A Story That Matters: A Gratifying Approach to Writing About Your Life, Gina Carroll, $16.95, 9-781-943006-12-0. With each chapter focusing on stories from the seminal periods of a lifetime— motherhood, childhood, relationships, work, and spirit—A Story That Matters provides the tools and motivation to craft and complete the stories of your life.
The Natives are Restless, Constance Hale. $40, 978-1-943006-06-9. Journalist Constance Hale presents the largely untold story of the dance tradition of hula, using the twin keyholes of Kumu Patrick Makuakane (a Hawaii-born, San Francisco-based hula master), and his 350-person arts organization. In the background, she weaves the poignant story of an ancient people and the resilience of their culture.
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