Legacy of the Living

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Legacy of the Living Page 48

by Sean Liebling

  "Yes, Sir," the captain responded.

  "LSS, Reaper, Cara. You're all on me. Yes, you also, Ashley." I had seen her mouth open to protest and cut her off. "Top, you're going to have to stay with the column and see everyone safely back." He nodded at my words, and was already speaking into his own tactical net on another channel. I turned to the major. “Lead on!” I growled.


  Locke, having listened to the exchange between the pilot and Newaygo's governor, hit he talk button on his headset. "Boy, you really talked tough to him considering we did the snatch," Locke spat. "He's wasted every away team we've sent after him. Even I wouldn't want to attempt it."

  "I have you guys to keep that fire off me, remember?"

  "In your dreams, flyboy."

  A pause, then, "ETA two hours to base."

  "Right," murmured Locke, and, rolling his eyes at Cobb, he sat down one seat over from Jean. She eyed him, heart thudding, and then spoke.

  "Please let me go. He'll come after you, you know." She cringed as she saw him turn to her, an angry expression on his face.

  "Look, Jean, if I may call you that, your boyfriend has no assets that can get him where we're going anytime soon, and that assumes he knows where we're going, which he doesn't. We are well hidden. I don't know why they want you, nor do I really care. I just want to get through this, and I advise you to keep cooperating so that you might also." With that he leaned back and shut his eyes. Whether pretending to sleep or actually going to sleep, she didn't know. She leaned back and stared forward, seeing nothing, while tears ran down her cheeks. Their children, the child within her, her man. Their future ...


  Captain Fischer adjusted the Terrain Following Radar slightly as he descended to thirty thousand feet, then adjusted the autopilot that was controlling the EC-130H Compass and looked over at his co-pilot, Lieutenant Moore.

  "Tell surveillance to activate the suite and stand by. We should be crossing their envelope within minutes. Remember, passive sensors only, Carl. We do not want to mess this up. This may be our best chance to provide a partial payback for our families." Both men had lost their immediate families when Fort Hunter was nuked, and the hurt was still fresh within them. Some were fortunate in the rapid evacuation, most others were not. It hurt, and bad, yet gave them a goal, a reason to stay alive for revenge instead of joining their deceased loved ones.

  "Passive radar has acquired them Sir. All other passive systems are online and tracking forward. I'm positive they haven't seen us."

  "And they won't. We'll fly at oblique angles and stay behind, even though we suspect the location."

  "Yes Sir!"

  Captain Fischer settled back in his seat, staring outward, then slowly reached into the breast pocket of his flight utilities and pulled out a photograph. A smiling middle-aged woman stared back out at him. Before her, three small to mid-teen boys crouched with various baseball implements clutched in their hands and smiles on their faces. They appeared happy and proud. Then he couldn't see anymore for the tears in his eyes.


  Chapter 18


  Obviously we made it back without incident, and yeah, I was still madder than hell, but the major had spent the flight talking me down a bit. He’d made some great points, many of which I hadn't considered.

  If we went in without additional manpower the Reaper and I would be infiltrating an enemy base without intelligence or support. We’d have no means of evacuation if we found other hostages, which I had seriously not considered as I figured this was the sole action of that Don asshole Jean had told me about, but then Robinson informed me of what they’d learned from a CDC doctor in their company. We’d have no means, really, of providing a diversionary tactic to draw them off unless I split my two-man force in half, thus leaving both of us on our own, not that I was particularly worried about that but it was a point to consider. As a two-man team, we would be unable to gather intel concerning their primary base in Colorado. The Ohio and Vermont base locations were already known by Robinson. The Vermont base was news to me, although I had already known the F-15s came from Ohio's direction. I felt I was out of the loop and gladly accepted the major's advice.

  I needed to spend some quality time with our children, which included Jean’s, explaining as best I could why she was taken and why I had to leave them and go get her back. I’d explain who would be taking care of them and that I would try to talk to them every day even though I might be gone for up to a week. Robinson and I had brutally assessed our chances as mediocre to fair at best; if the Reaper and I weren't out in a few days, then he would know we were captured or dead. That made me pause for a moment. I was scared shitless about my children but I had placed fantastic people in charge, and realistically I could be killed any day by a zombie or an assassination team.

  As we narrowed down the finer details, we decided that I would take three ten-man Special Forces teams with me. A fourth team would be comprised of me, the Reaper, Travis, Sergeant Buford, Lieutenant Purcell, Ashley, Sergeant Alba, two deep reconnaissance Rangers that had worked with Lieutenant Purcell in the past, Sergeant First Class Meredith, and also possibly another man whom Major Robinson really wanted me to meet. He said I would either love him or hate him, but that I would have to wait until morning to meet him. He refused to divulge any other details about this mysterious figure and instead smiled every time I pressed him on the issue. He also agreed to provide supporting elements including Chinooks to raid the National Guard armory in Allendale in the morning. We would empty it out, or rather my people would. We needed the ordnance.

  Right now I had some decisions to make, and when I landed, I pulled all my main people together in the conference room near my bedrooms. It was crowded to say the least, even without Top and Dr. Mansk who were still on their way with the others, but by pulling chairs from the other rooms we were barely able to seat everybody. I was holding my little Emma, bouncing her around in my arms until she spotted the Reaper, at which point she immediately held her arms out to him so I dropped her in his lap to the Reaper’s delight. Emma started tugging on his beard while giggling and the silly grin on Jason's face as he let her, was priceless. His new sidekick, Travis I think, was staring at the Reaper in shock but I knew how much the Reaper loved my little Emma. I saw Major Weston huddled in the doorway with Lieutenant Colonel Botello, Major Phipps and our just met Major Robinson, and wondered what that was all about; perhaps introductions, who knew. I cleared my throat and instantly silence filled the room as everyone looked at me.

  "We have a situation everyone here is aware of, I believe. Jean has been kidnapped by the shadow government, and we have to get her back. In all honesty, I would do the same for any of you. Trust me on that. Nobody takes my people, period! What some of you may not be aware of though, is that she's pregnant with my child. We found out today, and that means we go now."

  "Si Senor, we heard and I know you would do the same if it were my Ros who was kidnapped," spoke Miguel. Rosita was sitting next to him with a tearful expression on her face and I prayed to God she did not start crying, as I didn't want my internal tough no-nonsense image of her ruined. I nodded at Miguel, winked at Rosita trying to alleviate her distress, and continued.

  "Right. I need to make a few announcements. Most of this has been long overdue and every bit of it is earned, not given." I looked over at the doorway and saw the little quartet had broken up and were taking their seats. I waved for their attention and directed them to come forward instead.

  "Until today we've been doing this fast and furious, and a bit of ‘foot free’ as they say. As of this moment, Lieutenant Botello is my Executive Officer. He's only been with us a few days but he is senior and obviously has the competency to fill the position. He also has my trust." I nodded at Jeff, who nodded back. "Major Weston! You have been through Hell’s doors and back with us, and I'm officially appointing you S-4, Logistics and Supply. Many of you have alrea
dy met Major Robinson, but if not, Robinson comes to us from the 9th Special Forces Group with elements of the 76th Ranger Battalion and 162th SOAR. We have our much-needed air wing people. Major Robinson will be handing S-3, Operations for us. He is uniquely qualified. I have also accepted Lieutenant Purcell here," and I indicated him with a wave of my hand while he stood up "as my aide. He is of the 76th and I understand he's also their resident expert in all things unarmed combat and Newaygo." I grinned at him, seeing an answering grin in return.

  I leaned towards Botello and whispered, "Do I have the authority to promote someone to officer rank?"

  "Yes Sir, because of the Articles of War adopted in 1776 it is permitted for you to do so, up to one rank below yours, and not into general ranks without a quorum. It's called a brevet promotion or frocking. It is considered temporary until ratified by Congress. A promotion from enlisted to officer ranks is a battlefield promotion, and in either case it's frowned upon but not against the articles to promote two grades above their current rank," he whispered back.

  "What is a quorum?" I asked.

  "A sitting of four senior officers are needed to promote into general ranks absent a majority of Congress, and only during martial law," he answered back. I nodded thoughtfully and thanked him.

  " LSS!" I commanded. With a squeak, she stood up at my sharp tone and looked at me. "I hereby battlefield promote you to Brevet Captain and place you over our S-2, Intelligence division. Well-deserved and warranted. Why they made someone of your intelligence and common sense enlisted is beyond me. Congrats!" I swear she looked like she was going to faint as her face turned beet red and she nodded.

  "Major Phipps will be under operations as will Warrant Hawkins who isn't with us right now. I am also appointing Master Sergeant Trask to Command Sergeant Major of our combined units. I'll let you guys surprise him with the bad news when he rolls in, and one last thing, all pay is frozen at current levels for the duration so there will be no raises." Chuckles ran through those assembled and I grinned. Top’s duties just became greater whether he liked it or not. Pay was also a future topic I did not look forward to handling. I had some ideas, but dreaded setting up a new monetary system.

  "Miguel, as acting Governor I am appointing you sitting City Manager over Newaygo. That's not a promotion, since you've been filling that spot for a week and a half already, but I'm making it official. Obviously, Rosita, Jean when we get her back, Sherriff Fridaddy, Sandy and Terry, and of course Momma Jean will be under you." We had moved Momma Jean into the position of Child Development and Planning, which basically meant she was in charge of our overflowing nursery, and a position she excelled at. I smiled as I saw Rosita gripping Miguel in a hug tight enough to turn his already tanned face purple.

  "Major Robinson will be transferring his forces and refugees to Fremont over the coming week and will have a contingent of his people here in the morning to acclimate with all of you. We have quite a bit to celebrate once the crews get back. We've saved some people, including newborns, gained an air wing and learned there are a lot more survivor groups out there than we anticipated." I had to stop because cheers rang out and nearly everyone was standing, hugging and clapping each other on the back. I noticed Sandy and Terry holding hands in the back and made a mental note to have a quiet chat with him tomorrow before I left. Sandy had been through hell and I would not permit her to be hurt again.

  "Alright, that's about it. In the morning I'll be assembling a small task force to go after Jean, but we won't leave until evening. We have to time it for when surveillance satellites are not overhead and watching. But don't worry, we'll be back within a day or two with Jean. Well, if that's it, any questions?"

  Of course there were a multitude of questions, but I cut it off after fifteen minutes and left to see my kids and Jean’s. Most of the questions asked were those I could not answer anyways, nor would if I knew the answers to them. Like how was I going to find Jean, and how was I going to break into this supposedly top secret shadow government base. Major Robinson had given me his operational security lecture on the helicopter ride back, and it was a cutting rebuke. I had known all along that there were some things governments could not share with their citizens no matter how much those citizens felt they needed to know, because that information would give our enemies an unfair advantage in the field of battle, which meant more lives were lost than need be in order to achieve desired goals. I got it. My entire total transparency governing had taken a beating and been tossed to the side in the name of saving the lives of those we all loved. So be it.

  Of course, I was stopped before I could reach my rooms just across the hallway. Damn, I hated being in charge some times. Then I turned and realized it was my love, Cara, and I smiled.


  "Mi amore, we need to talk!" Cara was angry that her man didn't come to her first with the news of her sister’s pregnancy. She was even more annoyed at her sister for not telling her. She’d had to find out this information from the doctor who thought she had already been told. That was embarrassing. Her man was back from saving the world... again, and she had a few things to say to him.

  "Hey baby. What did you think of Corey's promotion? Pretty cool huh? Your man's got juice."

  "Why didn't you tell me!" she hissed, punching him in the chest with a stiffened finger and not lightly. She was mad and getting angrier. "Why did I have to find out from the doctor?"

  Her man was rapidly backing up, and the others around them were leaving even quicker than moments before while avoiding her eyes, but her eyes were only looking at her lover, her man, her life. Jay tried to capture her hands and she slapped at his, keeping them away.

  "Calm down baby. You're talking about Jean. I'm sorry. It's been busy since we returned." He was pleading with her and he couldn't back up any further. Good!

  "I'm talking about earlier. You had hours to tell me and you didn't!" She poked him in the chest again hard and watched as he hung his head. A look she never thought she'd see crossed his features... remorse, regret, embarrassment, and perhaps fear. He was a little bit scared of her. She smiled inwardly as her mind calmed while he tried to explain his actions.

  "Look Hun, everything was happening so quickly, I figured it could wait until night time. Then we received the call for help and had to go. I'm truly sorry! Baby, I am! Jeez, quit beating me up."

  "I heard you called her your wife! What are we exactly?" Cara was not mad anymore. Her temper was always fast, hot and brief. Now, she was having fun and luxuriated in the power she had over this strong and powerful man. She allowed the barest glimpse of a smile to curve her lips as she continued to watch her man.

  "You are my wife too! Oh my God, baby! I will marry you right now. I'll have that new preacher brought over and we'll do this. Then it will be solved. I was going to anyways. I love you too, all of you…" Yes, her man was in her hand and she was enjoying the thrill. She allowed more of a smile to adorn her features as she poked him in the chest again and heard his shoulders thump against the wall behind him. To her right, she heard their guards snickering amongst themselves. She did not care who heard what she had to say, in fact, it would be good for her words to be spread to all the other women! This was their man, and he would stay their man.

  "No you will not. We will all be married together. Or not at all! Sister Jean is carrying your child. Our child now, because we are all family, mi amore!"

  "OK, you're right baby. I'll talk to Corey in the morning, explain things to her. I will go rescue Jean and when I get back we'll get married first thing."

  "I will talk to our sister Corey. Not you, mi hombre. This must be done right and I'm not sure she is right for us! This is a job for your main women to figure out, and that is me. You men know nothing about these things. I will figure it out.”

  "Alright baby, but I really like LSS." The look she had been savoring was rapidly disappearing from her man's face, but she consoled herself in the fact that it had been there to begin with and replied while poki
ng him in the chest again. Instantly the look returned and she grinned.

  "You like the rough sometimes. Sister Corey likes the rough. She is very submissive. But, you can be rough with me and Jean also, just not too rough with Jean I think." Slowly she moved towards her man and started purring as she rubbed up against him, her hands sliding up his sides as she felt him attempt to back up further, into the wall perhaps. She grinned and bit him on the chest through his black tunic. It smelled like gunpowder but she did not care. She was in love and he was hers! A last thought occurred to her.

  "Find rings for us, mi amore. I will meet you with the preacher man when you and Jean come back to our family. While you are gone, I will make sure all our children stay safe.”

  Then she melted in his arms, kissing him passionately, and half crawled up his body, rubbing energetically. She felt her man get hard instantly as her body slid downward, and grinned inwardly. He did not know it but he was so theirs.



  Johnny paused as he got off the bus and looked around. Hundreds of people were bustling about bringing supplies and helping others off buses. They had pulled up in front of what he was told was the local high school, their new home until this city of Fremont was made safe. No estimate on when that would happen, but he was told that it shouldn't be more than a few days. A large military group was on their way that would help them relocate to their new home, which was a series of doctors’ offices and two much smaller rehabilitation clinics currently devoid of anything other than guppy unlife.

  If not for the obvious construction floodlights arrayed outside in a semi-circle pointing both inward and outward it would have been pitch black, and he couldn't help wondering if guppies were lined up just outside their radiance, waiting to pounce on the clinic's survivors one last time. Electric lights were on inside the building indicating a generator was running somewhere providing power, and Johnny hoped they left it on at least this first night. He shuddered, and a voice spoke up behind him.


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