Dreamspinner Press Year Three Greatest Hits

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Dreamspinner Press Year Three Greatest Hits Page 130

by Jenna Hilary Sinclair

  He startled a little when the door opened. When David walked back out into the waiting room, he stood up and raised an eyebrow, waiting for the news.

  “Good as new. No lifting heavy weights for a few more weeks, but I can resume normal activities.” David waggled his eyebrows with an exaggerated leer.

  Trace blinked and bit his bottom lip on a laugh. He still got caught off guard by David’s teasing. He didn’t mind so much, other than more than half the time he flushed in response. Some experienced man he was. “No heavy weights, huh? Guess that leaves me out then,” he answered as they walked out of the building.

  “Yeah, guess you’ll have to top,” David teased, swatting Trace on the ass as he jogged toward the car to stay out of reach.

  Eyes widening, Trace choked on a laugh and chased David to the car. Crashing into the side of the convertible and panting with laughter, David turned just as Trace reached him. “You’re a funny guy,” Trace said, finally catching David against the side panel and gently pushing him against the car, one hand on each side of his waist.

  “I’d rather have you think me irresistible,” David said, tilting his head and nuzzling Trace’s cheek.

  Trace sighed and stayed close for a long moment before pulling back. “You have no idea, do you?” he murmured. He was tempted to kiss David right there in the open, where anyone could walk by. So tempted. Being this close to David was all it took to arouse him. “Come on. Time to get you home. Got to think about what you’ll do now that you have to go back to work every day,” he teased.

  “You really know how to rain on a guy’s good mood,” David groused, walking around to the passenger side of the car. “Don’t get my kiss and I get reminded that I have to go back and put up with the putzes in the newsroom,” he muttered as he climbed into the car, fastening his seat belt.

  Trace smiled fondly as he got in the driver’s seat. He reached over to slide one finger under David’s chin, turned it slightly toward him, and pressed a gentle kiss to David’s lips. “Does that help?” he asked.

  David’s eyes closed as he lifted up into the light touch, claiming a real kiss. Lifting his newly released hand to the soft dark hair, he held Trace close, plundering the sweet mouth, sucking at the full lips and swallowing the soft moans escaping from both of them.

  Dizzy from just these few kisses, Trace hummed faintly as David took his mouth, freely given. God, Trace wanted to give him so much. He’d be totally calm and under control, and one touch from David would have him flushed and panting. His hand dropped to curl over David’s shoulder.

  Slowly, even reluctantly, David pulled his mouth away, letting their cheeks press together, Trace’s warm moist breath tickling his ear. “That helped, but it isn’t near enough. How fast can you get us home? I’m in the mood to celebrate my release by doing all sorts of things that involve my right hand and your naked body.”

  Trace literally whimpered. “I have a meeting at the office in half an hour,” he murmured, voice aching.

  “Then I guess I’ll just have to touch you while you drive,” David purred, cupping Trace’s erection through his trousers and squeezing.

  “Christ,” Trace whispered as he started the car with a fierce grin. “Don’t let me kill us, okay?”

  “You concentrate on driving. I’ll concentrate on you,” David said, his fingernails scraping up the long inseam of Trace’s pants.

  Trace gritted his teeth and put the car into reverse, got out of the parking lot and onto the road. He gripped the steering wheel tightly. “Jesus, David, what the fuck are you doing to me?” he asked as he squirmed a little under the other man’s hand.

  “Oh, come on,” David teased with his voice as his hands slipped inside Trace’s fly, palming his hot erection. Leaning close to get a better angle, David worked the hard length until the head glistened with beads of fluid. “You can’t tell me you’ve never had someone go down on you in a car.”

  “Not while I was driving, no!” Trace retorted, lifting his hips a little into David’s hand.

  “Just don’t run off the road, and easy on the gas,” David directed as his head dropped into Trace’s lap, his tongue finding the edge of the swollen head and tracing the rim.

  Trace cried out softly and let off the gas pedal as he drove down the mostly empty city street. He lowered one hand to curl into David’s hair. “Oh baby,” he whispered, making himself stare at the road. Normally this wouldn’t have him so crazy so quickly. But in the car while driving? So dangerous. David’s mouth made it amazing.

  Aware that they were operating under a timeline, David played dirty. Sucking the shaft into his mouth, he played the ultra-sensitive spot on the underside with his tongue. Pulling Trace even deeper, he hummed and groaned his pleasure, his own hand kneading the bulge in his jeans to release the pressure.

  Cursing under his breath, Trace turned onto a busy city street and bit his bottom lip as he forced himself to concentrate. Five blocks, four, three…. “Fuck, David,” he hissed as he made the turn onto the quiet street that led into David’s subdivision.

  David just purred deep in his throat, swallowing around Trace’s shaft. Nose buried deep in the musky-smelling curls, he slipped his hand into the loose fabric and cupped the soft sacs, rolling them gently as he lifted his head and sank back down until Trace was sheathed in his throat.

  Trace stopped the car in the driveway with a growl, throwing it into park and grabbing David’s head with both hands. “David!” he bit out. “Wanna move….” Unwilling to release Trace even long enough to speak, David encouraged him with sound and action. Trace knew David loved making him lose control; he often claimed that, to him, nothing was sexier. Head falling back against the seat, Trace moaned and jutted his hips up, thrusting into David’s mouth and throat, feeling it work him all the way down. “Fuck, your gorgeous mouth drives me insane,” he breathed, fingers curling in David’s hair, panting hard. He was swiftly losing control. “David, David,” he moaned, forcing himself to look down at where his cock disappeared into David’s mouth. “Oh fuck,” he hissed as his groin seized up and he started to tense. “Gonna… gonna….”

  David’s fingers found the arch of flesh just behind Trace’s balls and pressed. Trace’s eyes flew open and a yell ripped from him as the sensation crashed through him, throwing him into a wild climax that had him clenching and pulsing into David’s mouth. Savoring the taste of Trace on his tongue like a fine wine, David milked the spasming length until it was completely soft, fitting easily inside his mouth. He continued to gently tongue the sated length until Trace had to twitch and wiggle as the stimulation became too much. David let Trace’s cock slip from between his lips and rested his head on Trace’s thigh.

  A shaky hand covered Trace’s eyes, the elbow propped against the window, as he tried to pull an even breath. “What the hell did you do to me?” he asked, his voice thick with satiation and a spark of surprise.

  “Nothing you don’t do to me,” David replied, his voice rough with desire.

  Trace laughed a bit desperately. “Jesus, you took the top of my head off, lover,” he said as he relaxed back into the seat. “We should go in so I can return the favor, but I’ve got to make this damn meeting.”

  “I’ll hold you to that.” David grinned, sitting up and kissing Trace chastely.

  Trace ran his tongue along David’s lips and growled slightly when he tasted something salty on David’s tongue—it had to be his own come. “I can taste myself on you. If that won’t make a man hard fast, I don’t know what will.” He sighed, pulled back, and did up his pants. “I’ve got to go,” he said apologetically.

  Trace’s reaction to the kiss wound David up more than the blow job had. Straightening in his seat, he reached for the door. “I’ll see you tonight,” he said, pulling on the lever and unfolding his body from the low sports car. Adjusting himself with the heel of his hand, he silently gave thanks that his arm was healed. It was about to get a workout.

  WITH A happy sigh, Trace rolled out o
f bed and stretched. He’d gotten home after the meeting and dragged David into their bedroom, fully intent on celebrating David’s new freedom. And David had been very appreciative as Trace sucked him until he came, screaming, and then moaned as Trace jacked off against him, splattering them both with his come.

  Trace figured he never would have thought that life with David would be so incredibly sensual. He smiled as he climbed back into his shorts and T-shirt, and then he pulled out some clothes for David as well. Having him unclothed within reach would be distracting as hell.

  “I brought you these, you exhibitionist,” Trace teased as he entered the kitchen to find David putting a piece of very rich cheesecake on a plate.

  “You love my exhibitionist ass,” David said with a wink as he put the rest of the cake back in the fridge. “Besides, I was bringing this back to bed. We’re celebrating, after all.”

  “Celebrating being done with early mornings, thank God,” Trace agreed.

  “I thought you liked early mornings with me,” David allowed as he grabbed one fork and the plate and started back down the hall.

  Trace’s eyes followed David’s ass every step of the way. “Yeah, sure,” he said distractedly.

  David chuckled and climbed onto the bed. “C’mon, handsome. Have some cheesecake.”

  “This is ridiculously romantic, you know,” Trace said, waving his hand around at the flickering candles, the cheesecake, and the very high-grade Egyptian cotton sheets. That he’d bought himself.

  David slid a bite between his lips, and Trace’s eyes grew larger as he watched David’s tongue stroke over the tines of the fork. Clearing his throat, he rubbed himself through his sweats before stripping them off and joining David on the sheets, sitting cross-legged next to him.

  “Open sesame,” David drawled, holding out a deliciously decadent bite of double dark chocolate fudge cheesecake.

  Trace felt it start melting as soon as it hit his tongue, and he groaned pitifully. “One bite and you cannot imagine the sugar rush.”

  “Oh, I can imagine,” David corrected. Trace reached out and took the fork, feeding David a bite. David made obscenely wonderful sounds of appreciation, and Trace’s cock reacted, drawing a smile from them both. “Already?” David teased as they shared bites. “I would have thought I’d worn you out.”

  Trace worked on suckling the chocolate from the fork as he turned his idea over in his mind for what had to be the thousandth time. “No, I’m good,” he demurred. “Now that your shoulder’s all healed up, you’re going to need your strength.”

  “Is that so?” David asked. Trace could see the candlelight flickering in his blue eyes.

  “Yeah,” Trace bypassed the fork and went for David’s lips. After a long, drawn-out kiss, he murmured against David’s lips. “I want you to make love to me.”

  “I always make love to you.”

  True. But this time Trace wanted so much more. He reached down slowly to trail his fingers over David’s half-hard cock. “I want you to make love to me,” he repeated. “I want you in me. I want to feel you, feel you come inside me, feel it wet and slick between my thighs afterward. Knowing it’s all you.”

  David shivered bodily as he stared. He opened his mouth to speak, but nothing came out of his trembling lips.

  “It’s okay,” Trace soothed, kissing him again. “I trust you.”

  “Oh baby,” David said brokenly, his hands moving to cup Trace’s face. “I love you so much.”

  “I know,” Trace said, turning his head so he could kiss David’s palm. “I love you too.”


  “C’MON DAVID, don’t make me get up there,” Trace wheedled, turning sideways in the chair at the decorated table. “You know what Katherine’s like.” Around the table, Matt snorted.

  “This isn’t about Katherine, lover. This is about the kids over at St. Vincent’s.” David ran his hand up Trace’s thigh under the table, squeezing. “Besides, I want to see your ass walk across that stage and know that it’s all mine,” he added in a hoarse whisper, close to Trace’s ear.

  Trace closed his eyes for a few seconds before looking at the other man. He rolled his eyes, although the gesture was affectionate. “You better not lose,” he warned, pushing out of the chair as the host called his name a second time and the audience cheered. It was the annual fund-raiser for the children’s hospital, an event of glitz and glamour, and all the biggest names in town showed up.

  “I can’t believe you’re actually throwing him to the wolves,” Matt said, raising his scotch to his lips.

  David grinned, watching the hands fly up all over the room as the bidding started after the host introduced Trace. “It won’t hurt him to sweat a little. Then I can swoop in and save him like a knight in shining armor.”

  “I think you’re mixing your metaphors. Superheroes swoop. Knights ride.”

  David glared at his friend, kicking at him under the table. “You know what I mean.”

  Ever the social butterfly, Trace hammed it up on stage, encouraging the bids. The last several years he’d brought in one of the top five or so offers, and judging by the furious bidding going on now, it looked like it would happen again. A few of the women even approached the stage to ask questions, and Trace squatted down to talk to them, smiling all the while.

  David tilted his head, appreciating the stretch of fabric over Trace’s ass as he talked to a pretty brunette. The first few months of their relationship, he’d constantly tormented himself with the thought of Trace announcing that the experiment was over and he really preferred women, but all those doubts had systematically been extinguished by the steady deepening of their relationship. David had never loved this way before, and he knew now that love was returned absolutely.

  “She’s making her move.” David’s shoulders tensed as Matt nudged him. The photographer nodded at the elegant blonde columnist maneuvering forward through the crowd.

  There was a gaggle of women at the edge of the stage now, alternately talking and bidding as Trace flirted outrageously, driving up the bid. In the middle of it all, Trace glanced over and made eye contact with David, deliberately winking. Several of the women sighed and mock-swooned, drawing a warm laugh from the journalist on stage.

  “God, he’s a terrible flirt. How do you stand it?” asked Patrick, who was sitting next to Matt. “I think he’s worse than me!”

  “Because I know where he spends his nights. All his nights,” David answered, smiling fondly. His friends around the table laughed, knowing that full well.

  Trace stood up and looked over the group, and out of nowhere the bid jumped significantly, gaining a lot of hostile stares from the other women. Katherine glided through to the front of the stage. “You’re not escaping me this time, Jackson,” she promised.

  Trace slid a hand into his pocket and, calculatingly, just barely slid his tongue over his bottom lip. “We’ll see about that, darlin’,” Trace teased. The rest of the group started whispering and looking at them both, and two more women made bids.

  Katherine looked at the host. “I bid one thousand dollars.”

  Trace blinked in surprise and couldn’t stifle a small laugh.

  “This is going to cost you a fortune,” Matt said, looking at Trace’s casually seductive pose.

  “It’s worth every penny,” David said quietly before raising his voice. “Twelve hundred.”

  Katherine sent a scathing glare over her shoulder toward their table, thinking they were just messing with her again. “Two thousand!” She smirked, believing that would shut them up.

  “Twenty-five hundred,” David came back.

  Katherine narrowed her eyes and looked back at Trace accusingly. It was obvious he was really amused, eyes bright. He gave her a small smile and shrugged casually with one shoulder.

  The blonde crossed her arms, starting to look more annoyed than usual. “Three thousand,” she said petulantly, drawing copious applause and hooting from the crowd. It was the highest bid seen in
several years.

  “You could just let her win,” Matt suggested. “It’s not like he’d actually sleep with her or anything.”

  David shuddered. “I wouldn’t be sleeping with him either, if I pulled a stunt like that, and, as you know, my couch isn’t that comfortable.” Standing, he mirrored Trace’s casual pose and leaned back against a draped column. “Five thousand dollars.”

  The room erupted in gasps and catcalls, and all eyes turned on Katherine, who was really red in the face. She shot Trace a look promising torture and death, and he just chuckled, drawing more laughter.

  “Five thousand dollars, going once,” the host said. After a moment she added, “Going twice,” and looked intently at Katherine, who stamped her foot and turned away, stalking back to her table. A lot of the other women grinned and looked back at David, then up to Trace, who was on stage with a silly grin on his face. “Sold!”

  David strolled up to the stage, extending his hand and helping Trace down. When Trace reached the floor, he threaded their fingers together and held on. Amid loud applause and raucous laughter and yelling, Trace grinned lovingly, pulled up close to David, and kissed him sweetly right then and there.

  David’s lips curved into a smile under Trace’s. “You are going to catch no end of shit for this, you know?” he whispered to his lover, squeezing his hand.

  Trace tossed his head back and laughed, carefree, as the squeals and hooting echoed through the room. “Hope so,” he said. “You deserve a kiss after spending that amount of money on me.”


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