The Scandal Behind the Wedding

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The Scandal Behind the Wedding Page 13

by Bella Frances

  ‘Georgia, it’s all right. You’re all right. I’ve got you.’

  She was nearly home. The voice—that voice—she knew it. But she couldn’t quite trust, couldn’t let go. No—not yet.

  ‘It’s okay. You’re’s all good.’

  Startled, she opened her eyes. ‘Danny?’

  She felt the warm firm planes of his flesh against her cheek. He was holding her, wrapping her. Salving her.



  She absorbed that strength. The scent. The cooling chill of satin skin. He grasped her head, smoothed and settled her. Her hands, she realised, were clutching at him. Just him—just skin. And soft body hair. She nuzzled into him, breathed and rubbed. Cat-like, she rubbed her face on him.

  ‘You were dreaming. But you’re all right now. I’ve got you.’

  She knew that—he didn’t need to tell her—but she loved hearing his voice, that low, lilting rumble. She felt better than she’d ever been. She Was that the word? Safe and content.

  She nuzzled in closer. Of course she did. He was holding her almost fully enclosed. His legs were wrapped around hers. His arms were wrapped around her body, holding her close to him. He was easing her out of her terror. And she was loving being eased.


  He was moving her, the tangle of a sheet the only thing tugging her legs out of his reach. The caress of his voice became darker. Her clutching hands began to smooth over him, absorbing every inch of his chest. Her fingers cruised over his nipples. Her lips followed. She trailed a path—hot and sweet and wet. Hunger. She hungered for him. Couldn’t drag her greedy mouth away from him.

  He cradled her head, tilted it up to face him. Stared for long full moments into her eyes. Two hands were holding her face up to his. Then he closed his eyes and his mouth powered down.

  He thrust his tongue inside and heaved her body up to his. She felt the flood of desire assault her. She moaned his name and lifted herself closer to him. He was half lying, leaning back on one elbow, his torso naked, golden, ripped to perfection. She could almost clamber up each firm, delicious muscle. She rested her hands on his biceps, marvelling at the contrast of skin and shape and size. Moved up to his shoulders, then dipped forward to bite.

  He grabbed her shoulders, pushed her back.

  ‘Georgia, if you want to stop you have to do it now.’ He looked like a tempest about to blow. Barely restrained control. Huge power—just held back. His eyes were wild like an electric storm in that hard, male face. Lips drawn back revealed a gleam of teeth.

  ‘No, don’t stop. I can’t stop. I have to have you—I have to have all of you.’ She’d never been surer of anything in her life.

  He scooped his mouth over hers again, plundered, and she almost screamed with the fire he lit in her.


  He pulled back again—gasped. A flush of heat, a sheen of sweat—even less control.

  ‘If we do this... Remember what you said.’

  She stared into those eyes that were focussed so surely on hers. He was concerned—he really was. She’d been so clear, so sure. Knowing each other in this way would be stepping out into the dark, over the abyss. But she couldn’t help wanting and needing him. She’d fought it for so long. She knew the consequences. She was going to suffer the consequences. But for now she was going to reap the rewards.

  ‘I know what I want—I know what I’m doing. I can’t stop this. I don’t want to stop. Oh, Danny—please make love to me. Please!’

  His body became like all the elements to her—essential as air, fire and water. He moved over her with a sense of powerful peace and she knew that, like her, he was relishing every second they had. His hands and mouth slowly took possession of every inch. His kiss slowed like lapping waves on the hottest day. His fingers trailed heat and light across her, melting and inciting her.

  On and on, over and over, the glow of passion stoked and burned and stoked and burned. She needed him, breathed him, licked at him and dragged hands and nails and teeth over him.

  The core between her legs was throbbing, pulsing—she’d become like an animal, lost all her layers of civilisation. She was her body and she gave it to him.

  And he took.

  He rose up, cradled her head and burned her with his eyes. She sank into his powerful hold. ‘Georgia, you are the most beautiful woman I have ever met. Inside and out.’

  He said the words like a prayer or a mantra, and then he began to worship her all over again. His mouth to her mouth, urgent now. His hands to the tiny nightdress she wore, lifting the satin up and over her head. Touching her down each arm, over her belly and up again to cup her aching breasts. Mouth dipping to suckle her, to bite her nipple gently, massaging her need higher and higher.

  She reached for him but he held her back, one hand gripping her wrists, then pushed her down onto the bed. He stood over her as if she were his sacrifice. This was different from before—no games. Imbued with her spirit and her soul. She was truly offering herself, aching for the sense she knew she’d feel of something higher, deeper, more fulfilling.

  He stood tall, erect. All man. His thighs were thick and long and her gaze rested on the huge bulge between them. She reached up but he pushed her down again. Shook his head and smiled at her.

  ‘Patience, Georgia.’

  But as he pulled off his tight boxers her tongue snaked out involuntarily over her lips. He was so ready for her, his body thrumming with excitement.

  ‘You want to put the condom on?’

  She shook her head and watched as he rolled it on in one swift movement. She touched herself—couldn’t not as he stood ready before her, the most potent, masculine image she had ever seen. From the fierce gaze to the lines of his shoulders to his powerful stance.

  He watched her fingers stroke herself and then he covered her hand and touched her too. She was so aroused. ‘You blow my mind, beautiful girl.’

  He leaned forwards and would have given her what she needed there, but she wanted him properly—now. With a fierce impatience she’d never known before.

  She grabbed his head and urged him up. Leaned back on her elbows. He braced his arms by her sides. She fell back on the bed and he kissed her. She reached her arms up round his neck, ran her fingers through the soft short waves of his hair. Their mouths melded, her legs fell open and he rested his weight on the bed.

  Her hands ran along the cords of muscle in his shoulders. She felt his hands, his body, his length brush against her as he settled himself. The anticipation redoubled with each touch, sending darts of hot joy. And then he entered her. He was big and swift, but she was so ready. Her eyes flew to his and he stilled long enough to check her.

  ‘Am I hurting you?’

  He was so big, so long and yes it had hurt for a moment, but nothing would stop this now.

  ‘You’re perfect. Perfect, Danny.’

  Her hips rose up and she urged him on. He pushed inside again and pulled back, stroked her aching core with each thrust. Again and again, building and quickening. She loved. She gave. And then she angled her hips a little more and felt the nerves inside her begin to quiver in an inferno of heat.

  He was calling her name, building them up, pushing and throbbing. She felt her nipples rub on his chest. She felt the huge sexual power he incited in her body. And then her mind cleared and her heart surged and she was flying on the crest of the biggest wave as her orgasm bui
lt and built and finally burst. She screamed as she clung to him and he stoked her on and on.

  Never. She had never known pleasure like this. Her whole body was convulsing in waves around him.

  And then he stilled. Still rolling from waves of pleasure, she watched the strain across his face, then the pleasure as he surrendered to his own shuddering climax. She clung to his back as his release bucked him. The sheen of their sweat, the sensation of their coupling weighing on her like a precious mantle she never wanted to take off.

  Wrapping them together, he rolled her over and they lay entwined on the bed, breath steadying, hearts easing.

  ‘I knew it would be amazing, Georgia. I knew it from the moment I saw you walk into that hotel.’

  She felt his heart thud and then step into a strong, steady rhythm under her cheek.

  ‘You drew every eye—always do—everywhere you go. Not just your looks, your sensuality. Not just those surface things. You’ve got something, Georgia—something very special.’

  He reached for her hand, clasped it and held it between them. She laced her fingers in his and found she didn’t want to speak, just to listen.

  He held her for a long time, languorous, giving her the easy come-down that she needed. How long would it take her to recover? she wondered. How would she ever recover?

  Finally—how long later? Five minutes? Ten? Forty? She had no idea, but she needed to feel him again. She kissed his chest, wriggled out of his grasp and lay spooned with him while he held her close. Their bodies were slick and musky and she felt that animalistic vital throb begin again. Lying like this? She had never lain like this before. Never.

  ‘Sweetheart, you okay?’

  She shook her head. Finally she found her voice, the power of speech. ‘After that—nothing. It was the best. I’m just loving lying here, Danny. Nothing to do except...enjoy it. No pressure, no need to go anywhere, do anything. I don’t even think I could if I had to.’

  ‘We have to do a few things, but we can spend a whole lot of time just doing this if that suits you. Suits me. I can think of nothing better. Nothing.’


  She curled and luxuriated like a cat on a hearth. It was beyond gorgeous to be held like this. With the feeling of security and sanctuary. And home. Why did that word keep flying into her mind? Was it the dream? Was it her guilt about Babs? She longed to go home, of course she did...

  ‘What sort of things do we have to do?’

  He snaked a hand under her arm, found her breast. ‘We have to do this all over again. A few times.’

  He circled his finger round, not touching her nipple, and she arched into him, needing the burn.

  ‘Good—good. We can do that. Oh, yes, let’s do that.’

  ‘I’m not sure if you’re ready yet.’

  He cupped her breast now, idly flicked his thumb across the tip of her nipple.

  ‘Are you ready? So soon?’

  She stilled and absorbed each gentle lash. Lapped it up. Felt him pulse and harden between her legs. A cry escaped her throat. He was fast—panther-fast. Moved her just where he wanted her. Whipped her round, face down on the bed. Legs spread and ass tilted up for him.

  He was sheathed and slipping inside her, and then he rode her. One hand on her hip, one hand on her breast, he pounded into her. Hard, demanding thrusts. She twisted her head to see him, so proud and male and in control. Until he began to come, and then she knew her power. His eyes found hers and his face broke. She pushed back, to get even more from each thrust, and rubbed herself against him to her own blinding climax.

  They collapsed down in the same spoon position as before, gasping and laughing. ‘Wow, Georgia. That was fast. I didn’t know a woman could go so fast.’

  ‘I didn’t know I could go so fast either. It’s a new speed for me.’

  He smoothed her back. ‘Suits you.’

  ‘Yeah, I’m happy with it. Though we could go for medium next?’

  ‘I reckon we could.’

  They lay still.

  ‘What time do you think it is?’

  ‘Time Salim wanted us to spend together. He’s on to us, I’m sure. But we’re playing along beautifully.’

  She stretched up onto her arms and looked down at this man, so strong and yet sometimes so brittle. He lay there right now, basking in his own strength, his arms crossed behind his head, and she knew he’d got the whole world lined up just as he wanted it. His deal and her.

  She’d succumbed and she was glad. The fallout would happen—of course it would—but these moments she would treasure. For him it might just be more frosting on the sweetest deal—a taste and then move on to another morsel. She knew how many beautiful girls there were out here, all living as if time was running through their fingers, as if tomorrow the party might be over so today they’d give it their all. He’d replace her in a heartbeat. But now that she’d bitten the apple she’d take her fill.

  She leaned down to kiss the mouth that had worshipped her. Full-lipped, fully expert.

  ‘So he’s on to us?’

  ‘Yeah. I think so. I’ve never met a sharper man. Or one more humble. Despite his wealth.’ He spread out his arms. ‘I mean just look at this—it’s beyond wealth. It’s majestic. But do you see anyone here acting anything other than respectfully?’

  She shrugged, still propped up beside him. He circled her pale slim arm with his hand, ran it up and down.

  ‘That takes some effort—to get his whole family to act responsibly and respectfully. It’s all too easy to lose track of basics when the money flows so readily.’

  ‘Money flowing easily has never been a problem where I came from.’ She laughed.

  He reached up to cup her cheek. ‘You have so much to treasure, Georgia. And I know you do treasure it. I never hear you bleat or moan about not having your parents.’

  She turned her face into his palm, kissed it.

  ‘I could never complain about what I had. I’m so grateful. I could have had no one. Babs could have acted like any other teenager might have done in that situation.’

  She let her fingers trail along the line of his ribcage, down one side, back up, down the other. So smooth, with hair circling and descending from his navel.

  ‘It’s more the wondering what if? Hoping that if I ever have a family of my own they’ll have as good an upbringing—and more. Everything I can give them. And some of the things I never had—like two parents.’

  She swallowed. Almost shocked by what she had just admitted. Her own private little dream. But she knew he wouldn’t belittle her. She risked a glance. But what she saw wasn’t a benign look of empathy. It was clouded, hard to read, troubled. And it lasted a long moment between them.

  ‘Yeah, well, your upbringing and mine...different, but we’re each grateful for what we had. Until, in my case, I messed it up.’

  She swallowed the instant question. If he was going to talk this was the closest he’d ever come...

  ‘I owe you an explanation. About some of the stuff you’ve seen this past couple of days.’

  She stayed still. Very still. Didn’t want to distract him. It was like those precious moments when a vulnerable child finally trusted her enough to say that his mum never fed him, or his dad was violent, or described whatever personal hell he was going through. When that arc of trust connected you could do nothing to jeopardise it.

  ‘We—my brother and I—were quite close once. Never as close as me and Franki
e, but just normal—like you’d expect any two brothers growing up in rural Ireland to be. Though when I say rural Ireland don’t misunderstand me—we had a privileged upbringing. Everything we could want. And by that I mean freedom, as well as all the love and material stuff.’

  ‘It does sound idyllic.’ What else could she say?

  ‘It was. Though there was always an edge—a competitive edge—between me and Mark. I’d like to say it was balanced, but...’ He cut his glance away, to the sofa, to the window, to the terrace outside and the morning that was already blazing desert-hot. ‘But for me it became all. I had to win—every time. And nearly every time I did. Mark was older, and he saw my “issues”, if you want to call it that, so maybe he let me win...maybe not. But the one time when it really counted—when I had something I wanted more than anything else—that was when he stopped indulging me and went for it himself. Maya. My girlfriend.’

  ‘He tried to take her for himself?’

  Danny kept his head turned but she could see the clouds chasing over his face. Finally he spoke. ‘He succeeded.’

  ‘And that was the biggest game to win?’

  ‘It wasn’t a game. It was real. She was with me. Had been for years—since we were fourteen—and then it just seemed to happen. They both sat me down one day and told me that they’d got together. It was like your parents telling you they’re going to divorce, I imagine. I couldn’t believe it—wouldn’t believe it—and then when I had to believe it I acted in the only way I knew how. I went for him. Blind drunk. Really went for him. It took three of my friends to pull me off him. And he wouldn’t fight back, which made it worse, so...’

  He looked round at her, up at her, but it was as if he didn’t really see her. He was reliving this horror from the past.

  ‘So I did quite a bit of damage—blue lights, mother distraught. I’d caught Mark at an angle and ruptured his spleen. Huge internal bleeding. I stayed long enough to know he was going to pull through and then I left on a flight to London that night. Stayed there—laboured, got a degree in engineering—then four years later came here to Dubai. And that was it.’


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