Confessions Of A Chatterbox (Confessions Series Book 2)

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Confessions Of A Chatterbox (Confessions Series Book 2) Page 14

by Abigail Davies

  “It’s my second question. Why did you kiss me?”

  My gaze flicked down to his lips automatically. “Because I wanted to.” I paused. “Why did you kiss me?”

  “Because I wanted to,” he echoed.

  My stomach dipped, and my heart beat like crazy in my chest. I’d never wanted to kiss anyone more than in this moment, but was it the right thing to do? Would I be taking advantage knowing he was a virgin? Damn. Is this what teenage guys felt like on prom night when they would devirginize their high school girlfriends? This was too much responsibility for little ole me.

  “Do you want to kiss me again?” I blurted out, not able to stop myself.

  “Yes,” he practically growled, and damn, I’d never heard his voice like that before, but I knew one thing for certain, I wanted to hear it over and over again.

  Neither of us moved for a second, and then I dived forward, closing the last foot of space between us and slamming my lips down onto his. His hands gripped my waist, his thumbs grazing over my ribs and his fingers digging into my back as he pulled me closer. My legs opened on automatic to straddle his lap. In the back of my mind, I knew I should take things slower, but when his tongue swiped along my bottom lip, I couldn’t. I opened up for him, and he swallowed my moan as his tongue stroked against mine.

  My hands had a life of their own running through his hair, down his shoulders, and gripping his biceps. I couldn’t get enough of him as he consumed my mouth with his and burned the palm of his hands through my clothes. I wanted nothing between us. I wanted to feel his skin against mine, I wanted him.

  More than anything else I’d ever wanted.

  His arms wrapped around me as he tilted his head to the side, not giving any indication to stop this epic kiss he was gracing me with, but I had to stop it. I had to do something because the erection that was poking me in the thigh told me his body wanted mine too.

  I pulled away, squeezing my eyes shut. “We have to stop,” I groaned.

  “I don’t want to stop,” he answered, causing my eyes to pop open. His green eyes were the darkest that I’d ever seen, his lips swollen and wet from our kiss, his hair sticking up. He’d never looked sexier than he did at that moment.

  “My question. And you have to stick to the rules.” JJ raised a brow, and I nodded for him to continue. “Do you really want to stop?”

  Well, shit. He’d just beat me at my own game. “No.” I wiggled on his lap, and he groaned from the movement. “My question.” I searched his eyes. “Are you a virgin?”


  “Shit.” I managed to squirm my way out of his arms and jumped off his lap. “I can’t do this. Not when you’re a virgin.”

  I ran away.

  I ran away like a little girl running from a spider that was smaller than the tip of her finger but was trying to eat her. I got to the top of the stairs and realized he was following me.

  “I want to do this,” he said from behind me as I stumbled down the hallway. “I want to do it with you.” He grabbed my hand and halted me just outside our bedroom doors. “You make me feel…”

  I turned to face him and waited as he battled with something. The silence stretched between us, and I finally asked, “What, JJ? What do I make you feel?”

  “Out of control. Happy. Scared. And…” He pointed down at his jeans where his erection was pointing right at me like it was screaming for attention. “You make this happen all the time.”

  I bit down on my bottom lip. “I don’t know if this is...I mean…” His thumb rubbed back and forth on my wrist, distracting me from my thoughts. “I want this too, but I don’t…” I trailed off as he moved a step closer, his erection prodding me in the stomach, and that was the moment that I threw all my thoughts out of the window.

  “Fuck it.”

  I pulled him into his room, slammed the door behind us, and yanked him over to the bed. I pointed to it, and he sat down, watching me as I paced in front of him.

  “Do you know how down there?” I signaled to my vagina and then to his dick. I had no idea how you were meant to talk to a virgin.

  “I watch porn,” he said, so simply like he was telling me that it was Friday. “I already told you that.”

  “I know,” I managed to squeak out. I’d never forget those words for as long as I lived.

  “I think you should get naked.”

  I pointed at him in outrage. “You get naked.”

  “Okay.” He pulled his T-shirt off, and I watched as a smattering of hair revealed itself to me over his flat stomach. I didn’t actually mean for him to get naked, but I wasn’t going to tell him that. His boots and socks were the next to go, and when he undid the button on his jeans, I finally managed to bring life back to my body and lunge forward.

  “Wait,” I whispered. “Just...wait a second.”

  Anyone would have thought I was the virgin here, not him. Why the hell was I so nervous? I was standing on the edge of a cliff, about to plunge to my death, and JJ was my rope. I needed to hold on tightly so he could save me from myself.

  His fingertips whispered along my arms and up to my shoulders, eliciting goose bumps everywhere.

  “I really like you, Ella.”

  “I…” I looked up at him, my own hands flat on his chest. “I really like you too.”

  “Then you should get naked.”

  I chuckled and shook my head. “What if I want you to get me naked?”

  His hands wandered down my back, burning a path over my clothes and to my skin. I could feel him everywhere. “I can get you naked.”

  He gripped the edge of my tank top and pulled it up, whipping it over my head with a skill I didn’t know he had. My boobs sprang free on account of me not wearing a bra. I was obsessed with the tank tops that had that shelf inside to make up for a bra. They were life, and nothing could ever sway me of that.

  JJ pulled back slightly, his gaze zoning in on my erect nipples and then he dipped and sucked one into his mouth. Holy fucking cow balls. That felt amazing, and if my hand gripping the back of his head to keep him there was any indication, he knew that too.

  “God, JJ.”

  I was so focused on his mouth on my nipple, lapping it up like it was the last thing he’d ever taste, that I didn’t realize he’d undone my shorts. Was he really a virgin? Because it seemed like he knew exactly what he was doing.

  Porn. He’d watched porn.

  His long finger swiped through my wetness and circled around my clit. He gained a rhythm and was relentless. There was no softness to slowly build up to it. He went full force, and fuck, it was everything. I was never one for needing slow and gentle before getting to the hard and fast. I wanted everything yesterday, and that included my orgasm.

  I felt my body start to flop forward, but JJ must have sensed it too because he popped my nipple out of my mouth and turned us so I could get on the bed. The loss of his hand on my clit made me moan something incoherent, but he was soon pulling my shorts and underwear off, baring everything to him.

  For the first time since I’d met him, I felt insecure. Would he like me compared to all the perfect women he’d seen on his porn videos? What if I didn’t live up to his expectations?

  I ran my tongue over my top lip as he yanked his own jeans and boxers off. He wasn’t wasting any time as he joined me on the bed, fitting between my open legs and placing his deft fingers on my clit.

  “JJ,” I moaned.

  “Your pussy is so wet,” he said. From anyone else that statement would have made me cringe, but his deep baritone and the way he was staring at me so intently told me how much he enjoyed that he did that to me.

  His lips pressed against mine hard and fast just like his hand. My hand worked its way between our bodies, and I found what I wanted in no time. I wrapped my hand around the hard velvet and pumped a couple of times, causing him to groan the deepest, most sexiest sound I’d ever heard.

  His hand moved faster, spurred on by mine touching him, and
then it hit. I’d never had an orgasm seemingly come out of nowhere, but this slammed into me like a train hitting a wall at impossible speeds. My back bowed, my mouth ripped from his, and my hand stalled and squeezed his dick. Lights shone behind my eyelids, and my body was lifted off the bed in euphoria.

  Holy mother-trucking shit. I’d never felt anything like this in my entire life.

  “JJ. Fuck. Yesssss…”

  He didn’t give me time to think as he removed his hand and adjusted his position. My clit pulsated as I came down from the best orgasm I’d ever had, and then he was plunging inside of me. I winced a little at his size, and the fact that I hadn’t had an intruder down there for a long time, but I soon forgot all about that as he held himself above me. His frown was firmly on his face, his eyes squeezed closed, and I knew what was happening. He was trying to slow himself down, but I didn’t want that. I wanted him to let go, to be himself, to do whatever he wanted to me.

  Bringing my hands up, I gripped the sides of his face, my thumbs rubbing along his jaw. “Let go, JJ.” His eyes popped open. “Let go, baby. Show me how much you want me right now.”

  “What if I don’t last long enough?”

  “I don’t care.” I wrapped my legs around his waist and lifted my ass off the mattress. “Forget everything. All that matters is you and me. Show me how much I matter to you.”

  He nodded his head and thrust harder, faster, building everything back up. Each thrust hit my G-spot, and I knew it’d only take a few more to have my body light on fire again, but this wasn’t about me right now. It was about him taking what he wanted, and me giving it to him freely.

  JJ pushed his face into the crook of my neck, his teeth biting down on the soft skin as he thrust one more time and groaned. The pain from my neck and the sensation of his pulsing cock inside me had my eyes rolling into the back of my head. Fuck me…

  And that was his first time?

  JJ had more skills than being able to build Lego, that was for damn sure.

  Chapter 14

  Confession #7: I have conversations with myself on public transport so people think I’m crazy and won’t sit next to me.

  You know in the movies where they pan to the couple the morning after they’d had sex and they were all cuddled up with each other, ready to go again? I never had that. I wanted my space while I was asleep. Like Jonny said, this was my sleep space, and that was yours. Okay, so he was talking about dancing, but the same rules applied.

  Thing was, I didn’t have to say that to JJ because he liked his own space too.

  So now here we were, both naked, sleeping on our sides of JJ’s bed the morning after the night before. My mind was running away with me, sure that it’d be awkward, but when he rolled over and opened his eyes, I realized things with him would never be uneasy. He wouldn’t beat around the bush and try to sweet talk me by saying things he thought I wanted to hear. He’d just say what he was thinking, and I loved that about him.

  “I have to leave to go to work in forty minutes,” his croaky, sleep-filled voice said.

  “Okay,” I whispered.

  I knew what guys were like, and as he’d just lost his virginity literally yesterday, I was sure he’d want to have sex again. Maybe not an epic sex session, but probably a quickie. And I was all up for that. So when he got out of bed and pulled on a pair of sweatpants, I frowned.

  Where was he going?

  I shuffled my ass up the bed and wrapped the sheets around my body, tucking them under my armpits to make a sheet dress. I couldn’t stop thinking about last night and how things had changed. Because they had, right?

  Should I tell Chad about this? He didn’t even know that I had met someone I like-liked never mind welcoming them to the land between my legs. Shit. Would JJ even want to take this anywhere? What if he had only wanted to lose his virginity and then be done with me? Would I now be the awkward girl living in his house and pining after him? Oh god, I was that teenage girl who drew hearts around JJ’s and my name in her notebooks off in her own little dream world.

  It was fair to say I was freaking out. And not the cute freak-outs where people would chuckle and think I looked funny but awesome at the same time. Nope. This was a full-on freak-out. I’d cheated on my gay-boyfriend, and now I was going to become a homewrecker. What—

  Hot damn.

  JJ walked into the room, a towel around his waist, his hair dripping wet, and beads of water rolling down his chest, over his abs, and stopping at the waist of his towel. He called out to me like a siren inviting men on ships to them.

  “You look pale,” he said, his voice sounding much more like the JJ that I was used to.

  “I…” I trailed off, not able to focus as he pulled out a pair of boxers, jeans, and a T-shirt. My attention could not be swayed from him as he pulled all his clothes on. It was as fascinating as watching him take them off. I had my very own private show, and I would not share it with anyone.

  “You?” he asked, sitting down on the edge of the bed and pulling his socks on.

  “I just…I’m not… Oh my god.” I covered my face with my hands. “What is wrong with me?”

  “Nothing.” I peeked through my fingers, my breath catching as JJ moved closer to me on the bed. His hands came down on top of the sheets on either side of me, trapping me inside his Adonis body. “You’re perfect.”

  He’d totally just sweet-talked me. “No, I’m not. You’re just saying that—”

  “I need to have breakfast and leave to feed the puppies.”

  “I know,” I whispered, “but...fuck. Okay.” I took a deep breath and metaphorically pulled up my big girl panties even though I wasn’t wearing any. “What are we?”

  JJ frowned, his wet hair flopping over his forehead with the movement. I couldn’t help but reach up and swipe it out of his face. “We’re humans.”

  I snorted, the sound so unladylike, but I didn’t care at all. He had this way of making me feel more like myself than I ever had. “I know that. I mean what are we to each other.” He tilted his head, and I moved my palm to the side of his face. “I like you, and I... I don’t want to label anything, but I’d definitely like to do what we did last night again.”

  “I want to have sex again.” He moved closer, his breaths mingling with mine.

  “Uh-huh, but with me?” I asked, an obvious hitch in my voice.

  “Yes.” His lips softly pressed against mine, so different from how they’d felt hours ago. “I want to have lots of sex with you.”

  “Then you shall.” I grinned and stared into his eyes, knowing that the time was ticking by. This was where I should have pulled him closer and begged him to stay home so we could sex it up like a couple of lunatics, but he couldn’t. He needed to stick to his routine, so I let my hand slide off his face and flopped back onto the pillows. “Maybe we can watch a movie tonight?”

  “We can watch the new Avengers movie.”


  JJ stood, pushed his feet into his boots, moved over to the table, and picked up a Lego figure. “I’ll see you tonight.”

  “See you tonight,” I whispered, staring at his back as he walked out the door.

  Sex. We’d be having sex again. Tonight.

  Hell to the yes.

  The last few days had been nothing short of bliss. Whenever we were home, we were rarely anything but naked. We’d had a sex fest, and JJ couldn’t get enough of me. Not that I could get enough of him either. Each time he did something different, and I knew he could have only learned it from the porn he was watching, but I was okay with that. He only wanted to use his newly learned moves on me, and that was all that mattered.

  But things would be different now because his dad was home. I’d given myself a talking to as I walked home from teaching at the college and hauled myself into my room for the afternoon, catching up with my clients and getting a head start on the week’s work. Jeffery coming back wouldn’t make a difference to what was happening with me and JJ. He’d told me as much this mor
ning before I left for college, but that didn’t mean I was fully comfortable sitting at the dinner table so soon after we’d knocked boots.

  Nevertheless, when Jeffery shouted upstairs to tell me dinner was ready, I trudged down and sat in my usual seat. I kept my head down, afraid that if I looked at JJ that I’d resemble a tomato.

  “So what did you kids get up to while I was gone?” Jeffery asked, his question completely innocent. He probably just wanted to know how work had been for both of us, but all I could think about was—

  “Ella and I had sex,” JJ answered.

  The water I was drinking shot out of my mouth and all over the table, my eyes as wide as saucers as I glanced from JJ to Jeffery and back again. Did he just...did he...

  “…JJ!” I whisper-shouted. “Why did you say that?”

  His lips were in a flat line as he turned to face me. “Dad asked what we got up to, so I told him.” He frowned, and I wanted nothing more than to smooth it out, but I had to physically stop myself.

  “Yeah...but…” I let my head flop down, my chin meeting my chest. Could you die from embarrassment? “I don’t think he meant it in that way.”

  “But that’s what we did. We did it lots of times so—”

  “Okay!” I stood and grabbed my plate, needing to get out of this room and cool my heating cheeks down. “You don’t need to say every tiny detail.”

  “I wasn’t.” JJ frowned and pushed his chair back. He’d just started eating, and he never got up from the table until he’d finished it all. “I was just answering Dad’s question.”

  “I know, but…” My gaze flicked over to Jeffery who was watching JJ with a fascinated expression on his face. He knew better than anyone that JJ didn’t move from that seat once he’d started to eat.

  I stepped back, and JJ stood, following me. “You’re upset.” It was a statement, not a question but I nodded anyway. “I’m confused.”

  “It’s not…” I huffed out a breath, irritated at myself for not being able to tell him that it wasn’t appropriate to tell his dad in that way. I wasn’t here to tell him how to act and how to be. I understood that things were black and white for him. In his mind, he was answering a question with a genuine answer. And I got that. I truly did. But how was I meant to explain to him that he didn’t need to tell his dad we had sex a few hours ago?


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