Desire in a Kiss

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Desire in a Kiss Page 18

by Nicki Night


  After a moment she finally replied. “I’m here.”

  “Babe. I’m really sorry.”


  “Are you okay? It’s just another week. I don’t foresee any other issues.”

  “Yes...yes. I’m fine.” Truthfully, she was crestfallen. She could feel the slump in her posture.

  Again Chris was pushing back the dates of his visit. At first he was coming two weeks after her arrival. Then it was four weeks. Now it was changing again. Serenity couldn’t handle the frustration of anticipating his presence and having that excitement doused by constant postponements. In the weeks that she’d been away, she’d hardly spoken to him as it was. Maybe trying to continue their relationship was too much to ask. Perhaps she should concentrate on her work and, when she returned to the states for good, they could try to rebuild what they had started—if there was anything to salvage.

  “Are you there?” Chris’s voice broke into her thoughts.

  “Yes...I’m here.” Serenity sat in the wood-and-straw chair. The signal faded. Not bothering to call back, she thought that maybe parting would be best.

  She looked down at her phone. It hadn’t rung, which meant that he hadn’t called back or he couldn’t get through. Either way, she decided to let the relationship fade like their troubled connections. She wouldn’t force it. At some point in the future, it wouldn’t hurt as much.

  Chapter 30

  A week had passed without a word from Serenity. Nor had she responded to texts or email. Chris wasn’t even sure if she was receiving any of his messages. He wondered if something had happened to her. Worry set in, and horrible imagined scenarios became viable possibilities. After the third day of worrying, he showed up at her parents’ home. Surprised by his visit, they invited him in and offered him dinner.

  Chris tried not to alarm them. Instead, he spoke as if all were well, trying to gauge if they knew anything that he didn’t. They hadn’t acted as if there were an issue.

  “Trying to get Serenity on the phone can be a chore sometimes.”

  “I know!” her mother said. “I was finally able to have a decent conversation with her yesterday. She’d taken a trip into the city, and our entire conversation was clear. I wish it could be like that all the time.”

  Mrs. Williams’s comment put him at ease. At least he knew that Serenity was alive, but why hadn’t she called him while she was in the city? They could have spoken then. He thought about the other reason he needed to see her parents and paused to talk with them a little longer before heading for the door.

  Mr. Williams patted his back. “See you soon, son,” he said as Chris trotted down the porch steps.

  Two days later, Chris still hadn’t heard from Serenity, and she still wasn’t responding to emails or texts. He couldn’t be certain she had received any of his attempts at reaching her but, if she had, why wasn’t she responding?

  Their lack of communication created a void so deep, Chris thought it would consume him. A piece of him seemed to have been hijacked. Serenity’s absence was profound and resonated in several areas of his life. Even his home seemed emptier without her around. It was one thing not to be able to see her face, but not being able to at least hear her voice made him realize that his feelings for her were more than he had anticipated.

  Before she had left, he’d told her that she meant a lot to him, but that was putting it lightly. Chris now realized he loved her. Her absence had confirmed it. He was determined to do something about it. Sitting back in his office chair, he squeezed his eyes shut. What could he do?

  Chris jumped up from his chair and headed to his father’s office.

  “Dad!” He pushed his way in without checking to see if anyone else was in there. Chris marched to his father’s desk as he was ending a call. “I need a few days.”

  “What’s going on, son? Did something happen?”

  “I’m not sure.” Chris paced the floor in front of his father’s desk.

  “Is it Serenity?”


  Alarm registered across his father’s face and he stood to his feet. “What do we need to do?”

  “I’m not sure yet. I need to go down there and find out. I haven’t heard from her in days.”

  “Do you need me to come with you?”

  “Thanks, Dad.” Chris was relieved that his father was willing to go. “I’m sure I can handle it. I’ll call you when I know more.”

  “I can get you a charter.”

  “That would be perfect.”

  Bobby Dale was already dialing by the time Chris finished speaking. “What time do you want to leave?”

  “Late tonight.”

  “Done!” his father said. “We will handle things here.”

  Chris left his dad’s office feeling empowered. He was getting closer to Serenity and whatever issue kept her from getting back to him. Since his father was arranging a private flight, he could have left that afternoon, but he had a few things to do before boarding. Tonight would be soon enough. He remembered Serenity giving him a number to contact her in Salvador de Bahia in case of an emergency. He tried to remember the name. Finally, it came to him. Searching his phone, Chris called Darcy that night before going to bed. He confirmed that Serenity was okay but expressed that she seemed to be having a hard time adjusting to the move at times. Chris asked him not to tell her about his call so he could surprise her.

  Despite being happy that nothing terrible had happened to her, he was annoyed by the fact that she hadn’t contacted him.

  Chris left New York on Thursday night. Nearly fourteen hours later, he arrived at the airport in Salvador, Brazil. His driver, provided by Darcy, met him at the airport. Chris went to his hotel in the middle of the city before heading to the village. He made the last of his arrangements from there.

  He hadn’t bothered trying to call Serenity again so that he wouldn’t spoil the surprise. He was tired but refused to give in to the travel fatigue threatening to slow him down. By the time he reached Darcy’s house, school would be over. The plan was for Darcy to lead the way to where Serenity was staying, with Chris’s car following his. It was a Friday. She wouldn’t be expected back at school until Monday. That was more than enough time for Chris to get what he needed from her.

  Fatigue got the better of him, and he couldn’t help but fall asleep on the long ride to Darcy’s house. Darcy got in his car and led the way to Serenity’s billet. After twenty minutes, Darcy pulled off the dirt road and stopped in front of a modest ranch house. She was sitting on the porch under the evening sun with a younger woman. She stood when she saw Darcy’s car but paused when she spotted the other car behind it.

  From inside the vehicle, Chris could see her squinting to see who it was. Being only yards away made his pulse thump faster. The sight of her face gave him pause. Six weeks had passed since she’d left, but the void her departure had created had made it feel like several months. She’d taken his breath away with her. Seeing her face made him breathe more easily.

  Serenity started toward the first car and stopped abruptly when Chris stepped out of his. Her eyes widened and her hands flew to her mouth. Standing frozen, she stared as if she were assessing whether or not he was real. She remained stuck on the spot until he had made his way over to her.

  The young woman called Serenity’s name, but she didn’t answer. Darcy stood by. Everyone seemed to wait for her to respond.

  “Serenity.” Her name felt good on his lips. Chris touched her face.

  Serenity blinked, and tears spilled from her eyes.

  “What happened?” Chris asked, needing to understand her answer.

  “I...what are you doing here?”

  “I didn’t hear from you. I got worried but, when I went to your parents’ and they told me they had sp
oken to you, I got mad. I’m here for answers.”

  “You came all the way to Brazil for an answer?”

  “I came for you.”

  Serenity’s mouth opened and closed, but no words passed through.

  “Now tell me what happened.”

  “I...” Serenity sighed, cast her eyes downward and shook her head. “I figured you didn’t want this anymore. I...was weaning myself from you so the absence wouldn’t hurt so much.”

  Chris looked confused. “Why?”

  Serenity let her hands fall by her sides with a slap. She shook her head again. “When you kept postponing the trip, I thought I was losing you. It was hard not seeing you, not hearing from you.”

  “Come with me.” Chris took her hand.

  “Where are we going?” Serenity looked from Chris to Darcy to the young woman. Darcy’s only response was a smile.

  “Just get your purse. I have something special for you.”

  “Okay.” Serenity ran inside and returned moments later with a small handbag.

  “Thank you, Darcy.” Chris turned to Ana and extended his hand.

  “Hello. I’m Ana.” Her English was near perfect.

  “It’s nice to meet you, Ana. Don’t worry. I’ll bring her back safely.”

  Ana giggled and then nodded. “Okay.”

  Chris took Serenity by the hand and started toward the car. Stopping halfway, he turned, cupped her cheeks in his hands and kissed her. The taste of her lips almost overwhelmed him. Chris forced himself to pull away.

  “I’m sorry.” Serenity’s voice was a whisper.

  Chris took her hand once again and led her to the waiting car.

  Back at his hotel, words weren’t necessary. Chris held her close, staring at her beautiful face as if he were trying to forge a permanent imprint in his mind. He touched her skin to make sure she was real. She did the same to him.

  They kissed a trail from the door to the bedroom. He laid her down. Piece by piece, he removed each article of clothing, planting soft kisses on every part that lay bare. Serenity removed his garments with the same care. He reacquainted himself with her body, handling her with care and unmistakable admiration. His erection was like stone. He wanted her but preferred to savor their encounter. He needed to take his time.

  He kissed her lips again. She wrapped her arms around his naked body. Their kisses deepened as they drank each other in. Coerced by his insatiable craving, he caressed every inch of her body until her skin grew warm under his touch. He nibbled her ears and nipples, before sinking between her thighs. He captured her bud between his lips. Serenity gasped and cried out. Grabbing his head from behind, she pushed him deeper. Chris lapped at her until her cries turned into pleas, and she scampered away. He watched longingly as spasms ripped through her one after the other. With eyes squeezed tight, her back arched and she panted, groaned and licked her lips. Her body eased flat on the bed as her climax released its hold on her.

  Serenity reached for him. Taking his erection into her hand, she tasted him and lapped until he hissed. She covered him with her mouth and milked him between her jaws. He pulled away to keep from reaching his peak too soon. Laying her on her back, he stared into her eyes and entered her. The delicious sensation of her cushioning walls caused his eyes to roll back. He looked back at her. Both refused to look away this time as he drove sweet long strokes inside of her.

  “Serenity.” He whispered her name.

  “Chris.” She called him too.

  “I love you.”

  Her initial response was tears rolling down the sides of her face.

  “Did you hear me? I love you.”

  “I love you too, Chris.”

  At her declaration, his core tightened. Without breaking his stride, he leaned forward and covered her mouth with his. They held each other tighter. It felt like Serenity would never let him go. Chris felt an intense sensation rush to his erection. He moved in and out of her faster, the friction crippling momentarily. He pushed beyond the pleasure threatening to render him immobile. She bucked against him, meeting him halfway. He completely lost control. His rhythmic thrusts became urgent, accompanied by guttural grunts.

  “Chris!” Serenity cried out.

  A hard, paralyzing release barreled through him. Chris pushed into her as far as he could go. She suctioned him inside her moist walls. He moaned loudly and collapsed on top of her.

  When he caught his breath, he rolled over and took her in his arms.

  “Promise me you’ll never pull away from me again,” he said.

  “I promise.”

  He kissed her one more time before falling asleep.

  The next morning, they enjoyed room service in bed. Chris told Serenity to hurry so that he could carry out the rest of his plans. They flew by private jet to Rio de Janeiro, where they checked into one of the area’s most luxurious hotels. Chris spent the day spoiling Serenity with spa treatments, a lunch filled with indigenous delicacies, and stolen kisses, then they made it to the beach in time to enjoy dusk.

  “You’ve been working tirelessly for months. You deserve to be pampered. Let someone do something for you for a change,” he told her.

  At first she scolded him for making such a fuss over her, but he ignored her.

  Chris purchased a light jacket for Serenity to shield against the cool evening air blowing along the beach. The breeze didn’t detract from the beauty of the sparkling blue water. Nature offered a breathtaking show of the sun’s descent. Yellow and orange hues illuminated the lower portion of the sky, lighting the ripples in the sea.

  They walked hand in hand along the shore. He had other plans but couldn’t let this moment pass. The vibrant glow of the evening sun was far too perfect a backdrop.

  “Serenity.” Chris stopped walking. He’d dropped to one knee by the time she turned around.

  “Oh my goodness, Chris!” Serenity covered her mouth.

  “I planned to do this later at dinner, but this moment feels right.”

  “Chris.” She gasped his name. Tears rolled down her cheeks.

  “Be my wife.”

  “Yes! Yes! I’ll be your wife.”

  Chris stood, and Serenity leaped into his arms. Holding tight, he spun her around, let her down and kissed the woman who had come to him through the internet and stolen his heart.

  “Let’s go back to the room so I can put your ring on your finger and make this official.”

  Serenity threw her head back and laughed. “Let’s go.”

  When they opened the hotel suite’s door, a stunning black cocktail dress hung from a rack, and a diamond necklace lay on a table in the center of the room. Serenity walked over to the dress and jewelry and looked it over.

  “This is absolutely beautiful.”

  “Wait right here.” Chris ran into the bedroom and emerged minutes later in a tux. “Put your dress on.”


  “Yes. Please.”

  “Okay.” Serenity sighed but obliged.

  Chris disappeared one more time while she slipped into the strapless number that fit perfectly. When he returned, he placed the necklace on her and pointed to shoes in a box at the bottom of the rack.

  “You bought shoes too? You’re too much.”

  “You deserve it all.”

  Once Serenity was dressed, Chris led her out to the balcony overlooking the city’s skyline.

  “Isn’t it beautiful.” It wasn’t really a question.

  Chris took a ring from a small velvet box. “Before you left, I told you that you meant a lot to me. I felt something with you that I’d never felt before. Once you left, I realized what it was. Love. I want you to know that I love you, Serenity—like I’ve never loved another woman. When I didn’t hear from you, I panicked. The thought of living wi
thout you seemed illogical. I knew then what I had to do. When I visited your parents, your father happily gave me his blessing. Now, Ms. Williams. Tell me once more that you will be my wife.”

  Serenity looked at the large, sparkling princess-cut diamond ring and gasped with her hand at her heart. “Mr. Chandler, I’d be honored to be your wife.”

  Chris slid the ring onto her finger, kissed the back of her hand and pulled her to him for one more passionate kiss.

  “Now you’ll never have to doubt me again.” Chris kissed her one more time.

  * * * * *

  If you enjoyed this tempting story, check out more of Nicki Night’s titles:





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