If have identical items of equitable size, quality, and appearance, can have them occupy the same inventory slot(s) regardless of the weight and size limits of the inventory slot. Maximum amount of times this can be done on an inventory slot determined by Keeper(X).
Stacked inventory slots will have the weight of only one object. (Stackable inventory slot option required).
Stacked inventory slots will have total weight of all items in stacked slot
Stacked inventory slots will weigh x% of total weight all objects in stacked inventory slot
Items that take up multiple inventory slots can not be stacked
Items that take up multiple inventory slots can be stacked
What happens to items if inventory device/artifact is destroyed?
Stored items are permanently destroyed
Items stored inside are transported to a storage room in the admin room
Items are scattered around remains of inventory device
Items are transported to random locations. Keeper must determine dispersal range. Could be extremely short or big enough to cover entire world
Items in inventory spout from inventory device remains like a fountain until all items are removed from the inventory. Keeper must set the height of these “item fountains” though random height is also an option.
One of the above options(Y), but there is an x% chance for each item being damaged in some way, shape, or form.
World Keeper: Birth of a World Page 59