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Legacy of the Living

Page 44

by Sean Liebling

  "Oh man, I'm so sorry. Celeste? Damn," and Samson was hugging him again but Johnny pushed him away.

  "Here, it was Chester's. Hug him," and he shoved Puppy into Samson’s arms and stumbled away as he dashed tears from his eyes. Oh, he and Loki were so going to have a conversation about this, and soon, but first they needed him. He could grieve later because his people needed him and he had to be strong, at least for a little while longer.

  Johnny stumbled down the steps and as quickly as he could made it to the front gate where the excavator had ground to a halt against the wall just before reaching it. As Johnny watched, dozens of people were leaping over the wall to join dozens of others already inside who were helping his defenders in fighting off the multiple break-ins. The guppies were everywhere and he skewered two on his way to the front gates when there was another lull in the fighting as they got it briefly under control.

  By the time he arrived, some of the newcomers had already climbed on top of the barricaded front and were firing from new positions into the crowd of guppies. A man ran up to him, toting what looked like an AK-47 and a bandolier of magazines.

  "I'm looking for someone named Johnny!" he shouted over the barrage of gun blasts.

  "That's me. Who are you? Not that I'm bitching, just want to know who I'm going to be dying with."

  "Jeff. And no more talk of dying, bro. More help is on the way. You got babies. They need saving and it's a good reason to risk one’s life."

  "Risk one's life? Screw you man. I've lost dozens already today alone. Where in Hel were you a week ago?"

  The man stared dumbfounded at Johnny for a moment, then it was obvious he became angry. Very angry, and he leaned close to Johnny as he snarled, "We're risking our lives for you, motherfucker, and dying. My best friend was just killed and we've lost at least thirty people already getting to you. I have zero tolerance for bullshit right now, man."

  Johnny pulled himself together and tried to speak coherently. "I'm sorry Jeff. My girl just died along with my unborn son. I've been losing friends all day and I'm really damn tired."

  "Oh man I'm sorry, but deal with it later because right now we need to save the rest of those here!"

  "Thank you, but you're not enough. There are too many guppies out there. You distracted them, but look." Johnny climbed to the top of the barricade painfully with Jeff's help and looked out, then swept his hand outward at the thousands arrayed against them, once again surging forward against the defenders. "Too many, man. You'll die here with the rest of us. Get out if you can. Maybe you can take some of the babies." He felt Jeff's strong hand clap his shoulder and turned, seeing the other man grinning at him through his grime-covered face.

  "We only have to hold out for a little bit. Newaygo is on their way. They got juice."

  "What is juice? Are they going to hose these guppies away with apple cider?"

  "Not sure what guppies are, but Newaygo is bad ass. They are making a difference, and pulling in survivors. Nobody gets left behind. They have some Army with them and a gung ho commander. It's all over the damn CB. Don't you listen in?

  "Not really. We just got ours up."

  "Trust me. If they say they're coming, then they're on their way. Big bunch of zombies though." Jeff frowned at that and started firing at them.


  "Zombies! The governor issued a proclamation naming them, we just heard about it."


  "Tell you later. Right now, was I you, I'd start killing them zombies." The horde had reached the front again and were already climbing up. Johnny lifted his rapier and muttered one last time.




  LSS flipped the toggles on her remote drone pad. Currently she was tied in through satellite to the main console of the Badger command vehicle. She had told them to launch a drone thirty minutes after they left, and it was just now coming into position. She assumed active control through VHF and activated the camera system while taking it off GPS, and started guiding it with the joystick centered on the pad but down low to make room for the two screens near the top. Well, she thought. The man from Kent City had been correct about one thing. Just look for a large concentration of zombies and we'll find the clinic. She shook her head while estimating numbers, then called over to the soldier sitting next to Cara on the other side of the compartment.

  "Get the commander, now. He'll want to see this." The man nodded and stood within the bouncing vehicle and, reaching up, lifted a topside hatch near one side. A series of rungs ran up the wall below it and he climbed several of these until his upper body was outside. She heard him shouting something. As she waited, she hit some points on the touch screen embedded in the wall next to her and piggybacked her signal into the command Stryker’s array, allowing her to place the imagery she was receiving from the drone on the forward screen. As she did so, the soldier dropped back down then made way, as Jay was the next to crowd into the compartment.

  "What's up LSS?"

  "I thought you might want to see drone imagery of what we're up against."

  "We have drones?"

  "You were told this morning the Badgers had four of them."

  "Well, yeah, but I thought they were dedicated to whatever it is they do with them."

  "I re-tasked one. Don't worry. Here Sir, look!" and she pointed at the forward screen.

  The scene she showed him was an ugly one. What appeared to be at least a hundred thousand zombies were clustered around a very large multi-building compound with some kind of wall around it. The undead appeared to have it hemmed in on all four sides for at least two blocks in every direction. From multiple locations along this fence, they could see tiny flashes of light. Obviously shooters, and as the drone flew closer they saw a majority of people with clubs and other implements swinging down at the creatures surging all around them. The commander leaned closer to the screen and with one finger, pointed.

  "Christ, are those wheelchairs? People fighting in wheelchairs?"

  "Yes, Sir. Some look to be amputees."

  "FUCKING SHIT! What's our ETA?"

  "Five minutes, Commander, maybe less."

  "Do they know we’re coming?"

  "They know we’re coming, but not how close we are, Commander. I'm trying to reach them now but that's not thirty thousand. That's closer to a hundred thousand."

  "I don't care if it's a million. Get them on the line. I want everyone behind those walls when we roll in because we’re going in hot!"

  "Yes Sir, stand by please," but the commander was already on his tactical microphone issuing orders and ignoring her. She knew he trusted her completely, and she certainly knew her job better than he did. She was already multi-tasking to the nth degree, in communication with Newaygo via satellite, the drone, and their forces making sure everyone was in place and where they were supposed to be. Her own microphone was open so she didn't have to switch channels. It was easier this way, and she trusted them to sort it out on the run. She had six conversations going on at once. If the circumstances weren't beyond dire, this would actually be fun.


  Hell. Hundreds of men and women with disabilities, holding their own and about to be crushed. Fuck me to tears. I was furious again. I stayed that way lately. I was already ignoring LSS and on my tac issuing orders.

  "Top. New formation. When we turn right on Canal, have the snowplows form into a partial V. We'll shove then sideways. Bring the Strykers alongside them to roll over the bastards. Estimates are one hundred thousand zombies, so we'll have to hit them hard and thoroughly. I want at least four Humvees with Mk19s in the center right behind them."

  "Mix, Sir?"

  "HE and Phosphorus but spread the P to the sides. Blow and burn the fuckers, Top!" I growled the last.

  "One hundred thousand is a lot, Sir."

  "You want to live forever, brother of mine?"

  "No Sir, would get boring after a few centuries but
I'd like to find that out for myself." I heard the laughter in his voice.

  "Exactly. Bring everyone into the V. We'll do a swing through then turn and head back. Keep the buses close even if they touch each other. Everyone stays protected. There are a couple of parking lots we can turn around in, but I’m thinking we'll loop the clinic. LSS says it has concrete block walls with a big barricade out front. One or two loops around and we'll start loading them into the buses while the rest of us hold them off. Have the Strykers do continuous sweeps. Concentrate on the front where we'll be loading. The drone shows even more headed this way. It's going to be tight, brother." LSS was signaling me that she had communications with the clinic.


  "Don't ask. Now get to work. I have to contact them." I turned to LSS. "Put the clinic on my feed," I commanded. She nodded and mouthed “Channel 12 CB.”

  "Attention clinic. Respond, over."

  "This is Larry. Who's this?"

  "Colonel Scarmon, Newaygo Command. Get your asses behind the walls. We’re rolling in hot and it's about to get real ugly."

  "Holy shit, about damn time, Newaygo. Where have you been?"

  "Had to stop for donuts and the wife had to pee. Now shut the hell up, Larry, and get all your asses under cover. I'm dropping HE and Prosperous 40s down through their center as we roll in."

  "40s? Grenades? How many?"

  "More than you can count. It will look like the second coming of Christ. Now get under cover. We are seconds out."

  "Roger that! Over and out!"


  Larry was almost out of ammunition. Currently he was standing behind the concrete block wall that surrounded the clinic, swinging a makeshift club as each zombie head reached the top. He was saving his last rounds for the end, as it didn't look good; after seeing Jaime pulled over the top of the wall into their mass, he had just about given up hope. Fortunately, Jaime's screams hadn't lasted long. Long enough though, and Larry was almost glad he wouldn't have to tell Jaime's wife about his demise. Not if they all died in the next few moments. To his left a muscle-bound double amputee named Samson wielded what looked like a fence pole about six feet long from the comfort of his padded wheelchair. To Larry’s right was Bruce, and to Bruce's right was another wheelchair-bound somebody. Larry didn't know what she had, but it must be bad for she was all but curled up within its confines. That didn't stop the girl from punching outward with a two-by-four with a snarl on her face, hitting the undead right in the faces as they tried to climb over the barricade. To her right he saw Johnny, whom he had met earlier, swinging a long but light sword, skewering heads, partial heads, arms and other pieces as they came close to him. He heard the handheld CB on his hip crackle to life and stepped back slightly while copying the girl in the wheelchair next to Bruce, punching outward as each undead face appeared. He held the handheld against his ear tightly as the screams around him were too intense for normal conversation. He heard someone calling the clinic and he responded.

  "This is Larry. Who's this?"

  "Colonel Scarmon, Newaygo. Get your asses behind the walls. We’re rolling in hot and it's about to get real ugly."

  Then Newaygo was outlining their plan and Larry was instantly shouting to those around him.

  "Fall back. Fall back! Newaygo's here and they’re coming in hotter than shit! Fall back everyone, and pass the word. Get down, damn it. The zombies are going to be lit up in spades."

  "Samson! Do you need help?" Larry called to him.

  "Hell no. Watch your own ass, man." Samson was already turning away after giving one last sweep to the wall before him knocking the zombies off, then rolling down the ramp behind them. Larry noticed he didn't relinquish his steel pole. Well, crimson steel pole now. He turned, nodding at Bruce, and flipped a hand at the girl next to him. Bruce nodded back and slung his rifle, then reached down and gathered her up in his arms, jumping down off the barricade and leaving her wheelchair behind. She resisted slightly then gave up, folding her arms partially around him. Up and down the line, Larry heard voices shouting, "Newaygo's here. Take cover. Retreat!" He fell back after picking up his club again. Some of the zombies would make it over, but he knew now that if Newaygo was here they were gonna be OK. Grinning like a maniac, he took out the first zombie to climb over their barricade, then all hell broke loose and everything went white around him as his hearing left and a pulsating pressure wave of heat hit him.


  Johnny heard Larry shout about Newaygo being here, and to fall back. He didn't understand but he did see people running from the walls to his left and right. Damn Loki, he was tired. He just wanted to die right here and now. The only thing that kept him going was that his people needed him and the thought of what Celeste would want him to do. He lowered his rapier and looked out over the walls. He had no clue how many guppies he had ended but it had been many. What a great way to die, he thought. My place in Valhalla is assured after this shit. Then he saw movement from the south again, his left. Shit. He saw four snowplows come into view down the street. Behind them were more than a dozen tank-like vehicles on wheels, then a whole cluster of smaller vehicles, some with what looked like smoke shooting out their tops. Then the explosions started going off in the middle of the guppies and all he saw was yellow light and fire. He turned instantly and tried to run, leaping off the barricade they were fighting on. He felt searing heat on his back and his left arm locked up. He hit the ground on his good leg, rolling over twice before he was able to stop.

  Then the ground started shaking and a wave of pressure and more heat hit him as he curled into a ball, trying like Hel to protect himself.


  I swore as I rode the M2 .50 caliber machine gun like a bad idea. One hundred thousand. Fucking zombies were everywhere. Then I watched as a line of explosions lit within their midst. “Walking forward,” as it was called. A mix of HE and Prosperous did wonders for morale, and the zombies were no exception. I could see them peeling off and trying to get away already and we had just started hitting them. Instantly I got on my tac net.

  "Re-direct fire. Hit them on the outside edges. Try to keep them hemmed in. They're trying to get away."

  "On it Sir!" an unknown voice spoke in my ear, and I heard grunting, probably swinging that M19 around was my guess. Heavy bitch, even greased. The Strykers were tearing them a new asshole. Against orders they had swung wider to run and bounce through the larger groups. I heard firing next to me and, looking around, saw my girls were topside firing away at every zombie in sight. When exactly I had started thinking of Ashley as my girl I didn't know, but I still had no intentions of sleeping with her. Too much of a complication there, and I was well satisfied already. I gave up trying to control them at that point. Whatever.

  I had Humvees starting to park along the walls, firing blazing streams of light into the undead fuckers. More grenades were going off and it was kinda intense. I had my ear protectors on over my tac buds but it was still loud as shit. Half of the Strykers disappeared from sight, turning right around the clinic's walls, and I keyed my mic again, telling my driver to head to the main gate. He pulled alongside, close enough for me to jump onto the dead bodies littered around and half walk, half crawl to the top. With resignation, I noticed the women following me. I swung over the top, my M4 carbine pulled close and ready to blast anything moving that resembled a zombie, and then I saw them.

  Arrayed before me were the survivors of the clinic, I guessed, plus members of the local survivor groups; I saw some dressed in biker leathers and others in an assortment of camouflage clothing and gear. A multitude were in wheelchairs, and some on their feet. I jumped down the last few feet to the ground and several people approached me at once. I held my hand up and keyed my microphone again as I saw Dr. Mansk disappear into their crowd.

  "Status update!" and LSS was instantly in my ear.

  "We're holding our own but it's tight, Sir. Master Sergeant Trask reports the zombies are regrouping and we don't have much time. More
zombies than even we estimated earlier, and they’re coming out from everywhere." I nodded subconsciously.

  "OK, keep the Strykers circling and lay it on thick." I looked around, seeing a large number of people approaching. Many were holding babies swathed in what looked like sheets of bedding. Oh man, this would be tight. "Bring the buses up after the plows have cleared a path through those parts out there, have a couple Strykers clear this barricade and we'll start loading."

  "Yes, Sir."

  I turned at the thirty or so people around me and motioned them back.

  "I have two Strykers about to clear this barricade. It’s gonna get crazy. I want everyone loaded on the buses, like yesterday. Move back people, we can talk in a minute.”

  I started shoving people back. I knew my crew would come in fast and hard. I really started shoving and received a few frowns but they moved. We were about forty feet away when the gate exploded inward. Something hit my back but I didn't pay attention to it. Cara fell beside me and I bent, helping her to her feet, and she smiled. Then I lifted my M4 and took out a zombie trying to crawl over the top of a Stryker. Fuckers were getting way too good at that climbing shit, I thought as I looked around. The interior was mostly clear. Clear enough for twenty buses ... maybe. I called out.

  "Buses are coming in. Get on now. Get everyone on now. We leave no one behind. There are doctors and nurses on the buses." Some guy was yanking on my arm as we continued to move backward and the first of the buses filed in. He looked all fucked up and some others were shouting for my attention.

  "Wait! What's going on?" the man holding my arm shouted. He was covered in blood and that damn yellow zombie piss. I didn't have time for this.

  "Get your people on the buses. This is gonna be tight as fuck. We're getting you to safety. What do you need? Are you in charge?" I responded.

  "Hell yeah I'm in charge. I just lost my girl and baby and I need to know the others will be safe."


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