Secluded Heart

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Secluded Heart Page 12

by Graysen Morgen

  “I left Brian.” Remy’s eyes searched Chase’s for any sign of the passion they shared. But Chase guarded her deep green eyes as if they were the window to her soul.

  “What do you want me to say? Congratulations? Or, I’m sorry, what happened? Wait, how about you’re about eight months too fucking late?” Chase shook her head. “I asked you to stay away from me Remy and I meant it.”

  “I left him for you. I love you Chase.” Remy’s eyes broke the dam and the tears fell one by one down her creamy tanned cheeks. Chase pulled her wrist free from the lazy grip Remy had on it. She fought back the urge to wipe the tears away. Instead, she grabbed her briefcase from the floor.

  “I think you need to take some time for yourself,” Chase took a deep breath. “Figure out who you are Remy.” Chase brushed past her, careful not to touch her as she made her way to the door. She turned back around. “Please stay away from me.”

  Chase felt the tears sting her eyes before she found her Mercedes in the parking garage. She tossed her briefcase in the passenger seat and drove off without ever looking back. She struggled with her conscience all the way home. Part of her desperately wanted to run back, take Remy into her arms and never let go. The other part of her wanted to run away and never come back, in hopes that Remy Sheridan forgot she ever existed.


  Frankie knocked loudly on the door. Chase swung the heavy door open and invited them into her condo while she finished her last minute packing.

  “Sorry, I had a rough night.” Chase shrugged and grabbed her suit case. She swept the room with her eyes one last time trying to think of anything that she may have forgotten.

  “Me too, I had an unexpected visitor.” Frankie waited for Chase to lock the door.

  “Who came over? Is Ping still having problems with that office woman?” Chase asked as they walked towards the elevator.

  “Not exactly,” Frankie stepped to the back of the elevator when the doors opened. “Remy was at my door at ten o’clock last night.”

  “What!” Chase turned to face her. “You’re kidding?”

  Frankie sighed. “Nope, she cried on my couch until midnight.”

  “I guess you know she came to see me then.”

  “I do.”

  They packed Chase’s bag into the back of the SUV and headed towards Gayle’s house, Ping would be picked up last since she lived the closest to the interstate. Chase was glad to see the steaming cup of Starbuck’s waiting for her in the console. She smiled and took a long hot gulp.

  “I figured you’d need that. I doubt you slept at all.” Frankie said as she pointed the SUV towards the main road.

  “How much do you know?” Chase stared out the window cradling her coffee with both hands and wishing for a banana. Why the hell do I always crave banana’s when I haven’t eaten? She hadn’t eaten since breakfast the day before and was starving.

  They arrived at Gayle’s house within fifteen minutes. During that short time Frankie had repeated the entire conversation between herself and Remy. She knew Remy left Brian and all of the circumstances behind that, including her being thrown out in an almost physical fight. Luckily, she’d already signed a month by month lease for an apartment so she had a place to go. Frankie also knew of her profession of love to Chase.

  “Can we keep this quiet for a little while? I need to digest everything you told me before I let Jose and Cuervo know.” A smile tugged at the corner of her mouth. She loved all of her friends, but Gayle and Ping were the wild ones of the group and quick to jump to conclusions and that’s not what she needed right now. Especially after hearing how hard it was for Remy to finally leave her boyfriend. No wonder she was always so quiet and shy, the man had been verbally and sometimes physically abusive towards her for years. Chase was all of a sudden glad that Remy confided in Frankie, she needed to let it all out to someone and Chase was wearing her heart so tightly on her sleeve that she couldn’t see past it breaking every time they were around each other.

  “That’s fine, it’s your dirty laundry. You air it out when you’re good and ready.” Frankie smiled and patted her best friend’s hand. “Come on, knowing Gayle she’s trying to get rid of some girl she picked up last night and still hasn’t packed. I promised Ping we’d be there in half an hour.”


  They were at the start of the seven-mile bridge, Frankie was driving the SUV with Chase in the passenger seat and Gayle and Ping in the backseat. Chase had finally let the cat out of the bag with Remy. Skimming around the facts, she told them that she left her boyfriend and was now living in an apartment. But, she neglected to tell them the details of her horrid relationship or anything about their love for each other. Ping and Gayle wouldn’t know love if it slapped them across the face, that wasn’t their fault, they just hadn’t met the right women yet. Hell, for that matter Chase hadn’t really either. The few times that she thought she loved someone it came back to bite her in the ass. And Frankie, she had been in love and hurt deeply when her lover left her to go start a family with a man after they were so-called married for five years, she thought they’d have a family together. Now, she watches the women come and go from her friends lives and that alone is enough drama to keep her from running into the arms of her own waiting women. But Chase, that’s a different story, they’re best friends and know more about each other’s lives than anyone else, including most family members.

  “Are we there yet?” Ping sighed and stretched her tiny frame.

  “Give me a break you two sound like you’ve never been on a road trip.” Frankie shook her head. “We’ll get there when we get there, how about that?” She shot a smile towards Chase.

  “My Dad use to say that to me.” Chase said with a small yawn.

  “Speaking of him, how are your parents?” Frankie asked.

  “Good, I talked to them the other night. I usually call them when I get a post card from a new city. They were up in Vermont soaking up the remainder of the cold weather.”

  “Gay marriage capital, well it used to be anyway.” Gayle said from the backseat.

  “It’s more than that.” Chase laughed. “There are a lot of little antique things for them to do plus, Vermont is home to some of the best snow skiing from what I hear.”

  “Your parents snow ski?” Ping raised her eyebrows.

  Chase laughed. “No, but my Dad wants to try his hand at ice fishing and they have that there too.”

  “If I was a millionaire I wouldn’t go ice fishing.” Gayle shook her head. Everyone laughed after thinking they wouldn’t care to do that either.

  “Hey that just reminded me, I have a few offers on your paintings.” Frankie said to Chase. “I’ll pull them up on my computer later if you want.”

  “Are they in the ballpark?” Chase asked. She hated being nonchalant about it, her friends knew she was a millionaire, but Chase didn’t flaunt it and she never touched her money. Her will left a little to the arts and the rest to the Heart Institute.

  “Yeah, I think you’ll be pleased.”

  “I can’t believe you’re selling them. I couldn’t imagine having that kind of dough.” Gayle said.

  “Yes, well I never wanted the damn things to start with and the dough is going right back into my account where it should’ve stayed from the beginning.” Chase looked at Frankie. “I do have a few pieces in mind in your gallery that I’d like to fill the empty walls with when we get back.”

  “Which ones?” Frankie asked as she started looking for their hotel.

  “I believe they are called Heavenly Sunshine and Imagination’s Beginning.”

  Frankie raised an eyebrow. “Those are Remy Sheridan’s.”

  “Yes, I know. Despite everything between us, I still like her work, it sort of calls to me, like she paints what I’m thinking or feeling.”

  “Aww, aren’t you quite the romantic.” Ping cooed.

  “It has nothing to do with romance Ping Pong, its art and art calls to people. That’s why they buy it.” Fran
kie stated as she pulled into the hotel parking lot.


  So far their trip to Key West had been eventful. They went snorkeling and jet-ski riding until they were too tired to move the first full day they were there. They spent their nights doing the ‘Duval Crawl’ along the most popular strip of bars and clubs in the Keys. Tonight, they found themselves sitting in a fancy restaurant eating lobster tail and drinking wine.

  “I don’t know about you girls, but I’m spending tomorrow in a lounge chair by the pool.” Ping said as she swallowed the last succulent bite of Florida lobster tail.

  “Actually, I’m thinking of going deep sea fishing. I’ve never done that.”

  “Would you mind if I join you Chase?” Frankie asked.

  “Sure.” Chase smiled. “Can you fish?”

  “I don’t know. Can you?” Frankie asked quizzically.

  “Never tried.” Chase laughed. She was feeling adventurous this week. It had been her idea to go snorkeling and Jet Ski riding. If their excursions were left up to Ping and Gayle the women would be lying by the pool all day and cruising the lesbian bars at night.


  “I’m staying here with Ping, you guys are nuts.” Gayle shot them both a crazy look and shook her head.

  “Suit yourself.”


  There were three other women on the large fishing boat. One had shoulder length blond hair that was in a pony tail pulled through the back of her baseball cap. Frankie had done the same thing with her auburn hair to keep it out of her face all day. The other two women with the blonde had shorter hair, but all three of them were there together.

  “Hi, I’m Sonya Walker.” The blond stuck her hand out to Frankie as they gathered around waiting for the boat to leave the dock. “This is Janine Stetson,” She pointed to the brunette that stood closely to her left side. “And this is Tracey Griffin.”

  “Hi, I’m Frankie DeLuca and this is Chase Leery.” Frankie smiled and shook the soft hand Sonya offered to her. Then, the rest of the women exchanged handshakes.

  “Where are you two from?” Janine asked.

  “Miami. You?”

  “Fort Lauderdale or Fort Lick her tale as we like to call it.” Sonya smiled.

  “I see.” Frankie raised her eyebrows and Chase laughed.

  The boat took them twenty miles off shore, where the captain and his deckhand set all of the women up with poles and bait to get started. Then they chummed the water and helped cast the lines out into the deep blue ocean.

  By noon all of the women had caught a fish or two. Chase fought with a large Wahoo that managed to break the line once she got him to the boat, but Frankie was right there to snap pictures of the adventure. After that they stopped to enjoy turkey sandwiches and cold beer for lunch. Chase stretched out on the bow of the offshore cabin cruiser. Frankie went to join her when Sonya asked her how long they had been together. Frankie lost her footing on the slippery deck and Sonya caught her. Frankie let herself stay wrapped in the warm embrace for a minute longer than she normally would have, but something in Sonya’s gray eyes made her feel safe. She shook the thought and let it pass.

  She laughed softly and smiled as she pulled away to compose herself. “We’re best friends, but we’re not together, never have been actually.”

  “Wow, I thought for sure you two were lovers.” Sonya looked surprised. Her sunglasses were sitting on the top of her head and she felt like covering her eyes to hide her excitement.

  “Nope, I’ve known Chase about six years. We’re probably closer than siblings. As a matter of fact we are. She’s an only child, but we know more about each other than anyone in our families. I guess you could say we’re each other’s family. We’re actually vacationing with two other friends but they stayed at the pool to sunbathe.” She smiled.

  “So none of you are together?”

  “No. Just four close friends. I thought you and Janine were together.” Frankie said as she sipped her beer.

  “No way, she’s a drama queen.” Sonya rolled her eyes and grinned. “We’re all friends too. I’m actually new to the group. I just moved down from Kentucky six months ago for work and they sort of took me in.”

  “What do you do?”

  “I’m a marketing consultant, the pay down here was much better and it was a promotion with my company so I transferred. What about you?”

  “I own an art gallery.”

  “Wow, that’s interesting. Are you also an artist?”

  “God no, but I probably know more about art than the president knows about politics.” Frankie smiled.

  “Hell, I know more about politics than he does.”

  “That’s true, bad analogy.” Frankie laughed and tossed her empty beer can in the trash. Two beers were definitely plenty out in the hot sun on that swaying boat.

  “Maybe I’ll come see it some time.” Sonya winked. “You can give me an art history lesson.”

  “Anytime,” Frankie saw Chase coming back around the cabin towards the back of the boat.

  “Let’s get back at it ladies.” The captain said as he hauled the fishing equipment back out and the deckhand began chumming the water with bloody fish guts once again.


  Chase stepped onto the dock and stretched her back. Her short blond hair was windblown and messy, basically in its usual state and her skin appeared a little darker than it’s natural tan color. She was tired.

  “I don’t know about you, but I had a helluva good time. Who knew fishing would be so much fun!” Frankie said as she stumbled trying to regain her shore legs.

  Chase grinned. “See and you were worried.” She shook her head. “Let’s go see what tweedle dumb and tweedle dipshit got into while we were gone.”

  “God, do we even want to know?” Frankie said with a crinkled face.

  “Not really. I could’ve stayed home and worked on my tan and people watched. Those two crack me up.”

  “Hold on a sec.” Frankie said as she saw the other three women making their way towards a small car. She returned a few minutes later with a large grin smeared across her face.

  “Do I dare ask what that was about?” Chase waited for Frankie to hit the locks so she could get into the SUV.

  “They’re joining us for dinner at Margaritaville at seven.”

  “I see.”


  Frankie found Chase sitting on the balcony when she went into their adjoining room. She was freshly showered and dressed in lightweight khaki colored pants and a white tank top. Her flip flops were sitting by the door.

  “What’s up?” Frankie asked when she sat down next to her in the empty plastic deck chair.

  Chase took a deep breath and opened her eyes. She didn’t chance a look in her best friend’s direction. Instead, she starred out at the setting sun. “Not a whole lot just tired. Are we leaving?”

  “Uh huh, you can’t pull the wool over this old broad’s eyes. Try again slugger.” Frankie teased.

  “How did you do it Frank, I can’t get her out of my head.” Chase’s voice cracked. “The more I try, the harder it is.”

  “You’re in love with her honey; it doesn’t get any harder than that. Unfortunately, you have to roll with the tide until it flattens.”

  Chase raised an eyebrow, finally meeting Frankie’s eyes. “When did you get so philosophical?”

  “I don’t know. It just came to me all of a sudden.” Frankie shrugged.

  “You have a crush!” Chase jumped at the realization and almost fell out of the chair.

  “No I do not! What the hell are you talking about?”

  “Sonya. You like her.”

  “She’s cute, and friendly, but I draw the line there.”

  “Sure you do. Here I am sulking over a relationship that has been doomed from day one and my best friend is doing her damnedest to hide her first real crush in six years. We’re a real fucking pair aren’t we?” She laughed.

  “Yeah, let’s go before Dumb and Dumber
walk off. I sent them to the car five minutes ago.” She smacked Chase on the arm and stood up. “For what it’s worth Chase, if it’s meant to be it’ll work itself out.”


  “My god you two, come on! I’m starving!” Ping yelled at the pair coming down the stairs.

  “Hey, I’m not the one that sat in the sun all day and forgot to eat. Don’t give me hell for your stupidity! Got it?!” Frankie growled and slid into the front seat of the SUV.

  “So, who are the girls? And why are we having dinner with them? Are they hot?” Gayle was barely in the car before the questions started.

  Chase mentally wished Frankie would go out without her at least once. She wasn’t sure she was in the mood for the entire group tonight.

  “Oh god, please tell me they’re not fish people.” Ping added.

  “First of all, what the hell are ‘fish people’? Second, as I told you both, we met them on the boat and they are a group of friends here on vacation like we are. Second, they are a lot of fun and I guess you could say they’re all cute.”

  “Do you two every think of anything besides hooking up?” Chase barked.

  “Yes, as a matter of fact I’m thinking about food right now.” Ping grinned. Chase rolled her eyes and shook her head.

  They parked a few blocks away and walked down to the restaurant. The three women they were meeting were standing on the curb talking and waiting for them to arrive.

  “Hey guys,” Frankie greeted them. “This is Gayle and Ping, and this is Janine, Tracey, and Sonya. They live in Ft. Lauderdale.” All of the women shook hands and headed inside to their waiting table. Frankie took the initiative and ordered a couple buckets of beer for the group and Sonya ordered two sample platters.


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