St. Helena Vineyard Series: Saving Forever (Kindle Worlds Novella) (The Forever Series Book 2)

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St. Helena Vineyard Series: Saving Forever (Kindle Worlds Novella) (The Forever Series Book 2) Page 4

by Cary Hart

  “Thanks Daddy. Love you.”

  I head up the stairs to my room. The same room I’ve had had all my life.

  “Mom? You up here?” I walk down to the end of the hall and find her in my room, fixing the bed.

  “Thought you may be tired since you called so late. Why don’t you get comfortable and take a nap. We can always talk later.”

  Walking up to her, I give her the biggest hug I can muster.

  “What’s that for?” She pulls back to get a good look at me.

  “For just loving me and taking care of me…I love you.”

  “Daisy, we are always here for you, but right now, you need sleep. We can talk when you get up.”

  “Sounds perfect.” I leave on my oversized T-shirt on and take off my pants, hop into bed and let sleep carry me away.


  “Sweetie, time to get up.” I feel my mom’s hand caressing my cheek.

  “Whaaaaat time is it?” I yawn.

  “It’s 9 p.m.”

  “I slept for ten hours?” I sit up in a rush only to become lightheaded and have to lie back down.

  “You looked so peaceful, I didn’t have the heart to wake you. But after ten hours, I figured it was time.”

  “Mom,” I sit up, scooting my back up against the headboard. “We need to talk.”

  “I know.” She settles in next to me on the bed.

  “You know? Mom, you are mistaken. You are going to be so disappointed.”

  “Baby, you’re pregnant.” She places her hand on my leg, rubbing, comforting me.

  “How did you know?” Did she get into my purse and find the vitamins? Did she go through my phone?

  “Baby, you are overly emotional and tired. The last time I talked to you, you couldn’t stop talking about blueberry lemon scones and these cheeseburgers. Then when you showed up today, even though you were ready to pass out from exhaustion, you still were glowing.”

  “Mom…” I try to come up with the words to explain what happened.

  “Daisy, I’m your mom and I’m going to love you no matter what. Anything you need, I will be there for. You’re my baby and now my baby is having a baby.”

  “Mom…” I try again, but nothing.

  “Do you want this child?” she questions.

  “Yes. So much.” I think back and can’t remember a time I didn’t want this baby.

  “Then that is all that matters.” She scoots up further on the bed to mimic my position.

  “What about the father?”

  “He doesn’t know.”

  “Daisy Elizabeth Daniels…and why not?”

  “It’s hard to explain.”

  “Well, start from the beginning.” She puts her arm around my back and snuggles closer to give the added support and comfort.

  “It was on my twenty-first birthday. I was in my spot on the beach when this man walked up. He looked lost walking up, but when we were talking, it was as if he found himself. In that moment I have never felt so connected to someone in my life. He tried to leave, but he came back…for me. We agreed that we would live in the moment for one night and then the next day, reveal our identities.”

  “So, during this moment, protection wasn’t used?”

  “No, I was careless. Something I have never done before.”

  “What happened the next day?”

  “I never felt so cared for before as I laid in his arms all night, but when I woke up he was gone, only leaving a note. I didn’t know who he was, but a week after I started my job, he showed up. He’s my boss.” I rest my head on her shoulder. “Mom, what am I going to do?”

  “You are involved with Ferris Hampton…and you’re having his baby?”

  Words can’t find their way out, so I nod.

  “You have to tell him.”

  “And look how well that worked out for you.” I regret it the moment it leaves my mouth, but it’s too late. I can’t take it back.

  “I loved Lilly’s father more than anyone could ever know. When he left that next day, it destroyed me, but I didn’t give up. I tracked him down and begged him to take me with him.”

  “I never knew that.”

  “Because you girls didn’t need to know that. Lilly suffers enough from it all.” Her face is wet with tears as she finishes. “He confessed he was heavily into drugs and refused to have his child raised around that. I begged him to get help, but he’d just signed the contract and couldn’t take a leave of absence. There was no changing his mind.”

  “Mom, shouldn’t Lilly know this?”

  “Why? Why should she think he chose drugs over us?”

  Realizing she’s right I leave it alone, but I still need to know something else.

  “Do you regret telling him? Chasing after him?”

  “No, not one single bit. I wouldn’t change a thing.” She pulls me in closer. “Telling him gave him a choice. Chasing him brought out the truths. Everything that happened with him was amazing. I knew what it felt like to love, to be cherished, to live life. He taught me that. Baby girl, everything in this life happens for a reason.”

  “So no regrets?”

  “No regrets. If that would have never happened, I would have never met your father or you. You guys are my world and for that I thank him. He gave me not one child, but two.”


  “Just tell him. Living with regret and wonder is not living at all. Now, throw on some clothes and go see your dad. He’s been waiting patiently.”

  “Thanks, mom. I feel better.”

  Chapter 7


  When I’m almost home, Colin calls trying to convince me to pick up his dry cleaning on Monday, when I come in, but he forgets Monday is my late day.

  “Colin, Ferris had me running around all weekend and Mondays are my day of clarity to destress from social madness.” I fib a little, hoping he will leave it alone and pick up the suits from the store.

  He tries to bribe me by bringing me some of those blueberry lemon scones, but he already owes me some from that little fiasco with a client.

  “So, is that a no?”


  “Daisy, chill sweetheart, I’m just giving you a hard time. I completely forgot about the suits.”

  I know he didn’t mean anything by it, but I start to cry. He just hit me at the wrong time.

  “What’s wrong?”

  I don’t want to cry and I sure as hell don’t want him to ask what’s wrong. Given the emotional state I’m in, I might just confess my sins. So, I decide to flip the switch and go full bitch mode.

  “Nothing, just a long weekend. But since you decided to ruin my day, you are still bringing me those scones and you will bring me coffee, but this time make it a decaf! Please and thank you.” Ticked off and now hungry, I hang up on him and scout out the closest bakery.

  Pulling into Crushcakes & Café, I decide I’m hungrier than just a cupcake, so I order my favorite, crush red velvet pancakes with sliced strawberries and bananas, hold the syrup, but with extra sour cream icing. MMM!


  “What now,” I huff out loud, making the nearby customers turn and look.

  Great, an email from Ferris.

  Miss Daniels,

  We have a new employee starting tomorrow at 9 a.m. sharp. Please make yourself present at that time.



  “Damn it.” I finish up my pancakes, ignoring the stares from the onlookers.

  Deciding against replying, I call the doctor, at home. He gave me the number when he found out I was doing this alone. I wasn’t going to call him, but I can’t risk losing my job or having Ferris find out like this.

  As always, Dr. Griffith works his magic and gets me in a half hour earlier, which will get me to the office and settled in plenty of time. Perfect!



  I sit. Waiting. Willing her to email me back. To get the response I was looking for, but nothing comes. I’m no
t sure why I wait. I didn’t ask her a question. I stated what I wanted and expected her to do it.

  I didn’t need to hire Natalie Russo, but I wanted to. Colin was getting a little too close to Daisy for my comfort. He knows things about her, notices her moods. I know of a night, almost ten weeks ago, and nothing else.

  As soon as I saw Colin’s face after she fainted, I knew he had feelings for her. I just didn’t know the depth. Not wanting to take a chance, I decided to eliminate the prospect of a potential relationship.

  I left that week for New York to find Natalie Russo, his old high school friend, whom he had for a history with. She ran and burned his ass.

  You would think that hiring her would just push him closer to Daisy, but that’s not the case. When you have money, you get answers and they have unfinished business to settle. I’m going to take advantage of it.

  So, I did what any crazed, self-absorbed asshole would do and I offered her a job she couldn’t refuse, but she surprised me and did just that.

  Out of options, I came back home. Defeated. Avoiding the office during the day and working there at night.

  Then, Friday. I get the call. Natalie Russo is coming to work for me. She questions my motive for hiring her, but I tell her legal needs an engineer with a master’s degree to sign off on the rest of the work.

  Feeling the need to celebrate, I call Lillian to meet me at a local bar, but she reminds me we are already meeting an attorney about some legal matters concerning a private beach and possible site for hotel.

  Walking in, I look toward the bar and that is when I see her, chatting it up with some young bartender. I ignore them, tune out their conversation and pretend to look for the client Lillian and I are meeting.

  “Thanks, Bri.” The nickname for the guy brings my attention back to her. “You always know how to take care of me.” She says as she leans over and kisses him on the cheek.

  What does always even mean? He always takes care of her?

  “See you soon, DD,” he responds, watching her leave before he turns his attention back to Lillian.

  “Lillian, I see you are as bitchy as ever.” He awaits her reaction but Lillian only excuses herself to the restroom.

  This is my opportunity. I chase after Daisy, to end this thing once and for all.

  Catching up to her, I see her struggling with the door.


  “Daisy!” I shout, but she doesn’t hear. She goes flying. Running, I get my arms around her in time, pulling her into me.

  “Seems to me you need to be more careful.” I laugh, trying to make light of the situation.

  “You!” She turns in my arms, hitting me with a look of hatred.

  “I have a name,” I joke, trying to make her smile.

  “You’re not funny.” She pushes me away.

  “Not even a little bit funny?” I bring my fingers up to show her how little.

  “No! Not even a little funny.”

  Then she unleashes. Broken and upset, she confesses her feelings. I want to grab her and make the promises, I know I should make, but I can’t. Being with me will hurt so much worse for her than this moment here.

  Her feelings will destroy me. My life will destroy her. This ends now.

  Chapter 8


  Pulling up to work. I notice that Colin’s vehicle still isn’t there. Great! This is the perfect time to try and corner Ferris into meeting with me tonight.

  After my appointment today, I realized that I needed to tell him sooner rather than later. I’m at the beginning of my second trimester and I’m going to start showing soon.

  I’ve already seen an increase in my bust size, but give credit to Victoria’s Secret, who is keeping my secret, when someone takes notice.

  The doctor said in eight to ten more weeks, he should be able to tell the sex of the baby. Something about him saying that, plus hearing my little jelly bean’s heartbeat for the first time, has me on cloud nine.

  I’m ready to tell Ferris, even if he chooses to not take part in his or her life.

  Walking into the office, I glance down the hall and see Ferris’ door shut. Knowing that he doesn’t want to be disturbed, I power up my computer to send him an email.

  “Miss Daniels, my office, now,” he interrupts.

  I go to his office and open the door slightly. “Yes, Ferris?”

  “Mr. Hampton, please.”

  “Yes, sir.” I walk over to the chair and take a seat. His eyes follow me along the way.

  “Ms. Russo will be here shortly and we need to quickly run down what I expect from you.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Daisy, you don’t have to call me sir.”

  “Yes, Ferris.”

  “Mr. Hampton.”

  “Huh?” I’m confused as to what he wants.

  “Please, call me Mr. Hampton. Not Ferris and not sir. Mr. Hampton.”

  “Sounds good, sir.” I cringe knowing I messed up again, but what does he expect? It’s an act of respect.

  “My God! Can’t you just do what I fucking ask you to do?”

  “I’m sorry. I just…” Oh God. Please no. Don’t cry. “It’s just a form of respect.” A tear falls. Then another and another.

  “Shit.” He walks over and sits down beside me, handing me a tissue. “I’m sorry. I’m not good with this stuff.”

  “How about you just stop it with the formalities. I respect you. You are my boss and I will treat you as so.” I quickly rope in my emotions and continue. “What is it we need to discuss?”

  “Daisy, I don’t know how to do this.” He stands up, pacing the office. “I’m not a nice guy.”

  “Mr. Hampton, it’s okay. I don’t expect you to—”

  “Stop it. It’s not okay.” He runs his hands through his hair, something I’ve noticed him doing more of lately. “We need to find a balance we are both comfortable with.”

  “How about when we are alone we can be a little less formal, but when others are present, I refer to you as Mr. Hampton. If we clear this up now, I think I can keep it straight.”

  “Perfect. Now, let’s figure out this Natalie Russo situation. I want you to be the go-between. Show her the office and get her settled in. As always, I have an open door policy. If it’s closed and she needs something, she can come to you.”

  I continue to take notes, not showing how shocked I am about the conversation we are having.

  “You are now my personal assistant. The Oakwood Project is finishing up nicely, thanks to Colin, and anything from here on out they can figure out together.” He nods like he is trying to convince himself of this plan. “Natalie’s expertise should complement Colin’s experience nicely.”

  Taking out his phone, he swipes right then left. “I’m going to give you complete access to my calendar. You will be aware of my every move, but in order for this to work, I need access to yours. I need you available to me when I call, no matter what time. I’ll adjust your salary to reflect this change.”

  “Ferris, this isn’t necessary.”

  “Are you refusing this offer?” Ferris tilts his head to the side.

  “No, it’s actually a lovely offer, but before I accept I think we need to have a talk. Can we have dinner tonight?”


  “Yes, can we meet up for dinner tonight?”

  “Actually, I have a dinner meeting, but I think having you join us will be a learning experience for you and an added benefit for me. Saves me from having to eat with Lillian yet again.” He smiles.

  “Dinner? Lillian?” I’m confused again. It doesn’t take much for my brain to turn to mush. I’ve heard the further in the pregnancy you get the more your brain turns to mush.

  “Yes, Lillian accompanies me on all business meetings. It brings a personal touch without getting personal.”

  “So you want me to come to this meeting as your personal assistant?”

  “No, I want you to come to this meeting to engage, to take the edge off the busin
ess aspect and put your own personal twist on it. Then after the meeting, we can talk about whatever you need to talk about.”

  “Uh, okay.”

  “Good. The meeting is at six p.m. sharp.” He walks back to his desk, pulling out the chair to sit down. “Be ready. Tardiness is not tolerated.”

  “Got it, but I—”

  “Don’t worry.” Ferris gives me a once over. “Even though this attire…is appropriate for the office, I expect you to step it up a little when we attend meetings.”

  “No problem. I’ll borrow something from Lilly.”

  “No! I’ll make a couple calls to see what they can pull together and have it delivered before the end of the day.”

  “I can go shopping on lunch.”

  “Can you please just do as I ask? Let me do this for you.”

  “Okay. Thank you for your generosity, Ferris.”

  “You’re welcome. Now, please go see if Natalie’s office is set up before she arrives.”


  Colin has put me in an awkward position. Knowing a little about their history, I know for a fact he was trying to make her jealous. And after a brief discussion, while Natalie looked around, I gave him what-for while he handed me another scone.

  The guy doesn’t fight fair. Wiping my mouth, I hurry over to where Natalie is to give her a quick tour of the office.

  “Your office will be right over there.” I point as I lead the way. “Mr. Hampton apologizes for it being smaller than what you are probably used to in New York, but given you are working onsite, I’m sure you can overlook it.”

  Natalie looks around then back at me. I’m not sure what she is thinking, but I just smile, nod and move on.

  “Mr. Hampton is right next door and has an open door policy. Any time his door is open, feel free to go right on in. No meeting required. When his door is shut, come to me and I’ll let you know when he will be available next.” I fill her in on the directions he gave me earlier. Still uncertain if that is what he really wants.

  “Well, well, well…Ms. Russo, I’m glad you could finally grace us with your presence.” Ferris has appeared in his doorway, looking beautifully intimidating.


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