First Down (First and Ten #1)

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First Down (First and Ten #1) Page 3

by Lea Hart

  “So you’ll go out with me, but it’s just practice until the real things comes along? You’re not taking this seriously?” Clark asked.

  “Yeah. Is that a problem?”

  “Do I get a kiss at the end of this practice date?” He felt her eyes roam over his face, body, and his hair. She stared at his mouth the longest, and in a flash, she leaned forwards and kissed him. It lasted no more than ten seconds, but it was a hell of a kiss.

  “There…we kissed. Now we don’t have to do it again.” She watched Clark smile and wondered why a small kiss made him so happy. It wasn’t even a kiss that she put any effort into. Giving him a faint smile, she wondered about his mental acuity and then decided it didn’t matter. He had a beautiful body and pretty blue eyes. Apparently, she was capable of being as shallow as the next person. She silently congratulated herself at the thought.

  “Dinner and a movie tomorrow night. I’ll pick you up at seven o’clock,” Clark said.

  “Sounds good to me. That will give me just enough time to get my hair under control.” She patted the back of her long blond hair and wondered if a more natural look might not be a good option.

  Clark gazed at the woman who had more brains than sense and admired her inability to filter her thoughts. She didn’t have an ounce of guile. She thought it, she said, and if you were smart enough, you dealt with it. He put his hand on the back of her chair and smiled like he’d just renewed his contract for double his annual salary.

  The waitress started bringing food, and soon, the enormous table was filled.

  Jack stared at Ana and wondered what the key to getting a date with her was. Clark managed one with Ella before the food had been delivered. Maybe he should start with getting her to speak with him. He watched her put half her sandwich on Alex’s plate, and Alex give her half his fries. They were not even looking at each other when they did it. A wave of jealousy ran through him at their familiarity, because it appeared to be a dance they’d been doing for years. Alex gave her his pickles, and she gave him her tomatoes as they both engaged with the conversation at the table. He wanted to be the one that had that with her, not some dumb baseball player. Alex seemed like an okay guy, but not someone who she should share food with. He realized that his jealousy over the food sharing was illogical, but that didn’t stop the feelings coursing through his veins. Apparently, he had some latent cave-man tendencies, which were just now revealing themselves. He decided to worry about it later or perhaps not at all. Apparently, Ana was going to make him feel all kinds of new things.

  Jordan studied Jack and noticed the man seemed to have it bad for Ana. Maybe he should clue him in. “They’re like brother and sister…they love one another, irritate each other, and fight three times a day, whether they need to or not. It’s nothing more than that.”

  “That sounds like a lot to me,” Jack replied. He studied Ana and wondered if she held a hidden love of Alex.

  “You don’t marry your sibling,” Jordan responded. He returned to his food and the conversation at the table.

  Jack started eating and tried to come up with a plan on getting Ana to go out with him or at the very least acknowledge his existence. His thoughts were interrupted when he heard Ana speak to Jordan.

  “Why am I going to this tennis thingy tomorrow?”

  Jordan wiped his hands and regarded her with patience. “Summer of Junior Year….hockey practice every week.”

  “What time to you want me to pick you up at your house?” Ana responded.

  Jordan let a satisfied smile play across his face. “You can come at twelve. I need you to pick out what I’m wearing and then give me your notes on the women that I’m interested in.’

  “Fine. Text me the name of the girl, and I’ll come up with some points of discussion.”

  “Thanks, Ana Banana.”

  She smiled at Jordan and then blew him a kiss. A genuine look of affection crossed her pretty features.

  “So you had a crush on a hockey player?” Jack asked. If she had gone out with one jock, then it meant that she might be willing to go out with another.

  Turning to him, she smiled. “I had a torrid affair with a hockey player for a year when I was in college. It was the best and worst time of my life. Jordan came to practice with me as I mooned over the man that ended up breaking my heart. He also picked up all of the pieces after I fell apart.”

  “You all have something amazing together. It’s hard to see at first, but it makes sense now,” Jack responded. He noticed that the group communicated in shorthand, in much the same way he did with his team mates. He wanted a shorthand with Ana, but first, he should probably see if she would spend some time with him.

  “Stanford Five. That’s what we call ourselves. We couldn’t have made it through without one another. Ronnie is our ring leader and keeps us going in a forward motion. Alex is our connection to everyday life. Jordan is our voice of reason, and Ella is our conscience.”

  “What are you, Ana?”

  “I’m the heart of the group. I make sure that we don’t fall apart.” She picked up a pickle and took a bite as she stared. Though he wasn’t her type, she could certainly appreciate the effect of his smile. He had a grin that could make you think things that you shouldn’t.

  “That makes sense.” He gazed down at her and watched her steal one of his pickles. “You can have my pickles, Ana. You can have whatever you want.”

  She’d unconsciously eaten off his plate and realized how inappropriate it was. “Sorry, Jack. I usually have better manners.”

  Jack took a moment to study her and decided that this was as good a time as any to ask the question. “Do you not like me specifically or is it all football players?” He watched her gaze down at her lap and carefully wipe her hands on the napkin. It seemed like she may not answer his question as she kept her eyes on the pattern of her dress. Her head lifted and she stared him straight in the eyes, and he briefly wondered if their children would have green or brown eyes.

  “I don’t know you, so I’m not sure if I like you or not. As far as the football player question goes…I admit that I’m not a big fan. I’m sure it’s a prejudice left over from high school when a boy broke my seventeen-year-old heart.” She looked him up and down and admired his massive build. “I’ve recently sworn off alpha men, and I’m going to try and date some betas. I think I may have more luck. You’re not anything close to beta, so I don’t think it’s going to work out.”

  Lifting one of her hands out of her lap, he held it gently and smiled into her eyes. “I’m going to change your mind about football players, alpha men, and anything else that is going to prevent you from giving me a chance.”


  “Because I want to get to know you.” He let his fingers play over her hand and enjoyed the feeling of her skin against his. He felt like everything he needed to know about them was answered when he held her hand. It was like a key fitting into a lock. Perfect and indescribable.

  “I’ll think about it.” She stared into his startling green eyes and saw a light in his gaze that she’d never seen before. He was looking at her like she was chocolate cake and everything he’d ever wanted. Maybe he had a concussion, or was suffering from a brain injury.

  “I think we should become friends and see what happens. I just want a little of your time,” Jack said with confidence. “I don’t want to change your life.” He gently squeezed her hand. “I’m sure that a lot of men are after you….I just want to be at the front of the line. A little time, Ana, that’s all I want.”

  Slipping her hand out of his, she sat up straight. “All right, Jack Ellis. Let’s be friends and see what happens.” She noticed that his easy-going attitude covered up a will of steel. She’d seen it enough times with all the men she knew from the Teams. Maybe being a professional athlete was similar in some ways. A man didn’t play professional sports unless he possessed some determination and grit. Jack laid his plans out clearly and presented them in a way that left little room for
argument. The tricky part about that was he did it with a sweet, sexy smile that conveyed his absolute certainty of success.

  Leaning over, he kissed her cheek. “Thanks, Ana.” He watched a blush wash across her cheeks as he lifted his head. Friends was a good place to start. He just needed a little window of opportunity to show her that he was a good guy. And….that he was the one for her. Time spent together would give him the chance he needed.



  Ana stood in the kitchen and observed the two large men assembling her bookcases. “How did this happen again?” She noticed that their shoulders almost blocked out the sun from the patio windows, and they were handling her bookcases like they were children’s furniture. She stared at Jack and decided to quit denying her physical attraction to him. Who was she kidding anyway? The man was beautiful and pretending like it wasn’t true--was foolish.

  Ella studied her friend with patience as she answered. “I had a fun date with Clark, and he asked to hang out today. I told him that I was going to help you finish unpacking, and he came along.” She admired Clark as he lifted something and sighed. “I’m not sure how Jack got involved. We shouldn’t complain, though, because they’re doing the work, and they look damn good doing it.” She tried to smooth her curls down and realized that it was pointless. “I Googled Clark this morning, and I saw pictures of him almost naked, and I can’t scrub the images from my brain. I really don’t care that we’re not going to last past next week, because I just want to see him naked.” She brushed her hand across forehead and noticed that she might be running a fever. “Before you say anything…I’ve become that woman, and I’m not even embarrassed. It’s not like I’m ever going to have an opportunity like this again. It would be prudent to take advantage of it, while it’s available.” She smiled in his direction and licked her lips. “I’ve decided to use him for his body…if he’ll let me.”

  Ana studied her friend before answering. “Really?”

  “Yeah, it’s weird. I think it’s because I have no expectations, and I don’t want to impress him. I want his body, and I don’t much care what happens after that. I think I may be turning into a frat boy, and I don’t feel guilty at all. It’s very freeing. B-T-W, I also Googled Jack, and all I have to say is, lord have mercy. That man has an amazing body, too. I read he’s been offered an underwear commercial. I wouldn’t mind seeing him in his underwear.”

  Ana laughed and covered her mouth quickly. “Since when did we become those women?”

  “Since a couple of football players started hanging around. It’s not like we went looking for this. We are the two most unlikely women to be spending time around professional athletes. But they’re here, and I think we should see what they have to offer. If it’s only their bodies, then I’m fine with that.”

  “We are no better than any of the other women that go after them.” She noticed that Jack had a beautiful smile to go with his beautiful body. Oh hell.

  “Except we didn’t go after them. They’re coming after us, and we should see what it’s all about. It’s not like it’s going to last more than two weeks anyway.”

  “That’s true,” Ana said. Naked Jack…naked Jack. That was the only thought circling her brain. Hormones were more powerful than brain cells, they won every damn time.

  Ella walked into the living room and smiled at the men. “Would you all like some iced tea?”

  Clark looked up at her and beamed. “I would love some of your iced tea, Ella.”

  She grinned and sauntered back into the kitchen. “Iced tea for two, please.”

  Ana handed her friend two glasses of iced tea and wondered why she shouldn’t take a similar approach with Jack. She gazed into the living room and admired his athletic shorts. I wonder what it takes to develop a butt like that? As she watched him and Clark lift the bookcase into position, she realized her thoughts were becoming friendlier. She walked back into her kitchen and decided to see if she had anything to make for lunch. Lunch would be a good way to show her appreciation for all of their help. She rummaged in the fridge and realized that she didn’t have anything to offer them. Unless they wanted to eat salad or Chinese leftovers.

  Ella returned and scooped up her purse. “Clark is taking me out to lunch. We’re going to head out.” She winked at Ana and smiled as she walked toward Clark.

  Ana noticed that Ella’s hips were swinging a little more than usual and her cheeks were flushed. She called out a thanks to Clark as he and Ella left.

  His attention was solely on the woman next to him, and he waved behind his head before closing the front door.

  Shrugging, she put the glasses into the dishwasher, and heard Jack walk into the kitchen. Ana glanced up and smiled. “Thanks for coming over. I’m not sure how you got talked into this, but I appreciate what you’ve done.”

  Smiling, he moved to the sink to wash his hands. “I’m happy to help you with anything you need.” It was important to show her that he was a nice guy and worth trusting, because he wanted a chance to get to know her. And kiss her. He just needed to keep doing things like this, so she would go out with him and then he would have a chance to lay his mouth against hers. Watching her leaning against the counter, he wondered if she tasted like candy…chocolate. She seemed like a woman who would. Sweet and dark and completely irresistible. “I’m happy to help out. I can come put your desk together next week. I noticed that it was still in boxes in your office.”

  “What is the daily rate of the highest-paid defensive end in the league?”

  “I see that you Googled me.”

  “I did. Holy moly macaroni. You get paid a lot of money for crashing into other men.”

  “I know. Don’t think that fact is ever lost on me. My brother put his life on the line every day for over ten years in defense of this country, and I know what he got paid, and it was a travesty. I think SEALs--for that matter, anybody in the military--should be paid what guys in the NFL make.” He dried his hands on the towel she handed him and smiled.

  “I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable. I’m not judging you.”

  He took a step toward her and handed her back the towel. “I’m a little embarrassed by my paycheck, but not enough to turn it down.” Laughing, he wiped his forehead and looked into her eyes. “Truth be told, I have a shark of an agent, and I make sure that he does his best in negotiations. So I may be a bit of a hypocrite.”

  Deciding to leave the whole question of his paycheck alone, she changed the subject. “I think Clark and Ella have ditched us, so it’s just you and me for lunch. I didn’t realize that you guys were coming over, so I didn’t prepare anything. I’d like to take you to Larios in South Beach. I hear the food is great, and I thought it might be fun.”

  “I’d love to go with you.” He took her hand and rubbed his finger over her ring finger. If he wasn’t mistaken, he just got asked out by the girl of his dreams. “So you like Cuban food?”

  “It’s one of my favorites. My mother’s Cuban, so that’s what I grew up on. Usually, I go over to one of my aunt’s houses for Sunday dinner, but I’m going to miss it this week. So this will be my fix.”

  Jack put his arm around her waist and led her out of the kitchen. “Let’s go to South Beach and have some lunch.” She walked next to him, and he thought her height was perfect for him, because she would fit perfectly under his shoulder. It was like she was made for him with her curves, pretty smile, and shiny hair. The more time he spent around her, the more alluring she became.


  Ana sat on the patio facing the beach and enjoyed people-watching while Jack consumed a massive amount of food. It was interesting to see how many people tried to steal glances. He seemed immune to it though and chose to pay attention only to her. He had on a college hat, glasses and faced away from the sidewalk, but his massive size probably gave him away. That and all of the commercials that he’d been in recently. “Can I ask you a question?”

  Jack set down his fork, wipe
d his hands, and leaned forward. “Of course. You can ask me anything?”

  “Why are you trying to hang out with me? I’m not your usual type.”

  He studied his hands and then glanced up and held her gaze. “I like you, Ana. I’ve been attracted to you since the moment I met you. I like the way you smell and your shiny hair. I know that sounds weird, but there it is. My heart pounds when I’m around you, and I want to get to know you.” He took her hand and held it. “I know you’re super smart, and I’m not sure if you would be interested in a guy like me, but I would like a chance. I haven’t been able to think about anyone else but you since I met you a couple of weeks ago.” He watched a pretty rose color spread across her cheeks, and she smiled into his eyes. One step forward, that’s all he needed.

  “That’s very sweet and not the response I expected.”

  “I didn’t want there to be any confusion about my feelings.” He was about to lean forward and drop a kiss on her cheek when he heard the click of a camera shutter. Turning his head, he tried to see who snapped a photo, but couldn’t tell among the sea of people in the restaurant and on the street. “Someone just took a photo, and I think you can expect to see your picture in the tabloids in the next couple of days.”

  “I doubt anyone is going to be interested in me. They’ll just crop me out of the photo.” She touched her hair and hoped that it was behaving, because if there was a photo, then she wanted it to be a good one.

  “Ana, I don’t get pictures taken with women. I think people are trying to figure me out, and I have a feeling that I just put you in the eye of the storm.”

  “Let’s just worry about it when something actually happens.”


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