Until we catch Curtiss, we’re all in danger.”

  “Yes, boss.” He pressed the down button on the elevator as he pocketed his phone. “We haven’t voted yet, and the man thinks he’s already in charge.”


  “Hold up!” Titus called from down the hall.

  Saxon jumped forward to keep the elevator door from closing. “Did you get Curtiss?”

  “No.” He ran up out of breath, wiping his hair from his eyes. “He jumped on the DART before I could catch him. We radioed the conductor, but by the time someone got back to the right car, he’d bailed off.”

  “Hell!” Saxon slammed his fist into the wall.

  “At least you’re okay.” Alivia gave Titus a quick hug.

  The innocent show of affection put Saxon’s teeth on edge. “Did Wolfe tell you about the bomb?”

  “Yea, that’s why I’m here. I’
m afraid Curtiss doubled back to activate the bomb.” Titus rolled up his sleeves and loosened his collar.

  “If he doesn’t have a remote,” Saxon added, chillingly. “Depends on what kind of bomb he made and how proficient he is at making them.”

  “I’ll get off on one instead of the basement.” Titus hit the right button. “I was going over the building plans in my room the other night,” he said as the elevator began to slow. “There’s a pedestrian bridge that crosses over the maintenance entrance where the delivery trucks load and unload. It’ll give me a clear view of the area. I can cover you.”

  “Good thinking.” Saxon nodded. “Thanks.”

  “No problem.” Titus gave them a smile. “I want to be a team player. Stay hidden until I do a little reconnaissance. I’ll text you what I see.” When the elevator reached the first floor, Titus hurried off toward the bridge. “If Wolfe calls, tell them to hold off until we give the all clear.”

  “Will do.” Saxon punched the button for the basement, then turned to Alivia. “When this is all over, we’re having a long talk.”

  She gave him a tremulous smile. “I look forward to it.”

  When they reached the bottom floor, he took her hand, and they hurried to the double glass doors leading out to the bay area. “Let’s stay out of sight, over here.” They found a place to stand where they couldn’t be seen from outside.

  “Can I help you?” a man asked, coming toward them.

  Saxon recognized one of the maintenance men who’d come to his aid. “Hey, Frank.”

  “Oh, you’re walking around, I’m glad.” He smiled at them, nodding toward Alivia. “Ma’am.”

  Saxon lowered his voice. “We’ve got a security issue. I’d appreciate it if you could gather your coworkers and exit out the front. The authorities will be clearing the building soon.”

  Frank looked alarmed. “What’s going on?”

  “We’re not sure yet. We just want everyone to be safe,” Saxon told him in a reassuring voice.


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