Predator Patrol (Mars Cannon Novel #2)

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Predator Patrol (Mars Cannon Novel #2) Page 19

by Nicolette Pierce

  A door clicked closed. I twisted my arms, jolting the chair. Using my feet, I attempted to stand. I was bound too tightly. I could only stand for a moment before falling back. Even then, I couldn’t take steps. What would T do? I asked as I locked away the rocketing panic. T would bust out and save Aaron.

  I used my toes to scoot the chair. The metal chair scrapped a centimeter along the ground. I stopped, conserving my strength. Eventually, he’d have to release me from the chair. Everything can be used as a weapon, I reminded myself.

  “Time to go, Mars. Your picture has been up for mere seconds and I already have a bidding war. I might have to expand the business.”

  He stepped into the light with shackles in one hand and a gun in the other. “Let’s try to do this the easy way, shall we? I’d hate to put a bullet in you. Buyers hate defective merchandise and you’d have to travel the entire way with a taped up wound. The pain would be excruciating especially when infection sets in.”

  He knelt by my legs and placed the gun on the ground to shackle my ankles, releasing them from the original bindings after secured. He released one hand, twisting as he shackled it so I couldn’t fight him. He repeated with my other hand. I was now completely shackled and his gun was tight in his hands.

  “Stand up,” he ordered. I stood with wobbly legs. “Walk straight ahead. Don’t try anything.”

  I shuffled with my metal bindings into the darkness. “I can’t see anything.”

  “Keep walking.”

  It seemed as if we walked a mile until he ordered me to stop. In all likelihood it was a few yards. A sliver of light illuminated under a door.

  “Stop here.”

  I squinted into the light when he opened the door. He shoved me through, making me nearly lose my balance.

  It had to be a garage of some kind. The walls were bare bricks, the floor was cement, and a rollup door was at the far end. There was only one item in the barren garage. A cargo box used for animals.

  “No!” I took a step back.

  His gun jabbed me forward to the box. “Get inside.”

  I shook my head. “No!”

  He fisted the back of my shirt collar and shoved. I struggled twisting out of his grasp.

  “Get in there!” He snarled, yanking me. His arm wrapped around, holding tight. The gun barrel pressed at my temple. “Don’t think for a moment I won’t kill you!”

  I was held in nearly the same hold T had me in. Before I could act, he yanked my arm and shoved. I tumbled into the cargo box, wincing as an agonizing zing caught my side. The lid slammed, trapping me.

  I kicked the box, screaming for my release.

  “I suggest you make yourself comfortable. I’ll be back with a tranquilizer and to tape your mouth shut . . . for extra measure.”

  The door slammed, leaving me alone in my small box. I used my shackled legs to kick at the wood. The wood held together until a chunk splintered off. I kicked harder and faster. Within moments, a hole appeared. I kicked again until a slat broke free. Using my hands, I pried it loose and inchwormed my way out.

  Freed from the crate, I was able to stand and shuffle to the rolling door. It had to lead outside. A control was wall mounted. My restraints wouldn’t allow me to reach high enough. I pressed my forehead on the up button. The door rolled open, creaking and groaning with rusty gears.

  I bounced in place, willing the door to open faster. When it was high enough to escape, I head butted the down button and rolled out the gap.

  “Holy crap! That hurt,” I wheezed.

  The morning sun illuminated the horizon, giving me enough light to see. I shuffled as fast as I could down an unfamiliar business road. A few cars passed, gawking faces pressed to the window.


  They didn’t. There was no one else to wave down. My eyes darted left and right, searching for help or a hiding spot.

  “Going somewhere?” Reed hissed.

  I whirled around to find Reed a step behind me. His hand caught my throat, digging his fingers in.

  “You’re going to walk backwards nice and slow. If any cars come through, you will kiss me like we’re embracing.” His fingernails gouged in. “Start walking.”

  I shuffled backwards avoiding his violent eyes. He blocked the shackles from view with his body. We were nearly back at the garage when a muscle car screeched to a halt.


  Reed held me to him as T barreled out of the car with a gun in his hand.

  “Let her go!” T demanded.

  “Don’t move another step or she dies!” His arm tightened, hiding his body behind mine. The gun pressed to my throat.

  “It’s over, Reed. Aaron told the cops everything.”

  “Aaron is locked up. Nice try!”

  “Are you sure? The last I saw him, he was sitting at Drier’s desk showing him a secured website.”

  “Then why aren’t the cops here?” His seething voice was laced with uncertainty.

  “Because I am,” A voice deep and rich growled behind us.

  A thwack and Reed stumbled to the ground. I fell with him, scrapping my legs and hands on the concrete. T lurched forward, kicking the gun from Reed’s dazed hand.

  “Get Mars out of here,” Brett ordered. “I’ll deal with him.”

  Brett? I froze.

  T helped me to stand, whisked me to his car, and tucked me in. I stole a peek at Brett who was cuffing Reed. Our eyes caught for a brief moment before he hauled Reed to his feet and pushed him towards his garage.

  I shook my head to register Brett.

  “Doesn’t he need help?” I asked.

  “He’ll be fine.”

  I studied T’s darkening brow. “What’s going on?” I asked as he gunned the car.

  “I’m taking you home,” he growled.

  Something’s wrong. “Where’s Aaron?”

  “He’ll be safe. Don’t worry. We’ll need to cleanup those scratches you have,” he said, switching the subject.

  “Wait! What do you mean he’ll be safe? I thought he was with Drier.”

  “That was a lie.”

  “Turn back!” I barked. “We need to find him!”

  “You’re shackled. You can’t run around saving people when you’re cuffed.”

  “Brett has a key. Turn around!” I twisted in my seat.

  “Settle down. Brett knows what he’s doing.”

  “Then why do you have that look in your eye?”

  “What look? You don’t see any look.”

  “It’s the same look you had when you thought you lost Emmy . . . dark and gloomy.”

  “I just don’t like being left out of the action.”

  “What’s really going on?”

  He remained silent.

  “You might as well tell me, or I’ll scream the entire way home. Bloodbath movie screams!”

  “Go ahead. Do your worst.”

  Nothing like acting like a kid to get your way. I inhaled and pierced the confined space with an ear shattering scream.

  “Shit!” He held a finger in his ear.

  I inhaled to reload.

  “Okay! Okay! I’ll tell you. We don’t know where he is. Only Reed does.”

  “Reed won’t tell Brett.”

  “Just let Brett do his thing. He’ll find Aaron; I’m sure of it.”

  “But we can help.”


  “You can’t say no.”

  His jaw tightened then released with a sigh. “Listen, Brett can move quicker without us. If Reed escaped, he could take you hostage. If Brett has to worry about Aaron and you, he’d change his tactic. That’s not safe.”

  I sank into the seat. “He wouldn’t have to worry about me,” I muttered.

  T rolled his eyes.

  “How did you escape? Is Evan okay?” I asked.

  “We didn’t have to escape. We woke up on your yard. He’s fine.”

  “Thank you for helping.”

  He patted my hand. “Let’s get you uncuffed and clean
ed up.”

  Evan bolted down the front porch when T pulled in the driveway.

  “Are you okay?” He asked, gathering me from the car. “I’ve been going out of my mind with worry!”

  He escorted me to the house, not allowing one step to separate us. T scanned the area before closing the front door behind him.

  “I’ll get something to clean your scrapes,” he said, settling me on a chair.

  T reached in his pocket and pulled a key out. He dipped to uncuff my ankles and wrists.

  “I thought you didn’t have a key.”

  “That was a lie too.”

  “Seems like you’re full of them.”

  “Only when the situation calls for it,” he admitted. T’s phone rang, allowing his escape from my narrow eyes. “T . . . Yeah, we’re here . . . Sure, drop him off . . . Already? . . . Yeah, okay.” He deposited the phone back in his pocket.

  “Brett found Aaron?”

  “He’s dropping him off right now.”

  “What about Reed?”

  “He’s in the trunk.”


  “Do you have to ask?”

  I shrugged, still waiting for an answer.

  “Yes, alive. Brett’s a cop. Not a killer.”

  “Brett returned to the police department?”

  “What did you expect him to do?”

  Evan returned with bandages, cream, and a warm washcloth. “This will have to do,” he said.

  “I’ll just use the washcloth.”

  “Are you the EMT?”

  “No, but . . .”

  His lips covered mine with a soft kiss. “Let me do my job,” he said. He knelt on the ground, washing each scrape. I watched as he cleaned with a meticulous hand. I relaxed in the chair.

  Aaron was safe. Brett had Reed.

  Sleep blanketed me, cocooning me with its lullaby. My eyes blinked, willing them to stay open. I had to see Aaron.

  Chapter 23

  “Mars, wake up!” A voice urged.

  My eyes cracked open to find a moppy headed boy staring down at me.

  “Aaron? Are you okay? When did you get here?” I shifted on the bed under a mountain of blankets.

  “I’ve been here for hours. I finally escaped from Evan.”

  “Evan?” My eyes crossed. Sleep clung as if it was draining my energy stores.

  “He’s been cleaning each bump and scrape and then rechecking.”

  “Are you hurt?” I held his arm close to inspect. His wrists had red marks.

  “Ugh! Not you too. I’m fine thanks to Brett. He’s amazing! I think I’ll change my screen name to Coppernaut. He said copper is an old slang word for cop.”

  “Where is he?”

  “He left. Said he had to go back home.”

  I began peeling off layers of blankets. “He just arrived.”

  “I overheard him talking to T. He said it’s better that he left. I don’t know why because he’s better than any action movie hero I’ve ever seen.” Aaron stilled for a moment. “Mars, I’m sorry you got hurt. I didn’t mean it.”

  I watched as he fought to keep his bottom lip from trembling.

  “You didn’t want to hurt anyone, did you?”

  He shook his head adamantly. “I tried to leave so they wouldn’t hurt you.”

  I smiled and took his hand. “I know you did. You’ve been very brave and protective. Kind of like an action movie hero.”

  His eyes gleamed through the fog. “I don’t want to hurt anyone ever again.”

  “Then leave the past in the past and focus on your future. Maybe you were destined to help people like T and Brett. We can take T’s self defense class at the senior center.”

  “We can?” His smile beamed. “What about Brett? Will he come back so he can teach me stuff?”

  Evan popped his head in. “I thought I’d find you both here.”

  “My wounds are fine. No need to recheck,” Aaron pleaded. “I’m fine.”

  Evan chuckled. “Okay, I’ll leave you alone for now. But I’ll have to check later.” He bent down to kiss my forehead. “How are you feeling, sugar?”

  “I’m tired. Why is there a mountain of blankets on me?”

  “You were shivering and icy cold; a sign your body was possibly in shock.”

  “Don’t worry,” Aaron said. “He checked on you every time he checked on me. He was bouncing between us like a rubber ball.”

  T knocked on the door. “Kimball is here to see you, Mars.”

  “She’s tired. Can’t Ms. Kimball return later?” Evan asked.

  “Let’s get this over with,” I said, sliding off the bed.

  I found her sitting at the kitchen table with a folder in front of her.

  “I hope you don’t mind, but I made myself comfortable,” she said, clasping her hands in front of her.

  “Not at all,” I said, sinking into the opposite chair. Aaron hovered next to me. Evan and T stood close behind.

  “I’m here for Aaron,” she said. Her eyes flicked to Aaron.

  Aaron slipped behind me, clutching my arm. “I’m not going,” he stated. “I’ll keep running away.”

  “It’s only temporary until Mars can set herself up as a foster parent.”

  “I thought you said I wouldn’t qualify.”

  She pursed her lips. “I’m not a monster. I can see there is a bond here. I’ll do my best to place Aaron with you but not without following procedures. It’s for the safety of all involved.”

  “You can’t take him to the group home again.”

  “His new foster parents will be picking him up any minute.”

  “Can’t we spend some time together before you whisk him away?”

  “That will be up to the foster parents. Instead of arguing, we can fill out the papers and get you one step closer to becoming a foster parent.”

  I hesitated. “Aaron, will you find me some aspirin in the bathroom?”

  He glanced warily at Ms. Kimball before he nodded and ran upstairs.

  “Does he have parents?” I asked. “I want him to stay with me, but I also want to make sure no one is looking for him either.”

  Kimball shook her head. “He has no one. Since he’s not here to listen, I have to warn you. He’ll need years of intense therapy after what he’s been through. He’ll have many dark, angry days ahead. Are you sure you want to take this on by yourself?”

  I nodded. “Let’s begin.”

  She handed me the first form when Aaron bounded down the stairs. “I couldn’t find aspirin.”

  “I must be out,” I said. “Thank you for checking.”

  “Mars?” Kym popped her head in the door.

  “Hi, Kym.” I smiled at her cheery face. “What brings you here?”

  “I’ve come for a very important person,” she said.

  “Who might that be?”

  “Aaron, of course.”

  I stole a glance at Ms. Kimball who repressed a smile.

  “You’re going to be Aaron’s foster parent?”

  She nodded with a small hop. “If he’ll agree to stay with Jim and me.”

  I turned to Aaron. “What do you think?”

  “You mean I can stay with Kym instead of the group home?”

  Ms. Kimball nodded. “I have a feeling you’ll like your new bedroom.”

  “I made sure it has everything a tech kid needs,” Kym said. “Even Jim wanted to switch bedrooms.”

  Aaron beamed. “Is there a computer? What kind?”

  Kym and Aaron chattered about his new room. His face in full animation as she described the room in detail. I smiled as I listened. She’ll make a great mom, especially for Aaron.

  I tucked the half filled form back in the folder. “May I keep this?” I asked.

  “Don’t you want to fill it out now?”

  I glanced at Aaron who was laughing at Kym’s description of a smart thingamajig.

  I smiled. “I think I’d make a much better Aunt. But, let me keep the papers in case he
ever needs me.”

  “I’ll be going then,” she cleared her throat and stood.

  “Thank you for placing Aaron with Kym.”

  “It’s my job,” she said before slipping out the door.

  “Can I see my room?” Aaron begged Kym.

  “Of course. Let’s make sure to give Mars a monster hug first. She loves those.”

  “Wait!” Evan halted them. “Avoid her rib.”

  “Oh! I forgot,” Kym said. “But the rest of her is okay!”

  They both glommed onto me, avoiding my ribs. Kym kissed my cheek. “I’m so glad you’re safe. Call me tonight.”

  I agreed and waved them goodbye.

  “Mars!” Aaron called from the car. “Come and see my room really soon!”

  “I’ll be there first thing tomorrow. I’ll expect breakfast too.”

  He laughed. Kym backed out of the driveway and out to the road.

  T clasped my shoulder. “You did good. Detective Schooner will be here at four to ask you questions. Until then, get some sleep. I’m heading home.”

  “Thanks, T.”

  A news station van pulled alongside my house.

  “That’s my cue to leave,” he said, hurrying to his car.

  The crew descended upon me. “Mars Cannon?” A blonde woman with a dazzling smiled asked.

  Evan slipped his arm around me. “You’ll have to come back later. She needs rest.”

  She ignored Evan. “When did you realize you were about to uncover the biggest human trafficking operation in the United States?” She asked.

  “I really need to rest. Doctor’s orders,” I added. “Please interview Mrs. Janowski across the street. She knows everything first hand.” Evan and I stepped into the house and closed the door.

  The crew raced across the street. I chuckled.

  Evan tugged me close. “I’m relieved you’re safe. I’ll be here all day and night. I’m not leaving your side.”

  “What about work and school?”

  “I’m taking a week off from work. I’ll study while you sleep.”


  “No?” He arched his brow.

  “You can’t study while I’m sleeping. You need your sleep too. And, I need to curl up next to you.”

  His brow smoothed as he chuckled. “Get in bed. We’ll take a nap until the detective arrives. That will give us plenty of sleep time . . . and maybe some time to cuddle too.”


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