Clairmont, Clara Allegra (Alba), 367, 370, 377, 413, 467, 468, 469, 519, 520, 551, 637, 669, 676, 682; birth (January 1817), 356; and move to Marlow, 368–9; Shelley’s anxiety over problem of, 405–6; christening of, 412; Byron arranges with Shelley collection of, 418–20, 421, 439; and Shelley’s visit to Venice, 439–42, 443, 445, 447; portrayed in ‘Julian and Maddalo’, 452–3; left in care of Hoppners, 458; 3rd birthday of, 531; Claire threatens to visit in Ravenna, 598–9; and Byron-Shelley correspondence about, 612–13; moved to Bagnacavallo Convent, 640–1, 649; used by Claire to put pressure on Byron and Shelleys, 654–5; Shelley’s visit to, 670–1; Byron refuses to let Claire see her, 702, 703; and Claire plans to kidnap, 702, 709; death of, 712–13, 731
Clarendon, Edward Hyde, Earl of, 542
Clarens (Switzerland), 334, 335, 336
Clark, William (publisher), 208, 660–1
Clarke, Cowden, 408
Classical Dictionary, John Lemprière, 307
A Classical Tour, John Eustace, 477
Cobbett, William, 7,43, 119, 147, 154 n., 155, 165, 349, 363, 364, 365, 384, 476, 542, 552, 580, 592; Shelley’s opinion of, 151–2, 475, 522
‘Cockney School’ of poets, 403, 404
Cogni, Margarita (Byron’s Venetian whore), 420
Coleridge, John Taylor, 19 n., 403; his attack on Shelley in the Quarterly, 543–5
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 8, 30, 64, 93, 170, 174 n., 221, 257, 288, 295 n., 327, 328–9 & n., 332, 340 n., 345, 360, 375, 401, 425, 532, 554; on Shelley, 94, 101, 103, 152; quarrel with Wordsworth, 94 n.; Shelley’s pastiche, ‘The Devil’s Walk’, of, 106–7, 476; negative criticism of ‘Christabel’ in Edinburgh Review, 348; Shelley’s attack in Peter Bell the Third on, 551, 552
Collected Poems of Percy Bysshe Shelley (2nd edition, 1839), 520, 556
Colosseum, Rome, 460–1, 485, 487
Comment on Dante, Count John Taaffe, 624
Commercial Chronicle, attack on Shelley in, 404
A Compendium of the History of Ireland, John Lawless, 127 n., 128
Comus, Milton, 276
Condorcet, Marquis de, 8, 26, 29, 40, 43, 123, 124
Confessions, St Augustine, 227
Convivio, Dante, 633 n., 635
Conway, William, 128 n.
Cook’s Hotel, Albemarle Street, see London
Cooper, Thomas, 208 & n., 402
Correggio, Antonio, 459
Coulson, Walter, 359, 380, 383, 410
Courier, 592, 730
Critical Review, Shelley’s review of Prince Alexy Haimatoff in, 271–2
Crotchet Castle, T. L. Peacock, 292
The Crown and Anchor Tavern, London, 52, 364, 537 n
Cruikshank, George, 532, 539
Cuckfield (near Horsham), Captain Pilfold’s house at, 61, 70, 87, 142
Cumberland Pacquet, 111–12
Curran, Aemilia, 117 n., 170; her friendship with Shelleys in Rome, 510–11, 513, 514, 517; portrait of Shelley painted by, 512 & n., 517, 696; and Shelleys’ correspondence with, 519, 526, 556
Curran, John Philpot, 106, 117 & n., 119, 120, 123, 128, 170, 511
The Curse of Kehama, Robert Southey, 30, 71, 100
Cuvier, Georges, Baron, 623
Cwm Elan, Wales, Thomas Grove’s house at, 73–7, 78, 133, 135, 143–5
Dacre, Charlotte, 8, 31
Dalloway, Rev. Edward, 48
Dalton, John, 8
Dan, see Healy, Dan
Dante Alighieri, 227, 228, 261, 403, 417, 418, 420, 424, 463, 479, 514, 522, 533, 624, 628, 631, 632, 633 & n., 634, 635, 644, 683, 718, 720; Shelley’s translations and adaptations of, 307–8, 611, 612, 620, 718
Dare, Gideon (landlord of Chesnut Cottage), 96, 111–12, 113
Darwin, Erasmus, 16, 75 & n., 181, 182, 202, 328
Davies, James (solicitor), 143, 229
Davies, Scrope, 316, 345
Davy, Sir Humphry, 8, 153, 347, 505 n., 576
Decameron, Boccaccio, 514
Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Edward Gibbon, 337
The Deformed Transformed’, Byron, 689
De Historia Natura, Pliny, 30
Deleserts English Library (Florence), 543, 545, 547, 551
De Rerum Natura, Lucretius, 266 n.
Descartes, René, 298 n.
‘The Devil’s Thoughts’, S. T. Coleridge, 106
Devon, 130, 143, 144, 145–6; Shelley’s stay in Lynmouth, 146–62
Dioniga, Signora Marianna, salon in Rome of, 486, 510, 568
Divina Commedia, Dante, 620
Domenichino, 459
Don Giovanni, Mozart, 408
Don Juan, Byron, 420, 449, 665–6, 676, 682, 689
Don Juan (Shelley’s sailing boat), 696, 704, 715–17, 724, 726, 727, 728, 729
Dowden, Edward, xi, 112 n., 187 n., 666 n., 737, 757
Dowling, H. M., 187 n., 196 n.
Drake, Henry (Barnstaple town clerk), 159, 168
Drummond, Sir William, 298 & n., 486, 552, 557
Drunkness, Thomas Trotter, 182
Drury Lane Theatre Committee, 316
Druses, 243 n.
Dublin, 105–6, 114, 115, 116, 200; Shelley’s stay in 1812: at 7, Sackville Street, 117–29; and at 17, Grafton Street, 129–32
Dublin Evening Post, 120, 125
Dublin Journal, 125
Dublin Weekly Messenger, 128 & n., 129
Ducree (Swiss guide), 341, 342
Dumbreck, John, 220
Eaton, Daniel, trial of, 144, 147, 154 & n., 173
Eclectic Review, review of Alastor in, 309–10
Edgar Huntly, Charles Brockden Brown, 221 & n., 274
Edinburgh, 90; Shelley’s marriage to Harriet in 1811 in, 77, 79–81; and stay at 36, Frederick Street (1813), 220–3
Edinburgh Annual Register, 101
Edinburgh Review, 731; review of ‘Christabel’ in, 348; and of The Cenci, 595
Edwards, Rev. (vicar of Warnham Church), 2
Edwards, Thomas (‘The King of the Mountains’), 163 & n.
Eldon, Chancellor, 20
Electra, Sophocles, 424
‘Elegy on the Death of Adonis’, Bion, Shelley’s translation of, 656
‘Elegy on the Death of Bion’, Moschus, Shelley’s translation of, 656
Elements of Chemical Philosophy, Sir Humphry Davy, 153, 347
Elise Foggi (Shelley’s Swiss maid), 339, 345, 348, 367, 370, 441, 443, 458, 572; journey to Italy with Shelleys, 412, 415; family background and role in Shelley household, 415–16; accompanies Allegra to Venice, 421–2; her letters to Shelleys from Venice, 439, 440, 472; at Este with Shelleys, 445, 447; 1st meeting and romance with Paolo Foggi, 445, 462, 472; Elena affair and, 465, 468–9, 470, 471–4, 481, 482, 483, 578, 596, 666, 668, 669; and marriage to Paolo, 466, 471, 472, 483, 486; meets Claire in Florence again, 701–2
Ellenborough, Lord Chief Justice, 52 n., 144, 154, 155, 186
Ellis-Nanney, David, 163 n., 166, 177, 184, 188, 190, 194, 214, 284 n.
Ellis-Nanney, Mrs David, 177, 184
The Empire of the Nairs, or, The Rights of Women, Chevalier J.H. Lawrence, 153
Empoli, 663, 664, 685
Encyclopaedists, 182, 202
Endymion, Keats, 361, 405 n., 529, 613, 648
Engels, Frederick, 209, 586 & n.
The Enquirer, Godwin, 98
An Essay concerning Human Understanding, John Locke, 48, 307
An Essay on Population, Thomas Malthus, 8 Essays, Sir Francis Bacon, 307
Este, 471; Byron’s villa (I Capuccini) at, 442–7, 449, 458, 467, 469, 470, 482; see also Venice
L’Estrange, Col. Guy, 531
Etheridge, Allen, 109
Eton, Isaac, 117, 119, 543
Eton College, 39; Shelley at, 11, 18–30, 98, 104, 150, 404, 431, 651–2
Euripides, 182, 288, 297, 424, 485; Shelley’s translation of, 612
Eustace, John, 477
Evans, John, 178, 181
Evian, 334, 335
The Examiner, 4
3, 51, 52, 63, 147, 154 n., 210, 348, 349, 365, 366, 370, 384, 408, 410, 457, 528, 529, 538, 551, 569, 661; article against military flogging in, 52 n.; Shelley’s article on Daniel Eaton in, 144; and Shelley’s open letter on Carlile trial (1819), 155, 542, 556–8, 562; 1813 libel case, 186; favourable review of Shelley in Young Poets issue of (1816), 350; ‘Hymn to Intellectual Beauty’ published in, 356; and extracts and review of Revolt of Islam, 403; and ‘Ozymandias’, 410; coverage of Peterloo, 530; The Mask of Anarchy not published in, 539–40; and Shelley’s obituary in, 730
Excursion, William Wordsworth, 274
Faerie Queene, Edmund Spenser, 401, 475 & n.
Falkner, Mary Shelley, 232 n.
The Fall of Robespierre, S. T. Coleridge, 8, 401
Fantasmagoriana, 328
Farrell, Michael, 125, 746
Faust, Goethe, 221, 344, 677, 678, 689, 691–4, 716
Fellowes, William (Post-Office agent), 137
Ferdinand III, Grand Duke of Tuscany, 615
Ferrara, 458–9, 461
Field Place, xi, 58, 59, 77, 81, 211, 575, 732, 737; Shelley’s childhood at, 1–12, 17–18, 23–4, 28–9, 104; ‘asylum incident’ at, 24, 28, 32; winter vacation from Oxford at, 44, 45–8; and Merle’s meeting with Shelley, 58; Sir Timothy forbids Shelley to come home, 61; and Shelley’s return, 70; Hogg’s visit to, 71, 75; and Shelley leaves for Wales, 73; Shelley’s abortive visit from York to, 87–9; and walks from Bracknell to, 229; reading of Bysshe Shelley’s will at, 276; Percy Florence inherits, 732
Finch, Col. Calicot, 509, 579, 623
Finnerty, Peter, trial of, 43, 49 n., 51–2, 53, 54, 106, 109 n.
Fitzgerald, Lord Edward, 142 & n., 577
Fletcher (Byron’s valet), 316, 319, 441, 665, 731
Fletcher, John, 426
Florence, 15, 295, 443, 444, 457, 507, 537, 601, 662, 663–4, 671; Shelley’s first visit en route for Venice (1818), 440; and his stay in Palazzo Marini in 1819, 538, 541–73; Claire stays with Bojti family in, 615–16, 618, 621, 628–9, 649, 654, 685, 701–2, 709, 716; and Claire’s last years and death in, 733
Flower, Benjamin, 119
Foggi, Elise, see Elise
Foggi, Paolo (Shelley’s servant), 439, 440, 458, 460; 1st meeting with Elise, 445; and romance, 462, 472; his blackmailing of Shelley, 465, 466, 467, 472, 473, 474, 481, 483, 578, 596–7, 599; and marriage to Elise, 466, 471, 472, 483
Ford, E. Onslow, statue of Shelley by, 21 n.
Forum (Rome), 460, 485, 487–8, 512, 542, 718
Four Ages of Poetry, T. L. Peacock, 645
Fox, Charles James, 124
France, Shelley’s elopement with Mary and Jane to, 235–6; and tour of (1814), 236–40; and journey to Italy through (1818), 414–16
Frankenstein, or, The Modern Prometheus, Mary Shelley, 311, 330–4, 339, 341, 344, 369, 371, 377, 389, 409, 429, 447, 649; Shelley’s Preface to, 334
Franklin, Benjamin, 26, 43, 135
Fraser’s Magazine, 733
Freeling, Sir Francis, 159
Free Press movement, xii, 144 & n., 154–6, 384 n., 392
Free Thinker, 155 n.
French Revolution, 7, 8, 102, 122, 123, 139, 274, 346, 350, 366, 370, 380, 382, 385, 400, 401, 491, 496, 504, 531, 584
The French Revolution, William Blake, 8
Frere, John, 94
Fricker, Mary, 100
Friends of the Liberty of the Press, 392
Fuller, J. Overton, 187 n., 244 n.
Fuseli, Henry, 8, 31, 35, 261
Gaeta, 479–80
Galignani, Galignani’s Messenger, 592, 595, 619, 708
Gamba, Count Pietro, 669, 685, 686, 690, 695, 697, 728; dragoon incident and, 706–8
Gardening Calendar, Mawe, 367
Garnett, Richard, xi
Gay-Lussac, Joseph Louis, 623
Geneva, 208, 319, 320, 640, 669; Shelley’s stay in 1816 at Hotel d’Angleterre, 322–6; and at Maison Chappuis, Montalègre, 326–45; and Byron’s stay at Villa Diodati, 326, 327–45, 348, 626
Genoa, 527, 696, 697, 704, 715, 716, 717, 726, 727, 731
George I, King of England, 9
George III, King of England, 49 n.
George IV, King of England, see Prince Regent
German Expressionists, 402 n.
Germany, 247–9
Gibbon, Edward, 182, 206, 280, 337, 405
Gifford, William, 348, 648
Ginsberg, Allen, ix
Girdlestone (landlord of Tan-yr-allt), 164, 165, 167, 178
Gisborne, John, 427, 439, 518, 550, 572, 659, 732; relations with wife and underrated qualities, 423; friendship with Shelleys at Livorno, 520, 521, 522, 574; and Shelley’s unkind description of, 527; visit to England of (1819), 538; Shelley’s correspondence with, 558–9, 560, 596, 600, 682, 692, 710–11, 725–6; his involvement in Elena affair, 578–9, 596–7, 599; acts as Shelley’s literary agent in London, 595, 639, 662, 697–8, 711; returns to England, 613; breach with Shelleys, 603–4, 614–15, 616, 619; and renewed relations with Shelleys, 650, 655, 656, 662; pirate edition of Queen Mab and, 661; and returns permanently to England, 661, 662
Gisborne, Maria, 426, 486, 550, 558, 572, 600, 659, 732; biographical details, 423; and friendship with Shelleys in Livorno, 423–4, 425, 444, 527, 538; Mary Shelley’s letters to, 427, 431, 439, 446, 462, 509, 518, 542, 571, 579, 597; and Shelley’s letters to, 428, 465, 472, 541, 545, 558–9, 560, 597–8; refuses Shelleys’ invitation to come to Naples, 514; and Shelleys’ return to Livorno, 518, 520, 521, 522; Shelley’s description of, 527; and his departure for Florence, 541; and his short visit to Livorno, 575; involvement in Elena affair, 578–9, 596–7, 599; Shelley’s ‘Letter to Maria Gisborne’, 597–8; returns from England to Livorno, 613; and breach with Shelleys, 603–4, 614–15, 616, 619; Claire’s letter from Florence to, 628; and renewed relations with Shelleys, 650, 655, 662; returns to London, 661, 662; Mary’s letters from Italy to, 687, 696–7, 727; death of, 732
Glas, John, 169 & n.
Gnostics, 243 n., 245 n.
Godwin, Charles, see Clairmont, Charles
Godwin, Jane, see Clairmont, Claire
Godwin, Fanny (William Godwin’s step-daughter, see Imlay), 147 & n., 150, 171, 231, 251, 269, 277, 312; friendship with Shelley, 169–70; warns Shelley of bailiffs coming to arrest him, 265; visits Shelley on his return to London, 346; and her suicide (1816), 347–8
Godwin, Mary Wollstonecraft, see Wollstonecraft, Mary
Godwin, William, 7, 8, 26, 40, 43, 63, 147, 156, 174 n., 197, 227, 230, 254, 274, 292, 311, 339, 351, 385, 562, 591, 600; influence on Shelley, 97–8, 121, 138, 202, 206; Shelley’s letter of introduction to, 102–3; and subsequent correspondence, 103–5; his criticism of Shelley’s Address, 122; and Irish liberation movement, 123, 124; marriage to Mary Wollstonecraft, 124 n.; Shelley’s correspondence with, 126, 127, 129–31, 135, 144–5, 150–1, 152; criticizes Proposal for an Association, 129–30; Shelley’s plan for Godwins to join him in Wales, 133, 134; and Shelley re-affirms loyalty to, 144–5; Elizabeth Hitchener stays night at house of, 147–8; Shelley’s debate on Political Justice with, 152; finds Shelleys gone on arriving at Lynmouth, 161–2; first meeting and friendship with Shelleys, 167–9, 171; appearance, 168; Hazlitt’s essay on, 169; his two marriages and family relations, 169–71; his advice to Shelley on study of history, 181–2; out of favour with Shelleys, 184; and meets Shelley again in London, 200; letters about inheritance to Shelley, 222; and Shelley’s filial dependence on, 223–4, 351; and financial support to, 223, 226, 229, 232–3, 234, 238, 250, 269, 270, 284, 307, 311–14, 319, 320–1, 346, 379, 407, 411–12, 413, 526, 603–4; Mary returns to Skinner Street, 226; and his relationship with Mary, 170, 230, 232; and against Shelley’s relationship with Mary, 232–4; and Shelley’s elopement with Mary and Claire, 234, 236, 254; Shelley ostracized by, 251, 257; and Jane refuses to come home, 264, 269–70; Shelley’s letter about estate settlement to, 283; and his letter about Alastor to, 310; continues to ostracize Shelley while seeking his finan
cial aid, 311–15; and Shelley’s farewell letter from Dover to, 320–2; and bitterness towards, 327; and Shelley sends £5 cheque from Evian to, 335; and Shelley’s Will, 346 n.; his reactions to Fanny’s suicide, 347; present at marriage of Shelley and Mary, 355; his visit to Albion House, Marlow, 368, 407; and Shelley’s visits to London to, 383–4, 388; Mary’s Frankenstein dedicated to, 389; his criticism of Laon and Cythna, 389–90; Shelley’s letter about ill-health to, 391–2; and deteriorating relations with Shelley, 411–12; his friendship with Gisbornes, 432, 603–4, 614–15; Shelley’s letters from Italy to, 428, 603–4; and his letters to Mary intercepted by Shelley, 526; convicted for arrears in rent, 550; Mrs Mason’s correspondence with, 576; effect of his constant demands for money on Mary, 597, 598, 603; Mary gives profits from Valperga to, 675 & n.; death of, 732
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