Home For The Howlidays: David and Cassie: The Macconwood Pack Tales 6

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Home For The Howlidays: David and Cassie: The Macconwood Pack Tales 6 Page 7

by C. D. Gorri

  “Aren’t you going to wait for the check?” She asked as Tony pulled up the car.

  “Oh, you see, Giovanni, the owner is good Pa-, people, and uh, well I delivered his grandbabies in the restaurant after closing one night when his son and wife were visiting from Miami.”


  “Yeah, I’d been working forty hours straight and called in an order just as they were locking up, but Junior said he’d wait for me. I had no idea, of course, that he was here with his very pregnant wife. When I was walking in, her water broke and twenty minutes later, I was delivering the first of twin sons right in the break room. Since then, Gio insists I am his famiglia and he won’t take my money. So, I tip well and every holiday I get a card from my honorary nephews, Stefano and David.”

  “Wow! I mean, seriously, doc, you’re like a superhero or something,” she shivered, and he turned the heat on a little stronger.

  “Who me? Nah, just a doctor who happened to be at the right place at the right time. And some hero, I almost maimed you yesterday,” he frowned, then twitched as she touched his arm with her hand.

  “Hey, that was an accident. One I’d gladly go through again if it meant meeting you,” she said in a voice so low he almost didn’t hear her. Thank God for supernatural hearing!

  “Believe me, asteri mu, I’d have found you anyway,” he turned his attention back to the road and tried to ignore the sweet scent of her arousal.

  That and the rapid increase in her heart rate made David question what he had planned next. He didn’t want to rush her after all.


  Cassie cleared her throat as David pulled his exquisite Mercedes into the garage of a huge, sprawling home that sat snug against the pine barrens with the ocean just in front of it.

  Whoa! For some reason, she didn’t put together the fact that he was a successful doctor with the fact that meant he had money. Like, loads of it. Crap. She was out of her element with him and she knew it, but she couldn’t help being drawn to him.

  He was ridiculously good-looking. Like model handsome. The muscles that teased her beneath his pristine pants and button-down shirt made her mouth water. He’d shown her every courtesy, made her feel cherished and special all through lunch.

  She’d never had a man pay so much attention to her. Cassie felt his eyes on her again and turned to face him. She’d decided sometime over their long lunch that she’d let whatever happen happen. Life was too short.

  Some of the teens she’d met earlier at the center had told them their stories. A few were working through the loss of older siblings, teen suicide prevention being one of the core programs at the center. Cassie’s heart had hurt for them the moment she found out, but the one girl, Joanna, explained that though she would always miss her brother, she valued life even more now. Because it is precious, fragile, and fleeting, the wise teen had said.

  Cassie admired her and so many like her who continued with their lives each day. Life wasn’t meant to be easy, but it was meant to be lived. She wanted David.

  Whether she got to keep him or not was another question. She watched as he exited the vehicle and walked around the car to open her door.

  “This is my home,” he opened a door that lead to the interior of the sprawling beach house.

  Maccon City was rich in private little drives where the financially well-to-do built their mansions right on the ocean. She’d never been one of those, her father and Stephie had a comfortable home closer to town, but she’d dreamt of it often enough.

  “This is beautiful,” she said looking over at the softly falling snow on the sand just outside a large picture window. It had grown dark outside as they ate their meal. It was near to evening and the moon was out.

  The lights inside the house were off, but the stars and the moonlight provided enough for her to see the white foam of the breaking waves. His home was like something out of a book. Cool and sleek with a lot of wide glass windows and a wrap-around porch made of stone. Like a fairytale, she thought.

  Christmas music played through invisible speakers and dim lighting came on. She was so wrapped up in the view, she startled as David settled behind her. His body fit hers like a glove, he wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her flush against him. She sighed as he nuzzled her neck and breathed in her hair. Mmm.

  “This shouldn’t feel so good, David.”


  “Because I’m not like you,” she whispered and let her head drop to the side, granting him easier access to her sensitive neck.

  “So, what. I don’t date doctors,” he kissed the sensitive spot below her ear and she shivered.

  “No, I mean, I’m not like you,” she moaned as he continued his explorations.

  He nipped her earlobe between his sharp teeth tasting and teasing the flesh there. He liked the way her heartbeat sped up. The scent of her arousal filled his nostrils. Mine.

  “Do you mean money? I don’t come from it, you know, it means nothing to me,” he turned her to face him.

  His eyes were dark brown, almost black, as he rolled his hips against hers and pressed his mouth down covering her lips. His kiss was firm, yet seductive. Cassie moaned again, and he slipped his tongue inside. He tasted like sweet mint and his own heady musk. She couldn’t get enough.

  “Not just money, we’re so different, David,” she whispered.

  “Cassie, sweet Cassie. I don’t care about money, or your job, or any fucking thing but this right here,” he breathed into her mouth as he kissed her with exquisite tenderness.

  “We are so good and right together, beautiful, can’t you feel it?”

  “Oh God,” she moaned as his large hands closed over her aching breasts. Moisture gathered in her panties and she squirmed looking for release.

  Mindlessly, she pressed herself against him as their kiss grew desperate. She wanted this, she wanted him. It had been so long since a man had made her feel this way. Too long since she found someone so fucking desirable! Maybe never. Nothing compared to this, to him.

  “Cassie,” he whispered her name as he walked her backwards to a large leather sofa.

  She fell onto it, gasping for air, as he collapsed on top of her. He cradled her in his arms, his lips never leaving hers as he smoothed away their clothing. Cassie moaned and gasped as he licked and sucked her skin, kissing her all the way down to her lace-covered sex.

  She spread her legs wantonly. Seconds away from begging him to put his skilled tongue and lips to work on her wet pussy. She flexed her hips, hinting the only way she could since speech was beyond her. Especially when he rolled her hardened nipples between his fingers.

  “Fucking beautiful,” he growled and took her nipple in his mouth. Cassie groaned and mourned the loss when he sat back and looked at her.

  Her eyes went wide as he pulled off his pants and underwear. His thick cock stood out against its nest of dark blonde curls. He was moist with a pearly drop of precum on his thick head.

  Cassie flexed her hips again, aching for him. She didn’t care that she was lying there nude and open to his intent gaze. Normally she was a do-it-in-the-dark kinda gal, but with him she was proud to be on display.

  Every roll, every dimple, every imperfection out there for him to see, and yet she didn’t mind, she couldn’t. Not when he touched, caressed, and kissed each one of them as if they were precious. As if she were something to be cherished.

  Cassie knew she should protest. This was all so fast, but how could she when it felt so good? Besides, she wasn’t a child anymore. No reckless teen. She was a woman with needs and wants. And what she wanted more than anything was David Evangelos.

  With a loud growl, he dropped to his knees and she felt moisture drip from her lower lips. She whimpered in need for him. David tugged on her black lace panties. The last physical barrier between them, and with a careful rip, they were gone.

  Oh well. She could always buy more panties, or not. All that mattered now, was him getting closer to her there.
  “Asteri mu, you’re so pink and wet for me, aren’t you?” His words were garbled as if he had something in his mouth.

  Sure enough, she soon knew the reason as he parted her lower lips with his long fingers. He blew air over her heat, just a little tease and she whimpered again.

  “Please,” she whispered, not the least bit ashamed. If he didn’t do something to her soon, she was going to die.

  “Patience, sweet,” he grinned and watched her as he leaned his blonde head down, ever so slowly, and sucked on her needy clit.

  Cassie nearly leapt off the couch as she felt first his lips, then his tongue, and lastly his fangs scrape gently over her bundle of nerves. Her sensitized flesh seemed to pulse beneath him and she could hardly keep in her moan. The minor touch of pain tempered the pleasure until she was almost blind with it.

  David groaned. His long tongue quickened its pace, finding her hole and driving her insane. His eyes glowed gold as that clever muscle snaked out of his mouth. He licked her like she was the most delicious treat he’d ever had. Holy shit, he was feasting on her, and according to his expression, he liked it. A lot.

  “Oh my god!” she moaned and grabbed onto his hair, holding him where she wanted him. Oh fuck, yeah.

  A deep growling sound came from his chest, like her own personal, living vibrator! He sucked on her clit again, chest vibrating with his growl. She flexed her hips to meet his movements as he thrust one thick finger into her tight channel.

  Cassie had never been a slave to her passions, hell, she’d never had the chance. But right then, passion rode her hard. She could hardly think at all as David fucked her with his mouth and hands until, finally, she came apart screaming his name.


  David swallowed his mate’s honeyed desire with relish as she yelled his name. It was the most beautiful fucking sound he’d ever heard.

  Cassie bucked and whimpered underneath his ministrations. Still, he refused to let up until he was ready, determined to ride out every after shock until she was boneless beneath him. Then he planned to do it all over again.

  She was so beyond anything he could have ever imagined. Mine. Mate. His Wolf growled in his mind’s eye, but David ignored the beast. Determined to keep his human side in control. Lucky for him, the man wanted her as much as the Wolf. Maybe more.

  He listened as her breathing slowed down and he eased his finger from her heat. His eyes never leaving hers, David stuck that lucky finger into his mouth and sucked the remnants of her passion off the digit greedily, groaning at the sweet musky taste of her. Cocoa butter, vanilla, and her.

  “You are so fucking sweet, Cassiopeia. Asteri mu, you ready to be mine?” he stroked his hands up her thighs and toyed with her outer lips as he dipped and sucked one perfect cherry of a nipple into his mouth.

  “Oh god,” she murmured, writhing against his touch.

  “You like that? Want me to fill you, baby?” He sat up and stroked his cock.

  David groaned as she wetted her lips with her tongue. He had something else for her to lick. Later. First, he needed inside her. She nodded her agreement, her eyes glazed with passion.

  “Tell me what you want, baby,” he growled leaning back further to show her just how ready he was for her.

  “I want you, David, inside me, now,” she moaned as he gyrated the head of his cock against her swollen folds. His Wolf howled inside his mind’s eye at his mate’s command. He wanted to mark her now, but David held back.

  “Anything for you,” he captured her mouth with his at the same time he thrust into her tight, hot sheath. Hip to hip he remained, unmoving as she adjusted to his size.

  “David,” she moaned.

  “So fucking good,” he growled.

  They were both noisy. Moans, groans, and growls resounded in the room as he filled her. He withdrew almost completely then slammed back home again, impaling her with his cock.

  He’d never felt anything so fucking perfect. His Wolf snarled at him to mark her, bite her, but he held back. He couldn’t claim her without permission.

  Cassie was beyond anything he’d ever experienced. She was so honest and responsive in her lovemaking. He cursed those other women, wishing he’d saved himself for her, but grateful for the knowledge he’d gleaned to please his mate.

  Every nuance in her expression went noticed by David. He recorded each moan and whimper in his memory, noting her likes with enthusiasm. His first goal was to please her. He wouldn’t stop until he satisfied his Cassie in every way.

  Or he’d die trying. His muscles bunched as wave after wave of her heated arousal reached his nostrils. Cocoa butter and vanilla and her own unique musk. His balls tensed with the need to come inside of her, but he held back.

  Her needs came first. They always would. He leaned forward and nibbled her jaw, the change in position had her groaning in delight. Her velvet walls squeezed his cock so good, David moved with harder, faster thrusts as she scraped her nails down his back.

  He wanted to lose himself inside her. She was so exquisitely shaped. He ran his hands along the dips and valleys of her body, memorizing each one. Her soft curves the perfect foil to his hardness. He longed to see her in all her glory riding him into oblivion.

  Fuck yeah. The image strong in his mind, David turned over while still inside her so that he was on his back and she was astride him.

  Cassie’s mouth formed an ‘o’ as she ground her hips against his. He thrust up to meet her, squeezing her thighs. He was mesmerized by the site of her heavy breasts waving in front of him.

  David moved his hands over her perfectly rounded ass, squeezing and kneading the plump flesh. Fuck, he loved her ass! Had been dreaming about it since he stood behind her in those ivory colored leggings at the Java Haus!

  He raised one hand and brought it down on one smooth cheek while he ran the other along her crack. Fuck yeah. His Cassie moaned and shivered in response.

  David leaned forward and grabbed one ripe berry with his teeth as he flexed his hips, driving his cock harder inside her. He teased her forbidden hole with his finger-tips and Cassie bucked. She pushed back against his searching hands, quickening her pace. Sweat slicked their bodies and David relished the salty addition to her unique taste.

  He leaned back and watched her eyes go wide as he slid his thumb further inside her back entrance. He pressed gently against her hole. In and out, he teased her with his thumb, her pussy squeezing his dick in time with his movements.

  His Cassie mewled with desire. She seemed to like what he was doing. David growled against her breast as he moved his thumb and hips faster. He was so fucking turned on, he almost lost it right there.

  “That’s it, baby. Fuck me, grind your sweet pussy on my dick just like that, and after we are done, I’m gonna have you here,” he flexed his thumb and it went a little bit further inside her ass.

  Cassie shivered in response and groaned. Her pace increased, the scent of her arousal thickened. David grit his teeth, he knew her orgasm was approaching. He needed her to come, now.

  “You want that, right, baby? You want me back here fucking your tight little ass with my cock?”

  A whimper was his only response, but David needed more. He pushed further into her ass with both his thumb and forefinger while lifting and slamming her down on his cock with his other hand.

  “I’m going to do all those things you want me to, baby, but first I need you to cum on my dick. Can you do that for me?”

  “Oh God,” she nodded and threw back her head, moaning loudly as her pussy tightened its hold on David’s shaft.

  She felt so fucking good. Her pussy squeezed him hard as he filled her ass with his fingers and her pussy with his dick. He wanted to fill her everywhere. And he would. Grrr. He yelled her name as he spilled himself inside of her.

  Hours later they lay together in front of the roaring fire he’d built in his living room. Neither wanted to retreat to the bedroom. The sitting room was downright picturesque with the flames refl
ecting along the walls, the snow falling outside, and the Christmas tree he’d ordered the night before to surprise her glowing with a thousand twinkle lights.

  Everything was perfect. He traced the slope of her shoulders and back as she lay pressed against his side. They were both still naked. He wanted to keep her that way.

  He could take her a thousand times and it would never be enough. He slowly fanned the flames of her passion with his fingers. His cock throbbed with desire. Cassie was a temptation he’d gladly give in to for the rest of his life. But he needed to take it slow.

  Her skin was deliciously heated. He ran his other hand over her neck and breast, turning so that he was now hovering over her. So beautiful. Blemish free and pale as ivory in the winter months her complexion mesmerized him. He had no doubt she’d bronze beautifully in the sun. Her Italian heritage would see to that.

  He scented her rekindled arousal from the gentle pressure of his hands and bent his head to meet her lips. He’d never get tired of kissing her.

  “Mmm, I think you’re insatiable, doctor,” she murmured with a teasing smile.

  “Only for you, Cassie,” he said nibbling her lip.

  “Why me?” she said, suddenly serious.

  “Because you’re special, Cassie,” he said, looking into her beautiful mossy hazel eyes.

  “Me? I’m nothing special.”

  “Yes, you are,” he said more sternly than he meant to, but the Wolf didn’t enjoy hearing his mate talk badly about herself.

  “You don’t have to say that, I mean, it’s just sex and we did that already,” she started to move away from him, but he held her firm.

  He could smell her discomfort and uncertainty. He growled, his Wolf wanted to kick his ass for making her doubt them.

  “Hey, look at me,” he tugged her chin gently and turned her face towards his, “What we have can never be called just sex, asteri mu. Furthermore, I intend to do that again and again, for a very long time, as long as you let me.”


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