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Notorious: Playing With Fire, Book 4

Page 9

by Karen Erickson

  “Being close to you does it.” Not a lie. Just being with her did it for him.

  “Ah, I appreciate that, trust me.” She wrapped her fingers around his cock and fisted him. “Make love to me, Eric.”

  Her words sounded in his head, pounded in his heart.

  Make love to me, Eric.

  He’d never considered it making love before. Not even with Brandon and that had been by far the most intense and serious relationship he’d ever been in. When they’d invited Alexa into the mix he definitely hadn’t been able to consider it making love. What they’d shared had been too animalistic, too raw to be considered lovemaking.

  Just straight, hardcore fucking. It sounded sordid but hell, that’s what it had been.

  With Stacy though, it felt different. Stronger. Tender and loving, raw and passionate, he could be both with her. He could be himself with her. There was no fronting with her though he’d tried mightily throughout their entire relationship.

  She saw him for what he was. And she didn’t turn him away. It was a blessing. She was a blessing.

  Overwhelmed with emotion, he rolled over so she lay beneath him, a big smile curving her lips as she stared up at him. He gazed into her beautiful eyes, losing himself in their alluring depths. He still couldn’t believe he was with her. Really with her. She should’ve kicked him out of her life the first moment she met him.

  But she hadn’t. And he needed to thank his lucky damn stars for the rest of his life.

  Dipping his head, he kissed her. Drank from her sweet lips, tasted her mouth with his tongue. She tasted like come, like his come and he licked at her tongue, moaned when her tongue met his eagerly. The kiss deepened as their hands wandered over each other’s bodies. He cupped her breast in his hand, breaking away from her so he could suck the turgid berry-pink nipple into his mouth. He suckled from her, felt her hands curl into the hair that rested at his nape as he sampled from her delectable body.

  This time, there wouldn’t be much savoring, he mused, as he slid down her body. He kissed her breasts, sucked her nipples, touched her between her legs with his fingers. She was so wet and hot, the creamy sounds of her pussy filled his ears as he stroked her there. Pumped his fingers in and out of her, he drove her higher and higher when he teased her clit with his thumb.

  And then he withdrew completely, heard her disappointed growl of frustration as he did so and he couldn’t help but chuckle. He reached into the drawer of his bedside table and withdrew a condom, tearing the wrapper off with a vengeance. She laughed, but the urgency in her voice was clear when she spoke.

  “Hurry, Eric. Please.”

  The please broke him. He sheathed himself as quick as he could with trembling fingers. Went back to her and held her reverently beneath him, careful as he slid slowly, deeply inside her welcoming body. She wrapped her arms around him and held him close, her hands smoothing up and down his back. She barely held herself in. He could feel palpable energy that flowed through her beneath him. Stacy wanted it quick and fast.

  He wanted to take his time. Do it right. Just as she did when she sucked his cock. He’d been the one who ruined it when he came so damn quick.

  “Eric.” She sounded in pure agony. Bucking her hips against him, she tried valiantly to pull him deeper inside her body, but he held himself back. “What are you doing?”

  “Taking my time with you.” He reached toward her, smoothed a stray hair away from her forehead. “We’re in no hurry. We’ve got all the time in the world.”

  “But I—” She shifted. The little vixen knew exactly what she was doing. He sunk further into her body, the hot, tight muscles of her pussy clenching like a fist around him. “—I want you to go faster. I need you to go faster. Please. ”

  Again with the please. How could he resist? He wanted to move slow, but she wouldn’t let him. Increasing his pace, he pounded inside her, their sweat-dampened bodies slapping against each other. She kept up his rhythm, her little cries of pleasure with his every thrust driving him half out of his mind. He couldn’t think of anything else, couldn’t focus on anything else but their joined bodies and the impending pleasure they both strove toward.

  A white-hot flash of heat slashed through his body, settled at the base of his spine. His balls drew up, tingling and tight and he knew he was close. Desperately close. Probably too goddamned close.

  Eric wanted Stacy to come with him.

  Reaching between their bodies he touched the top of her slit, his finger drifting down until he made contact with her swollen clit. He teased and tortured her there, played with the throbbing bit of flesh until she was crying out. Felt the surge of moisture from her climax coat his cock and he plunged over the other side with a shout.

  “Yes, yes, yes.” She repeated the word over and over again, covering his face in kisses as he shuddered above her. Her legs were wrapped tight around his hips. He felt her quiver and shake beneath him and nothing had ever, ever felt so damn good as coming in the arms of the woman he loved.

  Eric stilled, held himself above her for a long, stunned moment. She continued to kiss and touch him, completely unaware in the shift of the universe that just took place. Withdrawing from her he rolled off the bed and disposed of the condom. Heard her little satisfied sigh and couldn’t help the surge of pride at being the one who brought that forth.

  I love her.

  The words hit him like a punch to the gut yet again. He needed to tell her. Express to her exactly how he felt.

  Not yet. She won’t believe me.

  She wouldn’t believe him. Most likely assume he was talking out his ass. He needed to make it special. He needed to prove to himself that he didn’t need anyone else but her. That he was over what Brandon and Alexa did to him. Over being a man whore and picking up everything that walked and talked. He was going to do right by this woman.

  Until he breathed his dying breath, he would.

  “That was so good,” she whispered when he climbed back into bed and hauled her close.

  “Yeah, it was.” His voice was soft, he sounded a little out of it. Exhaustion settled over him, heavy like a wet blanket and he kissed her, pressed his forehead against hers. “I hate to sound like a total guy but I can barely keep my eyes open.”

  She laughed and snuggled close. “Let’s go to sleep then. I’m tired too.”

  Their mouths met, clung for a lingering moment before they settled deeper into the mattress, Eric yanking the covers up close around them.

  And they slept.

  Chapter Nine

  “It’s so good to see you.”

  Alexa wrapped her arms around Eric and held him tight. Too tight and for too long, at least for his comfort zone. He withdrew from her as politely as he could, smiling at her as she gazed up at him with unabashed pleasure in her eyes.

  Two months ago that look on her face would’ve sent him into a state of mass confusion. He would’ve done anything she asked of him.

  Not even a flicker of interest buzzed through him. He was over her.

  And it felt good.

  “Is Brandon here?”

  “Yes, he is. Come inside. You want something to drink?”

  He shut the door and followed her inside. He’d come by their house to talk to them, hoping to catch the both of them home. Thinking he might be nervous, he prepared himself the entire drive over. Giving himself pep talks, fueling his desire to make this conversation happen. It was long overdue.

  “Brandon said you guys ran into each other.” They walked into the kitchen and he looked around but Brandon was nowhere in sight. “Whatever you said to him must’ve hit hard. It’s really made a difference.”

  He stopped at the edge of the kitchen counter and sat on one of the barstools, confusion swirling through him. “What do you mean?”

  “You two talked that night, he told me. Though he didn’t mention exactly what it was about.” She opened a cupboard door and pulled down a glass. “He came home and we talked all night. We’ve been having…trouble.

  “He mentioned it.” Where the hell was Brandon? He needed to get this off his chest and jam out of here.

  Needed to get back to Stacy as soon as possible.

  “Yes, well ever since that night, things have been really good.” She frowned, her hand clutched tight around the empty glass. “You probably don’t want to hear that, huh.”

  Irritation burned within him. Sometimes it felt as if they gloated over the fact that they kicked him out of their relationship. The relationship he’d been in first.

  No. Stop thinking like that. They can’t get to you anymore, right? You have Stacy now. You love Stacy.

  Old habits—and thoughts—died hard.

  “Look, I’m happy for you guys. I really am.” Eric took a deep breath and exhaled loudly. “Where is Brandon anyway? I have something I’d like to say to the both of you.”

  “Oh.” She looked surprised. “He’s back in the bedroom. I’ll go get him. You want something to drink, right?” She waved the empty glass in her hand at him.

  “No, thanks. I’m not staying long.”

  Alexa set the glass on the counter and exited the kitchen, calling Brandon’s name as she strode down the hall. Eric glanced around the kitchen, thinking it looked awfully homey. The entire house looked homey, cozy and he knew without a doubt that they did the right thing, Alexa and Brandon, by getting together exclusively. Despite the hurt and the humiliation and the utter despair he’d felt afterwards, it had all been for the best.

  He had Stacy now. And he didn’t want anyone else.

  “Hey, Eric, how the hell are you?” Brandon entered the kitchen and Eric stood in greeting. They embraced quickly, slapping each other’s backs as guys were wont to do and it felt strange. This was a man he’d loved, who he’d been with in a relationship and now they treated each other like buddies who enjoyed getting together watching football.

  Life took strange turns.

  “I’m good, man. I need to talk to you. Both of you.” Eric nodded toward Alexa, who stood at Brandon’s side.

  “Want to go into the living room?” Brandon started toward the room, and Eric didn’t have a choice though he would’ve protested.

  They walked into the living room, Brandon and Alexa sitting on the couch close together, Eric sitting in a chair across from them. He thought about standing when he spoke but realized that might look too intimidating or asshole-like.

  “What’s going on?” Brandon studied him carefully. “You look serious.”

  “I just…” Eric paused, gathering his thoughts. It was one thing to rehearse, another thing entirely to actually say it. “I want to tell you guys I forgive you.”

  They didn’t say a word. Just stared at him in return and let the silence stretch to an almost uncomfortable length. He finally shifted in his chair, his lips parting as he started to speak, but Alexa beat him to the punch.

  “That means a lot to me, Eric. A lot to us, I should say. We’ve always felt—guilty.”

  Brandon nodded, remaining silent.

  “I know. I reveled in your guilt to be honest. I blamed you both for my downward spiral, for my ridiculous behavior. I was hell-bent to destroy myself, and I knew it had everything to do with what you both did to me.” Eric paused. “Now I realize that I did it all to myself.”

  “We never meant to hurt you,” Brandon said, his voice low.

  “I know that. Now. It feels good to say this. I believe in you two as a couple. You did the right thing, making the relationship about the two of you and getting rid of me. I mean that.”

  “We never got rid of you,” Alexa started, but Eric cut her off with a wave of his hand.

  “You know what I mean. I’m just saying that you don’t need to worry about me, or think that you can’t be near me because I’m still mad at you. I’m over it. Completely over it. I’ve found someone new.”

  “Stacy,” Brandon added.

  “Yeah.” Eric nodded, his gaze trained on Alexa. “Stacy.”

  “You’re serious about her, aren’t you.” It wasn’t a question. He could hear it in her voice. She knew how he felt, she’d always been in tune with him. “I’m in love with her.” He sounded as if he were in pure agony.

  Alexa laughed. “You don’t have to sound so depressed about it.”

  “I don’t know how to tell her,” he admitted.

  Alexa stood and went to him, kneeling before his chair. She took his hands in hers and squeezed. “Just…tell her. Take her out, treat her right and whisper it in her ear. Trust me, she’ll melt.”

  “So you’re saying keep it simple?” He had grand plans of wining and dining her and buying her an expensive bracelet, necklace or whatever it was that he saw on some recent jewelry store commercial. Just the thought of that over-the-top gesture made him nervous as shit.

  “Definitely keep it simple. If she loves you, that’s all she’ll want. Just you.” Alexa cocked her head, a gleam forming in her eyes. “Just treat her right, Eric. She’s my best friend, and she’s been through a lot of crap. Don’t break her heart. It’s been broken enough.”

  “I never want to break her heart. I love her too much,” he said, his voice solemn. His entire body stilled once the words slipped past his lips.

  It was mind boggling, how much he meant that statement. Only a few months ago he would’ve scoffed if someone told him he’d feel that way about someone. A woman.

  Alexa nodded, looking satisfied. She released her grip on his hands and stood. “You just said it perfectly. I’m glad you came by, Eric.”

  “I’m glad too.” He stood, as did Brandon, and all three of them came together for a brief hug. “Very glad.”

  The flowers came first—a simple arrangement of vibrantly colored wildflowers from the florist down the street. They smelled wonderful. She caught their scent as she stood behind her chair and cut hair and she received lots of compliments and oohs and aahs. And lots of curious questions. Questions as to who they might be from. She didn’t want to call Eric her boyfriend but what the heck else could she label him as? Her lover? That always sounded kind of silly to her, too dramatic.

  That hot guy she fucked? That was far too simplistic and not to mention a little crass. They hadn’t declared themselves a true couple yet so it seemed presumptuous to say so.

  So she just told everyone the flowers came from a friend.

  The knowing looks they all gave clearly said they didn’t believe her too-simple answer. And she really didn’t either.

  He waited for her outside the door of the salon, leaning against a light pole, looking too damn scrumptious for words. The perpetually messy hair, his incredible body encased in jeans and a dark-brown henley shirt. He appeared casual, slouched posture with his hands in his front pockets, shoulder propped against the metal pole. But she saw the telltale signs. The tenseness of his body, the sharpness in his gaze, he looked ready to leap. Or perhaps jump out of his skin.

  More than anything, he looked damn nervous.

  “Hey.” She approached him, smiling. Reaching out, she grabbed his forearm and gave him a quick squeeze. “I didn’t expect to see you here.”

  “I wanted to surprise you.” Eric pushed away from the lamppost and leaned in, his lips meeting hers in a sweet, brief kiss. “Have a busy day?”

  “Yes, but I’m never too tired to spend time with you.” And wasn’t that the truth. Curling her arm around his, she tucked herself close to his side. “Thank you for the flowers.”

  “You liked them?” He sounded relieved, worried. She thought it was cute.

  “What woman doesn’t love flowers?”

  “I don’t know.” He shrugged, looking vaguely uncomfortable. “I’m not good at this shit.”

  Her brows crinkled. “What shit?”

  “Romantic gestures.” He waved his hand in the air. “I want to do right by you. I sent you flowers. I surprised you by coming by after work so I could pick you up. I planned to take you to dinner. Someplace intimate and quiet where we can stare into each o
thers’ eyes over lit candles and barely eat the expensive food we ordered. That was my plan. But now I don’t want to go. I just want to take you back home and keep you all to myself. Naked, in my bed. With me, against me, beneath me.”

  All the breath expelled from her lungs as she stood there staring at him. In the middle of the sidewalk right in front of her work. Why did all of the important moments in their relationship seem to happen on the street? In public? The one thing she could hardly stand in the past was public gestures of too much affection. She never wanted to air her dirty laundry, so to speak. She was too private of a person.

  Eric seemed to strip away all her inhibitions and make her do the craziest things…

  “If you really think you’re not good with the romantic gestures, then you didn’t just hear your impassioned speech.”

  Now it was his turn for the crinkled brow and confused expression. “What do you mean?”

  “What you just said was the most romantic thing any man has ever said to me.” She kissed him, her lips lingering, tongue sneaking out for a quick little lick.

  “Really?” He sounded surprised.

  “Really.” She kissed him again. She couldn’t help herself. He tasted so good, smelled good, too, and he was warm. Big and protective and the sweetest, most complicated man alive. Just having him close sent butterflies cascading inside her stomach and her skin tingled with awareness. “I don’t want to go out to dinner either, though I appreciate the gesture. I’d rather go home with you.”

  “No, I should take you out and treat you right,” he protested, trying to withdraw from her but she held on tight.

  “Taking me back to your place and making love to me all night long is treating me right, Eric,” she said, her voice soft as she stared into his eyes.

  He studied her for a long, quiet moment. The cars rushing by faded to nothingness, as did the people walking by on the street. She heard and saw nothing but the man standing before her, looking as if he was about to hand her his heart and all that came with it.

  Anticipation curled through her at the thought.


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