Legacy of the Living

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Legacy of the Living Page 15

by Sean Liebling

  "Go on, shoo." I pushed them in the direction of Rosita whom I spotted, and they took off running after giving me a double dose of hugs and kisses. Now that is what life is all about.


  Chapter 6


  Miguel made his way to the home he and Rosita, along with their surviving relatives, had taken as their own. It was a large residence with six bedrooms. Before this disaster, it had been a bed and breakfast, right on the edge of the main shopping center. Currently they had pressurized running water, but as winter moved in he knew it would have to be shut down because otherwise the pipes would freeze and burst. Each bedroom had a small fireplace, so it was comfortable, and bringing in enough wood to last a day only took a few minutes. Overall they were very comfortable, and if Jay was successful in bring power back online they would be sitting nicely.

  He and Ros had a room to themselves; it was the largest one, which was really needed now because of the fold-out single bed they had rolled in for this girl Ashley. He was not sure what to do with her, but his Ros had been adamant about the two of them taking care of her after the other night.

  He paused as memory caused the scene to unfold before his eyes. The deaths and chaos that had occurred that night had culminated in a successful strike against the survivalist group that had attacked them at the dairy on the previous day. The girl, Ashley, had been through much more than most eighteen-year-olds. She’d suffered years of sexual abuse by her father, then watched as he was shot dead before her eyes.

  Miguel sighed. Too many things happening at once, and every day was a busy day with this one no exception. He had knocked before entering their bedroom, for this was simple courtesy, and saw his Rosita and Ashley sitting on the window bench facing each other, engaged in animated conversation. This was an excellent sign, he felt, for they were both smiling and appeared happy. There were too many things to be unhappy about, so any happiness had to be a good thing, right? he thought.

  “Good afternoon, Senoritas,” Miguel said to them as he closed the door behind him and advanced into the room.

  “Good afternoon, mi amore.” Ros smiled at Miguel as she looked up.

  “Good afternoon, Miguel.” A shy response from Ashley, but she smiled again as she greeted Miguel, and it made her radiant. He smiled back at both of them, pulling another chair up to sit next to his Rosita, and examined this beautiful white blonde girl. Miguel successfully kept his eyes from traveling down to her over-abundant chest and instead focused on her eyes and face. Ashley had slept for almost eighteen hours straight after fainting during the gunfight at the ceremony, but Dr. Mansk had said that was normal. The doctor had even given her a sedative later that evening when he came to check on her. He had wanted her to get a full night’s sleep without dreams. Neither of them had anticipated her sleeping half the next day through. Early this morning she had accompanied his Ros in her pre-dawn rounds. Now they must be taking a break before heading out again.

  “It is good to see the two of you smiling and happy,” Miguel said, then continued. “What are you talking about?”

  Ashley pointed out the window at the street down below. Their bedroom was a master suite, and as such had a window bench seat with a wide, curved window facing the street in front of the house. The road below could clearly be seen, as were the older boys, girls, and adults taking part in weapons training. He had just passed by them on his way home and all were disassembling weapons of various sorts while some of the military men, acting as instructors, were going down the lines, helping as needed while lecturing.

  “I wish to join them, Miguel,” she replied soberly, her smile disappearing. Immediately Miguel frowned, and against his will, his eyes swept her from head to toe lightning quick. This morning she was dressed in jeans and hiking boots, wearing a soft green pullover sweater over what appeared to be a white blouse, the collar peeping from her neckline. He sighed and shook his head at her. Many of the men down below were quite rough, with some not very nice persons included, but they were obeying the rules and could stay. This Ashley’s physical attributes with her over developed bosom and tiny waist and hips would be a major headache for the soldiers below them. He dreaded the attention he knew she would draw, and frankly, he was convinced she was not ready for it.

  “No, muchacha! I cannot permit such a thing.”

  “I must!”

  “No, no! It will not be permitted. I know you wish to help palomita, little dove, but you would create too large a disturbance with those men down below. Honestly, girl, you would not help. You would disrupt them.” Miguel sighed again and winced when she stood and took a deep breath, preparing to argue. Oh, mi Dios, when she did that her chest expanded to heroic proportions; quickly he crossed himself at this thinking while saying a quick prayer to God.

  “No Miguel, it is you who do not understand. God spoke to me! Two nights ago when he sent his knight to my rescue, the Lord God clearly spoke in my head. His angels also spoke to me during my rest. Their instructions are clear. I am to help protect the savior!” She frowned at him and crossed her arms under her bosom, which frankly did not help his concentration as the posture simply emphasized them. He thought quickly. Obviously she was delusional, and he had no idea what to do about that. Then a thought occurred to him. Earlier, he had coordinated with Master Sergeant Trask on re-tasking all non-vital personnel to arms training, and then torn apart the pawnshop downtown without finding anything. The master sergeant had sent a team out to the owner’s home, just outside town. They were waiting on word of that but they had also talked about training the women of the governor.

  “Muchacha, who do you think this savior is? You do realize he is the governor and a simple man like the rest of us. He puts his socks on one at a time like all men.” Miguel dreaded her response. He offered up another silent prayer to the creator that she did not think Jay was Jesu Crista come again to earth.

  “Of course he is a man, Miguel, but he was sent by the Lord God Almighty to protect us during this test of mankind. The angels were very clear. The governor saved my life and I must learn to protect and save his. I will be tested and soon, for this I was told. It is vital that I learn quickly.”

  “Un memento niña, por favor.” Until they could find professional help, his only idea at this point was the special training the master sergeant was going to be giving the governor’s lady friends. They had briefly discussed it earlier. He left the room and, pulling the two-way radio from his belt, quickly contacted Master Sergeant Trask and gave him a quick rundown of the situation. He received the response he wanted and re-entered the bedroom, smiling.

  “OK little dove, you will receive your training, but not with those below. You will train with the governor’s señoras. Is this acceptable?” He held his breath.

  “Oh that’s wonderful Miguel. Thank you, thank you!” and she was suddenly hugging him tightly. He felt his face burning and dared not look at his Ros at that moment, for he knew she would probably be frowning. Then strong slender hands gripped his face, turning it sideways, and he was suddenly staring into the beautiful brown eyes of his maiden. His Ros was smiling at him and, standing on her tiptoes while bending his head down, kissed him softly and he knew he had done right.

  “Then we shall go, niña, for the master sergeant is about to start their training.” He untangled himself from Ashley and, reaching out a hand, softly caressed his Ros’ cheek. To this day, after twenty-five years of marriage, his love for her knew no limits and the depth that love had taken constantly surprised him. “Mi amor, do you have something she can wear for another blouse? She cannot train dressed in that.”

  Before his Ros could answer, Ashley was pulling something from under the bed, then quickly pulling her sweater and blouse over her head. Miguel got one brief look of black undergarments and too much skin and swiveled in place, feeling his face burning again. A muffled voice came from behind him.

  “I have what I need Miguel. Almost done. There.
You can turn around now.”

  Miguel turned and swore. His eyes also crossed at that point. Out of the corner of one crossed eye, he could see his Ros rolling her’s. Before him, Ashley had transformed. She still had her tight jeans and hiking boots on, but where she had once worn the soft green sweater and white blouse, she now wore a cropped black undergarment, lingerie of some sort, and barely over that was a camouflage blouse open and tied off at her waist. She looked exactly like one of the governor’s women. Briefly he closed his eyes and offered yet another silent prayer to Jesus Christ that when he finally made it to heaven, he would receive less penance for the trial he was about to endure.

  “You should button the blouse and not tie it at your waist.”

  “Why? This is appropriate.”

  “You are not one of the governor's women, niña. This is their look.”

  “Not yet I am not. I do not know if the savior of us would even have me. I will wear this, and it will be OK. The angels told me so.”

  Miguel gave up and beckoned her to follow him while shaking his head, vowing to search high and low for professional psychological help for her. They headed down to the street, their destination the compound where Master Sergeant Trask was about to begin training. Along the way, he noticed many of the men take an initial double look at her, then turn away quickly. He frowned, and then he understood. The other men thought she was simply one of the governor’s women and would stay away. Hmmm. Maybe there was something to angels talking to her after all, he thought.


  Cara adjusted her camouflage blouse again, fluffing the tails where they tied across her midriff to cover more of her belly. Being nicely toned, her tummy did not have a layer of fat to protect against the chilly forty-five degrees out. She wished for summer and no more zombies, instead of winter approaching fast and too many zombies to count.

  Currently they were waiting on Master Sergeant Darin Trask to get started with their training. She was eager to learn the combat moves taught to Army soldiers, especially ex-special forces soldiers like the master sergeant. He said they had to wait though, that they were waiting for someone to join them. Cara wondered whom that might be. Her eyes widened as Miguel came around the corner with that preacher’s daughter. Then her eyes narrowed.

  Miguel approached them, and nodded at Cara. She did not respond, and with a shake of his head he introduced Ashley to everyone. Like they did not already know her name. Cara examined her from head to toe: boobs too big, hips too narrow, strong-looking arms and legs. Dressed exactly like her man’s women. Master Sergeant Trask was there now and opened his mouth to speak, but she glared at him and he subsided. Cara squared off against Ashley and moved into her personal space while glaring up at her. God, this hermana was a tall one. Maybe six feet.

  “Why are you dressed like one of our man’s mujeres?” she growled.

  Ashley smiled down at her and replied simply, “Because the angels told me to.”

  Cara blinked, and thought with lightning speed. Angels? Cara’s eyes shifted, and she glanced at Miguel who was still standing there but off to one side and watching her. She cocked an eyebrow and he immediately shrugged. No help there.

  “You are not one of his women!?” Cara was totally confused. Here was this very beautiful girl with muy large breasts and so tall, dressed like one of the governor’s women, yet she was not? Right?

  “No Cara, I am not one of our Savior’s women. The Lord and his host of angels did not tell me I would become one. If our Savior wants me that way then of course I am his to do with as he will. Until then I am to protect him as he protected me.”

  Cara suddenly understood what was going on. Ashley was crazy loco. God talked to her as did his angels. That explained everything. Cara had been there two nights ago when their man Jay had shot this girl’s father. Too much stress and suffering had scrambled her brains, of course. Poor girl.

  “OK niña, if you are here to learn to protect our man then pay attention, because we cannot afford to lose him.”

  Ashley smiled at her and, surprising Cara, leaned down and hugged her tightly, whispering, “I will.” Cara surprised herself by responding, and hugging her back tightly before returning her attention to Master Sergeant Trask, who after carefully looking at Cara opened his mouth again and began.


  Ashley couldn’t help herself. She had been moved to hug Cara after their brief talk. She understood this other girl’s concern. In Cara’s eyes she was a threat, even though she did not mean to be one. In her dreams the Angels of the Lord told her how to dress and just now they had told her to hug Cara. She was a little scared, but excited at the same time. Her mind was fuzzy and full of light. Darkness no longer had a place within her for she was filled with God’s spirit. As Cara turned, she did also, and listened as this black Army man began to speak.

  “OK girls, most if not all of you already know me. My name is Darin Trask. I am also a master sergeant in the United States Army and a former Ranger. I did four tours with the teams before relocating to heavy weapons. It’s just a bit safer than the Rangers after all.” He smiled at them and they all laughed at his obvious joke. “This man with me is Corporal Morales. He’ll be helping me with your training. We will do two hours of training. Possibly we’ll train twice a day, given time and opportunity. With one exception, you girls are the commander’s ladies and the last line of defense if anyone comes after him or his children. Or your children.” He smiled at Jean who smiled back. “You’re here in this special class instead of with the other men, women, and youngsters because we wish to add special hand-to-hand combat skills along with the arms training you’ll receive. It’s important you pay close attention. We will take you through some simple moves of offensive strikes and defensive blocks. Some kicks and leg sweeps, and as you progress we’ll move into higher levels of offense and defense, more progressive takedown and kill strikes. None of you will become experts overnight. This is a program designed to teach you the basics. Then we’ll move into advanced hand-to-hand skills that will protect you, the commander, and the children. I will now demonstrate a simple punch at Corporal Morales who will block this punch, then try to sweep my legs out from under me. Corporal Rider. This is exactly the same technique the commander used at the dairy farm, which I know you witnessed. We’ll take it in slow motion. Ready Morales?”

  The other man, a Hispanic, nodded, and they each backed up a step, facing each other. They bowed, and upon straightening Master Sergeant Trask slowly hunched down and moved his hand forward in a fist, punching at Corporal Morales. In equally slow motion, Corporal Morales rotated his right forearm and hand up, the meaty part of his forearm connecting with the master sergeant’s wrist, and pushed the punch to one side. At the same moment the fist was bypassing him, he slowly dropped down to one hand while his left leg slid along the ground sideways then rose, swinging towards the master sergeant’s legs as he body rolled over, and by doing so magnified the momentum of the kick even though it was still in slow motion. Both men stopped moving as Corporal Morales’ shin connected with the master sergeant’s calf.

  “Alright. That was a demonstration of the block then sweep that the commander used on the farm to take down his first man. His second move was a bit trickier and we won’t get to that today. It’s a combination move so a little higher than basic level yet still basic. It works because it's done fast. I just wanted you to see how a successful counterattack can be done. Now, we will start on the basic punches, and then progress to the blocks, kicks, sweeps and so forth. Then we will form up in teams and start practicing.”

  For the next thirty minutes Ashley watched, listened, and felt her hands, arms and legs moving in response to the master sergeant’s and the corporal’s movements. Her entire body tingled with energy and she felt the presence of Angels buzzing within her, watching and listening through her eyes and ears. Then they went through each movement slowly, with Corporal Morales behind them, reaching around and correcting each of them where he s
aw a wrong foot position or an improper arm angle. For instance, it was important to use the thick part of the forearm to block, not the wrist as the bones there were for susceptible to injury. Ashley didn’t need any correcting though, for she remembered each as it was shown to them. Smoothly she glided through the steps of block, strike, kick and sweep. She felt she was ready for more and raised her hand. Sergeant Trask noticed and nodded.

  “Master Sergeant, can you show us more blows please?”

  “You remember all those we’ve already showed you?”

  “Yes Sir, and I’m ready for more.”

  “I see. Well, if the sweep works to drop your opponent, then you can use the weight of your body when you flip on top of them and combine an elbow strike with a knife strike to the throat like this. Morales!” and he proceeded to show them in slow motion, then called out again. “Remember when you drop down to keep your elbow down like an anvil and use the weight of your body to drive it into your opponent’s sternum. That should incapacitate them long enough to follow through with the rollover and two spear strikes to the throat, like this.” Again in slow motion he demonstrated and she nodded, and feeling agreement among the Angels, spoke.

  “I’m ready, Sir.”

  “Ready for what, Ashley?”

  “Ready to be tested on what you just taught us, of course,” and with that she took a step forward and assumed the defensive posture they had shown her. She saw master sergeant Trask rub his bald head, then shrug and approach. Assuming his own stance, he started slowly punching towards her chest and face. With ease she blocked each, and his sudden thrust kick did not surprise her either for she pivoted, moving in a half step and, raising her left knee, managed to hammer the side of his thigh, twisting him to the side.


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