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Heat Page 10

by Jamie K. Schmidt

  “Let me guess—you’ve got a question that you were too embarrassed to ask in front of the group.”

  “Hi, I’m Mallory. I’m actually ditching someone.”

  “Is someone bothering you?” Alex frowned and took out his cell phone.

  “Oh no, it’s nothing like that.”

  “Are you sure? You look a little scared.”

  “I almost ran into someone who I didn’t want to know I was here.”

  “I see,” Alex said. “I’ve got just the thing.” He went back to his desk and rifled around in a drawer until he came up with a cardboard domino mask. It had fake feathers around the eyebrow line. “I apologize for the tackiness. This was from last year’s Mardi Gras celebration. But it should do the trick until you find something a little more you.”

  “I really appreciate it.”

  “Think nothing of it.”

  Mallory slipped on the mask and left the room. There were a bunch of people gathered around a buffet table in the large common area. Max was standing with a group of other men. They were dressed in sweat suits with name brands on them. Mallory took the time to really look him over. He stood with a casual ease that made him seem approachable and friendly. He really was a good guy.

  Her mind compared him to David, who always seemed to be throwing attitude around. Max, of course, was bigger and more muscular. David was more handsome in a pretty-boy Yalie way. Max looked rough, but she quivered as she remembered his gentle touch and how careful he was with her. David would have nailed her into the floor if they went that far. Max’s control was far sexier. He made her feel cherished. Was that all she needed to drop her panties like they were on fire? Max’s shirt clung to the curves of his shoulders and she licked her lips. God, she had it bad. Just that one little taste of intimacy and the first orgasm she’d had in months made her want to give in to the want. It was pure, healthy lust; that was all. She could keep it that way. As if he sensed her thoughts, their eyes locked. Max did a double take when he saw her and elbowed his way through the crowd.

  “What are you doing around these parts?” he drawled.

  “I like your parts.” She nudged him with her hip. “How did you know it was me?”

  He dipped his head to whisper in her ear. “You were coming on my fingers only a few hours ago. Think I’d forget that hot body so soon?”

  Mallory smiled and ran her hand over his bicep. “What did Colleen want? Did she bust us?”

  “Didn’t mention it if she did. She was too excited about the event we’re having here tonight. She got a sweet deal by undercutting the casino to have a mixed martial arts event. It’s sold out. So we’re expecting a good crowd.”

  “Why? What’s that have to do with sex or fashion?”

  “The fight is being sponsored by Kimura. They do fight gear and exercise clothes. One of the fighters, Kevan Deane, bankrolls them. Lucky bastards.” Max shrugged. “I think Colleen just likes to host events and she thinks the MMA will bring in more men to Couture. I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but we’ve got a lot more women than men here.”

  “I noticed,” Mallory said dryly. “So what’s this got to do with you?”

  “She wanted me in one of the under matches. You know, the warm-up act.”

  “Do you know the guy you’re fighting?”

  “I saw him on TV once. He failed out of the mixed martial arts reality show.”

  “Do you think he’s got something to prove?”

  “They all do.” Max hugged her to him. “How are you feeling?”

  “Better,” she admitted, hugging him back. “But still horny.”

  His laughter vibrated against her cheek and she held him tighter. “What are you doing on this side of Couture?” he asked.

  “I ran into someone I knew on the fashion side, so I’m hiding again.”

  “Anything I can help with?” He tilted her chin up. “Want me to beat someone up?” He grinned and she knew he wasn’t serious.

  “I really should go talk to Colleen.”

  “She’s in a private session until six.”

  “What kind of private session?”

  Max coughed into his hand. “I think it has something to do with sex toys.”

  “Sorry I asked.” Mallory leaned into him. “I took a class in the art of the blow job. Want me to show you what I learned?”

  “Hell yeah,” he said, looking around. “But too many people saw us together just now. I don’t want it to get back to Colleen.”

  “Who cares?”

  “Some people just like to make trouble,” he said. “I don’t want you touched by that.”

  “I’m wearing a mask,” she protested.

  “That’s true,” he said, running his finger down her cheek. He tipped her chin up and kissed her quickly. It was light and delicious. She wanted more. Standing on her tiptoes, she brushed her lips with his, darting her tongue inside his mouth. He smiled appreciatively and touched his forehead to hers.

  “Let’s go fool around,” Mallory said.

  “Mallory, I am so damn tempted.” He rubbed his hand up and down her back. “I want to play around with you some more.”

  “Can we go back to your studio? I think I need more beach therapy.”

  “There’s a class there.”

  “Well, what do you suggest?”

  “I suggest walking a fine line. Another class.”

  “I’m not doing any circus classes. No way.”

  Max steered them down another hallway. “Remember, you have to trust me.”

  “Tell me the truth about something,” she said, angling her head so she could look him in the eye.


  “Are those bushes in the front of Couture penises or dolphins?”

  “Dolphins? What kind of dolphin wears a helmet?”

  “The Miami ones.”

  “The ones Colleen calls the dickheads?”

  “I knew it!” Mallory said. Still, it was interesting that Colleen kept something that reminded her of Chase close by—even if it was a seven-foot penis bush. Mallory hoped she wasn’t still pining for that turd.

  “But that’s what we tell people who aren’t on the list, if you know what I mean.”

  Mallory enjoyed having his arm around her as they walked. He made her feel special. “So I hope you’re taking me somewhere you can have your evil way with me.”

  Max leaned down to whisper in her ear. “Do you want to come again?” His hot breath caused shivers to run up her spine.

  “Only if you do too this time.”

  “I’m taking a tantric class. Don’t worry about me. I want this to be about you.”

  “I liked how your fingers felt in me,” she said softly, and he pulled her closer.

  They walked into a classroom that had several areas curtained off into smaller sections.

  “Ugh,” Mallory said. “It reminds me of the ER.”

  “Those are for privacy,” he said.

  “Yeah, I know. What is this class?”

  “The art of erotic massage,” Max said, pulling the curtain closed so they were cut off from the rest of the room. The only thing aside from them in the enclosure was a massage table.

  “Another art class.” Mallory grinned. “I don’t see any bananas in this one.”

  “I’ll show you a banana.”

  “Promises, promises.”

  “Attention, class,” a disembodied female voice from the center of the large room rang out. “For the next hour, there will be no speaking. I want complete silence.”

  Max put his finger to his lips.

  “Take off all your clothes.”

  Mallory’s “What?” was cut off by Max’s hand over her mouth. He shook his head and looked at her challengingly.

  She licked his palm and he snatched his hand away, shaking his finger at her in warning. Max kicked off his fight shoes and tore off his T-shirt. He raised an eyebrow at her. She slid out of her sandals and pulled the maxi-dress she was wearing down so it puddled
at her feet. Max’s eyes went straight to her chest.

  “Assist your partner so that he or she is comfortable on the table.”

  Max pointed to the table.

  Mallory gestured to his pants.

  With a wicked grin, he stepped out of them, pulling his underwear off as well.


  Mallory’s mouth went dry. She already knew he had a fine ass and gorgeous abs, but the rest of him was breathtaking. The swell of his cock pressed against his belly. It almost distracted her from his muscled legs, lightly dusted with slivers of hair. Her fingers twitched to touch him. She reached out, but he grabbed her hand and indicated that she should take off her underwear.

  Mallory’s eyes widened. It stood to reason that if she wanted to jump him, she needed to drop her Victoria’s Secrets. But right now they felt like the only armor she had. She wasn’t sure she wanted to be naked in broad daylight in a room full of people that she could sense and could almost hear. Max smiled and kissed her cheek. He lifted her up in his arms and she clutched at him to keep from shrieking. Laying her gently on the table, Max brushed his hand across her breasts, down her stomach, and over her thighs.

  Her hand strayed to his backside and she petted him like he was an exotic tiger. He pressed his erection against her hip. The hardness of it belied how soft it felt.

  “Once your partner is comfortable, I want you to stand at their feet.”

  Mallory craned her neck to watch him.

  He pressed his cock to the bottom of her foot and the heat of him nearly made her jump off the table. She curled her toes against him, liking the feel of his flesh there. His eyes burned into her and heat pooled between her legs.

  “Hold their feet lovingly, squeeze gently.”

  Max backed off and her foot felt chilly without his warmth, but soon his big hands engulfed them. He pulled them so her body slid down the table. She was sure she was going to land on the floor when he stopped and knelt at the foot of the table. Draping her knees over his shoulders, he put a finger to his lips to shush her.

  Then he turned his head and pressed a kiss to her inner thigh. Mallory’s head smacked back against the table and she looked up at the high ceiling in disbelief. Her wildest fantasies didn’t even come close to this.

  Max kissed the other leg and she squirmed back. He placed a hand on her stomach and looked straight at her when he exhaled a hot breath against the silk of her panties.

  “Yes?” he mouthed at her.

  She nodded her head, closing her eyes as his tongue traced the outline of the silk. Mallory’s fists clenched on the sheets. The instructor was droning on about something, but Mallory couldn’t hear her over the roar in her own ears. What was she doing here? Who was she? This was something Colleen would do, not her. This wasn’t like her. When she had sex, it was in bed, under the covers. It was quick and nice, and then she and her partner rolled over and went to sleep. It wasn’t this craving, this wildness that made her want to crawl across the floor just to get to him.

  Max’s tongue slipped inside her panties and touched her slick wetness.

  She stifled a whimper of need with her arm as he pulled her panties aside so he could press his face deeper. Each stroke of his tongue jolted through her and her legs trembled. Her eyes closed as he flicked over her bud. She thought it would be difficult to lie back and enjoy this without the nagging feeling of guilt that it was his turn, but it wasn’t. Her toes curled and her hips lifted as he continued with the gentle circles. Not making a sound? That was the hard part.

  She wanted to beg him to go faster, to slip his cock inside her. But if she let out the cry that was building in the back of her throat, Mallory didn’t think she’d be able to take the embarrassment. So she writhed in delicious torment, concentrating on keeping her breathing silent. His tongue was amazing. She wanted to grab his head and rock against him. She wanted his fingers parting her flesh to plunge inside her. Need burned through her. Mallory forgot about David. Forgot about everything but the quick darts of Max’s tongue until her second orgasm of the day shook through her. She left teeth marks on her arm and was surprised her thighs didn’t crush Max’s head when she came.

  She was delighted to see a crazed light in Max’s eyes as he stood up and backed away from the table. He gripped his cock in his hand and pumped it fast.

  But Mallory wasn’t about to lie there and watch. She slid bonelessly off the table to her knees. Rubbing her cheek over his knuckles and the tip of him, she pressed kisses against them and trailed her nails up his thighs. He shook his head, his breath harsh. She peeled his fingers away and held his hand. Max threaded the fingers of his other hand through her hair and he looked down at her.

  “You don’t have to do this,” he whispered, barely breathing the words.

  Mallory put her finger to her lips and then kissed the tip of him.

  “I’m going to explode in your mouth,” he sighed softly when she took him deep in her throat.

  His fingers tightened on hers. Mallory couldn’t remember a time when she’d held hands with a man while blowing him. But she liked it. She went slowly, not wanting to give away what they were doing with any loud sucking sounds. Risking a glance up at him, she saw his teeth were gritted and a flush stained his high cheekbones. Mallory tried out the swirling technique that Alex taught the group and Max cleared his throat to hide the groan. Her other hand—the one not holding on to his, stroked his ass. She slid him out of her mouth and he swallowed audibly when she licked the length of him like a giant lollipop. When she lavished attention on the head, his hand in her hair pushed her closer and she engulfed him again, sucking hard. His whole body tremored. He blew out a sharp blast of air that was a silent scream and came down her throat.

  Mallory smiled as she swallowed and with a final kiss on his quivering tip, stood up and hugged him tight. Wrapping his arms around her, he pressed kisses to her temple. He lay on the massage table, pulling her on top of him. His hands secured her and they kissed and kissed, oblivious to the erotic massage instructions.

  Chapter Ten

  Max helped her into her clothes and told her how to get back to the main section of Couture from where they were. He had to get back to the arena. Mallory wandered a bit in a daze. Her lips felt swollen and she could still taste Max on them. It made her want to curl up against him. But he had that stupid fight, and she needed to talk to her sister about Chrissie spotting her.

  She practically floated up to Colleen’s office. Nefertiti had her wait in a chair while she buzzed her sister. Mallory stared off into space, reliving the day’s events. She and Max had a chemistry that she couldn’t believe. She felt like a teenager.

  “She’s off the phone,” Nefertiti said. “You can go in now.”

  Mallory walked into her sister’s office, sobering up when she realized the situation with Chrissie could mean David was on the way here right now.

  “Enjoy your time in the members-only section?” Colleen said with cool amusement.

  “How did you know?” More important, what does she know?

  “Who do you think buzzed you in? What were you running from?”

  “Do you have cameras everywhere?”

  “Not everywhere. Otherwise I wouldn’t need to ask you what scared you.”

  “Where are your cameras?” Mallory demanded.

  “The security cameras are in the hallways and common areas. The private cameras are in the designated areas. And they’re clearly marked.”


  “Why? Are you afraid we’ve got a camera over your bed and you’re tonight’s pay-per-view?” Colleen went over to the bar and poured them two whiskeys.

  “I’m not going to dignify that with an answer. Besides, your porn channels are free.”

  “So why were you looking to hide out this time?” Colleen handed her the glass.

  Mallory sighed and sank into the chair facing her sister’s desk. “I saw David’s sister, Chrissie, by the free coffee. She was talking about some
anime parade?”

  “We’ve got a Japanese designer in this week and she’s doing a line of clothes taken from the manga and anime. It’s pretty wild.” Colleen squinted at her computer screen, clicking on a bunch of tabs. “David’s last name is Turner, right?”

  “Yeah, but Chrissie goes by her mother’s name, Dubois.” Mallory took a sip of the smooth whiskey. She didn’t even question the brand. It was top shelf and she hadn’t had lunch yet. Oh well, it was five o’clock somewhere.

  “Crystal Dubois?”

  “That’s her.”

  Colleen nodded. “Got her. Yeah, she’s here for Kasumi’s show. Stay away from the runway and the makeover salons for a few days and you should be fine.” Colleen sighed. “I hope it’s a big hit.”

  “It seemed to be generating some buzz. Or at least Chrissie and her friend were excited about it.”

  “Did she see you?” Colleen sipped her whiskey.

  “I’m not sure. She thought she saw me, but I made my getaway thanks to you. Did she follow me?”


  “Someone did.”

  “Honey, it’s a big place and I’ve got a lot of members going into that section of the resort. It’s not always about you.”

  “So what are we going to do about Chrissie?”

  “Well, since she doesn’t know about our real purpose here, she’s going to remain on the fashion side of things. And since you seem to like walking on the wild side, you’re going to move on over to the kinky side of things.”

  Mallory started to protest and then realized she didn’t want to.

  Colleen fished around in her desk and tossed her a brooch that had three yin signs connected in a circle.

  “Pretty,” she said.

  “Wear it until we can get you into the system. That will tell the guards that you’re allowed in the private areas.”

  “What about David?”

  “I told you. He’s not allowed on the premises.”

  “But what if Chrissie talks to him and tells him that she’s seen me?”


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