Eye Candy

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  “Oh, yeah,” she giggles. “And then I’m going outside and smoking a whole pack of cigarettes before I go off-roading in Reed’s truck, without wearing my harness.”

  “Now, Beth. Is that smart? We all know your truck is a helluva lot nicer to drive than Reed’s.”

  She tips her chin up, looking proud before focusing her attention on pouring the tequila.

  “Stop flirting with my woman,” Reed says, reclaiming his seat.

  My brows shoot up when he sets the rope on the bar. “Should I even ask?”

  “Probably not.”

  “Yo!” Tessa’s voice turns my head, grabbing everyone else’s attention in the process, I’m sure. Wearing a devil’s costume equipped with a pitchfork and horns, she strolls over with Luke at her side. “Ooh. Are we doing shots, kids?”

  “If there was ever a costume more fitting for someone,” Reed comments.

  “No shit,” I add.

  Tessa flips us both off, and leans her pitchfork against a stool. “Fuck. Off. Before I drag you both back to hell with me. I wear this every year.”

  “You could just punch ’em,” Luke suggests, meeting my eyes and then explaining to the group, “She knocked out this kid at Weber’s. Solid right hook.”

  “You punched someone?” Beth asks, eyes wide and trained on Tessa.

  Tessa shrugs, picking up a shot glass. “Luke did it first.”

  “Nice,” I mumble. “I’m guessing you’re both banned from future attractions there.”

  “Oh, fuck that. We’re never going back.” Luke picks up a glass. “Bunch of freaks. You should’ve seen this man-baby. Creepy motherfucker. Fuck. I meant to get his real name before we left. I wanted to run him when I get back to work.”

  “He wasn’t a pervert,” Tessa says.

  “You say that like you know,” he argues. “I’m telling you, babe. Watch. List. Bet money on it.”

  Tessa rolls her eyes, then gestures for Reed and myself to grab a shot. “Let’s go. I’m getting shitfaced.”

  “Me too. Danny’s onto me.”

  I slowly turn my head.

  Reed shrugs.

  I take his advice and don’t ask questions. That’s just shit I don’t want to know about.

  We all clink glasses and shoot the tequila. Tessa coughs. Reed slaps his chest. As Beth goes about pouring us another round, the room fills up more, people in costumes filing in. Some linger on the dance floor while others move to the bar and get served by Danny and Hattie. The booths start filling up.

  My eyes wander to the door every other breath, it feels like. I’m watching for Riley.

  I always am.

  For the past five months, ever since I first laid eyes on Reed’s sister, she’s the only woman I look for.

  Reed nudges me, glass raised. We all take our second shot.

  “Where’s your girl?” Luke asks me, minutes later.

  “School. She’ll be here.” I push the glass in front of Beth. “One more.”

  She raises her brow. “You sure?”

  I nod, rubbing at my mouth.

  “We’re here! We’re here!” Nolan cries out over the music and commotion going on around us.

  Ben and Mia are walking behind him, Ben looking like the happiest guy on the fucking planet, which is pretty typical for him. Mia though, something’s off. She has tears in her eyes and a look of hesitation weighing heavy on her features. Her focus is glued on Tessa, no one else, who immediately sets her glass down and breaks free from the group.

  She runs over, knocking people on the dance floor out of her way, and wraps her arms around Mia.

  “What’s going on?” Reed asks.

  “Mia’s pregnant.”

  All eyes move to Luke after he speaks.

  Beth gasps and goes over to be with the girls.

  “No shit?” I ask.

  He nods, smiling.

  His reaction is good to see. We all know how much Luke and Tessa have been struggling. I hear about it from Riley, so knowing they’re on board with this makes it really fucking easy to feel happy for Ben and Mia.

  “That’s awesome,” Reed says.

  I jerk my head, agreeing, and reach behind the bar to grab another glass for Ben. I pour us all another round.

  Nolan and Chase finally make their way through the crowd, running over wearing their superhero costumes. The pillowcases in their hands drag on the wooden floor.

  “Look how much stuff we got! We hit the mother lode!” Nolan hoists his pillowcase in front of him, lifting it to waist level so everyone can see it. His eyes are big and bright as he looks at everyone through his mask that stops just above his nose. “Do you guys got some candy for us?”

  “Don’t you have enough?” I ask.

  Nolan blinks. “No way. I’m just getting started.”

  “Here, Nolan. Come with me,” Hattie says, waving him over to where she’s standing behind the bar. “I have some candy for you.”

  “Sweet!” He takes off running.

  “Uncle Wuke.” Chase tugs on Luke’s jeans, getting picked up.

  I grab his pillowcase off the ground and set it up on the bar.

  “What’s up, bud?” Luke asks him.

  Dressed as Superman, Chase yawns around the thumb in his mouth and drops his head on Luke’s shoulder, looking a second away from passing out.

  Luke rubs his back.

  No fucking way is that guy not going to be a dad.

  There’s certain things that are meant to happen for certain people. One way or the other, it always works out.

  Ben steps up beside me, grinning big, while the girls continue to hug and do this weird half-crying/half-laughing thing a few feet away.

  “I hear congrats are in order,” I say, offering out a hand for him to shake. “That’s awesome, man. Really happy for you.”

  “Thanks.” He exhales heavily, releasing my hand and then reaching out to take Reed’s. “Couldn’t let you have all the attention,” he jokes.

  Reed snorts. “Can’t say I’m surprised in the least. My happiness means jack shit around here.”

  We all share a laugh.

  I gesture at the glasses lined up and hand one out to Ben, and we all drink them down just as the girls walk back over.

  “Awesome news,” I tell Mia, giving her a quick hug, the wings of her angel costume scratching my arm.

  “Thank you. We’re so excited.” Keeping hold of Tessa’s hand, Mia leans her head on Ben’s shoulder and smiles at Reed when he offers his congratulations.

  “Let’s get a table,” Luke suggests. He’s still holding Chase, who has his eyes closed now.

  Tessa leans in and kisses them both.

  I rub my hand down my face, liking the idea of sitting more than I did when I first got here. Three shots in me and I’m feeling pretty relaxed, but just as I turn to follow the group, Riley steps through the door.

  And it’s like the crowd wants me to see her. Needs me to see her.

  They part like the fucking Red Sea, and if I were a religious man, I’d be thinking this has got to be some biblical shit right here, because without a doubt, that outfit she has on was touched by God.

  Or made by the devil.

  Probably a mix of both.

  “Holyyy shit,” Tessa snickers from her seat at the table. “Okay. Riley wins best outfit of the night. Hands down.”

  “Hey, I thought mine was pretty creative,” Beth whines, but there’s a playfulness to her voice. I’m sure she’s smiling.

  I just can’t look at her right now to confirm that. I can’t look anywhere else.

  Letting my eyes roam up and down the length of Riley, I take her in.

  Black police vest stopping at her ribs to show her stomach and unzipped to her cleavage, tight black pants—possibly leather—which I will confirm the second I get close enough to touch, thick black belt with cuffs and a night stick hanging off her hip, and leaning to the side, squinting . . . yep. That’s my Nerf gun sticking out from behind her. I recognize th
e bright orange handle.

  She’s wearing dark aviators and a black uniform hat, and her long blond hair falls past her shoulders. Lips shiny and lifted, no doubt appreciating the look I’m giving her right now. And when Riley pulls out the night stick and starts walking toward me, twirling it in the air, hips swaying, I cock my head to the side and smirk, waiting for the show that I am one hundred percent participating in to start.

  Ben whistles, the sharp noise cutting through the air and gaining some eyes. But mostly everyone except our group is minding their own business.

  “Ma’am,” I greet Riley when she stops in front of me, giving her cleavage some attention now that it’s close up before admiring the patch on her vest.

  It reads Officer Booty.

  “Wow,” I chuckle, looking to the ceiling. “God, I am so glad I committed all those crimes on the way over here. Lock me up now. I won’t fight you, darlin’.”

  Holding in a smile, Riley jams her night stick against my chest. “Turn around, and don’t call me that again. I am not your darlin’.”

  “Burn!” Reed hollers, earning laughs from the table.

  Riley’s cheeks turn red beneath her glasses.

  “Are you sure?” I ask, leaning in and putting some pressure on the stick. “’Cause you look exactly like this girl I know. This real sweet little thing.”

  Her mouth twitches but she covers it quickly, pursing her lips together. Removing her glasses, she tucks them in her shirt and narrows her crystal blue eyes at me. “If you don’t listen to orders, I’ll cuff you now and drag you out of here.”

  “Well there goes my willingness to comply.”

  “Turn.” Riley presses the stick firmer against my chest and crowds me. “Around.” Her voice drops lower.

  I feel that straight in my dick.

  “Yes, ma’am,” I say, winking before I put my back to her.

  The girls clap and cheer Riley on behind us, who tries to keep her sweet giggle quiet so she can stay in character, but I hear it.

  I meet her eyes over my shoulder, letting her know I’m enjoying this as much as she is.

  “Hands flat on the bar.” She kicks my legs apart and presses between my shoulder blades after setting her night stick next to the glasses we drained. “Do it. I have to search you.”

  My mouth twitches.

  Now, there’s an idea.

  I press my hands on the worn wood and look down the bar, watching Nolan dunk his head in a large metal tub and retrieve an apple with his mouth. Hattie cheers him on.

  “I have to tell you,” I begin as Riley reaches underneath my arms to pat my chest. “I had three shots of tequila before you got here. Just want to be upfront so you know I’m not trying to hide anything.” I moan when she moves down my stomach, her hands stilling at my belt.

  Christ, this is probably not the best time to get hard.

  “Did you really?” she asks, leaning around me.

  She’s stepping out of character now. This is real—the way she’s looking at me. Those big blue flames burning me up the way they always do.

  There she is.

  I nod, keeping her eyes.

  “Well,” Riley furrows her brow and leans back around behind me. “That was very irresponsible of you. I suspect you were looking to drive yourself home?”

  “Nah. I wouldn’t do that.”

  She pats down the front of my thighs. “Why did you drink that much?”

  “Nerves,” I answer. “Just needed to take the edge off, ya know?”

  “’Cause of all those crimes you committed?” she whispers at my shoulder as her hands press the pockets of my jeans. “Are you feeling guilty? Is that why your nerves are shot?”


  “You should. Breaking a law, or several, isn’t something we take lightly around here.” The fingers of her right hand curl under, taking more of my pocket with them, and grip. “Ah ha,” she says, sounding triumphant.

  I blow out the breath I’m holding, grateful for the bar. My body sags into it as a thousand heartbeats fill my chest.

  “Well well. What do we have—”

  Riley’s voice drops out when she pulls the small black box out of my pocket.

  I take one last deep breath before I turn around, watching her study the thing she’s holding like she doesn’t have any idea what it is, or what’s in it.

  And that’s definitely not the fucking case.

  Every woman knows what’s in that box.

  “Wait! That’s my cue.” Reed shoots out of his chair and moves off to the side, phone raised and pointed at us.

  I glare at him. “Really?”

  He’s fucking filming this?

  If I wasn’t already nervous enough . . .

  “My mom insisted,” he replies, smirking above his phone. “Whenever you’re ready.”

  “Gee. Thanks.”

  “Oh my God,” one of the girls whispers, sounding the most like Mia. “He’s proposing.”

  “Told you. That’s a winning outfit right there,” Tessa says.

  “Reed, make sure you zoom.”

  That suggestion comes from Beth.

  “I’d like to take care of this today, if everyone’s finished speaking up and ruining the moment.” I sweep my gaze across the table, brows lifted in question. “We good? Anything else?”

  “You might wanna kneel,” some guy I don’t even know suggests from the crowd.

  I realize then all eyes are on us, on me and what I’m about to do. And looking to Riley, to her sweet face studying that box like it’s the most precious thing she’s ever held in her hands, the tears in her eyes, her head nodding like crazy, already answering the question I have yet to even ask, suddenly, I forget why the fuck I was nervous about this in the first place.

  I’m doing this here in front of everyone for a reason.

  I’m giving her this moment to look back on and remember who she shared it with, knowing the most important people to Riley are filling this room, and the ones that couldn’t make it will apparently see a video.

  This is how I’ve had it planned for the past three months. And that look on her face is why.

  I can stand a little attention for that look. It’s worth it.

  “Do you wanna open it?” I ask her, my voice carrying like we’re the only ones in the bar now that everyone’s gone quiet. Even the music got turned down at some point. “I was gonna do it, do the whole present it to you thing, but if you—”

  Riley quickly shoves the box against my chest and pulls back. “You can do it,” she rushes out, hands knotting together and pressing against her stomach.

  I chuckle, watching Riley give me the prettiest smile I think she’s ever given me and cutely shrug her shoulders.

  “I’d hate to ruin the moment,” she teases.

  “Certainly not.” Clearing my throat, I drop to one knee and look up at her.

  Tears start spilling down her face.

  “CJ, what are you doing down there?” Nolan asks me.

  I lower my head for a breath as collective chuckles fill the room, then looking down the bar, I spot Nolan hanging over the edge, head tilted down and face serious. His mask is off now and his hair is wild. Hattie’s holding on to him so he doesn’t fall onto the floor.

  “Asking Ms. Riley to marry me,” I annouce.

  At those words, Riley whimpers.

  “For real? That’s really what you’re doing?” Nolan questions before pushing up and looking toward the table. “Mom, I gotta do this for Ryan. This is what I’m talking about.”

  “For fuck’s sake,” I grunt, keeping my voice low, but Riley hears me and giggles.

  I look up at her with pleading eyes.

  “Oh, baby. Come here,” Mia urges, sniffling, a steady stream of tears pouring down her face now too. “We’ll talk about it later. Let CJ do his thing.”

  “Yes. Everyone please.” Riley stomps her foot and shushes the crowd. “Let my man do his thing,” she says, smiling at me and lifting her chin.r />
  Shaking my head, grinning, already thinking this is the best fucking proposal in the books just going off her reaction alone, I pause, but only to make sure I don’t get interrupted again, before I finally open the box and lift it for her to see.

  Riley gasps, hand flying up to her mouth.

  “I think you know how crazy I am about you,” I begin, watching the best thing that’s ever happened to me finally pry her eyes off the ring to look into my face. “I don’t think you know how I’ll go out of my mind if I can’t spend every day of my life with you.”

  “Aww,” Reed says.

  I grit my teeth. “I’m regrettin’ asking your permission.”

  “No, you’re not.”

  Riley looks shocked. “You asked his permission?”

  I nod. “His. Your parents’. I’m suddenly wondering if I need to take a moment and survey the room.”

  Riley bursts into laughter, along with the crowd gathered around us. “Please don’t take another minute,” she says. “Oh my God. I’ll die if you don’t ask me soon.”

  I smile at her, looking down briefly before meeting her eyes again. “We were always meant for this, darlin’, and for everything that’s coming after this. And there’s a lot coming. I’m telling you—I want it all. Whatever it is. And I want it with you. Will you marry me?”

  “Yes!” she shouts, as if she’s been holding that one word in her entire life, just waiting on me so she can say it.

  Clapping, cheering, and hollering, the crowd goes nuts around us as I slide the ring on her finger, letting the box fall to the floor. Standing, I pull Riley into my arms and lift her up, kissing her while my hands roam all that black leather.

  “Jesus Christ. Please tell me this isn’t a rental,” I say against her smiling lips.

  She giggles and kisses me. “It’s all mine. Bought and paid for.”

  “Sweetest words I’ve ever heard, second to that yes you just gave me,” I say.

  Riley leans back and cups my face, staring into my eyes. “I love you.”

  “I love you, darlin’.”

  We share another slow, soft kiss before our friends come over to give well wishes, practically trampling us to do just that.

  Riley shows off her ring to the girls, the group of them screaming, hugging, and crying. Arms around each other in their little squad—the one Riley couldn’t wait to be a part of.


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