To Serve Is Divine

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To Serve Is Divine Page 16

by Hargrave, R. E.

  Yes, Catherine had ridden with him since he’d been late getting them out of the house. It had just been too hard to unwrap his arms and wake her.

  Catherine was gracious and polite while he made the introductions, and he left the two women to chat for a moment while he took Micah aside.

  “I have a favor to ask of you, Micah.”

  “Of course, Sir. If it’s in my power, I’ll do it,” the boy replied with eagerness.

  “Keep an eye on her for me, yeah?” Jayden wasn’t looking at Micah as he talked, but across the distance to where Catherine stood with Samantha.

  Catherine’s red hair was unfettered and blowing in the light morning breeze. When her hand came up to capture the wayward strands, Jayden felt his chest pinch at the intrinsic beauty she displayed in the soft glow of the rising sun.

  He didn’t understand what was happening.

  A soft chuckle pulled his attention back to Micah who was watching Jayden with narrowed eyes. “It would be an honor, Sir.”

  Jayden clapped Micah on the shoulder, and then shook his hand before moving toward the ladies and the plane with long, sure strides.

  He could only hope his business would be settled sooner rather than later, and he’d be stateside once again with his jewel in his arms.


  The first two weeks passed in a blur, full of welcome dinners, meeting the workers, and factory tours. Jayden checked in with Micah once a week and Catherine daily – though with the time difference their contact was mostly through email. As much as he wanted to Skype with her, Jayden knew she needed her sleep and refused to have her stay up to accommodate him.

  He’d send her instructions, or daily tasks, which in turn, she would write up what the experience had been like and email it back to him. By the time the second Friday night rolled around, he was itching for sexual relief, and her report from Thursday’s task of not wearing panties while she temped at the library served to make matters worse.

  How Jayden would have loved to have observed Catherine from a distance. Her mid-thigh length skirt would inch up her creamy, toned legs while she climbed the short stools to return books to the upper shelves . . .

  Before he could think about it, Jayden had the phone in his hand and was asking Samantha to join him in his hotel room. He tried to ignore how happy she sounded down the line. Inside him things were shifting, and Jayden knew it wasn’t Samantha he wanted with him, but he was stubborn. Admitting he had more than platonic feelings for Catherine would do neither of them any good, and time with Samantha would remind him of that, in addition to soothing the needy ache which had plagued his balls since parting ways with Catherine.

  In a move unlike Jayden, he went to the mini-bar and poured himself a Saki, downing it and pouring a second. By the time the knock sounded at the door of his suite, a numbing buzz was coursing through his body.

  Lightweight, Jayden thought to himself when he went to open the door and missed the handle.

  Samantha stood there with flushed cheeks and bright eyes, which darted to the floor the moment he had the door open. Her long, tanned legs stretched out from beneath a red pair of incredibly short shorts. Following the line of her torso, her midriff was bare, and her small titties were hidden by a matching halter top. He assumed he’d caught her working out.

  “Good evening, Sir. You called?”

  “Yes, I did. Please come in,” Jayden invited and held the door open. “Saki?” he asked while moving back to the bar to pour himself a third. It was beginning to taste rather good to him.

  “Oh. Um, no thank you, Sir. Sir?”

  Jayden turned to her with upraised eyebrows while he threw back the drink. “Yes?”

  “If you don’t mind me asking, are you okay?” Her brows furrowed in concern, and Jayden laughed.

  “No, Samantha, I am most certainly not okay.” He laughed again, but it was far from a happy sound. “But you’re here now, and you are going to make it all better. Strip and kneel,” he ordered. Jayden was going to prove to himself that a good fuck was all he needed.

  Except it wasn’t.

  Samantha moved to obey, but he noticed that her hands shook and the happiness that had shined in her eyes when he first admitted her had been replaced with uncertainty.

  Wiping his hand down his face, his vision cleared just enough for him to assess the rest of her body language: timid, nervous, not in the least bit aroused. Well, fuck.

  “Get up.”

  “I’m sorry, Sir?”

  “I said, ‘get up’, Samantha. You don’t want this right now.” He went to the bathroom and retrieved the plush white robe, returning to hand it to her. “I apologize for scaring you.”

  “No, Sir. You didn – ”

  Jayden cut her off with a sharp stare.

  “Well, maybe just a little bit,” she admitted with a shy smile and walked over to the couch to sit down.

  The Saki beckoned him, so he poured himself another before joining her. This one he sipped.

  “Do you want to talk about it?”

  He wasn’t sure why, but the question put him on edge. Jayden wasn’t prepared for her follow-up.

  “Is it Catherine?”

  “What makes you ask that?” he questioned her, and swallowed the rest of his drink down.

  “You’ve been different since the day she first called the office,” Samantha offered with a shrug. “And at the airport, you couldn’t take your eyes off of her. I’ve never seen you look at me that way – or anyone for that matter.”

  Jayden appraised her. “You can be rather blunt, do you know that?” He didn’t want to hear what she was saying.

  Samantha smiled at him and winked. “How’s this for blunt? What the hell are you doing getting drunk on foreign booze? I haven’t seen you drink before.”

  “That’s none of your business. I’m a grown man and can have a drink if I want one,” Jayden snapped.

  “Sure thing, boss. Though I think the reason is sitting back in Texas with her pretty green eyes.” She stood up and disrobed. “Do you want me to blow you or not? If not, I’d really like to go take a shower and get to bed; we’ve got an early start tomorrow since we’re driving out to the mining site.”

  Her words were on repeat in his head as waved Samantha off. “No. I’m sorry I bothered you, this evening. I’ll see you first thing.”

  Jayden watched her pull her shorts and tank back on before he hefted himself off the couch to walk her to the door. “Thank you, Samantha.”

  She paused to lift on her toes and kiss his cheek. “Anytime, Sir.”

  The loud click of the door settling into place was like a gavel coming down. At that moment, Jayden decided if Catherine could endure the length of his absence with release only through her hand, then so could he.

  Starting now.


  Somehow Jayden found the inner strength to keep his commitment to himself for the duration of his trip. He ordered the Saki removed from his room so that he wouldn’t be tempted again. Jayden was appalled that he’d even turned to the alcohol; what if he had contacted Catherine instead of Samantha in his drunken state?

  It would have been a major setback in the amazing progress Catherine had made, and he didn’t want to even consider how the slip would have affected the trust they’d built or the bond they shared. Jayden knew her feelings on alcohol. Without a doubt, if this had happened at home, he would have called Landon first thing the next day and begged to be put on his knees.

  The remaining month passed in meetings and negotiations. Jayden altered Catherine’s schedule so that on the weekends she slept during the day and could Skype with him at night. That was helpful to both of them. She continued to perform each task he’d assigned with perfection and when she emailed her journal writings each week, he would read in disgust of Spencer and in awe of Catherine.

  More and more, Jayden was convinced she was an amazing woman, not just a submissive.

  It was in his final week in China that Jayden he
ard from Angelique informing him that Katarina was going to be performing at the Valentine’s Day Demon Night, and he made the decision to get back to business with Catherine with a bang. After giving her instructions to go lingerie shopping for his return, he headed out to find a jeweler.

  ~~~Chapter 17~~~


  Master’s business trip ended up taking six long weeks. In that time, Catherine feared that whatever progress they’d made bonding over Christmas had been lost. The tender disposition with which they had parted ways that Monday had given way to a distant and withdrawn Master. He never faltered in seeing to all of Catherine’s needs while he was gone – all except for actual physical contact which was out of his hands. However, any communication they had – while pleasurable in the end for them both – felt like it lacked the undercurrent of unbridled desire she’d learned to feed on in their time together.

  Catherine knew she had no reason to complain. Master had been quite generous with her in his absence. However, it didn’t matter how many times Catherine found release in her fingers or toys; it wasn’t the same as being under Master’s hand or his domineering stare. She missed feeling her body erupt with life under his dark gaze.

  Desperation was overtaking Catherine in her need to feel something other than mediocre pleasure. The knowledge that Samantha was in China with Master acting in her stead and getting what Catherine craved didn’t help. Nor did the fact that Catherine had finally been introduced to Samantha the morning they’d left. Master had convinced her to stay over with him that Sunday night, and Micah gave her a ride home Monday after dropping Master at the airfield where Master had met Samantha before boarding the corporate plane.

  The result was that Catherine could now fill Samantha’s tanned curves, ashen-blonde hair, and naughty blue eyes into the images her mind kept creating to torture her with how Master was thriving just fine without Catherine.

  One good thing had come of Catherine’s time alone: she’d journaled. A lot. Master had asked her to document her reactions and feelings about each task he assigned her in his absence. From going panty-less for the day to recording herself masturbating and sending it to him, she wrote about it all. Often Catherine found that her pen kept going while she let the scratch of the ink on paper lull her to a safe place similar to where brush therapy took her.

  So she wrote. With vehemence, she dredged up what she hoped were the final darkest memories and purged them into words. The weeks of distance became her time of catharsis. Master would be returning to a woman who had found her self-confidence and had a clear conscience, free of sadness – or at least that was what Catherine was hoping for. She couldn’t be sure until she was in his presence once again, which would be soon.

  Catherine sat in the back of the car with her hand on the bag from the Electrique Boutique. Inside the unassuming plastic laid three corsets, purchased at the command of Master. The club was hosting a lover’s-themed demon night in honor of it being Valentine’s Day, and they would be attending.

  Master had requested she go pick out and buy the corsets so that he could decide which he wanted her to wear before they went out for the evening. He wanted a private fashion show as part of their reunion.

  She’d chosen an angelic sheer-white and fur-lined set, a pink satin and black lace set, and her favorite was the Asian-influenced red set. The corset was strapless with hook-and-eye closures half-way up the front that gave way to crisscrossed leather ties across the bust allowing her to fit the top to her ample chest. Black, leather-wrapped boning kept the corset stiff and tight against her torso and accented against the red satin patterned with black oriental flowers. Instead of a thong and garters, the corset had a matching mini-skirt that ended before her ass was covered in full.

  Catherine was sure if Master chose the red set she wouldn’t be wearing panties.


  Two hours later, Catherine was back in the car at Master’s side this time, and wearing the red corset.

  All of her concerns that he had been losing interest in her had flown out the window the moment his hands had touched her again. She’d been caught off guard when he’d met her on the porch and shoved his tongue down her throat before they’d even had a chance to say a proper hello.

  That hello came in the foyer just before Master ordered her to her knees for a long over-due blow job. Catherine wasn’t sure who enjoyed it more. After she had swallowed and cleaned him with her tongue, Master pulled her to her feet and pushed his hand under her skirt to find her stubbly outer lips. Her pussy itched something awful, but Master had insisted she was to leave it unshaved the last two weeks. His fingers brushing against the stubble made her buck upward seeking more.

  Master pulled away with a shake of his head. “Oh no, slut. I’ve not kept your orgasms for the last week to give in so soon after we’ve just reunited. You will wait until I give the word.”

  “Aye, Master.” She writhed a bit more, and he smacked her pussy, sending a sharp heat over her skin and making her still at once.

  He stepped back, allowing some distance between them. Catherine was thankful for the space for she was having trouble focusing with him so near. The longer she stood close to him, the more she realized just how much she had missed him – and Jayden – and it killed her inside to know she couldn’t tell him.

  With the space between them, Catherine was able to appreciate how good looking Master was. His chestnut hair had grown; it was longer and shaggier, but she liked it – could imagine running her hands through it and gripping it. He also had foregone shaving and his jaw was covered in course stubble that she could imagine how amazing it would feel scratching against her inner thighs. Tonight he was looking sharp in tailored, black dress-pants and a chartreuse button-up. He had undone the top few buttons and she could see his chest. The yellow silk was incredible against his skin, and brought out his natural olive tones.

  She licked her lips without thinking and noticed Master’s crotch twitch.

  “Electrique Boutique – nice choice. Show me.”

  She had shown him; saving the red for last and pulling her hair up so that most of it was piled atop her head with a few long scarlet tendrils coiled down over her back.

  Master’s, “That one,” had been emphatic and resolute.

  Before they left the villa, Master shocked Catherine by replacing her collar. If he’d not greeted her with such obvious happiness to see her, she would have had a melt-down when he reached for the clasp on her pearls. Even so her breathing had hitched the moment she’d realized Master’s intentions.

  “Shh, pet. I am not retracting my promise to you. Your servitude is now and always will be surreal, Catherine.”

  The familiar words flowing without effort distracted her while the silky pearls slipped away and were replaced by a thick, black leather collar which was cold and stiff around her neck. Master snapped a leash onto one of the many O-rings and let it hang between her breasts.

  Spencer had never been one to use a collar, let alone one lined with any kind of soft material to prevent rubbing on her neck. If he used one at all, he’d choose one that was a cheap, five-dollar dog collar from the pet store. He’d always preferred rope, again, the cheap kind, raw and fibrous so that it left splinters in Catherine’s skin.

  What enclosed her neck now was soft like suede, and was just tight enough to feel like a snug grip that controlled as opposed to a choke-hold which strangled. She could appreciate the beauty of the hand-tooled leather leash, and allowed herself to picture Master using it to spank her. Either the leash was brand new or Master had taken exceptional care of it. The strong leather odor made her dizzy and excited, and reminded her how she’d missed the flogger. Catherine hoped Master would treat her to a flogging before the evening was over.

  Her momentary day-dream was interrupted when Master yanked the leash in satisfaction.

  “To serve you will be divine, Master,” Catherine proclaimed, completing their private collaring ritual. She soaked in the way his
eyes roamed over her. It was clear that he was pleased with her appearance.

  “One more thing before we go: Happy Valentine’s Day and an early Happy birthday to you, Catherine,” Master said in a quiet tone while handing her a small package wrapped in red, and tied with a silver bow. “The twenty-seventh isn’t that far off, right?” He shared a tender smile with her.

  She was shocked and in disbelief. Catherine hadn’t been given a birthday present since before she left for college, and never had she been given something just because it was Valentine’s Day – that was a lover’s holiday. With a small giggle it dawned on her that if they were anything, lover’s fit the bill. At least in the physical sense, but still . . .

  “Master? This girl doesn’t understand . . .”

  “Shh, Jewel. Let me do this. Now open your gift, we need to be going.”


  For the duration of the ride to the club, every time Catherine looked down at her wrist and smiled. She was nervous about the amount of money that adorned her wrist, but couldn’t deny that she found the piece exquisite. The silver cuff looked like twisted vines from which dangled blood-red stones – rubies. The largest stone hung down the center of her hand, applying a light pressure on her skin like Master’s touch.

  Just before Micah let them out at the curb Master snapped her leash onto her collar, and then escorted her inside while Warren held the door. Angelique was ecstatic to see the both of them and descended on them before the door closed.

  “I knew you two would be a good fit.” Her blue eyes lit up and she smiled while eyeing the leash in Master’s hand. “And you, pretty girl, have you found what you were looking for?”

  Catherine looked to Master seeking permission to answer.

  He nodded, pride emanating in his smile.


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