Carnal Hunger [Devil Hills Wolves 6]

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Carnal Hunger [Devil Hills Wolves 6] Page 7

by Fel Fern

  “Dan, I need you to take over. Something came up,” he said.

  “I understand,” Daniel said. “Whatever emergency it is, be careful.”

  Daniel had worked with him long enough to know when to not ask questions. Max took his ride, about to drive into the pack compound, then remembered Jack telling him he planned to have lunch in town with his brother.

  Instinct told him Jack had already left the area, was getting farther and farther away from him. Now that they were mated, it felt like there was a built-in GPS inside of him. Max could pinpoint Jack was heading south from him but not exactly where. With time, his ability to know where his mate was would develop.

  His wolf snapped at him, urging him to hurry, but Max needed to gather more information. One hasty decision could cost him. The beast hovered so close to human skin, but if he let the animal take over, he wasn’t sure he’d be able to make logical decisions. His control hung on a frayed thread, but he needed to keep it together. Try to piece why his mate left in a hurry with Jared and Glenn.

  He stopped in front of the Honey Bee, catching Jack’s scent there, intermingling with Glenn and Jared. Max would have relaxed, except Jack’s earlier call felt more urgent.

  “Max, is that you?” called Mrs. Barker from the steps of the inn, adjusting her glasses. “If you’re looking for your mate, I spotted him, his brother, and that young wolf getting into that car and rushing off. Before that, Glenn and Jared looked like they were in a shouting match. I tried calling out to them before they drove off, but these legs don’t work as fast as I want.”

  “It’s okay, thank you,” he said, grateful she spotted them. “Which direction did they head out to?”

  She pointed to the road that led to the exit of their territory. Max suppressed a curse. What were Jack and Glenn thinking? Hell, Jared too. Jared was a good warrior, but he could be hotheaded and reckless.

  One of the hawks flew down from the telephone lines and shifted. He recognized Alexa, one of the hawk king’s senior members. “Max, a few of my hawk brothers and sisters spotted Jared’s car heading toward the border road. One of them probably tailed the trio.”

  “Thanks, Alexa. Can you tell them to keep tailing them?”

  “Already done,” she said. “The hawks scouting that length of road will be on the look-out.”

  She looked thoughtful, as if she had something else to say. “I was there when Glenn had a vision of Brendan. It looked like that.”

  A vision. That explained why Glenn would take off so suddenly. Did Jack see a vision, too? Was that why Jack went after his brother? The brothers, he’d understand why they would react that way. After a vision, Jack would be anxious, would do anything to prevent it, but Jared? Jared was a trained pack warrior. He clenched his jaw. If his mate got hurt because of this—

  No, Max couldn’t let anger get the better of him. He hadn’t heard Jared’s side of the story yet. Shit.

  “Alexa, let Deacon know I’m going after them,” he told the hawk. Once she turned back to animal form, flying off to relay his message, Max got back into his ride and drove like a madman to track his mate down.

  Chapter Eleven

  “Are you sure this is the direction the Squad van will be coming from?” Jack whispered to Glenn.

  “I’m positive,” Glenn replied. His brother sounded certain enough, but he knew Glenn must be as terrified as he was.

  They left Jared’s car in the middle of the road, making sure the Squad van would be forced to stop if they wanted to pass by. Then they hid in the bushes on the side of the road, taking the weapons bag with them. Max had been teaching him to shoot so he could defend himself in case of an emergency. Never did Jack think it would be this soon.

  Jack grabbed a revolver from the bag and checked on the clip, then the safety. Glenn looked impressed.

  “Where did you learn that?” Glenn asked.

  “Max. Here, let me show you,” he said, giving his brother a quick lesson in shooting. He still thought this entire plan was a bad idea, but they didn’t exactly have a plan B, either. Jack was certain Max was on his way, because he sensed his mate getting closer, but would Max make it in time?

  Jared, in wolf form next to Glenn, growled low, and he peered through the bushes to spot a white van in his line of sight. His heart beat furiously. It didn’t help he noticed Glenn’s hands were trembling, but Glenn had determination stamped on his features. It was in their blood to help people out, and even if their parents weren’t in the van with the Carters and other captives, he still wanted to help.

  Anger swept through him at the thought of the Discipline Squad ruining more lives, affecting more families in their quest for purging those they considered non-human. Glenn and he spent all their lives hiding their abilities, were forced to think of it as a burden when they could’ve been saving lives.

  Neither Glenn nor he had to conceal what they were. During the past few weeks, Jack had learned to embrace his powers and cherish his man, his mate, and his new home and family. He could lose all that, he realized, stomach plummeting, if their plans went south.

  This was close to a suicide mission. Jared was just one werewolf. What if they were outnumbered? Worse, what if the Squad brought those rehabilitated monster wolves with them?

  The van came to a halt a few meters from the car. A man got out, rifle in hand, wearing the tell-tale all-white uniform of the Discipline Squad. The back door opened and another Squad member yelled, “Lessard, what’s the hold-up?”

  “Some kind of car, but no one’s inside. Don’t recognize those plates, either,” Lessard yelled back.

  Glenn clutched at Jared’s fur and whispered, “Go.”

  Jared crept out of his hiding place and Lessard didn’t even know what was coming for him. The Squad member yelped as Jared tackled him to the ground, sinking fangs into the side of his neck.

  The second one raised his gun, but Glenn and he came out of the bushes, pointing their guns at him.

  “Don’t move,” Jack yelled. A shiver crawled down his spine, when he heard an unmistakable growl from inside the van.

  Trusting Glenn had a gun on the Squad member, he slid his gaze to Jared, who was busy taking care of the driver who got out. Jared and the driver tangled on the ground, but the driver managed to pull out a revolver. A gunshot rang out and he sucked in a breath as the bullet hit Jared’s shoulder, but the werewolf pried the gun from the Squad member and plunged his fangs into the man’s pulse point.

  “Do you know who you fools are tangling with?” spat out the Squad member they had the guns on. “Wilde, release those fucking beasts.”

  Glenn fired, bullet ricocheting. The Squad member laughed, then hissed as Glenn’s next aim found its way to his arm. The human then stepped away, twisted smile on his face, his eyes full of hatred as the snarls grew louder.

  “You’ll pay for that,” the human said.

  Jack aimed his gun toward the van, hands shaking as two massive werewolves, collars around their necks, leapt from the van. Jack fired, hitting the werewolf right in the chest, but it only halted for a second and looked more pissed than ever. Drool dripped down from its yellowed teeth. Crazed amber eyes locked on him. It was no use.

  He grabbed his brother’s arm and yelled one word.


  Glenn didn’t need to be told twice. They bolted. Jack heard the sound of laughter from the human. They ran toward Jared, who dove into action, tackling one of the big beasts down. Now at least, they only had a second to worry about.

  “Damn it, I’ll finish you, dog,” hissed the human behind them.

  “No!” Glenn shouted.

  Jack grabbed his brother, turned, horror filling him as the human pointed a gun at Jared, who was too busy dealing with the rehabilitated werewolf. A bird, no, a hawk screeched from the sky and dove, talons raised, and raked them across the human’s face. The Squad member screamed and another came running out of the van.

  “Glenn, come on,” Jack insisted, only to feel two
hundred pounds of furious muscle bring him to the ground. Claws sunk into cloth, then his ribs, and he screamed, losing his gun.

  “Jack, I can’t get a clear shot,” Glenn said, sounding panicked.

  Jack grimaced as saliva dripped down his face and the wolf’s fangs drew close to his throat. A loud howl came from somewhere nearby. God, was there another of these monstrosities he didn’t know about? He was about to shout at his brother to run, but the beast sunk its claws deeper, teasing a whimper from him.

  God. Jack didn’t want to die here, in the middle of the road, mauled to death by a crazy rehabilitated wolf. He didn’t even know if his parents were alive, and god. What about Max? What would happen to his savage, possessive mate? Shifters mated for life, and if he died, the chances of Max following him into death were high.

  He couldn’t have that. Jack tried to push the wolf off, but it was no use. He groaned as the pain intensified. Blood pooled from the wound.

  One moment, the wolf’s weight pressed down on him, he was sure he was a goner. The next moment, a massive wolf with dark red fur rammed into the rehabilitated shifter and bared his teeth. The mate mark flared on his neck.

  Max, he realized, heart racing. Max and the rehabilitated wolf brawled, fangs and claws slashing. He paled, seeing the other shifter on top of Max, but his mate quickly reversed their positions, put his teeth to the other shifter’s throat, spilling blood.

  A scream tore his attention from the brutal kill. Jack turned his head, entire body trembling when he saw a Discipline Squad member aiming a gun for his brother’s head. He tried to stand, but dizziness swamped him for a moment. Jack continued bleeding out from where the shifter stabbed its claws into his chest. He pressed a hand on it. He needed to get to Glenn, to save his brother.

  Jared roared, using his body to ram into the shooter’s legs. Despite his wounds, Jack picked up the gun as the Squad member managed to break away from Jared. He didn’t hesitate. He fired, shooting the human in the back.

  Silence. Jack didn’t realize it was all over until Max nudged his furry head against his leg. He knelt next to his mate, grimaced at the pain, then pulled Max into a fierce hug.

  “Thank you,” he whispered, “for coming.”

  Was it imagination, or did his wound hurt less? His neck felt warm and Jack widened his eyes, checking the wound. The shredded skin looked a lot better than he thought. Knowledge hit him. Max said their life forces were connected, so his mate must be sending his own life energy to speed up his healing.

  “Not too much, please. You might overdo it,” he told his mate, who gave him a familiar stubborn yellow-gaze look.

  A hawk screeched in the distance. Hearing the rumble of car engines, he gripped Max’s fur tightly. A closer look told him it was Lance, the Beta, driving his familiar truck. Not their enemies, thank God. He didn’t think he could go through another battle this soon.

  “I’m going to see the captives inside,” he said. Max threw him a disapproving look but didn’t stop him. His mate padded by his side as he joined his brother and Jared.

  Sharing a look with Glenn, they both peered inside the van only to see four frightened faces looking back at them. The men and women inside were all chained together, no wonder none of them exited the van to see what was going on.

  Jack hid his disappointment the best he could at not seeing his parents. Glenn didn’t fare better. Thankfully, the Beta and some of his men took over, freeing the captives and letting them out. Since he felt little lightheaded, he sat on the road, leaning against his mate. Glenn walked over to the Carters, but Jack had a feeling he knew the answer to their question.

  “Mr. and Mrs. Carter, it’s Glenn Summers. Do you happen to know if Jack’s and my parents are alive?” Glenn asked the shaken looking couple.

  The glum expressions on both their faces told him enough.

  “I’m so sorry, son,” Mr. Carter said gently. “It was your mother who warned us to leave early. We managed to get into our car, only to see the Squad—” Mr. Carter paused, took a deep breath. “We saw their corpses, son.”

  He buried his face into Max’s fur, tears sliding down his cheeks. Max kept still for him. His mate probably felt his sorrow. He’d already accepted their deaths, especially after Max’s source confirmed it, and already started his grieving process.

  Glenn’s vision gave him a little shred of hope. He could only imagine his parents were in a much better and happier place now.

  When he raised his head, he found Glenn had joined him on the side of the road, Jared lay next to him, placing his huge head on Glenn’s lap. Glenn automatically reached out, stroking Jared’s ears. There was no denying Jared cared about his younger brother a great deal. Why else would the other werewolf risk his life, coming with them?

  If they were mates, like he suspected, then he was glad. Jared would stay beside Glenn, would never leave his side the same way Max did with him. Their parents might have given their lives for them, but it was so they could not only survive, but find happiness. For that, Jack would always be grateful.

  Glenn rubbed at his eyes. “I guess that’s it. God, Jack. I’m so stupid. I dragged all three of us here.” His brother gulped, tugging aside his jacket. “Jesus, Jack. How badly are you hurt?”

  “I’m fine. I’ll make it. Max is helping me heal faster.” He paused. “And hey, it’s better to be sure about Mom and Dad. Besides, we did save four more lives. Mom and Dad would be proud of us.”

  Jack let out a deep breath and said, “But, Glenn? Next time, if we do anything like this again, let’s bring more back-up.”

  Both Max and Jared let out rumbles of approval, making him smile. God, they all had a hell of a day. Jack couldn’t wait to head back home, for Max to cuddle him in bed.

  Chapter Twelve

  “Stay still,” Zack reprimanded as Jack held his shirt up. They were currently in a shifter clinic near town.

  The bobcat shifter healer placed his hands over his injury, and slowly, the pain ebbed as it began to close up. Zack had already seen to Jared, who’d taken the most hits, while Elaine, the other wolf pack healer, checked on the other captives they rescued.

  “Should have made that asshole suffer more,” Max said behind him, giving his shoulders a squeeze. “Thanks, Zack.”

  “No problem,” the healer said. “I’ll leave you two and help Elaine out.”

  “What do you say we head back home?” Max asked, helping him up.

  “What’s going to the happen to the folks we rescued?” he asked.

  “After Elaine and Zack patch them up, they’ll probably stay at the Honey Bee Inn. We’ll probably give them the same guest rights as you and Glenn when you first arrived here.”

  “That’s fair,” he said. Spotting his brother and Jared, he nodded to the two before following Max outside. Jack didn’t realize how tired he was. He remembered getting inside Max’s ride, then woke to Max gently shaking him.

  Jack blinked, surprised to see they arrived at their destination.

  “Let’s get some food in you, then shower and bed,” Max suggested.

  “What about celebratory sex?”

  Max raised his brows as he helped Jack inside. It was a little embarrassing he leaned on his mate the entire walk from the car to the cabin. Jack wasn’t injured anywhere else, and Zack closed his wound, but he had a hard time staying awake.

  “When did I promise that?” Max returned.

  Jack was awake enough to blush. “You didn’t? I swear you did. You said something about needing to celebrate after our recent close encounter with danger and death.”

  Max chuckled. “I did mention it in the car but then you started snoring. It’s been a hell of a long day. We’ll get to that tomorrow.”

  They made quick sandwiches in the kitchen. Well, Max did. He was too exhausted to eat, but he remembered Max probably needed nourishment more than he did, especially after sharing his energy. According to Zack, if Max didn’t do that, his wound would have been so much worse.

>   He vaguely remembered showering, but the highlight of the night was finally snuggling in the soft sheets of their bed. Jack must have dozed off, waking a little when Max crawled into bed with him and wrapped his huge body against his. Jack could get used to all this fussing. Who knew Max could be so incredibly tender and sweet?

  Jack definitely felt spoiled and loved. Maybe he should act more exhausted some nights.

  Jack sighed, wiggling closer. Max growled softly behind him. “Don’t tempt me, little Esper.”

  “But you feel so nice. Better than a blanket.”

  “Tomorrow,” Max said, sliding his hand over his waist and placing one thigh over his. “I’m going to have that ass.”

  Jack had a sassy reply to that, but only moaned in contentment as Max lifted the comforter over their bodies.

  * * * *

  Max woke to the smell of sizzling bacon and waffles. He opened his eyes, wanted to pull his mate closer to him, use Jack as a pillow, but found the space next to him empty. He groaned, squinted out the window. Bright morning sun.

  Last night, while waiting for Zack to patch Jack up, Lance came over and told him to take the day off. There was no need to worry about being late for his usual patrols, and Lance also added he didn’t need to sit on their meeting about how to deal with their new guests. In the end, Deacon surprised them all by punishing Glenn, Max, and Jack by giving them kitchen duties in the main pack house. He promised his mate some mind-blowing sex and intended to fulfill that.

  Hell, he wanted to spend the entire day holed up in the cabin, having Jack to himself. He wasn’t angry at Jack for going away with Glenn and Jared to rescue those Espers. Maybe Max would do the same if the situations were reversed. Max, however, intended to remind Jack to not be so reckless next time.

  His stomach growled. He pushed the comforter aside and put on a fresh pair of boxers before padding outside. Max wasn’t surprised to see Jack standing by the stove. Max walked up behind him, wrapped his arms around his mate.


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