The Dragon Prince’s Daddy: An M/M MPreg Shifter Romance (Royal Heat Book 1)

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The Dragon Prince’s Daddy: An M/M MPreg Shifter Romance (Royal Heat Book 1) Page 6

by Lorelei M. Hart

  Marty made a reference to the crown prince being unmated and winked. But I backed away from that topic and instead volunteered information about the gardens, which was met with blank stares.

  I needed a break from their pestering and offered to buy another round of drinks, and as I pushed through the crowd, I half expected Chance to appear, that dazzling, sassy grin on his face. But when an omega sidled up to me and in a low voice asked if he could buy me a drink, I plastered what my friends called my “sorry but” smile on my face. Poor guy, he didn’t recognize it.

  “That’s kind of you, but I’m with friends.” I jerked my head toward the table where the guys were gazing at me, their mouths gaping. And was that a pile of cash on the table? They were taking bets as to whether I’d follow the omega to the back room. Those shitheads!

  “If you change your mind, I’ll be right here,” he purred.

  I won’t. As I returned to the table, Baron put a hand on my brow. “You sick, bro?”

  “You do look a bit pale,” Randall offered as he studied my face. “Perhaps you’re coming down with something.”

  Marty’s gaze was on the money he was stuffing in his wallet. He didn’t meet my eyes as he said, “He’s met someone.”

  “Have not,” I replied, a little too quickly.

  “Don’t be ridiculous, Marty. This is our Devlin.”

  We clinked glasses, but my head was far away. On an island ruled by dragons. My thoughts went to the old racecar bed that was now making some kid happy. And the mural Chance had painted on the ceiling. Dammit, no. Don’t do this, Devlin. I wasn’t that person. I pulled myself out of the daydream and joined in the conversation about who Randall was dating.



  He’s here!

  I’d been watching for him all morning. I had the pilot notify me when they left the mainland, and I’d asked the guard at the main gate to text me when the car returned, under the pretense that I wanted a warning so I could clean up any messes I might have made. Not that I would admit that to any of my family members. They were still under the impression that I resented my babysitter, my minder, my…


  And wasn’t that the word that kept popping into my head every time I thought of him, which was much more often than it should be? Maybe I had just gotten too used to having him around. Or maybe—maybe he was special and not just in the he makes me hard kind of way. No. No maybe about it. He was. But we couldn’t do anything about it, and letting my mind wander there was bad for both of us.

  Suppress. Suppress. Suppress.

  And even knowing that those notions had no place in my noggin, I sat there, in plain view of the door, waiting for Devlin to come home. I wanted him to be proud of me for how good I’d been while he was gone. I wanted him to reward me for not getting into any trouble. I was on time for all my obligations, I either stayed at the palace or dragged a guard with me when I was in town with my brothers, I even ate my vegetables. Fine. That part was so I could sass about it later, but still... I’d been on my very best behavior. Even my father had remarked on it. Not like I did it for his sake. No, this was all for Devlin.

  I listened for his footsteps coming down the hall, my dragon’s excitement mirroring my own. My skin heated, and I knew that my face was probably flushed. I couldn’t decide if I should try to be casual, leaning back on the couch. Oh, hi. Fancy seeing you here. Or should I be more forward, kneeling at the door and ready to take his cock straight into my mouth. I liked that option, but it was a little obvious—as in showing him the exact opposite of me being good.

  I wasn’t even sure if Devlin felt the same way about me. Physical chemistry? Certainly, but that didn’t mean he was willing to put his job on the line for a blowjob.

  Was I willing to allow him to risk his job to taste him again? I think I was, and that made me feel horrible. He deserved better than someone who even contemplated such a thing. And wasn’t that just the hard truth of it.

  When the door swung open, I had reached absolutely no conclusion about how to best greet him. I was still sitting stiffly in the chair, and at the sight of Devlin, I jumped up, a massive grin involuntarily popping up onto my face. “Daddy, you’re home!”

  Oops, did I say that out loud?

  “I mean…” How could I take that back? “Sorry, I was expecting someone else… I didn’t mean—”

  Devlin quickly latched the door shut behind him and closed the distance between us. His face was rosy, his breathing quick. He looked excited.

  “I’m sorry,” I began, “the words just slipped out.” Or did they? They were the same words that fell from my lips in my shower this morning as my cum shot out with me imagining him sliding inside me, my body pressed against the wall, him taking complete control.

  Devlin reached up slowly and rested a fingertip against my mouth to stop my explanation. “It’s okay. No apology needed.”

  I pulled his finger away but kept his hand in mine. “I have to admit… I kinda missed you… Daddy.” I said it again, teasing this time, but also testing the name on my lips. It felt right.

  “I missed you too, my sweet boy.”

  My breath caught in my throat. I felt like we were stepping over a line, and I would never in a million years ask Devlin to take this step with me… but what if I didn’t ask… and he was the one who went willingly?

  The look in Devlin’s eyes was like melted butter, warm and delicious, and I had the urge to lean forward for a taste. Except, as my family would attest, I was a little troublemaker, and I didn’t want to make any mistakes with Devlin. I didn’t want him to look at me and see a brat.

  He must have seen something in my gaze. “What is it? What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing.” I shook my head.

  He gave my hand a squeeze, encouraging me to continue, and I realized that I hadn’t let his hand go yet, still clasping it tightly between my own. “It’s okay, you can tell me anything,” he whispered.

  “I was just wondering where the daddy thing came from.” My jaw snapped shut with a clack. I couldn’t believe I’d just said that!

  Devlin’s smile was slow, sweet, with just a hint of seductive. “It’s all right, my sweet boy. We don’t need to dissect things, and honestly it’s probably best if we don’t.”

  “You’re wrong about one thing, though.”

  “What’s that?”

  “You called me your sweet boy, but there’s nothing sweet about me.” I felt a hint of my devilish grin.

  “No, you’re wrong about that. If you were my boy, you would be oh so sweet.” His purring voice struck a chord deep inside me.

  If being the key word. If I was his boy. Because at the end of the day, I was still his charge, the Prince of Montipan, and he was still my guard, bought and paid for by my father, the king.

  I reached a hand up and rested it on his chest. We hadn’t really spoken much about our brief sexual encounter in the pub, but the memory of it was never far from my mind. And with the way his eyes were smoldering, it was safe to say that he was reminiscing about it at this very moment.

  But… no. As much as I wanted him, it just wasn’t in the cards. I was a prince, and we would never be allowed to pursue the romance that was beckoning.

  I pressed against his chest, taking a step back and opening a gap between us. Far from his radiating heat, the air felt especially chilled against my fevered body. “We can’t,” I said simply.

  The spark in Devlin’s eyes dimmed, but he quickly pulled himself together. He cleared his throat, straightened his lapels, and stood at attention. “Is there anything I can bring for you, Your Highness?”

  “No… I’m fine.” Except I wasn’t fine. I wasn’t fine when he walked away from me, I wasn’t fine when he disappeared into his adjoining suite, and I certainly wasn’t fine when he didn’t return, leaving me alone for the rest of the day.

  You know what else wasn’t fine? The rock-hard erection I was still sporting, with absolutely no relief from the h
ot daddy next door. I didn’t know what I was expecting him to do about it. I was the one who’d told him no. Devlin was only following my commands. And if I ordered him to come back here and knot me, then I had no doubt that he would satisfy me completely.

  But did I want to play the spoiled-prince role? The mere thought left me cold. I’d too often played the bratty omega, ordering about my boy toys. Suck this, lick here, bite, thrust, faster, slower.

  But with Devlin, I had a hint of something else. Something more that had been missing from my life: a daddy.

  He was the daddy I longed for. And not just in the bedroom.

  As I went to bed that night, I missed Devlin, even though I knew he was just on the other side of that door. I missed his voice, his scent, his very presence in my life, and I missed the touch that I knew would be everything I wanted and needed.

  I couldn’t stop myself from reaching down and wrapping my hand around my cock, but I wanted it to be Devlin’s hand, and I nearly sobbed, knowing we would never be together. I brought my other hand behind me to fit a finger in my ass, dripping with slick. My alpha would know how to take care of me. He always knew exactly what I needed.

  I rocked back and forth, trying to fill a need but knowing that true satisfaction was just out of reach. “Daddy,” I moaned. “I need you.”

  And as my orgasm washed over me, spilling cum across my chest, I recognized the truth of those words. I needed him, and no one else would do.



  Two weeks, six days, and eight hours since Chance called me Daddy and I responded by calling him my sweet boy. In some ways everything had changed, but in others, nothing did. Nothing except me thinking about the way he blushed at his slip of the tongue.

  Were the past few weeks better than the one before it? Yes, so there was that—but the ignoring, the pretending that we hadn’t gone there, even if only for that fleeting moment, that was what had me noting time this way, and I didn’t like it.

  It kept me off-kilter, and in my job that could be dangerous. If something were to happen to the prince under my watch… Who was I kidding? The royals of Monitpan were beloved. The only danger was that Chance would do something without thinking and get hurt, not that someone would want to hurt him. And really... even if they did, he’d ash them so fast. I’d only seen glimpses of his dragon beneath his skin, and even with that small preview, I knew his dragon to be fierce.

  The Great Ignoring, as I’d come to think of it in my head, would be hella easier if I didn’t hear him masturbating every morning. I even made sure the door was tightly closed after my last mishap. It was like my dragon was tuned in now—knowing what our naughty boy was doing to himself behind closed doors.


  Not our boy. Chance. My charge. My job. My... fuck... he was my boy whether or not I ever did anything to pursue or allow it. He had burrowed himself in so deep and set up roost.

  And it wasn’t even the sexy sway of his hips or the way he said my name or even the memories of that night when his lips were wrapped around my cock. It was the way he’d brighten up a room just by his presence, or the way he’d go the extra mile when his tasks for the day included visiting the children’s floor of the hospital or a school, or the way he did little things that many would leave for the servants. He was this mix of mischief and responsibility all wrapped up in kindness that had nothing to do with show, for most of it went completely unnoticed.

  He was a genuinely good person—one who needed help staying in line—help a daddy could give him—I could give him.

  And how I wanted to give it to him.

  Pursuing things would risk my job, but it wasn’t the paycheck that had me hesitant. I could find a new job. Would it be one with the growth potential and pay this had? No. But I could get one suitable enough. My concern was having someone replace me—be at Chance’s side all day and only a door away at night. I was officially jealous of a person who only existed in a possible future.

  “Chance.” I knocked on the door and called his name again. Allowing myself to spend any more time focusing on what could be and what could possibly go wrong was helping no one.

  “Coming,” the door swung open, “Daddy.”

  Kill me now. He opened the door wearing only a pair of jeans, low on his hips. No shirt. No shoes. His hair damp.

  I wanted to lean in and lick his collarbone and nibble a path down to his perky nipple and give it a bite, a bite with enough edge to it that he would remember it when my lips were no longer on his.

  “My sweet boy?” I tested out the waters. If he was going to open this door again, I wasn’t going to slowly close it and pretend it didn’t exist. I couldn’t. I wasn’t strong enough—not with him standing there looking a cross of naughty and nice, his pants visibly tighter just in the few seconds we had spent together.

  “Do you mean it?” His eyes fell slightly, so vulnerable and unsure. “Because we haven’t... since.”

  “We haven’t mentioned it again since that day.” He nodded. “In my head I have been calling it the Great Ignoring,” I confessed. If he was going to be this vulnerable with me, I owed it to him to give the same right back.

  “I called it does he even like me.” Chance stepped into my room, brushing past me as he did. “You do, right?” He plopped down on my bed.

  This was new. It had always been me going to him, this space somehow unintentionally turned into an off-limits zone.

  “Chance.” He sat still, not looking up at me as I crossed the room. “Chance, look at me.” He slowly tilted his head until our eyes met. “I liked you from the first time I saw you in the pub. You leaving—disappointment is an understatement.”

  “I had no choice.”

  “I know, even then I somehow knew.” Our connection had been so much deeper than a backroom fling, and at the time, I thought it just the heat of the moment and all that, but looking back, it had been the contentment of my dragon. He liked Chance before I even had an opportunity to.

  “But your job.” He approached and harnessed the elephant in the room.

  I sat beside him, liking him being on my bed just a little too much, or maybe—just maybe the right amount.

  “My job by your side is everything but only because I’m by your side.”

  “And if you lose it…” I felt him tensing up as he came to the same conclusion I had— “Someone else would be.”

  “I fear that would be the case.”

  He leaned into my side. “Then what do we do? I want—no, I need more with you. You’re the first person I think of when I wake up and the last before I go to sleep, you’re the person I—”

  “Touch yourself to?”

  “Yes, but I was going to say trust.” His breath hitched. “I trust you, and when I call you Daddy, it’s like... I don’t know... like I don’t need to worry about being a prince or royal duties or any of that... because you are there taking care of me.”

  “I take care of you for my job,” I reminded him, unsure if he fully understood the whole Daddy/Boy dynamic.

  Chance twisted around and I matched him so that we were both looking at each other...on my bed. How many times had I imagined him there, completely bare, exploring his body with my mouth?

  “But see, that’s the thing... I don’t… Do you remember that night at the pub?” I nodded my head. “Usually... I mean... I liked how you told me what to do... how even though I had just met you, I fully recognized that by obeying you, I would be taken care of. Is that dumb?”

  I reached up and cupped his cheek. “No, my sweet boy. That isn’t dumb. That’s because deep down you longed for a daddy, even if you hadn’t consciously recognized it.”

  “No. I didn’t long for a daddy.” His hand settled on my chest. “I longed for this daddy. For you. Can I... can we... I want to be your boy. I can’t promise the sweet part.”

  My heart swelled with joy as he said the words I longed to hear. “I would like nothing more.”

  “And your job?” h
e squeaked, leaning into my hand. “Should we just be... careful until we figure it out? I mean, we will... figure it out. Just... right now all I can think about is how tight my jeans are and how you’re touching me and how we’re on your bed and you picked me.”

  “Yes, my tempting boy, we can figure the rest out later.” I rubbed my thumb along his cheekbone. “But right now, Daddy needs a kiss from his boy.”

  He bit his bottom lip as my face came closer to his, his eyes hooded, his breath caressing my chin. I brushed my lips against his, featherlight, the gasp he made—everything.

  “Daddy needs to kiss you again,” I spoke against his lips. “Tell Daddy you want that.”

  “Daddy, I want that so badly, I ache.”

  It was official, Chance was going to be the death of me, and what a sweet death it would be.



  Devlin pushed the hair off my face and ran his fingers through my beard, tickling my jaw. I giggled. He licked over my bottom lip which had me squeezing my thighs together. Pleasure spilled out from my center to my fingers and toes as he pressed against my mouth and I opened wide, welcoming him inside. He took possession and flicked my tongue, as if daring me to react. And I did. Our tongues curled around one another as they dueled.

  He pulled away, leaving me panting and blown away by the intensity of his passion. “Tell me, sweet boy, what are your fantasies?” He traced around my mouth with a finger. Perhaps he wanted to avoid talk of me in my sailor suit because he clarified with, “Your sexual fantasies.”

  I chewed my lower lip before whispering, “I’d like to be leaning out the window. Naked, no hiding, ass high in the air, you behind me…” I noted a slight change in his expression and I recalled my earlier fantasy. “No, we’d need our eyes glued on each other.”


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