Legacy of the Living

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Legacy of the Living Page 36

by Sean Liebling

  "Alright, thank you Lieutenant. Now, for security and policing. Doug, you’re up." Major Robinson grinned at his executive officer.

  "First of all, I hate the job. Special Forces were not meant to be police officers. Different skill set. We have some complaints about heavy handedness that I am handling, but we are also experiencing some lawlessness among the survivors and a few of our men."

  "Lawlessness?" Major Robinson sat up straighter.

  "Yes Sir, a few attempted rapes, some assaults, and petty theft. You name it. The men hate doing the job of the police."

  "Get used to it, Captain. Until we can start our own police force and one we trust, you’re stuck with the job. There's no one else to do it and I'll be damned if we'll descend into anarchy."

  "Or, we could get Newaygo to help with that. Radio said they have a new sheriff and ..." Lieutenant Max Purcell shut up fast when he saw the way Major Robinson looked at him.

  "Lieutenant, I said we would get to Newaygo at the end of the meeting," the Major growled.

  "But, Sir, it's all germane."

  "Zip it!"

  "Aye aye, Sir." The Lieutenant sighed and slumped in his seat, causing most of the others to grin in his direction. Major Robinson paused for a full minute just to let Max stew then grinned also.

  "Okay, Newaygo!" He started laughing when he saw the Lieutenant visibly perk up with rising excitement. The others joined him, to the Lieutenant's embarrassment.

  "I still wish we knew more. That Ederer boy wasn't much help." Chief Warrant Sheldon was the first to speak, and then only because he was ready for it. They had questioned Corporal Josh Ederer for over an hour this morning with little gained from it.

  "Well, I can understand his position. He lived an hour away from his uncle and only saw him a few times a year. That's normal," Captain Price spoke with a calculated look Sheldon's way. It was the chief warrant that had first recommended Canada as a relatively safe haven from the zombies even though at least as many were infected there as in the United States. He did have a point in that Canada was a cold country, but the captain felt the Warrant was just trying to put distance between his ass and the shadow government's, which didn't set well with Price at all. When the warrant said nothing further, Captain Price turned his hard gaze on Major Robinson, who nodded and spoke again.

  "OK Purcell. Let's have your recommendation."

  "Newaygo, of course! It's the only logical destination. They're perfectly capable of protecting themselves from attack much better than we are, and we feel strongly they do not have an air element yet. Well," Max paused for a second, then looked at Captain Price, "except possibly artillery, and maybe tanks...Sir?"

  "No indication they have either, and negative from the unit signs they've broadcast as joining them," Captain Price responded.

  "Okay then, Sirs. We know Fremont has an airport and is eight miles from Newaygo. We know Newaygo is clearing out that town along with White Cloud and Grant. Fremont is the logical choice for us because of our size and need for an airport. I say we move now so we get Fremont before the governor gives it to someone else."

  "That's assuming we keep the survivors, Lieutenant. We could simply dump them on Newaygo if we did go there. Taking care of almost ten thousand survivors and dependents is way above my pay grade."

  "They're doing it, sir. They would help with civil managers and community organizers. I feel that, and they're doing it in their own community already. No, I know that, Sir!"

  Major Robinson sighed and nodded. "Yes, I feel the same, Max. Is anyone in disagreement with establishing contact with Newaygo and putting ourselves under their jurisdiction?"

  The entire room went silent, while all looked at each other. Everyone weighed the ramifications. Out here and on their own they could pursue vengeance. This new governor and commander in chief might not allow that. They had all sworn the oath to go after this rogue government and its forces, as almost all of them had lost someone close through a cowardly attack.

  "I'm always the last to agree on anything important because I try to weigh all the implications, both good and bad. That said, I vote for contact with Newaygo." Chief Warrant Sheldon had stood and made the statement to everyone's amazement. He then sat down and slapped Lieutenant Purcell on the shoulder, who was sitting next to him with his mouth hanging open.

  "Relax, Lieutenant. My concern was always for our dependents. I want them safe. Once they're safe we can hit the shadow base in Ohio or even Vermont. We have those locations." He grinned in delight as Lieutenant Purcell tried to get his bearings. Major Robinson shook his head slightly and raised the question.

  "Anyone not in favor on contact with Newaygo?" he waited, counting off the seconds. After a full minute he nodded at the others. "OK, we'll contact them tomorrow afternoon when the Chinooks get back from their last trip. I want that warehouse emptied before we're pulled anywhere else.” Everyone nodded back but the look, still on Lieutenant Purcell's face, was priceless.



  Johnny leaned over Whit as he carefully raised the transmitter power on their homemade base CB station until a low hum filled the air. They had mounted the new antenna directly above and were currently experimenting with lengths of coaxial cable.

  "Is it supposed to actually 'hum'?" Johnny asked staring at all the components strewn across the bench top and connected by wires.

  "No. That's from the power supply. Very low efficiency but it's all we have.

  answered Whit, frowning at him while making a hushing gesture.

  Slowly, Whit increased power more while both of his helpers held fingers down on various circuit boards checking for excessive heat. Over the speaker mounted above the workbench, all assembled could faintly, yet clearly, hear the voices of a survivor group in Coopersville chatting with another, based in Sparta.

  "Sure, Jeff, we've also seen a decrease in incoming refugees but like you, we know they're out there."

  "...Roger that, Rick. ... some up from nearby farms holding... Amazing really buddy....resilient species."

  "Ain’t that the truth. You guys give any more thought to letting Newaygo know about us?"

  "Yeah....decided. You know how..."


  "Right. We haven't made up our minds yet either but I've a feeling we'll need to sooner or later. We're starting to get waves up out of Grand Rapids and Muskegon."

  Johnny decided to attempt to contact this Coopersville group. Sparta was coming in too faint and broken up. Besides, Coopersville was only twenty miles away or so, thus much closer than Sparta. In the corner on the ground, Chester sat with his puppy in his lap watching everything going on around them. One day ago Chester had jumped into the zombies to rescue the dog, and Johnny, along with several others, had been forced to leap to his rescue. Since then Chester rarely left Johnny's side. Secretly, Johnny admitted it was nice having someone almost as strong as Samson without Samson's limitations near him. The puppy was kind of cute too.

  "Here you go, Johnny." Satisfied with his tinkering, Whit had picked the microphone up and was handing it to Johnny. Johnny winked at Chester, who winked back, then grabbed the microphone from Whit, raising it to his lips.

  "Coopersville, can you read me, over." Johnny spoke slowly and clearly; Whit nodded beside him while watching his meter. What exactly Whit was gleaning from the LCD numbers flashing across its screen, Johnny had no clue. He tried again.

  "Coopersville, this is Johnny at the Clear Haven Rehabilitation Center. We are in urgent need of help, over." Faint static issued from the speaker then ... "Come in? You’re breaking up badly. Who is this?"

  "Johnny, this is Johnny of Clear Haven Rehabilitation Center. We need help! We are in Muskegon near Mercy Hospital. We are over six hundred survivors with thirty newborn babies. We need help, damnit. Come in Coopersville."

  "Whoever you are, you're really breaking up bad. I'm only getting a couple words. Can you move closer to us or raise your antenna
higher? Did you say babies?"

  "Yes, babies, damn it. We need help!" Johnny's voice rose with frustration, then one of the men beside Whit signaled and Whit flipped the power switch to off. Furious, as the speakers died of even the power hum Johnny rounded on him.

  "What the Hel did you do that for? We were communicating."

  "Johnny, I had to. Barry let me know the amplifier board was overheating. Another few seconds and there wouldn't be any communication whatsoever."

  "What about raising the antenna next time like that Rick suggested?"

  "Won't do that much good, Johnny. It's not the height, it's the antenna itself. We're throwing a lot of power into this thing and Coopersville is line of sight. I need to adjust the turns on the antenna. We're almost there."

  "We need to be there now, Whit. I can't guarantee we'll survive another day. We're out of ammunition. Out of gasoline. The guppies are breaking in daily, Whit. One of these times we won't be able to push them back out. Then it's all over for us."

  "Johnny, I know this. I'll work on the antenna all night. We'll try it again tomorrow.”

  Fuming with frustration at their helplessness, Johnny left to find Celeste. Hopefully, she would be in their room. If they were all going to die soon, at least he would die somewhat happy.


  Rick was chatting with Jeff of the Sparta group during their nightly communications. Earlier that day they had made contact with a group in Grand Rapids, who called themselves the Sirens. Rick also learned that the Reaper was currently with this Grand Rapids survivor group. That’s one dude I would love to meet, thought Rick. Just then, static issued from the speaker set in the base station CB, and for a moment Rick thought Jeff of Sparta was trying to tell him something. He lifted the microphone to his lips again, then paused as a different voice issued from the unit.

  " Cooper...le, can ..., over. Coop........ is Johnny ..... Clear Haven ..... are ... need ... help, over."

  Rick leaned over the set and tried to raise them back. Slowly he asked them to repeat what they said, that they were breaking up badly.

  "Johnny, this ......... Center. ... need help. We ..... Mercy ............. babies. ..... help, damnit. ......ville."

  Further attempts to reach this new voice proved fruitless, as the voice had disappeared. Slowly, Rick sat back, then leaned forward again speaking quickly.

  "Jeff, did you hear that?"

  "Hear what and who are you talking to, Rick?"

  "A new voice. Really broken up. Only was able to understand one word in maybe ten."

  "No. We must be too far away. Did they say where they were from?"

  "Maybe. It was really hard to tell. Somebody named Johnny, and something about Mercy and babies and a center and help. Gawd, it's irritating."


  "Yeah, at least that's what it sounded like, but who knows. They're either really far away, or don't have their antenna set right. I gave them some advice on that. I think they can hear us. We just can't hear them."

  "Well, keep us in the loop. So all we have is a few words? Mercy, babies, Johnny and help?"

  "Yes, that's it, really. They were really broken up bad and I won't even swear to what I thought I heard. I'll keep you in the loop and try to raise them in the morning."

  "Sounds good. Sparta out."

  "Coopersville, out."



  I nuzzled Cara's neck with my lips while holding her against me with one strong arm under her and the other wrapped possessively over her, my right hand under her nightgown fondling her right breast. Cara was purring in my arms and her hands were caressing my hands and forearms as I played with my sweet little girl. Everything was right in the world ... for the moment.

  Earlier, I had spent considerable time with Paul, after playing with Clarissa and Emma. Paul was struggling with the vocabulary words they were given today in their first day of school. Part of the reason was the fact that Paul did not want to go to school. Tonight's ensuing argument after Paul's 'no school' revelation had been interesting. Jean had been understanding and had worked with him beside me, combatting his rebellious streak. I think the double-team effort did some good, as he found no sympathy for his obstinacy.

  Now, Jean and LSS were sleeping in the next room with the children and dogs, while Cara and I had the bedroom to ourselves. This was something I had remarked upon when presented with the nights schedule, for schedule it was. Earlier in the day Jean had expressed concern that we weren't spending enough quality one-on-one time together but while I was busy Cara had pulled my other two girls together and worked out a schedule to everyone's satisfaction. The fact is, life was too fragile at this moment. We could not go back to the way things were and alone time was a very limited luxury that almost never happened. Not if you wanted to survive.

  I was finding that with my ever greater responsibilities and increasing numbers of refugees I was lucky to find the time to tap into my women late at night let alone spend major alone time with any one of them. The fact is, women easily outnumbered the men three or even four to one and there was nothing we would ever be able to do about that. So Jean and Cara had presented me with a schedule. Sounds funny, but it's true, and for the most part fair. I was smart enough to keep any comments to myself. Besides the kids were terrified and having nightmares and we needed to sleep with them also. Providing that extra measure of security their young psyche's desperately needed.

  "Mi amore. What are you doing?"

  "Just playing. You have all sorts of interesting things to play with, Cara," I responded.

  "You should do more than play with my things, Senor Jay," she purred, and turned in my arms to face me, lifting her face to mine.

  Well, I certainly didn't need more prompting than that, so I kissed her hard and hungrily, savoring her sweet full lips as my hand switched to her left breast in this new position. Her nipples were already hard and I gently twisted the one attached to the breast I was currently squeezing.

  "Oh, mi amore. Sí, I like that …" Cara moaned into my mouth as I pulled her harder against me, then rolled over on top of her. A quick thrust of my hands and her nightgown was bunched up just above her breasts and I separated her thighs with my knees. I broke our kiss and my mouth almost instantly found one tiny brown nipple to suck, and suck it I did, like a hungry newborn babe. My hand was exploring that warmth between her legs and I found her pussy wet and tight as I inserted a finger, easing its tiny opening slightly.

  My cock was already rock hard and I quickly rubbed it up and down against her slit, coating the head and part of the thick shaft, then pushed it in an inch, wiggling my hips.

  "Ohhhh ..." she gasped as her back arched. That just gave my mouth more tit to suck on as I slowly eased into her tight, hot wetness.

  Lying on her chest, I reached up to grab her hands and pulled them downward, placing them over her clit as I leaned up again. My unspoken command was clear. "Play with yourself while I fuck you." Her moaning grew louder and her breathing sped up as my thrusting took on a greater urgency, knowing she might cum quickly given her excitement. Deeper I sank into that golden brown beauty as she started to thrash beneath me. I could feel her pussy stretching out as I sank further and further into her, then felt my groin bumping against her rubbing fingers, mashing them into her throbbing clit. That was all it took for she started to pant and moan louder and I she started to tremble under me.

  Quickly I fastened my mouth over hers again to muffle her cries and took her hard, thrusting faster and deeper as I felt her tense again, and then spasm underneath me. Wow, this tiny thing could really cum, I thought as I felt her legs wrap around me, pulling my cock even deeper into her as her arms circled around me. My breathing sped up to match hers but I was not yet ready to cum, but she sure was in the process of doing so. That tight pussy of her's tightened around my cock in a rhythmic pattern in sequence with her panting and I knew that yes, I, Jay, had succeeded again in pleasing my wom

  "Mi amore, that was wonderful," Cara gasped as she lay quivering in my arms. Her first orgasm over, she was kissing me passionately as my cock slowly moved in and out of her wet box.

  "That was just the beginning, my little angel," I murmured as I got back to work on my woman.


  Chapter 14

  DAY 12: 0745 ET Tuesday NOVEMBER 15TH

  I had been up since before six. More issues to resolve. The new Sheriff, Fridaddy, wanted more deputies. People were getting unruly and he was rapidly becoming overwhelmed. Even in the middle of a zombie apocalypse, domestic disputes happened. Another three deaths, and they had not been pleasant.

  The guards had woken me before dawn to tell me of a fire and the additional deaths within Newaygo. Sure, many within town were burning wood, but Miguel had a team in place that inspected each fireplace and wood stove in every home currently occupied and cleaned the chimneys if needed. That was not the issue. The issue was the inhabitants and the fire was manmade, not accidental.

  By six-thirty, I had a headache. By seven, it was raging. Thank God we had tons of Tylenol for now. Two women and a child were dead, murdered before the man was stopped by others living in the same home. Empty liquor bottles littered the closets, and their rooms had been a pigsty.

  Having done a preliminary investigation by drawing on his extensive experience as a former sheriff's deputy and investigator for the coroner's office, Fridaddy had ruled the deaths homicides. Uncontroversial evidence pointed to the brutal stabbing of two women, and then one of their children before other residents, hearing the screams of the remaining children, had come to their rescue. It was ugly and senseless. The other residents had managed to get between the man and the other three children, who were cowering in a corner of the room. Before they could do more than provide a barrier with their bodies and drawn weapons, the man had upended a small jar of gasoline over one of the beds, setting it ablaze. The mattress had been quickly turned over, the fire extinguished, and the man overpowered and taken into custody.


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