Britain's Royal Families: The Complete Genealogy

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Britain's Royal Families: The Complete Genealogy Page 7

by Alison Weir

  Constance died on 3, 4 or 5 September, 1201, at Nantes, Brittany, in childbirth, although some sources say she died of leprosy. She was buried in Villeneuve Abbey, Nantes, Brittany.

  Issue of marriage:

  (i) Eleanor

  She was born in 1184, and was styled Countess of Richmond from 27 May, 1208. She spent most of her life in honourable confinement, King John realising that her claim to the throne was superior to his own. She died, perhaps murdered or starved to death, on 10 August, 1241, at Bristol Castle (or, less probably, at Corfe Castle, Dorset), and was buried in St James’s Church, Bristol. Her remains were later removed to Amesbury Abbey, Wiltshire.

  (ii) Matilda

  She was born in 1185, and died young.

  (iii) Arthur

  He was born on 29 March, 1187 at Nantes, Brittany, and – as his father’s posthumous son – was styled Duke of Brittany from birth. He was styled Earl of Richmond from 18 April, 1199. He is said, with good probability, to have been murdered by order of King John because of his (Arthur’s) superior claim to the throne of England, probably on 3 April, 1203, either at Rouen or Cherbourg in Normandy. He certainly disappeared before Easter, 1203. He was buried at Notre Dame des Prés at Rouen, Normandy.

  6? Philip

  In 1611, the English antiquarian John Speed claimed in his History of Great Britain that Henry and Eleanor had a son called Philip, who was born between 1158 and 1162, but died young; there is no contemporary evidence for his existence, and Speed may have confused him with Richard I’s bastard son Philip.

  7 Eleanor

  She was born on 13 October, 1161, at Domfront Castle, Normandy. She married Alfonso VIII, King of Castile (1156–1214), in September, 1177, at Burgos Cathedral, Castile, and had issue:

  1 Sancho (b.&d.1180).

  2 Berengaria, Queen of Castile (1181–1234); she married Alfonso IX, King of Léon (1173–1230), and had issue.

  3 Urracca (1182–1220); she married Alfonso II, King of Portugal (1185–1223), and had issue.

  4 Blanche (1183?–1253); she married Louis VIII, King of France (1187–1226), and had issue.

  5 Henry (b.c. 1184; d. young).

  6 Ferdinand (1189–1209 or 1211).

  7 Eleanor (1190–1253); she married James I, King of Aragon (1205–1276), and had issue. She was divorced in 1229.

  8 Constance, Abbess of Las Huelgas, Castile (d.1243).

  9 Sanchia (d. young).

  10 Matilda (d. young).

  11 Henry I, King of Castile (1204–1217); he married Matilda (d.1257), daughter of Sancho I, King of Portugal. The marriage was later annulled.

  12 Constance (d. young).

  Eleanor died on 31 October, 1214, at Burgos, Castile, and was buried there in the Abbey of Las Huelgas.

  8 Joan

  She was born in October, 1165, at Angers Castle, Anjou. She married firstly William II, King of Sicily (1154–1189), on 13 February, 1177, at Palermo Cathedral, Sicily, and had issue:

  1 Bohemond, Duke of Apulia (b.&d.1181).

  Joan was crowned Queen of Sicily on 13 February, 1177, at Palermo Cathedral. She married secondly Raymond VI, Count of Toulouse (1156–1222) (who was the son of Constance of France, daughter-in-law of King Stephen), in October, 1196, at Rouen, Normandy, and had issue:

  2 Raymond VII, Count of Toulouse (1197?–1249); he married firstly Sanchia, daughter of Alfonso II, King of Aragon, and had issue. They were divorced in 1241. He married secondly Margaret, daughter of Hugh X de Lusignan, Count of La Marche, by Isabella, widow of King John.

  3 Mary or Wilhelmina (b.1198); she married Berald of Elbine, Prince of Orange.

  4 Richard (or, less probably, Bertrand) (b.&d.1199).

  After being veiled as a nun on her deathbed, Joan died on 4 September, 1199, at Fontevrault Abbey, France, either in childbirth or of injuries received in a fire; she was buried at Fontevrault, but her tomb was destroyed during the French Revolution.

  9 King John ( see here).

  Henry II also had the following illegitimate issue:

  By Ikenai, called ‘a common prostitute’, but probably the daughter of a knight:

  1 Geoffrey (1151/3?–1212), Archbishop of York.

  2 William Longespée, Earl of Salisbury (before 1170–1226); he may have been the son of Ikenai, but this is doubtful. He married Ela (1196?–1261), daughter of William FitzPatrick, Earl of Salisbury, and had issue. Ela later became Abbess of Lacock in Wiltshire.

  3 Peter, called a brother of Geoffrey.

  By Alice (c.1170–before 1225), daughter of Louis VII, King of France (she was at that time betrothed to Henry’s son Richard):

  4 Daughter (name not known) (d. young).

  5 Child (name and sex not known) (d. young).

  6 Child (name and sex not known) (d. young).

  7 Child (name and sex not known) (d. young).

  By Nesta, wife of Sir Ralph Bloet or Blewer:

  8 Morgan, Provost of Beverley, Yorkshire, and Bishop-Elect of Durham.

  By Alice de Porhoët:

  9 Child (name and sex not known) (b.1168?); its fate is unknown.

  By unknown mothers:

  10 Matilda, Abbess of Barking, Essex (d. by 1202).

  11 Hugh of Wells (?), Bishop of Lincoln (d.1235).

  12 Richard (?).


  He died on 6 July, 1189, at Chinon Castle in France, and was buried in Fontevrault Abbey, France.

  He was succeeded by his son Richard.

  Richard I

  * * *

  FATHER: Henry II ( see here).

  MOTHER: Eleanor of Aquitaine (under Henry II, see here).

  SIBLINGS: (under Henry II, see here).


  Known as ‘Coeur de Lion’ (‘the Lionheart’), he was born on 8 September, 1157, at Beaumont Palace, Oxford. He was invested with the duchy of Aquitaine in 1172. He succeeded his father as King of England and Duke of Normandy on 2 September, 1189, being crowned on that day in Westminster Abbey. He was either crowned again, or (less probably) attended a formal crown-wearing on 17 April, 1194, at Winchester Cathedral, following his release from a foreign captivity during the Crusades. Richard I spent only 10 months of his 10-year reign in England.

  Richard I married, on 12 May, 1191, at the Chapel of St George, Limassol, Cyprus:


  She was the daughter of Sancho VI, King of Navarre, by Beatrice or Sanchia, daughter of Alfonso VII, King of Castile, and she was born c.1163/5 in Navarre. She was crowned Queen Consort on 12 May, 1191, in the Chapel of St George, Lemesnos, Limassol, Cyprus. It has often been said that Berengaria never set foot in England, but this was not so: during her widowhood, she paid several visits to the country of which she had been Queen. In 1230, she founded the Abbey of L’Espan in Le Mans, Anjou, and probably took the veil there as a nun, possibly assuming the name in religion of Juliana. The date of her death is not recorded. She was buried in l’Espan Abbey, Le Mans, France; her remains were removed to Le Mans Cathedral in 1821. There was no issue of her marriage to Richard I.

  Richard I had the following illegitimate issue:

  By Joan de St Pol (?):

  1 Fulk(?).

  By an unknown mother:

  2 Philip, Lord of Cognac (d. after 1201); he perhaps married Amelia of Cognac.


  He died on 6 April, 1199, at Chalus in the Limousin, France, of the effects of an arrow wound received during the siege of Chalus. He was buried in Fontevrault Abbey, France.

  He was succeeded by his brother John.

  King John

  * * *

  FATHER: Henry II ( see here).

  MOTHER: Eleanor of Aquitaine (under Henry II, see here).

  SIBLINGS: (under Henry II, see here).


  Known as ‘Lackland’ or ‘Softsword’, he was born on 24 December, 1166, at Beaumont Palace, Oxford. He was designated King of Ireland in 1177, and created Count of Mortain in 1189. He was styled Earl of Gloucester in right of his first
wife from 29 August, 1189. He succeeded his brother Richard I as King of England and Duke of Normandy on 27 May, 1199, being crowned on that day in Westminster Abbey.

  John married firstly, on 29 August, 1189, at Marlborough Castle, Wiltshire:


  Also called Hawise, Joan and Eleanor, she was the daughter of William, Earl of Gloucester, by Hawise, daughter of Robert de Beaumont, 3rd Earl of Leicester, and she was born before 1176. She was never styled Queen of England, but was divorced before 30 August, 1199, on grounds of consanguinity. There was no issue of the marriage. She married secondly Geoffrey de Mandeville, Earl of Essex and Gloucester (and Sussex?) (d.1216), between 16 and 26 January, 1214. She married thirdly Hubert de Burgh, Earl of Kent (d.1243) around September/October, 1217. Isabella died, probably suddenly, on 14 October or c.18 November, 1217, and was buried in Canterbury Cathedral, Kent.

  John married secondly, on 24 August, 1200, at Bordeaux Cathedral, Gascony:


  She was the daughter of Aymer Taillefer, Count of Angoulême, by Alice, daughter of Peter de Courtenay, son of Louis VI, King of France, and she was born in c.1187. She was crowned Queen Consort on 8 October, 1200, in Westminster Abbey. She succeeded her father as Countess of Angoulême in the summer of 1202, but was not formally recognised as such until November, 1206. After the death of John, she married secondly Hugh X de Lusignan, Count of La Marche (d.1249), between 10 March and 22 May, 1220, and had issue:

  1 Hugh XI, Count of La Marche and Angoulême (1221?–1250/60); he married Yolande (d.1272), daughter of Peter Mauclerk, Count of Brittany, and had issue.

  2 Aymer, Bishop of Winchester (d.1260).

  3 Guy, Lord of Cognac and Archiac (d.1264).

  4 Henry, Count of La Marche (d.1260); he married Yolande of Penthiévre, and had issue.

  5 Geoffrey, Lord of Jarnac (d. before 1263); he married Joan, Viscountess of Châtellérhault, and had issue.

  6 William, Earl of Pembroke and Wexford (1225/30–1296); he married Joan (d.1307), daughter of Warin de Munchesni, Lord of Swanscombe, and had issue.

  7 Alice (d.1256); she married John de Warenne, 6th Earl of Surrey (1231?–1304), and had issue.

  8 Margaret (d.1283); she married firstly Raymond VII, Count of Toulouse (son of Joan, daughter of Henry II). They were divorced in 1245. She married secondly Aymer, Viscount of Thouars, and thirdly Geoffrey, Seigneur de Châteaubriand.

  9 Matilda; she married Humphrey de Bohun, 2nd Earl of Hereford and 1st Earl of Essex (1200?–1275), and had issue.

  10 Isabella (d.1299); she married firstly Geoffrey, Seigneur de Taillebourg, and secondly Amaury, Seigneur de Craon.

  11 Agatha or Agnes; she married William de Chauvigny, Seigneur de Châteauroux.

  Isabella died on 31 May, 1246, at Fontevrault Abbey, France, where she was buried.

  Issue of marriage:

  1 Henry III ( see here).

  2 Richard

  He was born on 5 January, 1209, at Winchester Castle, Hampshire. He was designated Count of Poitou before 14 August, 1225, and was first so styled on 21 August, 1227. He was created Earl of Cornwall on 30 May, 1227. He renounced the county of Poitou in c.December, 1243. He was elected King of Germany (Almayne) and King of the Romans on 13 January, 1257, and was crowned on 17 May, 1257, at Aachen Cathedral, Germany. He died on 2 April, 1272, at Berkhamstead Castle, Herts., and was buried in Hayles Abbey, Gloucs.

  Richard had the following illegitimate issue:

  By Jeanne de Valletort:

  1 Richard de Cornwall (d. after 1280); he married and had issue.

  By unknown mothers:

  2 Walter de Cornwall.

  3 Isabella de Cornwall; she married Maurice de Berkeley, and had issue.

  Richard married firstly, on 13 or 30 March, 1231, at Fawley Church, Bucks.:


  She was the daughter of William Marshal, Earl of Pembroke, by Isabella, daughter of Richard FitzGilbert de Clare, 2nd Earl of Pembroke, and she was born on 9 October, 1200, at Pembroke Castle, Wales. She married firstly Gilbert de Clare, Earl of Hertford and Gloucester (1180?–1230) on 9 October, 1214 or 1217, at Tewkesbury Abbey, Gloucs., and had issue:

  1 Amice (1220?–1284); she married firstly Baldwin de Redvers, 6th Earl of Devon (d.1245), and secondly Robert of Guines.

  2 Richard, Earl of Hertford and Gloucester (1222?–1262); he married firstly Margaret (Megotta) (d.1237), daughter of Hubert de Burgh, Earl of Kent. He married secondly Matilda (d. by 1289), daughter of John de Lacy, Earl of Lincoln, and had issue.

  3 Agnes.

  4 Isabella (1226–1254); she married Robert le Brus, Lord of Annandale (1210–1295), and had issue.

  5 William (1228–1258).

  6 Gilbert (b.1229); a priest (?).

  Isabella died on 15 or 17 January, 1240, at Berkhamstead Castle, Herts., of jaundice contracted whilst in childbed, and was buried in Beaulieu Abbey, Hampshire.

  Issue of marriage:

  (i) John

  He was born on 31 January or 2 February, 1232, at Marlowe-on-Thames, Bucks., and died on 22/23 September, 1233, at Marlowe-on-Thames, Bucks.; he was buried in Reading Abbey, Berkshire.

  (ii) Isabella

  She was born on 9 September, 1233, at Marlowe-on-Thames, Bucks., and died on 10 October, 1234, at Marlowe-on-Thames, Bucks.; she was buried in Reading Abbey, Berkshire.

  (iii) Henry

  He was born on 2, 4 or 12 November, 1235, at Haughley Castle, Suffolk. He was murdered by the sons of Simon de Montfort on 13 March, 1271, either in the Church of St Lorenzo, or the Church of St Silvestro, or the Cathedral of St Nicholas, Viterbo, Italy, and was buried in Hayles Abbey, Gloucs.

  Henry married, on 5 or 15 May, 1269, at Windsor Castle:


  She was the daughter of Gaston VII de Moncada, Viscount of Beam, by Matilda, daughter of Boson de Mastas, Seigneur of Cognac. She married firstly Alfonso, Infante of Aragon (d.1260). Constance died in c.1299.

  (iv) Nicholas

  He was born on 17 January, 1240, at Berkhamstead Castle, Bucks., and died there the same day. He was buried in Beaulieu Abbey, Hampshire.

  Richard married secondly, on 23 November, 1243, at Westminster Abbey:


  She was the daughter of Raymond Berenger V, Count of Provence, by Beatrice, daughter of Thomas I, Count of Savoy; her sister Eleanor was the wife of Henry III. Sanchia was born in c.1225 at Aix-en-Provence, France. She was crowned Queen of the Romans and Queen of Germany with her husband on 17 May, 1257, at Aachen Cathedral, Germany. She died on 5 or 9 November, 1261, at Berkhamstead Castle, Bucks., and was buried in Hayles Abbey, Gloucs.

  Issue of marriage:

  (i) Richard

  He was born in July, 1246, at Wallingford Castle, Berkshire; he died there on 15 August, 1246, and was buried at Grove Mile.

  (ii) Edmund

  He was born on 26 December, 1249, or 5 December, 1250 at Berkhamstead Castle, Bucks., and was invested as Earl of Cornwall on 13 October, 1272. He died on 24/25 September, or 1 October, 1300, at Ashridge Abbey, Herts., and was buried in Hayles Abbey, Gloucs.

  Edmund married, on 6 October, 1272, at Ruislip Chapel, Middlesex:


  She was the daughter of Richard de Clare, Earl of Gloucester and Hertford, by Matilda, daughter of John de Lacy, Earl of Lincoln; her father was the son of Richard of Cornwall’s first wife, Isabella Marshal. Margaret was born around 1249/50. She was either divorced or legally separated from her husband in February, 1293. She died in February, 1313 (or perhaps before 16 September, 1312), and was buried in Chertsey Abbey, Surrey. There was no issue of her marriage to Edmund.

  (iii) Richard (?)

  He may have been born in c.1252, although he has perhaps been confused with Richard de Cornwall, Earl Richard’s illegitimate son. He was killed in 1296, at the siege of Berwick, by iron shot in his head.

  Richard married thirdly, on 16 June, 1269, at the Stiftkirche, Kaiserslauten, Germany:

  Beatricer />
  She was the daughter of Dirk II, Count of Falkenburg, by Joan van Loon. (Her parentage is sometimes erroneously given as either (i) Walram de Fauquemont, Lord of Mountjoye, by Jutta, daughter of Otto, Count of Ravensburg, Westphalia, or (ii) Lothaire, Count of Hostade and Dalem, or (iii) Philip von Falkenstein, Arch-Chamberlain of the Empire. She was no connection of any of these.) Beatrice was born in c.1253, probably at Falkenburg Castle, Germany. She died on 17 October, 1277, and was buried in the Church of the Franciscan Friars Minor, Oxford.

  3 Joan (under Alexander II, King of Scotland, see here).

  4 Isabella

  She was born in 1214. She married Frederick II, King of Sicily, and Emperor of Germany (d.1250), on 20 July, 1235, at Worms Cathedral, Germany, and had issue:

  1 Jordan (?) (b.&d.1236).

  2 Agnes (b.&d.1237).

  3 Henry, King of Jerusalem (1238–1253).

  4 Margaret (1241–1270); she married Albert I, Margrave of Meissen and Landgrave of Thuringia and Misnes (1240–1315), and had issue.

  Isabella was crowned Empress of Germany on 20 July, 1235, at Worms Cathedral. She died on 1 or c.6 December, 1241, at Foggia, near Naples, Italy, in childbirth, and was buried at Andria, Sicily.


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