To Serve Is Divine

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To Serve Is Divine Page 5

by Hargrave, R. E.

  Catherine looked down at the expensive card-stock in her hand.

  Jayden Masterson, CEO Masterson Metalworks was embossed in the center with his phone number underneath.

  Jayden. Sir. Master. The names ran through her head, and as she thought each one her resolve strengthened. Catherine knew she’d found her Dom.

  She walked backward, pacing her steps away from him until she bumped into her front door and his eyes lightened at her movements. She broke away from his gaze to open her clutch and dig out her key.

  “Goodnight, Sir. Thank you for the ride.” She curtsied to him and then turned to work the key in the lock.

  She opened the door and was about to step in when she heard his rich voice again.

  “I look forward to meeting with you and getting to know you with more . . .” he paused for a moment, “intimacy.”

  She met his gaze head on. “As do I,” Catherine pronounced before walking through her door and closing it behind her.

  ~~~Chapter 5~~~

  Erin Makes the Call

  Monday morning couldn’t come soon enough for Erin. She’d spent the weekend pacing her small loft apartment off of Lovers Lane near downtown. When she wasn’t pacing, she was practicing, training her body back into shape.

  She’d worn the clamps for about thirty minutes every other hour. Erin had returned to the same store on Harry Hines Boulevard where she’d purchased the clamps to get a couple of anal plugs to add to her meager collection. On a whim, she’d also grabbed some gel that was supposed to arouse you to the point of needing to come by a simple brush of a finger so that she could test her orgasm control,though she wasn’t sure where she stood in that department. Spencer had never cared about her needs, and therefore had never pushed Erin to withhold. She’d been nothing but a means to an end for him. A living doll that he could use when and how he saw fit.

  Orgasming without his permission had not been an issue either for she hadn’t desired it in the least – especially by the end.

  If her encounter with Sir Jayden was anything to go by, then such control was going to be a challenge with him, and she couldn’t bloody wait – nor did she. No sooner had the numbers on the digital clock beside her rolled forward to nine o’clock than she was dialing the number on the card in her hand, which was already worn. She hadn’t set the thing down much in the last two days.

  “Good morning. Masterson Metalworks. This is Samantha speaking. How may I help you?”

  The voice was confident and sure, and Erin deliberated trying to recall the last time she’d sounded that way herself. With a shock, she realized that it had been during her time with Sir Jayden. That in the short time she’d spent with him, he had already begun to heal her.

  A smile bloomed while she responded, “Good morning, Samantha. This is Erin O’Chancey. Mr. Masterson asked me to call you this morning to set up a . . .” She hesitated scrambling over what to call what they needed to discuss before settling on: “Meeting with him this week.”

  “Certainly, Ms. O’Chancey. May I ask which account this is in regards to?”

  Erin blanched. Perhaps she should have called later, and given Sir a chance to arrive and debrief his secretary. Fiddlesticks, she thought glumly, I’ve messed up already.

  Her voice was strained with her reply, “It’s of a personal nature.”

  Silence ensued on the other end of the line, and then Erin thought she heard whispering.


  Jayden Takes a Call

  At nine on the nose, Jayden waltzed through the pristine glass doors into the lobby of his office building. He was on edge and ready to bite the head off the first person that dared to cross him. For some stupid unknown reason he’d allowed himself to suffer all weekend.

  Having assured Catherine was delivered home safe, Jayden had returned to his car distraught. Micah had had enough sense to keep his pretty mouth shut on the drive back to Jayden’s home in Highland Park.

  Upon arrival, Jayden had let himself out of the car telling Micah he’d see him Monday morning before slamming the car door and stomping into his abode. Once inside, instead of dealing with the erection he’d been sporting since spotting the enchanting Catherine, Jayden had chosen to keep his hands off.

  He refused to jack-off when he was an established Dom who always found his pleasure by commanding others to bring him to it.

  So it was with one objective that Jayden entered the cold, polished steel and glass of the elevator carriage. Having been half-hard or more so all weekend, he had plans to demand Samantha get on her knees, and relieve him of his ache.

  So that it could start all over again while he waited for Catherine to call.

  What was this woman doing to him?

  That had been the million dollar question all weekend. He was looking forward to finding out the answer the moment he cleared one head enough to think with the other.

  A sharp ding announced the elevator arriving, and the doors slid open with a quiet whoosh. Jayden exited out onto the top floor where the lone office occupying the space was his. Entering through the thick, oak doors that were inlaid with abstract metal work, he hissed when his eyes spotted Samantha’s ass. He began undoing his belt while he walked forward.

  Approaching, Jayden realized she was stretched over the front of her desk because she was on the phone. He pulled up short and watched while she stretched further, a trim stocking-clad leg coming out to steady her while she reached for a pen and typed in her password on the computer. Jayden could tell she’d just gotten into the office, and whoever was on the phone had caught her before she’d been ready.

  Jayden moved forward while he listened to Samantha. Not recognizing the name Samantha used to address the person on the phone, he decided to have a little fun with her. He stepped in so that his now hardened shaft dug into her toned ass. She tensed, and almost dropped the phone while she straightened up.

  Tucking her dirty-blonde hair behind her ear, he nuzzled his nose into the scented strands while whispering his demands. “Wrap up the call, and present yourself.”

  Her manicured hand slid over the receiver, and she cranked her head around, turning her blue eyes on him before whispering, “Erin O’Chancey on the line, Sir. She says you told her to schedule a meeting regarding a personal issue?”

  Jayden bolted upright and stepped back from Samantha. Her tone held accusations and he would reprimand her for the disrespect later but for now he was pretty sure his Catherine was calling. Just like he’d told her to – like a good girl. Oh, he was so very pleased and harder than steel in an instant.

  He reached for the phone sliding his own palm over the mouthpiece, and fixed his stare on Samantha. “I will meet you in the playroom, kitten. Be in the presentation position.”

  With a quick, “Yes, Sir,” Samantha backed away not turning until she’d reached the threshold to his inner office. The whole time her short skirt had revealed the tops of her stockings with each step.

  Moving his hand away from the mouthpiece, he assumed his power voice. “This is Mr. Masterson. Can I help you?”

  A hitch of breath sounded down the phone. When she spoke Jayden could hear the needy, excited tremble in her voice.

  “Good morning, Sir. This is Catherine calling to schedule a time with you?”

  Closing his eyes in a moment of relief, Jayden gathered his wits and pressed his palm against his crotch to adjust himself before speaking. “Quite prompt aren’t you, Catherine? I like that. But first, please clear up why my secretary called you Erin?”

  “Catherine is this girl’s full name while Erin is her nickname. It was remiss of this girl to introduce herself in an informal manner. Please forgive her, Sir.”

  Her answer was crisp, concise, and provided with utmost respect. Jayden wondered if her lack of fault would be the undoing of their arrangement before it even began. How could he punish her if she never erred? A lascivious grin stretched his lips; felicitous that he would have to push her.

  “Ah, I see. I
will risk assuming you prefer Catherine while in submissive mode?”

  “Aye, Sir.”

  “Very well, Erin,” Jayden emphasized her causal name. “We are under no contract yet, nor are we in a scene at the moment. While I appreciate your respect, let’s proceed as just Erin and Jayden for now, shall we?”

  “As you wish, Sir.”

  “Erin . . .”

  “Oops, sorry. That sounds great, Jayden,” she answered with a shaky laugh.

  Jayden’s breath stilled in his chest at the sound of his name coming from her lips. It was something he wanted to hear more of, and often. He wanted to tell Samantha to clear his schedule for today to make room for Erin, but knew he had to snap out of this infatuation he seemed be under.

  When they ended their call ten minutes later, they had settled on two nights hence to meet. Jayden would have Samantha courier over the necessary paperwork, and Erin knew to expect Micah to collect her at seven sharp for dinner and cocktails while they reviewed the forms. In addition, Jayden left instructions on Samantha’s desk to order two-dozen, mixed white and coral roses to be delivered to Erin.

  He’d all but forgotten Samantha was waiting for him until he walked into his inner office and saw the playroom door ajar. Oh yes, my kitten waits, Jayden thought while he moved toward the door – releasing his pant fasteners as he went.


  Becoming Catherine

  It was with a nervous air of excitement that Erin found herself pacing while waiting for Micah to arrive. She had a tight grip on her purse knowing how important the forms inside were. It would be horrifying to have them fall into the wrong hands for they showed in black and white just how depraved she was.

  The woman she hid from general society lay bare on those pages. Her answers penned with utmost care revealed her naughty side: the side that enjoyed a thick cock down her throat and that flooded with need when her nipples were taunted by pinching fingers and crushing clamps; the dirty girl who craved anal attention, and who found ropes and chains arousing even while she found their restrictive embrace comforting.

  However, all of that just scratched the surface of how debauched she wanted to be. She longed to be properly used for her Master’s pleasure while earning his respect in return. Erin had the desire to see pride in his eyes while she did whatever he asked of her.

  She’d gotten a taste of the mutual respect a Master and submissive could have during her time with Andrew. Even with Spencer, as much of a monster as he turned out to be, she had found that peace in the beginning when she fell for the wolf in sheep’s clothing.

  A shudder racked her body just as Micah pulled up in a sleek, white Town Car.

  He hopped out and came around to open her door for her with a polite, “Evening, Ms. O’Chancey. You look splendid tonight. Sir will be pleased.”

  Erin beamed at his compliment even if she was thrown off for a moment by his referral to his boss as “Sir”. She slid across the soft leather settling into her seat and buckled her belt.

  Micah told her to help herself to any of the refreshments in the console cooler which he opened to display bottled waters and single serve mixed beverages. She grabbed a water bottle and sat back.

  Thirty minutes later, Micah guided the car into the drop-off zone at the Gaylord Texan Resort. Erin had heard of the place, but never thought she’d get to experience it. Her delighted smile grew when her door opened and Jayden’s well-groomed hand reached in to assist her from the car.

  “You look good enough to eat, Erin. Stunning,” Jayden murmured, presenting Catherine with a single long-stemmed rose. “The white is for your humility and service given with pure intentions. Kissed with coral for the desire that simmers deep within – which I look forward to bringing to a frenzied boil.” His blunt approval pleased Erin. So did his establishing they were still on neutral ground by using her nickname.

  Erin had decided to go with a softer, more sensual look, rather than molten sex – that needed to be reserved for playtime. She’d chosen the black knit, wrap-around dress because she knew that while it hugged her body like a glove, the playful dots of assorted bright colors added just the right amount of innocence to her appearance. When paired with bold green shoes and accessories she knew her eye color popped.

  “You look quite handsome yourself, Jayden. Thank you for the roses you sent, they were beautiful,” she responded taking in his charcoal polo and black dress slacks.

  With this outfit his hair bordered on black and his eyes reminded her of well-oiled English oak. He flashed a smile at Erin that caused a wave of heat to rush through her. When he offered his arm, she took it, laying her palm atop his forearm and resisting the urge to bury her nails in and never let go. Being tucked against him felt good and right — peaceful.

  A warm glow tickled her insides, and she allowed him to escort her to a quiet corner of the atrium. Though situated in the center of a heavily-trafficked lobby, Erin felt like they were in a private garden. Assorted vegetation littered the space around them. A small stream wove through and around the trees, flowers, and sitting areas – some of which were secluded islands accessible by quaint, arched bridges.

  They were seated on one of the islands.

  Within moments they were joined by a tiny lady dressed in a pristine, pressed resort uniform. “Good evening. Welcome to the Gaylord. I’m Sylvia, the atrium attendant tonight. I’ll leave you with this pager. If you would like to order something from the bar or kitchen just press the button and I’ll check on you. Otherwise I’ll leave you two to your privacy,” she delivered her well-rehearsed greeting with zeal.

  “Thank you, Sylvia. We’ll each have a Thai tea to start along with a pitcher of ice water with lemon. Also, please bring us the Taste of Asia sampler platter for two,” Jayden placed their order with familiar ease.

  Erin wondered if he was a frequent patron.

  “Very good, Sir,” Sylvia said with a warm smile before she hurried off to put in their order.

  Erin’s initial reaction was to feel her feathers had been ruffled by his audacity in ordering for her without asking her input like she was a dependent, non-thinking possession. Almost as soon as she’d had the thought she reminded herself that Jayden wasn’t Spencer, and she relaxed.

  For all she knew this was a small test of sorts, and throwing a tantrum wouldn’t have gone over well. She was here applying to be his submissive after all. Erin was hopeful that before the evening ended, they both would have signed their names to the contract in her bag, which she had all but memorized from reading so many times.

  “How have you been?” Jayden asked, breaking her free of her thoughts and starting their meeting.

  For the next two hours, they reviewed the limit checklist Erin had filled out with painstaking precision. Sylvia had returned with their order, but then vanished into the garden as promised, leaving them to their business.

  She extracted the paperwork from her purse and Jayden pulled out his own limit list, explaining to Erin that he’d updated it the night before as was common practice for him whenever screening a potential new sub. Erin’s respect for Jayden grew while he went on to indicate that it was important to him to revisit the list before he risked being swayed by seeing theirs, and vice-versa. He claimed that he didn’t want any woman completing their list to match his if they weren’t comfortable with certain actions.

  Erin listened with rapt attention while Jayden recanted how he’d had one submissive – his platinum-blonde Jenny – who had been so desperate to become his that she’d flat-out lied about her fondness for rope bondage. Shibari, or Kinbanku, was the Japanese art of binding one with rope to create visually dynamic patterns. Erin’s heart went out to him when Jayden relayed how he’d had gotten about halfway through the process of weaving the intricate patterns over Jenny’s body one night before realizing something was wrong.

  “So it turned out that she was claustrophobic, and the act of blindfolding and binding her brought on a panic attack. The end result was th
at we spent the evening at the ER in lieu of seeking mutual satisfactory sexual release.” He shook his head at the memory.

  “Wow.” What else could Erin say?

  “Yeah. Needless to say, our arrangement didn’t last much longer and the encounter was enough to teach me a lesson and change my approach. Initial lists are now done independent of one another, and if the arrangement continues, then I’ll insist on us reviewing our lists together every six months or so – minimum. After all, likes and dislikes tend to change along with wants and desires when you begin pushing limits and gathering new experiences.”

  Her body began to warm at his words and what they suggested.

  Erin gave herself an internal fist pump while they proceeded with their discussion. Jayden smiled like a kid at the circus when they went over the fact that she didn’t have any qualms with exhibitionism, but rather enjoyed the idea of it a lot.

  To that Jayden admitted he couldn’t wait to explore that side of Erin because he thrived on being envied for having a beautiful, well-behaved submissive, and in his own words, “It has been too long since I’ve been able to stroll the club with a leash in hand on Demon Night.”

  This had led Erin to ask what a Demon Night was, and she became excited at his description: named for the fact that everyone dresses in skimpy black and red BDSM-wear on designated demonstration evenings.

  “You’ve never been paired up and played with another submissive?” he asked her in surprise when she made the confession.

  They were going over the section of her soft limits.

  “No, I haven’t, and at some point, I also hope to have the experience of playing with another woman,” she added almost bashful until she saw the pleased look on his face. Also under ‘never tried, very interested’ she’d listed things like whipping, candling, and body modification.


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