Legacy of the Living

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Legacy of the Living Page 41

by Sean Liebling

  "We just acquired this from an abandoned Army roadblock south of here. From the looks of it, they were overrun by zombies. Still had plenty of ammunition, which is surprising."

  "Maybe they deserted," the Reaper muttered.

  "Possibly. We'll never know, will we," Joseph shrugged. "I understand you already know Jesse. The other is Tommy so you have a gunner and loader, and I have another driver coming. She'll have to sit between you in the front. You'll want to climb a building near the action, right? So the extra driver will be needed when they drop you off."

  "Works for me. Thanks Joseph," the Reaper nodded.

  "I volunteer to sit next to the Reaper," Tommy spoke up. Though she looked like an amateur body builder, her voice was youthful and girlish, at contrast to her obvious mid-thirties age. The Reaper frowned as he looked at her, and heard Travis snort with laughter beside him.

  "We're wasting time. Where's the extra driver?" groused the Reaper as he ignored the girl, Tommy.

  "Here! My names Alison." An older, heavyset blonde ran up and jumped in the cab of the Humvee. "Get in, you're wasting time!" she called out. The Reaper shrugged and got in the passenger side. Travis slid behind the steering wheel and started the engine. It came to life with a deep roar, and looking over his shoulder, he saw the two ladies in the back fastening safety belts to harnesses they wore. The garage door rolled open and Travis pulled out, then gunned it to catch up with the caravan of trikes heading out in a long line.

  "AJTTR. No, that doesn't work. JARTT. Yeah, that works," Travis said.

  "What in the Lord’s name are you going on about, Travis?" asked the Reaper, looking bewildered.

  "Trying to find a good acronym for our first name initials."

  "Would you try to act your age? We may not survive this!"

  "All the more reason for a cool acronym for history to remember us by, Reaper."

  The Reaper rolled his eyes, but it was too soon as Travis spoke again.

  "You know, dude. That muscle-bound chick in the back took a liking to you. She's pretty hot. You might want to consider it."

  "Just shut up and drive, Travis," the Reaper grumbled again as both Alison and Travis laughed. "Besides, she's a lesbian."

  "No she's not, we're not all lesbian here, you know," remarked Alison with a smirk on her face as she leaned back and laid her arm across Travis's shoulders while caressing his cheek. The surprised look on Travis's face was priceless, and the Reaper buried a chuckle as he remained silent.


  "Talk to me people! What can we put together in the next few minutes? Are the Bradleys back yet?" I asked. I was so anxious to leave I was vibrating inside.

  "They're in Big Rapids preparing to button down for the night. It would take them at least three hours to get to Muskegon," replied my LSS.

  "Shit. Right. Top, what do we have available that won't leave us defenseless here?"

  "A dozen Strykers and double that number of Humvees is about it, Sir. Nothing else is fast enough to get there in time. Six equipped with M2s and six with the MK-19s. .50 calibers and 40mm grenade launchers. Add one command Stryker to that Sir, we'll need it for coordination."

  "Well, we can't rely on them having transportation so we'll take the school busses and four of the V-bladed snowplows. Get them assembled Top, you have ten minutes. I'll be in the command Stryker with LSS. Make sure we have full squads in all the others with as much ammunition as they can carry."

  "Got it Sir."

  Then I saw someone else I figured would come in handy. Actually it was two someones, TJ and Eugene, my favorite northern rednecks who had obviously come running when the sirens went off. "Boys!" I hollered, and waved them towards me.

  "Sure Gov, what you need?" TJ was the first to speak as they trotted up to me.

  "You boys still have that big truck of yours?"

  "Big Foot? Sure do Gov, we even washed it."

  "Good. I need you, and your truck’s going to get dirty again." Quickly I filled them in with as few words as possible, and they took off to get their baby ready. I would have them run front guard with a few solders bearing M240s strapped down in the back.

  "We're coming along too, mi amore." Cara had walked up behind me while I was issuing orders, and I turned in surprise. Beside her stood Ashley, both of them looking quite deadly in camouflage utilities while festooned with assorted guns and knives.

  "Oh, hell no you’re not. You’re staying right here where it's safe. Both of you!" I growled fiercely at them. Ashley just smiled but Cara growled back at me.

  "We are coming and you have nothing to say about it Senor Jay! If you give me trouble I will have Ashley sit on you." With that, Cara pointed at Ashley, who smiled wider as she watched Cara. The contrast between the two women was amazing. One, an Amazon, with white blonde hair and huge breasts, and the other, small and dark, with hefty breasts and a fiery attitude. What was it about me and beautiful women with large tits and attitudes? I thought as I shook my head.

  "Do not shake your head at me, my love. We are coming even if you do not wish us to." Cara was working herself up and I tried to calm her down by holding up both hands placatingly.

  "Cara, calm babe. You can come. I give up. Jeez." I shook my head again, then ooomphed as she jumped into my arms, guns and all. Now that made an interesting if sharp bundle, as I let her kiss me several times before pushing her off. "Follow LSS to the Command Stryker and I want to see both of you in flak jackets when I get there." They ran off together and as I watched, I saw a high five occur between them. “Damn women,” I muttered before turning back to the group, addressing Dan and Jeff as they awaited their orders.

  "Dan," I said, addressing Major Weston, "you're in charge of inner defense. Pull everyone in. All the work crews, all the gatherers, everyone living in homes outside the compound, everybody. I don't care how cramped they'll be, they're going to sit behind these walls until we get back. I want them all in within fifteen minutes, and if they can't, the soldiers with them know how to fortify and dig in. Since none are more than a couple of miles away, this is doable. Have them just drop what they're doing and shag ass. I want double protection around all the children this time. Where's Jean?"

  "She's on her way. Finishing up at the adult center and said she'd be leaving in five," LSS replied to my question.

  I didn't like that one bit and would have a talk with her security detail when I got back, but I didn't have time to argue about it. I swore as people started coming in too slowly. I’d sent four soldiers to snag Dr. Mansk. He was coming along whether he’d had enough sleep or not. Thirty newborns needed a doctor, and I had no idea what medical staff might be part of this group at the rehabilitation clinic.

  "Jeff," I said, addressing Lieutenant Botello. "You're in charge of perimeter defense. Get your mortars and artillery arrayed around our position in case the fucking zombies pull another surprise attack on us. If anything approaches, blow it to hell. Start broadcasting to warn any incoming groups away from Newaygo. This place is in lockdown as of right now."

  "Got it, Sir. Wish we were coming with you."

  "As do I, Jeff, but we can only bring along so many. Hold down the fort you two.”

  Dr. Mansk ran up then with an oversized medical bag and two of his nurses in training loaded down with bags of stuff I assumed to be even more medical supplies.

  "What's the situation, Jay?"

  I quickly filled him in on everything I knew. We had started getting information in the last few minutes over the CB. Evidently, there was quite the thriving survivor network out there that had remained hidden until now. That was irritating but understandable. Reports were sporadic but it was my understanding that some of the local groups were sending what they could to assist once they knew we were committed. Perhaps even regardless of our commitment. Honorable men and women had that habit after all. We were really needed out there, and now. Dr. Mansk kept nodding at my words, then indicated his two helpers. Vaguely I noticed neither was Judy.

; "These are my two best. These two nurses were with me at Pine Medical. Susan and Keira, meet our leader and governor, Jay." I nodded and gave a short wave. They were very professional looking, both slightly heavy but with pleasant expressions. I liked what I saw. I nodded at Top and he gave directions to the doctor on which vehicle to get into.

  LSS signaled for my attention and I nodded for her to go ahead. "Sir, Staff Sergeant Tremaine wants to know if you want him to start heading to Muskegon. The only bad thing is he won't reach there until well after dark."

  "No. That doesn't make any sense. We'll either have rescued them by then or be dead with them. Tell them to stay buttoned up and wait the night out." She nodded at my words and I saw her lips moving against her spider microphone while holding her hand over her right ear.

  "You ready, Top?" I said, turning to Master Sergeant Trask.

  "Yes Sir, whenever you are, but Sir," he pulled me aside. "Sir, this is going to use up a lot of our reserve ammunition. We need replenishment and pronto."

  "I know Top. Trust me, I know. We'll hit the National Guard Armory up soon. Maybe tomorrow. I can't concentrate on that right now with this going on in Muskegon, but plan for an early morning raid down south to re-equip." He nodded and ran off, calling to his men to saddle up. "Then let's get going. We have people to save," I said as I held down my camouflage cap with it's unique colonel insignia and ran to the command Stryker.


  Vonn watched as the ground dropped away. He sat in his gunner’s sling, the Black Hawk he was riding fully loaded with men and equipment and then some. They were on their way again. Not against the rogue government forces, but against a force even more rogue in nature. On the other side of the bird, also suspended in mid-air was Staff Sergeant Frees both of them manning the bird’s twin M134s. Flight time was an hour or more and he was anxious to get moving. Vonn heard the chatter over his headset but gave it no thought as he focused on images of his wife and two children down below in their temporary quarters.

  "We are airborne. Start the tower radar and watch for bad guys. I want the six Little Birds out front in two half Vs. The Assault Black Hawks will follow behind them in fours formation and three DAPs on each side of our column for fire cover. Keep it tight and no higher than one hundred or we'll light up the Badgers’ passive sensors like a Christmas tree, according to Chief Sheldon." Major Robinson was speaking and Vonn settled back in his sling to ride it out. Over the noise of the rotors, he made out various metallic sounds as the Rangers behind him checked their equipment. From experience, he knew they would be checking their equipment again and again, especially just before insertion. He smiled grimly as his hands flexed on the double grips of the Gatling gun before him. Payback time. Vonn settle back with an evil grin as the wind whipped through his short hair.


  Nolan glanced at Locke and gave him a tiny nod to get ready. Locke in turn signaled Cobb, who was on the other side of Nolan's position. The sirens had just gone off and one of the soldiers below was on the radio talking with their command. Nolan listened and refrained from grunting as the emergency was described over the radio. From the sounds around them, the building had emptied within seconds except for the asset and her security detail.

  "Yes Sir. The commander's lady says she needs another ten minutes. Everything's good here and we'll be in shortly." The conversation abruptly ended and Nolan peered through the tiny hole he had made in the ceiling tile. He raised his suppressed MP5, then looked sideways to see Locke doing the same, and could only assume Cobb was in position to take out the outer two guards. Below him the soldier had stepped around Jean to look out the large glass window into the street.

  Taking a deep breath, Nolan raised his weapon and fired a stream of rounds, taking the soldier high in the back, letting the kick raise the muzzle as the last few rounds impacted the skull, sending a spray of blood against the window before it blew out. Instantly he rolled off his jury-rigged platform and dropped to the ground through a shower of ceiling tiles as he heard suppressed firing behind and above him.

  The asset was staring at him in shock as he vaulted over her desk, knocking her to the floor then kneeling on her back as he swept his MP5 back and forth. The vigilance was not needed as Locke dropped through the ceiling to land on top of the body of the other guard below him, then the office door opened and Cobb entered, a silly grin on his face. Under Nolan the asset was whimpering as his knee dug savagely into her back, and as he slung his rifle he pulled out a restraining tie and whipped it quickly around her wrists, then pulled cloth and rope from his cargo pocket and gagged her before rising. The entire takedown and capture had taken seconds and Nolan was proud of his team.

  "Good work, both of you. Now let's get out of here," he remarked.

  By then, Jean had gotten her breath back and started struggling. Nolan leaned down, backhanded her and whispered, "If you make another sound I'll kill you regardless of what Base wants. I'm not dying for you, you’re not worth it. Got it bitch?" he gritted through clenched teeth. He could see she was trying to cry and scream at the same time, but the gag prevented the screaming. Reluctantly the asset nodded.

  "Good. We're out of here." Nolan dragged the asset to her feet and slowly they made their way to the back where they started towards the tree line. They would have to get clear before they could call the chopper in. Savagely he jerked the asset along. He knew her name, of course, but doing what he did was dirty work and it was easier to think in other, generic terms. Idly he noticed she was weeping silently, tears streaming down her face. He didn't give a shit. He only cared about his own family held hostage by his boss. He signaled Cobb to lead the way and wrapped an arm around the asset to keep her from getting away. As soon as they got to the tree line he would attach a rope to her and drag her the two miles if need be. He didn't care in the slightest.


  Jean was terrified. Who were these men? Why have weapons designed to be silent inside Newaygo? And why did they murder her guards? She hurt all over from being slammed to the ground and then slapped, yet could not help crying over the loss of her guards. She had just started getting to know them. She tried to ask why they were doing this but the gag prevented her from speaking. When she tried to struggle again, they simply dragged her along by her arms. Then she heard the one who was obviously in charge talking to the others and felt a sinking feeling descend. This had to be Don's doing. God damn him!



  Johnny grunted as his rapier blade speared through the eye of a guppy. He twisted his wrist making spaghetti of the brain before shifting his attention to the four-foot long, three-eighths-inch rebar he was holding in his left hand and whacked another over the head, knocking it off the wall. Christ, he was beyond exhausted. He speared another through the eye with his rapier even as it tried to dodge, or what looked like a dodge. Damn, he was getting good at this shit. They were conserving their ammunition for the last minute and that minute was approaching fast. Celeste was behind him. He couldn't get her to leave. She wanted to die with her man, she said. What the fuck was that all about? He wanted to lock her in a safe to keep her alive. The last word he’d received off the CB was almost thirty minutes ago, and said help was on the way from multiple sources and that Newaygo was also on their way. Where in the hell was Newaygo? He had no idea. Never heard of it. Well, if they didn't get here quick it wouldn't matter what he did or didn't know. His left arm was cramping, his right was dead tired, his legs were beyond hurting and he was covered in guppy shit. Fuck! Damn CP!

  "How you holding up, baby?" Celeste, now beside him, was swinging her Katana. Even over the shouts, screams, and cussing, she still had preternatural hearing. She knew instinctively when to swing. Her latest swipe took a guppy’s arms off at the biceps and slit his throat deep enough that the head laid back like a banana peel. He'd been surprised when she asked for the sword, claiming to have some knowledge of them. Now, he was just trying to keep up.

  "Good, bitch!"

  "I told you to quit calling me that. We are partners now. There is no need to prove anything, Johnny. I love you!" She swung again, taking the top half of the head off the next guppy to attempt climbing over the wall.

  "Yeah, same, Celeste."

  "Say it Johnny!" Suddenly the sword was pointed at him, only inches away and dripping guppy blood, as he speared the next guppy before him through the eye, backed up quickly then lunged forward again to take another down.

  "OK, OK. I love you too, baby." Johnny rolled his eyes, but the sword lowered and she smiled.

  "Quit rolling your eyes."

  "Damn it woman, how can you tell?"

  "I hear your eyeballs roll around."

  "That was funny. Know what I'm thinking now?" Johnny stuck his rapier in the wooden scaffold and dropping the length of rebar leaned down to pick up a concrete block, then dropped it on the heads of several guppies clustered below him.

  "Oh my God, how can you think of sex at a time like this?"

  "Hey! Fighting makes me horny!"

  "Damn, Johnny. Everything makes you horny," but she was laughing, and a huge smile lit her face.

  Johnny smiled at her, loving her with all his soul. He knew deep down she couldn't actually see his smile, yet he also knew she would sense it.

  "We ain’t gonna make it, baby. I'll make sure Loki puts us back on the wheel at the same time though."

  "Johnny, we have to make it. You will save us of course. You have to. You’re going to be a daddy, remember?"


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