Absolution (The Titans of Founder's Ridge)

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Absolution (The Titans of Founder's Ridge) Page 7

by Nichole Greene

  Claire stands beside Lilith, holding her hand as she cries.

  “Stay fucking back, Con.” Her green eyes shoot icy daggers at me. “We’re leaving, and you’re letting us.”

  It’s then that I realize she’s got a suitcase, too. “Where are you going?”

  “That’s funny,” Claire sneers, “I don’t recall you filling us in your little plan, so why would we give you the same courtesy?”

  The elevator opens with a chime, and they both step inside. The last thing I see are the silent tears falling from Lily’s eyes and Claire giving me her middle finger.

  “We’re assholes. Complete idiots,” Lev is grumbling under his breath with his head braced on the counter. “Fuck.”

  “Are you okay?” Griff asks me.

  “No,” I say as I look down at the sparkling engagement ring in my hand.



  The gray November sky blends into the angry Atlantic as I walk along the shore of Ivy’s family beach house on Martha’s Vineyard. I’ve been staying here for six weeks. I decided to withdraw from college for the semester, let myself have a minute to breathe, and get my bearings without constant reminders of Connor and the guys.

  Levi wore me down with his relentless calls three times a day, every day. I let him come spend a weekend up here with me after only ten days. In order to see me, he had to promise not to tell Con or Griff my location. I’m not lying to myself though, I’m well aware my two favorite psychos probably have an idea of where I am every minute of every day somehow.

  When Levi showed up, he came bearing letters from Connor. They reminded me of early on in our relationship when he would text me quotes or sweet things in an effort to get me to trust him. I know that he and I will reconcile; me leaving them was meant to be a message. I’m not going to be pushed out of the big decisions because they can’t come to me like big boys. The last letter I read from Connor stated that he would come for me and explain everything in person.

  I think he needs this time, too. I obviously don’t know details, but whatever happened was serious enough to cause nightmares. From what Levi has told me, he’s just a hermit right now. He works out twice a day but does almost nothing else, only goes to classes for exams.

  Griff has called, texted, or emailed almost daily. He sent Levi to me with flowers, my favorite chocolate, and a picture of us after a half marathon we ran together a year ago along with a heartfelt and hand-written apology. It was enough to get me to agree to let him come see me this weekend.

  I look down at my watch, actually Connor’s watch that I stole when I left, and see that I need to get back to the house. The ferry is probably just about to dock. I pick up my pace over the sandy beach, letting the crashing waves calm me down. Something electric is in the air, I feel the buzz on my skin. I can’t put my finger on it, but I feel more alive than I have since the night of my birthday.

  I walk up the wooden boardwalk that connects the property to the beach and see a car already in the driveway. He must have caught an earlier ferry. I was out walking around for quite a while. I pull open the sliding door and yell out his name.

  No one answers, so I walk to the front of the house, thinking maybe he’s waiting on the front porch. I walk to the front door and see his Tesla parked in the driveway. I turn to try upstairs and stop short when I see who’s sitting in a chair by the fireplace.

  “You should lock the front door,” Connor says.

  “There are ten people on the island, and I’m the scariest,” I say as I prop my hip on the living room doorframe.

  “Until now,” he says.

  “Please,” I scoff, “I could lay you out in seconds.” I can’t, at least not in seconds. It’s irritating how good he looks. Leaning back in the leather chair, his long legs clad in jeans and spread wide. He’s wearing a henley pushed up to his elbows. It looks like he’s bulked up a bit, and he’s grown a beard.

  “You could lay me out, but it’d take at least a minute,” he says with a boyish grin. “I see you stole my hoodie.” He stands up and stalks toward me. “My watch,” he lifts my wrist and looks at me with a raised eyebrow. “My heart.” He cups my cheek and runs his thumb over my face tenderly.

  The sincerity in his eyes has me melting. I knew when I walked out that door it wasn’t going to be for forever, and I’m actually a little surprised our separation lasted this long. There is no denying our love and the connection that exists between us. I could feel him before I even walked into the house.

  I can’t live another day without him beside me. The past six weeks have killed me. I’m so thankful for Claire staying with me the first week and Ivy coming up every weekend, but nothing can fill the void he left in my soul. A Connor-size chasm that only he fits inside.

  That doesn’t change the fact that he was stupid as fuck and made a reckless decision after keeping me in the dark for months. I still don’t have answers because there was no way in hell I was going to reach out to him. If he wanted us back together, he could come to me. I knew we’d be here, face to face, eventually.

  “Are you ready to explain yourself?” It takes a great deal of effort on my part, but I pull out of his embrace.

  “Yes,” he says softly. He looks around the living room. “Does Parker have any alcohol in this place?”

  “In the study,” I point at the French doors that lead to the room where all his law books and a desk are. I lead him across the room and into the office. I grab a bottle of vodka and reach into the ice box in the mini fridge for a couple cubes. I fill half a high ball glass with the Grey Goose and hand it to him.

  I don’t make anything for myself for reasons I’ll have to share once we’ve worked through this. I just sit down on the couch and fold my legs under me. I need him to tell me everything on his own, no prompting. Instead of sitting on the opposite side of the couch, he sits down right next to me. One hand grips my thigh while the other holds tight to the glass.

  “What I’m going to tell you is dark,” he downs his vodka and sets the glass on the coffee table. “I’m not sure if you’ll even want me back when you know what I’ve done.”

  There is literally nothing he could tell me short of saying he pulled the trigger on the bullet that killed my dad that would make me not want him or need him. I don’t say anything though, just focus on keeping my face expressionless. I don’t want my emotions to make him stop or question being completely honest with me.

  Over the next hour and a half, he tells me every single heartbreaking detail about the abuse he endured. The horrible things he was made to do. The beatings. The psychological torture. I always knew there was something that he had bottled up inside, but I thought maybe it was the trauma of watching my dad be shot. Then he details the events that took place while the guys were in Russia.

  I can’t stop the tears from rolling down my face. He reaches up and wipes them away with his thumb. I turn my face into his hand and kiss his palm. “I missed you. I hate that you went through all this. I hate that I couldn’t be there for you.”

  “I missed you, too.” He leans in to kiss me. It starts soft and hesitant but quickly devolves into a hungry and rough kiss that has my nipples hardening. His hand moves under my hoodie, searching for skin-to-skin contact. He pulls me into his lap, but I resist. There’s something I have to tell him now.

  “Wait,” I scoot back putting some distance between us, “I have to tell you something.”


  “I’m late.”

  “Late?” His brows furrow in confusion. “For what?” I’m about to answer him when I see it click with him. “You’re pregnant?” Every emotion crosses his face; joy then fear, then hope.

  “Maybe,” I hold my hand up. “I’ve been stressed, so it could be that, but I’m two weeks late. I was going to make Griff go with me to get a test this weekend. Where is he, by the way?”

  “Hiding out in town until we call to tell him that it’s safe. I couldn’t convince him to not come this weeken
d. But more importantly, you weren’t going to tell me?” he asks with the audacity to look upset.

  I give him a slow blink for the obvious hypocrisy. “Are you really going to be mad about this? I would have told you if I took it and it was positive.”

  “Right,” he stands and holds his hand out for mine, “let’s go get a test.”

  When Connor said let’s go get a test, what he meant was let’s go get one of every test available in the market. I don’t know what I expected when I realized I might be pregnant, but it certainly wasn’t that he would give me tips on aiming my pee while being midstream. I kicked him out to wait with Griff after he shoved a third test in my face.

  After capping the two tests I took, I wash my hands, and as I’m drying them, I look over to find both have results. In less than a minute, both are positive—one with two dark pink lines and the other with a digital pregnant on the screen.

  “Con,” I say his name.

  “Yeah,” he appears behind me in the mirror.

  I point down at the tests and watch his reaction in the mirror.

  “Holy fuck,” he looks at me in the mirror with tears in his eyes. “Lily, you’re pregnant.” He spins me around and drops to his knees. He pushes my hoodie up, and I grab the hem for him. He traces his fingers over my still-flat stomach before pressing a kiss to it. “Hello in there. I’m your dad.” When he looks up, his eyes are dry but huge. “I’m gonna be a dad. You’re gonna be a mom.”

  “That’s generally how it works,” I say letting my amusement show.

  “Let me see your hand.”

  I give it to him.

  “You need this back.” He slides my engagement ring back on, and the tightness in my chest lifts. I’ve missed it every day.

  “You need this one, too.” Griff pops his head around the corner of the bathroom and slides the other ring on my middle finder. He eyes trail down to the counter. “Congratulations.” He kisses my forehead and wraps me up in a hug. “I’ll never disappoint you again,” he whispers in my ear before kissing the side of my head again.

  He gives Connor a bro hug with enthusiastic backslapping. “Twins can skip a generation, just so you know,” he says with a cheeky little wink for us.

  Connor and I lock terrified eyes with each other, as Griff leaves the room chuckling.




  “You look so beautiful, Lil,” Ivy says as we stand with Claire, looking at ourselves in a floor-to-ceiling mirror. My dress only had to be let out a little from my measurements back in July. I’m not really showing yet, and most of the guests don’t know I’m pregnant. We’ve decided to announce it during the wedding.

  Ivy and Claire ended up picking similar champagne colored dresses. Ivy’s dress is a little softer and romantic looking, with her signature backless style. Claire’s dress is tight and sexy, accentuating her slim dancer’s body. They both look stunning with their dark brown hair swept back into low chignons.

  A knock at the door makes me jump, and we all giggle at my nerves. Victor pokes his head in with his eyes covered.

  “Is it safe to come in?” he asks.

  “Yeah, Dad. We’re all dressed,” Claire answers.

  He steps in and closes the door.

  “Wow. You three are gorgeous.” He gives Ivy a hug and Claire a hug and kiss on the cheek. “Can I talk to Lilith alone for a moment, please?”

  “Sure, I should go find Levi and make sure he’s behaving himself anyway,” Ivy smirks at the possibility of his antics.

  Victor turns to me after they leave the room and pulls out a small rectangular box. “I know today must be bittersweet for you. I know I’m just your father-in-law, but I hope that you know I love you like you’re my own. I didn’t know Michael long, but our friendship was very real, and I know he’s looking down on you with so much love today.”

  “I got you this.” He opens the box in his hand showing me a necklace. It’s a sapphire pendant with two diamonds on top. “I took the ashes that were still in the corners of the bag at his ash release and had this made. They’re inside the sapphire.”

  My heart swells and breaks, and I fight back tears. “Victor, I miss Dad so much, but I can’t imagine a better stand-in for him than you. Thank you so much, I love it.”

  We hug, and then he puts it on me. “I always knew you and Connor were made for each other. From that first dinner in New York when he couldn’t take his eyes off you. Michael knew it, too.” My eyes start to fill with tears again, and he gives me a soft smile, “I’m going to go before I ruin your makeup.”

  I watch him leave and walk over to enjoy the quiet serenity of the mountain winter around us. We did decide to get married at the Volkov estate in Jackson, Wyoming. There’s a heavy winter snowfall around the pine trees surrounding the lodge.

  Connor enlisted Ivy’s help to plan the wedding because every time he’d bring it up, I’d just shrug and suggest an elopement. I walked through the library this morning and loved the way it was decorated. Twinkle lights hang from the ceiling, about forty chairs are set up, and there are cream-colored floral arrangements all throughout the house. Everything looks so much better than if I would have had a hand in the decisions.

  “Lil?” Z knocks on the door of the suite. “Can I come in?”

  “Yes,” I look at him quizzically when he walks in, “since when do we knock?”

  He doesn’t answer my question because his jaw is on the floor. “You look so damn beautiful, Lil. Con isn’t going to know what hit him when you walk down the aisle.”

  “Thank you,” I walk over and give him a long hug. “You look pretty good yourself.” His hair has a tight fade, and he’s rocking a five o’clock shadow. He’s wearing the same navy suit as the guys. I don’t know how it happened, but every man in my life looks like walking suit porn all dressed up.

  “How are my nieces doing in there?” he bends down and puts his face to my belly. “I know you girls have two other uncles who might be rich and give awesome gifts, but I’m the best looking and the most fun. Behave for your mother tonight, ladies.”

  Zion is the only one who knows we’re having twin girls. Griff, Levi, Ivy, and Claire only know I’m pregnant. Levi immediately started his campaign to be the coolest uncle. As soon as he found out, a five-foot teddy bear was delivered to the penthouse. Griff sent me to a day spa for a day of pampering in a surprisingly effective counter to the giant teddy bear.

  “I haven’t thrown up in thirty-six hours, so they’re doing a good job in there.” I say with a little pat on my minuscule baby bump.

  He stands back up to full height and gives me his arm. “Let’s do this.”


  I lose my breath as Lily walks through the open doors of the library. Her dress is perfection, lace over a sheer bodice that is tight from her bust to her hips and then flares out dramatically. Her shoulders are bare, but the dress has long lace sleeves. Her hair is swept up in a fancy but relaxed way. She’s wearing the necklace from Dad and the ring from the three of us but no other jewelry. I can see the slightest bump showcasing our daughters, but I’m pretty sure no one else would even know.

  The man marrying us says some shit that I am not paying any attention to because all I can do is think about how lucky I am to be marrying this beautiful woman who I also call my best friend. There’s no giving her away statement because, in her words, she’s not an item to be given from one man to another.

  Griff gives a little cough, reminding me to speak when it’s my turn to say the vows I’ve written.

  “Lily, from the moment I laid eyes on you, I knew you were going to be the very best kind of trouble. The kind of trouble that keeps me up at night with equal amounts of love and desire. The kind of trouble that never backs down, even when you should. The kind of trouble that looks me in the eyes and demands that I do better. I promise that I will work every day to be the man you and our daughters deserve. I will be your partner, your lover, and you
r best friend through this life and every life thereafter.”

  We share a smile as everyone around us gives a surprised gasp at the news, and then it’s her turn to say her vows.

  “Connor, I loved you before I liked you. Sometimes, I still have to work on the liking you aspect,” she pauses for chuckles, “just kidding. There are so many things to love about you. You are the most determined, loyal, and protective man I’ve known. I’m lucky to stand beside and grow with you. Your love gives me freedom to grow and make mistakes, knowing I’ll always have a safe harbor in your arms. I cannot wait to see where life takes us because as long as we’re together, I know it will be a beautiful journey.”

  I don’t wait for permission to kiss my wife, and I don’t give her a lame PG kiss. I pull her to me, kissing her with all the deep passion and love I hold in my soul for her. She owns me entirely. We kiss for much longer than is probably socially acceptable for a wedding. I give zero fucks; I could kiss this woman until my lips bleed, and it wouldn’t be enough. She finally pulls away with glazed look of her desire in her eyes. The first empty room we find is getting christened tonight.


  “They’re so happy,” Claire says from beside me at dinner as we watch Connor dance with his mom and Lilith dance with Frank, who had asked if he could be Michael’s stand-in for the father-daughter dance. “I’ve never seen Con smile so much, it’s disturbing.”

  I chuckle and risk looking over at her. Ever since she and I kissed last summer on the yacht one night after everyone went to sleep, I haven’t been able to stop thinking about her. She felt so perfect in my arms, like she belonged there all along. Her lips were so soft and sweet, a complete contrast to the ice princess vibes she gives off. It took every ounce of self-control for me to set her down when she wrapped her legs around my waist and ground her barely covered pussy over my throbbing dick. I get a semi just thinking about it.


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