Bitter Truths

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Bitter Truths Page 8

by Sam Crescent

  “What was she like when she knew it was real?” Maddox asked, putting the phone down.

  “She went to her bedroom, and stayed there. She avoids me now like I’m some weirdo.”

  “You are a weirdo,” Damian said.

  “This coming from the same man who knocked up a woman that doesn’t belong to him.”

  “Me and Betty is none of your business.”

  “Yeah, I get that, but it doesn’t stop you being a total asshole. What are you doing to do when she gets a new step-daddy?” Oliver said. He was trying to rile his brother so that Damian would fight him. Ever since Ruby had come into his life, he’d not gone out on his own. It had only been five days already, and he was fucking tense. He couldn’t handle it, and right now he needed someone to vent his anger on.

  “Fuck off. That’s not going to happen.”

  “Betty’s a hot piece of ass, and you think she’s going to stay alone for long? You’ve got no chance of that. She’s going to find a man. A man who Martha will call Daddy!”

  Damian pounced, and Oliver was ready. He wanted to fuck his brother over. Damian landed a blow to his chin, and he moved out of the way, and landed several blows himself. They rolled away, and stood, facing each other, fists ready.

  “Enough!” Maddox shouted, and even though Oliver wanted to disobey him, he couldn’t do it.

  Lowering his fists, he glared at his father. “Why the fuck did you stop us?” he asked.

  “I’m not in the mood for you boys to be doing this. You’re grown ass men.” Maddox turned to Damian. “When you knocked Betty up, you knew this was a risk. She’s going to find a man, and that man is going to be around your daughter. Deal with it.” He then looked at him. “Oliver, grow the fuck up. So your woman isn’t impressed with the way you treat her. So what? Live with it, or better yet, find a way like Jacob and Abel has. I don’t have time for you assholes to be at each other’s throats.”

  “He’s dealing with Landon,” Rick said.

  Their uncle was sat on the sofa, reading a fitness magazine.

  “What’s going on with Landon?” Oliver asked.

  “He wants to go home with me and Sarah. At the moment he’s showing Sarah around, but Maddox doesn’t want him going back to England.”

  “His home is here.”

  “Yeah, I know, but there’s not a lot I can do about that,” Rick said. “You gave him to me, and I’ve made sure he’s calmed down a whole lot. You want to ruin that hard work?”

  “Fuck off,” Maddox said.

  The phone started to ring, silencing all of the men.

  “What the ever loving fuck could that be?” Maddox picked up the phone, shouting out a hello.

  He was so mad, but Oliver didn’t care. Dealing with his father was the last of his worries.

  The phone slammed down. “You better get downstairs,” Maddox said.

  Oliver looked at his two brothers, and then at his uncle before frowning. “Me?”

  “Yes, you. It seems your woman is downstairs, and causing a bit of a stir. She’s in the restaurant, and she’s hitting the whiskey.”

  Oliver cursed and left his father’s office. He’d never seen Ruby drunk. The past couple of days, she’d divided her attention between the kitchen and her room.

  The moment he entered the bar, he saw Ruby dressed in white, and it molded to her body, highlighting her large breasts.

  Moving toward her, he took a seat as she took back another shot. She smiled at him. “Your dad sent you down?”


  “I bet he did. I told that good old barman over there, that I was allowed drinks on the house. I hope that was okay with you,” she said, chuckling.

  “Why are you here?”

  “Why am I here? Oh, I don’t know. It’s a Friday night, and I really want a drink. Every time I find something new out about my brother, I feel like I missed so much. Lionel would be so disappointed with me.”


  “I gave up the dream that he and I both had. He wanted me to go to culinary school, and to have a life far away from the chaos, and now look at me.” She giggled. “I’m the woman of Oliver Denton, and you guys always get what you want, don’t you?”

  He licked his lips, seeing the pain in her eyes.

  “I know the answer to that. You don’t need to worry, I already know that you do. I’m just one in a long line of Denton women, and you’ll win me in the end. There’s no fighting it.”

  “How do you know?”

  “I’ve got a friend. He’s the only friend I’ve ever had, and I adore him. I really do. I asked him about you, and about the whole Denton legacy thing. It is a big thing. I can’t believe that I don’t even know it.” She poured herself another shot. “I can’t believe it. I’ve found my future husband, and I’ve not even had sex with other men.” She leaned forward, and cupped his head. “I’m a virgin. Did you know that? I’ve never had cock before in my life. Well, a foster dad tried to show me his brand of special love, but I made sure he couldn’t father any more children.” She leaned back, and he saw her dress had ridden down a little. “Wow, I’m a truly pathetic person.”

  “You’re not pathetic.”

  “I can’t even avenge my brother. His murderer is out there somewhere, I know it.”

  “We know. We believe he’s one of us, hiding in plain sight.” Oliver hated seeing her in pain. He wanted to help her, protect her.

  A song came on, and she squealed. “Let’s dance.”

  She tripped on the way to the dance-floor, and he caught her against him, feeling every inch of her against him. Ruby wrapped her arms around her, and she started giggling again.

  “I like you,” she said.

  “I like you, too.”

  “Don’t you luuurve me?” She drew the word love out.

  Oliver stared at her, looking deep into her green eyes, and nodded. “I do.”

  That seemed to make her pause. “What?”

  “You heard me. I love you.” He cupped her cheek, running his thumb across her bottom lip. It looked so full, and ready to be kissed and explored.

  “This is so weird. I shouldn’t want this.”

  “But you do?”

  She closed her eyes, taking a deep breath, and he couldn’t resist pushing his thumb into her mouth. Her eyes opened, and she stared at him.

  Seconds passed, and she finally sucked his thumb into her mouth. Everything faded around them, and when he pulled his thumb away from her mouth, she grabbed his head, and tugged him close, pressing her lips against his. He couldn’t deny her, didn’t want to.

  Gripping her ass, he pulled her close, and moaned as he did. His cock was so damn hard, and he wanted inside her, but what he wanted more, was to know that it was what she wanted. She tasted of strong whiskey and peanuts, a combination he wasn’t exactly happy about, but right now, he’d take what he could get.

  Breaking from the kiss, he looked into her heavily drunk eyes, and knew without a doubt that nothing else would be happening today. He wasn’t a monster, and the last thing he wanted when it came to Ruby was to take advantage. He was a monster with everyone else, but not with his woman. She was too precious to him to fuck it up.

  “Don’t tell anyone this, but I sometimes wish I was normal.”

  “You are normal, babe.”

  “No, normal, normal. Where I haven’t trained and had guys attacking me in all kinds of ways. Sometimes I wish I could have been a normal girl with normal worries, like guys, and prom, and finding the right clothes. I missed it all, and when I’m alone, I wonder if that is the life Lionel would have wanted for me.”

  “I believe he would have wanted a sister who could care for herself, and not rely on anyone.”

  “I bet you hate that you fell in love with me.”

  “Not at all, babe. Not at all.”

  She passed out in his arms, and he kept her close to his heart, knowing that he was never going to let her go. Never.


ndon knocked on Sarah’s bedroom door. His hands were shaking as he waited for her to answer. She had been with them a couple of days now, and he’d used every excuse he could to ignore his father.

  He knew without a doubt that Maddox Denton was waiting to find out what the hell was going on with him. The truth was, he didn’t have the first clue what was wrong. Most days he knew he had to stay home, and take his rightful place within the family. Then he’d think about Sarah, and the thought of leaving her cut him up inside.

  She opened the door and smiled at him. “Hello there. Are we out on another adventure or can we just chill out, and watch some films or something?”

  Her British accent made him smile.

  “We can hang out, chill, whatever you want.”

  “Great. I can’t deal with more walking around and stuff. My legs are starting to ache. I thought this whole holiday was supposed to be relaxing.” She chuckled as she climbed on the bed, and patted the space beside her.

  He climbed on, knowing she didn’t feel the rush of heat that he did, nor did she feel the rush of happiness at simply being close to him.

  She pointed the remote at the screen, turned the movie on, and rested her head against his shoulder.

  “I’ve really enjoyed spending time away from home, Landon. You’re so sweet to me.”

  “Hey, you’re the one that was willing to be friends with the American.”

  “No one cared that you were an American. They didn’t like your bad attitude, which I don’t get. You were really nice to me.”

  “I’m only ever nice to you. I can’t be done with all of those false bitches. Told you before.”

  She chuckled. “Your family is nice as well. Very supportive. Your mom took me into the kitchen earlier, and we made cheese bread. It was fun.”

  “My mom is the best.”

  “I wish I could stay here for the rest of my life,” she said, snuggling in close. “You make me so happy, Landon.”

  He hoped, whenever she realized who his family was, she would still find happiness with him.

  Chapter Eight

  “I never knew you could cook,” Lou said, taking a seat at the kitchen counter.

  Ruby nodded, and continued to flip the chicken breasts that she had marinating. After last night, and waking to the worst headache on the planet, she had needed time with some of the Denton women. Not Charlotte either, or Tamsin. They were too closely related to Oliver, and she needed her space right now. She remembered the kiss, and her admission of what she wanted from life.

  It was embarrassing. She had totally embarrassed herself, and there was no way back from that.

  “I love to cook. It was something that my brother always wanted me to do,” she said with a shrug.

  “The pain eases a little,” Lou said.

  “I’m so sorry for the two of you. I don’t think I could have handled losing a loved one, and you’ve lost someone so dear, your brother,” Harper said.

  “That’s life,” Ruby said. “It sucks sometimes. It sucks a lot of the time.”

  “My brother died in my arms.” Lou touched her stomach, the heavy roundness bringing an ache to Ruby.

  Pushing it aside as being stupid, she focused on the beautiful woman. Lou was beautiful, kind, sweet, and with a mean streak for anyone who intended to do her family wrong.

  “Do you guys know all of the Denton secrets?” Ruby asked.

  “Plenty,” Harper said. “My deal with Abel is I know everything but what he actually does. That way, I can go on pretending my husband is an angel.”

  Ruby burst out laughing, and saw that Harper wasn’t kidding. “Oh.”

  “We do the things we have to in order to have a good life.” Harper shrugged. “I know it’s strange, but I do love Abel. He’s not for everyone woman, but I’m not most women. I’m just me.”

  Ruby stared down at the tomato sauce she was simmering, and wondered what it would mean to finally have someone of her own. “I’m a virgin,” she said, dropping those words out with an ease that surprised her.

  “I was a virgin,” Harper said.

  “I wasn’t,” Lou said.

  “Neither was I,” Betty said. “I don’t think I should be here, because I’m not really a Denton woman. I was just the unlucky woman who got caught. Even though I wouldn’t have changed anything. My baby girl is the best thing that ever happened to me.”

  “I’m so sorry,” Ruby said.

  “Don’t be. I appreciate that you guys consider me one of you. I can only hope that a man will find me as thrilling as your men find you.”

  Ruby was confused. “What do you mean?”

  “I know about the men’s legacy. I know most of them call it a curse, but come on.” She pointed at Lou and Harper. “It must be amazing to have a man you know will never cheat, and who loves you so completely that they’re willing to do anything for you.”

  Ruby hadn’t thought of it like that.

  “I’m never going to know that about a man. There are times I wish it was me, Harper,” Betty said. “I really do. You’re so lucky, and I’m not going to lie, I am jealous.”

  “Oh, honey,” Harper said, wrapping her arms around Betty.

  Betty was crying, and she wiped the tears away. “I know. I’m sorry. I really shouldn’t be crying. I’ve got a baby girl, and Damian is so sweet. He keeps offering to marry me, but I spoke to Anita.”

  Anita was Stuart’s first wife, and his high school sweetheart. They had a couple of kids together, and everything went fucked up when Michelle entered the picture.

  “I can’t do it. I know I’ll fall in love with him. He’s that kind of man.” Betty waved her hand in front of her face. “I’ll be fine. One day, I’ll be fine. I’m just being silly right now.”

  “You’re not being silly. This is how you feel, and that’s not silly,” Ruby said.

  “It feels it. I’m just going to use the bathroom.”

  Ruby watched her go, and hated that she’d laughed at Oliver when he told her what happened. She was a horrible person, and the guilt started to consume her.

  “I laughed,” she said, needing to talk to someone.

  “Sorry?” Lou turned toward her.

  “When Oliver told me, I laughed. How horrible am I? She wants to be wanted like that, and I thought it was a joke.”

  Lou reached out, putting a hand on her arm. “You can’t do that to yourself. This whole thing with the Dentons is different. Not many men can turn around and say they know they’re in love. It is genuine. Jacob told me what you’ve gone through. That must have been painful.”

  Ruby took a deep breath. “It’s fine. I’m fine. I’m dealing.”

  “Abel told me you could kick some serious ass. You gained his respect.”

  “I did?”

  “Yeah. Anyone who can kick Oliver’s ass, tends to get Abel’s respect.”

  “Oliver’s not that bad.” She couldn’t believe that she was actually defending him. It was so unlike her. “My life has changed so much.”

  “And it will continue to change. Being a Denton, you’re part of us, and Charlotte, she’s a hard woman to deny,” Harper said.

  Ruby chuckled. “I can see that. She’s nice though.”

  “Yes, Charlotte is nice. She kicks ass as well,” Lou said.

  “She does?”

  “Not actual ass kicking. Charlotte can make those men do anything she wants with a stern look. I’ve been getting her to teach me,” Lou said.

  “And me. We need all the help we can get with the Denton men, and I’m not afraid to admit that I’m totally out of my depth,” Harper said.

  Ruby drained the pasta and added it to the big pot of sauce. Giving it a stir, she served them out a portion. Betty came out of the bathroom to join them.

  “Sorry to have put a downer on the day.”

  “You didn’t,” Ruby said, hoping to reassure her. Betty was so sweet, so nice, and Ruby hoped with time they could all be friends.

  They took their food to th
e table, and minutes later, the door opened, and she heard the men entering. She watched as Oliver took the lead, followed by Jacob, Abel, Damian, and Gideon.

  “Something smells good,” Jacob said.

  “Ruby cooked, and no before you ask, it’s not contaminated with poison.” Lou spun to her. “Is it?”

  “Of course not. I would never take out a pregnant woman.” Ruby smiled watching the two couples. Jacob and Lou had been together the longest, and their love showed so strongly. Harper was still a little embarrassed but still couldn’t deny Abel her lips and affection.

  “You had a good morning?” Oliver asked.

  “It has been good. I like Lou and Harper, and Betty.” She rested against his chest, wondering if he still felt anything for her.

  Don’t become needy.

  “Did you have a good morning?” she asked, looking up at him.

  “I did.”

  “Do you have any news on the person responsible?” she asked. After looking through all of Lionel’s paperwork, she’d been annoyed to see that it was actually in some kind of code. She had a date with Lewis, and she hoped her friend could make some kind of sense of her brother’s notes.

  Clearly, Lionel was worried about getting caught. She had to wonder who the person was.

  “We’re still looking into everything. Do you know anything on the Coltons?” he asked.

  “Not yet. I’m waiting to hear more from my contact. I should know something soon.”

  Oliver nodded. He reached out and ran his thumb across the corner of her mouth. “You’ve got a little sauce there.”

  Her cheeks heated, and her nipples hardened. She couldn’t deny her reaction to him, and she didn’t want him to stop. She wanted his hands on her.

  Looking down the table, she saw no one was paying her any attention, and for that she was thankful.

  Oliver took a seat beside her.

  “Would you guys like some pasta?” she asked, getting to her feet. She had to clear her head. Oliver was messing with it, doing something that meant she wasn’t thinking clearly, and she didn’t like that.

  Everyone shouted out yes, so she went to the kitchen to serve them up. Her hands were shaking, and she needed some space, just to clear her head and get things back into focus. She rubbed at her temples and sighed. “I can do this.”


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