Things that Go Bump in the Night

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Things that Go Bump in the Night Page 4

by BA Tortuga

  “You can spend all the time you want.” Stay here with me and live, he thought, but did not ask. Mago was close to his family. Sweet boy.

  “Good. I like hanging with you, Guapo. It’s good.”

  “I like it too, Mago. Very much.” So much that he had to fight his urge to drink Mago down, make his magician like him. It was disconcerting. “We’ll have to think of more amusing things to do, hmm? If you stay.”

  “You got ideas, I can tell.”

  Yes. Yes, indeed. He had many ideas.

  And he would carry them all out in time. For now he would be content to let Mago come up with a few ideas of his own. He could wait.

  Time was on his side.

  “JAVIER. MIJO! Where you going?” Mama came bustling around the bar of the kitchen, wiping her hands on her jeans. “You ain’t got no girl out there, do you?”

  “No, Mama. I got plans. Dinner, yeah? Uptown.” He straightened his shirt and headed for the door, fast as he could. Mama’d been squawking since he’d spent three whole days in a row uptown with his Guapo.

  “Uptown? Again? You ain’t doing the drugs, are you? Them things is scary, now.”

  “No, Mama. I ain’t.” And if being with Dieter and spending long nights kissing and touching was like one, well, Mama didn’t need to know about it.

  “You be careful with you, yeah? There’s scary folks out there.”

  “Mamacita. I’m careful. Promise. I’m just busy, yeah? I’m working hard.” He’d been giving her money, helping.

  “Sí, sí. Go on. You be good.”

  He nodded and headed out, trying to ignore the tears in her eyes. Poor Mama. She just wouldn’t understand. Not even a bit.

  He hopped on the bus, heading straight uptown to the big buildings and fancy restaurants and long-haired men with hungry lips.

  Dieter was waiting for him, if the way that door opened right up before he knocked told him anything. Dieter’s face turned toward him and that nose twitched before Dieter smiled.


  “Guapo.” He grinned. Damn, the man was fine. “You been missing my ass?”

  “I have been missing everything about you.” Pulling him inside, Dieter shoved him up against the wall, seeming to need his touch as much as he craved Dieter’s.

  He tangled his hands all in Dieter’s hair, making sure not to pull. “Good. Kiss me, man. Then we’ll do whatever.”

  Maybe Dieter’d want to order in. Curl up and eat naked. Mmm.

  “Mmm. Yes.” Dieter kissed him like a starving man, stealing his breath, tongue pushing right in. Maybe it would be a while before supper.

  Worked for him. He’d eaten tortillas and eggs anyway. Mago groaned, framing Dieter’s face.

  Sorta… lifting him, Dieter levered his legs open, one muscled thigh sliding between his to press up against his cock. The kiss went deep again, almost burning, his lower lip prickling. He couldn’t help his groan, whether or not it made him sound girly.

  A soft smile was pressed against his mouth before Dieter moved on to taste the skin under his chin, at the base of his throat. The touch of Dieter’s breath made him shiver, made his fingers curl some, tugging Dieter closer.

  Those too-sharp-to-be-real teeth scraped over his skin, setting his nerves on fire. That man had a thing with the teeth that he just couldn’t believe.

  His cock went stone-hard and his balls hurt from being so tight. Lord. “Dieter. Guapo. You…. You gonna make me come, yeah? Just like that.”

  “Oh yes.” Delicate as a needle, those teeth sank into him, right into the meat where his neck met his shoulder, the tingling feeling spreading out like ripples on water.

  “I….” He shuddered, the weird and what and why part fading right away as his cock bobbed, spunk pouring from him.

  “So sweet and hot. So spicy. I love the taste of you, Mago. Too much, I imagine.” Dieter was moving against him, hips rolling hard, hands like a vise.

  “You. You ain’t scared of getting sick?” He wasn’t a player, but still. Damn. Oh. Oh.

  “No. You’re quite clean. I have no fear. And there is nothing that you will get from me.” Pulling back, Dieter smiled, those eyes no longer hidden behind glasses, looking like blue mirrors.

  “Nothing?” He chuckled, lips tracing the line of Dieter’s nose. “You sure?”

  “Well, nothing catching, hmm?” That laugh was wicked, man. Just wicked, Dieter’s fingers tracing up his ribs.

  Mago twisted, laughing, the tickling making him crazy. “Oh! Oh, Guapo! Uncle!”

  “I do not feel avuncular to you at all.” Rocking up again, Dieter reminded him that there was still something rising between them. Something hard as hell.

  “A-what?” He reached down, fingers shoving at those slacks so he could get him some.

  Dieter chuckled. “Like your uncle.”

  “You ain’t nothing like my uncle. He’s greasy.”

  “Well, we can’t have that, can we? Though grease can have its uses.” Okay, he got that, but it still made him think of Uncle Joe, and that was gross.

  He finally got his fingers around Dieter’s prick, and he started rubbing, up and down and up, working Dieter good and hard.

  “Good, Mago. Good.” That cock was stiff for him, thick and long and better than supper.

  “You want me to?” He slid down, kneeling on the floor, lips parting to take that cock right in.

  “Yes. Please. Sweet.” Cock nudging at Mago’s lips, Dieter shifted, widened his stance. Fucking hot, because it gave Mago a wave of scent, all man, musk, and a hint of citrusy soap.

  He rolled Dieter’s balls with one hand, steadied the man’s hip with the other, encouraging him to push in deep. A rough sound, almost a growl, came to him, Dieter starting to rock back and forth, pressing deep into his throat. The man could really go for it at times.

  Good thing it was fucking hot, or it could be sort of scary as hell.

  Rocking harder and faster, Dieter held his head cupped in one hand and braced the other against the wall, swearing in some guttural language. Mago held on, swallowing and sucking, lights twinkling around him as he gasped for breath.

  Dieter came in a sudden rush, pressing so deep that Mago had to breathe through his nose and fight to stay upright. It was fucking sexy, seeing Dieter lose control that way. Salt. Bitter. Heat. Good. He managed to swallow it all down, nose buried in Dieter’s curls.

  Stroking his hair, Dieter praised him, bent to kiss him when he pulled off the softening prick. Dieter’s kisses were like smoking weed—they made everything fuzzy and tingly and wild.

  He barely heard Dieter when they separated, but it sounded like the man said, “…an or Greek?”

  “Huh?” Greek what?

  “Food.” Laughing, Dieter pulled him up and swung him around, unerringly avoiding furniture. “Italian or Greek?”

  “Italian.” He didn’t know what Greeks ate. Spaghetti was cool, though.

  “There’s a menu hanging on the refrigerator. Amelie left it. Choose whatever you like and dial for me, and we shall order.” Tucking himself away, Dieter made his way to the couch and sprawled out, looking comfy. “I have a robe if you’d like to clean up.”

  “Yeah, I… I sorta…. Yeah.” He grinned, fingers trailing through Dieter’s hair as he walked by.

  “Oh no. You definitely. I would have you stay nude after the food comes. I love to feel your skin when I reach for you.” Man, Dieter was on a roll with the demanding shit, but it wasn’t bad. Nope. It was good in the freaky kind of way.

  “Where’s that robe, Guapo?” His body was already trying to wake up, pay attention.

  “On the back of the bathroom door in the bedroom. Amelie tells me it’s icy blue. I wish I could see you in it.”


  Oh man.

  He squeezed those long fingers, nodding. “Shit, man. Me too, but you make do, huh? You do real good.”

  “I have always been a man of the senses. So it was natural to compensate.” Kissing his finger
s, Dieter sent him off with a little shove. “Change so I can touch you through silk.”

  “Pushy, pushy. You want spaghetti?” He headed into Dieter’s bedroom, washed himself up real good before sliding on the robe.



  “That would be fine. Some bread and salad, as well. If you please.” Guapo could be so formal.

  “I like bread.” Not as much as he liked that robe. Man. Every step was. Damn.

  “You like the robe, hmm? I can tell.” That sniffing thing was happening, Dieter scenting the air almost like a wolf with a stiff breeze. Oh. He said stiff.

  “I…. Uh-huh. It’s soft.” It was maddening. Crazy-making.

  “Yes. Just think, my magician, of how many times I have worn it while thinking of you….”

  He was never gonna make it to the menu. “Guapo. Man.” He took a step toward that voice, fingers clenching and relaxing.

  “Do we need another appetizer, love? I could eat you up.” Dieter’s cheeks had heated, and one hand reached out to him again, beckoning.

  “You get me hot, man.” He went, like there was a line from his prick to Dieter’s hand, tugging good and hard.

  “And you make me hungry. So hungry, Mago. I have rarely been unable to resist my desires. You are a fine exception.” Catching him, Dieter reeled him in, hands sliding over the silk covering his thighs.

  “I…. Uhn.” He spread a little, bracing himself on Dieter’s shoulders.

  “Smell so good.” Parting the silk a little, Dieter leaned down to nip at the tender inside of his thigh, sending sensation zinging up his spine.

  “Always biting.” He had the oddest little marks, bruises where Dieter broke the skin.

  “I’m a little oral.”

  Man, no shit. A little didn’t cover it, not the way Dieter was mouthing him.

  “Uh-huh. ’S okay. I like it.” In a serious way. In a serious, stay a couple nights to play way.

  “Oh good.” A sharp sting had him jumping, that little flash of teeth enough to make his cock push up and out of the robe.

  His knees buckled, and he ended up straddling Dieter’s thighs, cock nudging the flat belly.

  “Hello, love.” Laughing, Dieter gripped his ass, pulling him closer so they could rub. “Oh, that feels marvelous. It will feel even better when I am bare.”

  “Mmm-hmm.” He opened Dieter’s shirt, pushed it off Guapo’s shoulders. “You hungry right now or you wanna wait to eat?”

  “I want you more than food.” Those hands were everywhere, slipping beneath the robe to touch his chest, fingers pinching his nipples.

  “Bueno. Bueno. Damn, Guapo. You just…. Damn.” He watched the way the silk moved, the way his cock bobbed as Dieter pinched again.

  “What? Tell me? I need to hear… since I cannot see.” For a guy who couldn’t see, Dieter found his cock pretty easy, though, pulling at it.

  “It feels so good. So….” He searched for the words, hands just flying. “Big, yeah? Real big.”

  “Indeed.” Shit, now Guapo was laughing at him, giving him a squeeze. But it wasn’t mean or anything. It was hot, a little breathless, Dieter’s body moving under him.

  “I ain’t real smart, huh? Not with words.” With other things, sure, but not with words.

  “Stop. I was only teasing.” Those pretty hands, one so warm from touching his cock, framed his cheeks. “You are an amazing man. Truly. If you were not….” Something flashed across that face, something like a fighting dog just out of the pit.

  Shivering a little, he reached out and stroked under those pretty eyes. “Easy, Guapo. Easy.”

  Now Dieter was all puppy, rubbing against his hand, one cheek turning right into his palm while Dieter hummed. “I like you just as you are.”

  “Good, ’cause I’m right here.” He leaned in for a kiss, groaning as his cock rubbed against Dieter’s belly.

  Dieter took that kiss and made it huge, just like before by the door, made it deep and hard. He went all swimmy-headed from it. He felt like he was falling, chest working for breath, cock just swelling and throbbing.

  Dieter reached down for his cock again, pumping it, making him wonder how many times he could come in one night.

  “Guapo….” He arched his back, pushing close and rubbing. He just…. Lord.

  “Love. Sweet. You feel so good. Smell so good. I could touch you forever.” He couldn’t last forever, but that sounded so fucking hot.

  He tilted Dieter’s face, licking at those parted lips. “Good. So good.”

  “Mmm. I’m glad. I want to taste you again.” Lips sliding down his throat, Dieter rubbed over the spot he’d bitten earlier, sending a shiver through him.

  “You….” It twinged, ached, but made him so hard that he sort of shook. “Tender there.”

  “Is it?” Just the air and the damp brush of Dieter’s lips had his balls pulling up and flushing so warm he’d bet they were even warming Dieter’s cool skin.

  “Uh. Uh-huh.” His head fell back, eyes rolling a little.

  “Just one more tiny taste,” Dieter murmured, licking at him before biting, and oh. Oh God, that made every nerve ending in his body scream.

  He shot hard, cock pulsing in time with the rhythmic suction at his throat. The world got distant and foggy, and he moaned, holding on to Dieter as he floated.

  “Shhh. I have you, Mago. I took too much…. Oh, sweet, you are my opium.” Nuzzling his throat, Dieter eased him down on the couch so he was on his back, then opened the robe and licked him clean, balls to belly. “We’ll have to order you the beefsteak Florentine.”

  Oh. He liked steak. Steak and carne asada and enchiladas and….


  Yeah, he might need to get the steak.

  THE DAWN was warning him.

  Dieter could tolerate sun; that was not the problem. In small amounts. No, it was his utter terror of it that had him easing Mago along, trying to get them inside his building before the dawn that had broken made its way through the buildings and found him.

  He’d been foolish enough to face the sun full-on only once since his making, and that had cost him dearly. His skin had recovered, becoming smoother, more like polished stone. His eyes, though…. Well. He had never regained his sight, and that was not worth the beauty people found in his sightless gaze.

  They were so close. He could feel the shadow of his building, as familiar as the steps to his home in Bavaria had once been. He tugged at Mago’s arm. “Faster, love. I fear I overindulged, staying out until dawn with you.”

  “You gonna be sick, Guapo? Come on, we’re almost there, love.” Mago tugged him along, footsteps speeding.

  “I just need to get inside.”

  His hand was on the door when it hit him, a scent so strong it stopped him in his tracks. Old sweat, fear, and a healthy dose of rage, somewhere off to the side. “Mago?”

  “Huh? I….” Mago went stiff and still. “You go inside, now. Your door’s right here.”

  “Mago, what is it?” He kept his grip on Mago’s arm, his fingers digging in. “Come with me.”

  The air moved, and Dieter knew someone else was there, not just passing by, but moving in on them.

  “He’ll hurt you. You get in there. Now.” The words were whispered, hissed, and then Mago’s voice got loud. “Don’t you do it, hombre. You chickenshit enough to go at a blind dude? You come on, fight me.”

  “You think I won’t, little fuck?”

  No. No, he couldn’t let that happen. Mago would lose. Dieter smelled the desperation, heard the way the man’s voice grated. “Does he have a gun?”

  “Yeah, you rich fuck. I have a fucking gun.”

  “Leave him alone, puta.” Mago moved away from him, the sound of flesh hitting flesh sudden and loud.

  The sun broke free just then, beating down on him, the early morning rays weaker than late day, but still enough that Dieter could feel his blood boil. “Mago!”

  He had to help Mago.

  “Go, Guapo.
I ain’t joking.”

  He heard the click before the bang, the scent of gunpowder sharp and acrid in his nose, almost covering the scent of Mago’s blood.

  His forehead and hands were blistering as he reached for Mago, but Dieter didn’t run. Mago was his. His. No one was taking him away.

  Mago landed hard in his hands, the sound of footsteps running echoing in his ears. “Dieter. Guapo. I….” Mago coughed, the sound wet and bubbly.

  “No.” Oh no. He felt along Mago’s body with one hand, searching his torso, looking for… there. Right where the right lung would be.

  The smell of burning flesh assaulted him, mixing with Mago’s blood, and if he were still human, he would have gagged. Instead he howled his rage and fear, pulling Mago back toward the building, knowing no one was there to help, because there were no voices, no running feet.

  “You’re burning. Sun’s bad for you.” Mago coughed and blood splashed on his hand. “We’re at the door.”

  “Inside.” They had to get inside. Dieter fumbled for the stupid keypad that protected his building from just such men as the one who had done this, his fingers slick, blistered, thick with pain. The door beeped, and Dieter dragged Mago inside, easing him down on the steps.

  “I have to call. I have to… someone must come.”

  “Yeah.” Another cough and another splash of blood sprayed over him. “Stay outta the sun, Guapo.”

  “I will. I….” There was no security man before the people started to their work. He had chosen a building without one so no one would notice if he came and went. There was no desk, no lobby phone. Cursing his choices now, Dieter scooped Mago up again and eschewed the elevator. Even counting the steps he could move faster than that thing.

  Mago rested heavy against him, muttering in broken Spanish about love and light and random words beyond Dieter’s knowledge.

  His Latin had never been strong.

  He was briefly disoriented when he reached his floor. “Mago. Mago, love, I need your eyes. I need you to find my number.”

  “Tu nombre?” Mago’s head rolled. “Down hall, yeah? Three doors is yours.”

  “Yes, yes, all right. Count for me, Mago. Be my magician.” He needed to hear Mago’s voice, to know he was still there.


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