Maree raised her glass to the group. “Here’s to five wonderful years, dreams that come true, and, most importantly, to family.”
The group saluted with their charged glasses. “To family.”
Sarah nudged Mac. Mac turned and looked at her and mouthed, “Now?”
Sarah smiled and nodded. Mac handed Sarah her glass, stood up, and walked over to Maree and Terri. “I was going to do this after dinner, but now is as good a time as any. If you will follow me, please?”
Maree and Terri looked at each other a bit perplexed but followed Mac into the lounge room, to the corner, where a blanket-covered object sat.
Mac suddenly felt nervous. She took a deep breath in and looked up to see Sarah beaming at her. It gave her the courage to continue. “I met you two not long after you got here, and I think it would be fair to say, we’ve been as thick as thieves ever since. We’ve seen good times and not so good times together. I’ve watched you both work, so hard, to build this place up and to make it into the success that it is today. We are all so proud of you. You guys are amazing beyond words. And you’re right, we’re all family. So to celebrate your anniversary, underneath this blanket is something that reflects a little bit of all of us. John lent me his muscle and his steadfastness, it incorporates a piece of Martha’s favourite tree, and Jean, Thomas, and Sarah came into our lives and helped show me how to put into form and personify the magic that the two of you have made together, with the refuge.” Mac took both of their glasses and kissed them on the cheek. “Happy anniversary, my friends.” She stepped back and waved for them to unveil their present.
Together, they stepped forward. Terri undid the ribbon while Maree gently slid the blanket off. There were seven audible gasps in the room as the blanket fell to the floor, and the group stood frozen in awe at the sculpture before them. Rising out of the base of a tree stump stood a carved version of Thomas in the softest of maple hues. In his arms lay a sleepy golden puppy, carved from Huon pine, and a soft muted grey piece of myrtle, that looked suspiciously like Henry, wrapped itself around Thomas’s leg, looking up at him adoringly.
Thomas was the first to move. He turned to the group with a huge grin on his face. “That’s me! You made me. And that’s Henry and Nell.”
Mac smiled. “Yes, it is.”
He ran over and hugged Mac and then ran back to admire his likeness again.
Maree and Terri stood in front of the statue with their arms around each other’s waists. Maree’s hand covered her mouth as Terri shook her head in disbelief. Both had tears streaming down their cheeks. Terri pulled Maree in and kissed her, then walked over to Mac and threw her arms around her, weeping softly in her embrace. Maree joined the hug.
Terri’s head finally emerged. “I don’t have words. That is the most amazing, beautiful…” Terri shook her head as she lost the words. “Thank you.” She kissed Mac right on the lips.
Mac cleared her throat and knew that she was blushing fiercely. “You’re welcome.”
Maree also kissed her. “Terri’s right. It is amazing. I can’t stop looking at it. It almost feels like it’s alive. You’ve captured not only an incredible likeness, physically, but you’ve nailed the love aspect. It’s perfect. Thank you.”
“I’m glad you like it. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m just going to grab another drink.”
Mac disappeared into the kitchen and snagged a drink from the fridge. She was leaning against the bench taking a sip when Sarah quietly walked in, drawing her in close to hold her in an embrace. “Thought I’d find you hiding out here.”
Mac gave her a half-guilty smile.
Sarah leaned in, gifting her with a slow, gentle kiss on the lips.
Mac smiled. “Mm, what was that for?”
Sarah reached up and smoothed Mac’s fringe from her eyes. “Everything. Your sculpture is breathtaking. You did a superb job. But more than that, it’s the love you put in it. You made everyone feel a part of that special moment. That was beautiful. You’re beautiful.”
Mac shook her head.
Sarah gently took her face in her hands. “Yes, you are, sweetheart.”
Mac rested her head against Sarah’s forehead. “I am the luckiest person. I have the best family. And you—you showed me how to live and breathe again. You make my heart sing every day.”
Sarah kissed Mac’s eyes, cheeks, and mouth. “And you helped me find what I needed most. You gave me your love and you helped me find home. I’d say we’re both pretty lucky.”
Sarah gave Mac a quick hug and stepped back. “What say we make our way back out to the party before they come looking for us?” Mac nodded and gave Sarah a last quick kiss before holding her hand and walking back together to join the festivities.
They briefly stood behind the group revelling in the love and laughter the group radiated. Mac knew how lucky they both were.
The sound of two pagers squealing cut the air and rendered the group temporarily silent. Both Mac and John looked at their pagers and read the message.
Three car MVA, persons trapped. Cnr Ruthven and Nelson, Freyling Park. Turnout respond.
Mac looked at John. “Betts, that’s just down the road.”
His face broke out into a smile. “You up for a run, Mouse?”
Mac knew her grin mirrored his. “Never readier.”
Sarah silently nodded and held out her hand to hold Mac’s drink. Mac kissed Sarah on the cheek.
As they ran to the door, Mac threw over her shoulder, “Shotgun gets to drive!”
John could be heard laughing as he ran outside. “Then you better get your arse moving, Mouse.”
About the Author
Mardi grew up on the Mid North Coast of Australia, with big rivers, sun, surf, and sand all within reach. Among Mardi’s greatest loves are watching storms out to sea and sitting on a rock wall, fishing and watching the world go by.
She moved inland to study, where the mountains called to her and eventually stole her heart. It’s where she now calls home, along with her partner, two dogs, two cats, and a couple of hundred sheep.
Easily bored, Mardi is always on the lookout for a new project of some sort or other, including, but not limited to, music, drawing, woodwork, and now writing.
When she’s not working full-time, Mardi is also a volunteer firefighter, firefighting instructor, and a member of a local wildlife rescue service looking after orphaned, sick, and injured native animals.
Her love of storms has transferred from the ocean to the rolling fields and hillsides high in the New England.
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