Scandalous Redemption (Ladies and Scoundrels #3)

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Scandalous Redemption (Ladies and Scoundrels #3) Page 12

by Amanda Mariel

  She refilled her glass, desperate to numb the pain of her old wounds. “We attended our first and last ball all in the same night. I had spent hours making myself beautiful because I wanted him to be proud of me. When I came down the stairs to leave, he sent me back up. He demanded I change into a less revealing gown and have my hair redone in a more matronly style. In the end, I looked like a dowager. I did not understand what I had done to upset him and I did not ask. Instead, I followed his orders. If he preferred me dressed more modestly, I could oblige. What would it hurt? I was already married.”

  She took another drink and glanced at the hearth. “He demanded we leave the ball before dinner was served. He accused me of flirting with other gentlemen. I had not flirted with anyone, but he believed I had and that was all that counted. When we arrived home, he pulled me upstairs and ripped my gown from my body. I begged him to stop, swore I wanted no other. He struck me with his fist. I fell to the bed…”

  Henry reached for her again. This time she did not resist. She settled against him, drawing strength from his embrace.

  “The blows kept coming as I curled into a ball on the mattress. He told me over and over that I had embarrassed him and made a fool of us both. Then he climbed onto the bed, forced my legs apart, and took his marital rights. I tried to deny him. Tried to push him away, but he was stronger. He reminded me time and again that I belonged to him. Once he had finished, he left me there battered and bruised. Afraid to move, I stared at the ceiling all night, wondering what I had done to upset him so much, to make him believe I had been flirting.”

  “You did not deserve to be treated in such a way. No one deserves what you endured.” Henry stroked her hair and murmured a string of consoling words.

  Claudia swallowed back the lump in her throat. Tears stung her eyes. “That night was the first time he abused me, but it would not be the last. He forbade me from leaving the country estate. Dismissed any servant that dared to befriend me. Punished me when my family or friends came to call. He berated and controlled me like I was his puppet.”

  She looked up at Henry. “You see, I made myself a vow, too. Never again would I give a man power over me.”

  “Who could blame you after the atrocities he rained down on you.” Henry stroked her arm with his soothing touch. Her eyes grew heavy as he comforted her.

  Her eyes fluttered open to find sun streaming through the window. When had she fallen asleep? She reached out for Henry, but found no purchase. The previous night slammed into her. He had bared his soul to her, and she to him. She could not lose him now. He was no Akford. Henry was kind, loyal, and loving--everything she wanted. He would never hurt her. Why had she failed to see it sooner? She had to go to him.



  Claudia paced the length of Henry’s parlor. His butler had told her to wait while he checked to see if Lord Shillington was in residence. She nibbled her lip, anxiety coiled in her belly. He had to be here. She had to confess her feelings before fear consumed her once again.

  When she turned to start back across the room, Henry strolled over the threshold. She ran into his arms, burying her face in his chest. He held her tight against him.

  “What is it, love? Has something happened?”

  The worry in his tone wrapped around her, warming her heart. She was right to come to him, to entrust herself to him. She met his concern-filled eyes. “I have been a complete ninny.”

  He arched one golden brow. “About what?”

  “I love you. More than that, I trust you. You said you would wait for me, but I have no wish to wait. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Marry me, Henry.”

  He brought his lips to hers in an all-consuming kiss. She slanted her head as he devoured her mouth. The world spun around her and she held onto him for support. Her heart soared as everything around them fell away.

  She could not say how long they clung to each other or why it had taken her so long to see what was right in front of her, but this was right. They were right. Her very marrow cried out for him, her heart begged for him, her body needed him. She needed him.

  He broke the kiss, swept her into his arms, and twirled her in a circle. “You have made me the happiest man alive.” He carried her across the room, then sat on a brocade-covered chair, holding her on his lap.

  She could not have hidden her happiness even if she tried. With a delighted smile, she leaned into him, dropping a chaste kiss on his lips. “When shall we have the wedding?”

  He rubbed her back with long, tender strokes. “When would you like to have it?”


  He chuckled. “How about today?”

  “Is that possible? What about the bans? Even a special license takes a bit of--”

  His kiss muted her string of chatter. He pulled back. “I have been convinced for quite some time that you are the lady for me. I procured a special license a fortnight ago.”

  She grappled with his words, attempting to understand. A fortnight ago? “What if I had failed to come to my senses?”

  “I would have waited forever.”

  She had no illusions about his sincerity. His expression held nothing back. She shuddered at the idea of wasting one more minute and how close she had come to losing him on multiple occasions. She would wager mules were less stubborn. Not anymore, she was through wasting time. “I think today is a lovely day for a wedding.”

  “Would you be opposed to holding the ceremony in the Duchess of Abernathy’s garden?”

  “Can it be done?”

  “It already is. I need only to send for the minister.”

  She swatted his arm in a playful manor. “My, but you have been busy.”

  “You are the only one for me. If I could not wed you, I would have stayed a bachelor, paying court to you until the day I drew my last breath. I did not want to squander a moment if you changed your mind. I spoke with the duchess the same day I secured the license.”

  “And what did she think of your plans?” Claudia teased.

  He lifted one of her curls between his fingers. “She said we belonged together and that if I was patient, you would figure it out.”

  “I always thought her to be rather wise. She imparted some wisdom to me during Vivian’s house party, but I was not ready to hear it. I think she knew before we even considered it.”

  His eyes danced as he looked at her. “I would wager my fortune, you are correct.”

  Claudia brought her lips back to his. Their kiss held the promise of a lifetime of love and happiness.

  The rest of the day passed in a barrage of activity. She left Henry to go to Abernathy House where the duchess welcomed her with joy, then hurried her to an upstairs chamber. The duchess sent a footman straight away to bring Vivian and Lord Wexil back for the wedding. Henry had seen to every detail from her gown and flowers to the cake and music.

  Claudia admired herself in the looking glass. She smoothed her silk skirts, then patted an unruly curl into place before pulling on her gloves. Henry had sent over no less than ten frocks, but she only needed to try one on. It fit her like a dream, with elegant pearls and embroidery. A short train trailed behind her. She hoped he would like it.

  “You are stunning. He will be speechless when he lays eyes on you.” Duchess Abernathy held out a sixpence. “Put this in your slipper.”

  Claudia accepted the token of good luck, though she did not need it. She was already the luckiest lady in all of London.

  A maid entered the room with Lady Luvington and Claudia’s heart plummeted to her toes. Surely the lady had not come to wish her well.

  The maid dropped into a low curtsey her eyes averted to the floor. “Your Grace, Lady Luvington insisted on being shown up.”

  “All is well. You may return to your duties,” the duchess said.

  Claudia held her breath as Lady Luvington approached. “Your Grace, may I have a moment alone with Lady Akford.”

  Claudia wanted shrin
k into the floorboards, she wanted to yell no, or run from the room. Instead, she held her head high, her back straight. She had never been a coward and she would not start now. Whatever Lady Luvington had to say would have no bearing on her union. Claudia would listen and offer her apologies for past grievances, but she would not allow this confrontation to ruin her day.

  She nodded her consent to the duchess. Her Grace turned and moved to the door. “I will be back in ten minutes.”

  “Thank you, Your Grace.” Lady Luvington stood near the floor-length window. Once the door closed, she flicked her gaze to Claudia. “You are marrying my friend today. I thought we should take a moment to put the past at rest.”

  Had Claudia heard her right? Did she truly come to befriend her? “I am sorry for my trespass against you.”

  “You are not entirely at fault. Julian should have told you we were married. He handled your appearance poorly.”

  Lady Luvington’s eyes glinted with something Claudia could not identify. Relief? Anger? She did not know. “All the same, I did not behave as a lady should. I had no business going to him.”

  Lady Luvington sighed and moved closer to Claudia. “I believe we have said all that needs saying on the matter. Now let us put it behind us.”

  Relief flooded Claudia as a genuine expression of pleasantry flooded Lady Lovington’s features. “I would like that.”

  “You are the last lady I ever would have expected Lord Shillington to marry.”

  A stab of unpleasantness shot through Claudia and she frowned.

  “Do not take my words unkindly. I mean only that he has always been awkward around ladies. I would have thought him to scare you away with his clumsiness. I always believed he would marry out of duty to some title hungry debutant. I am thrilled he found a love match.”

  Claudia released a breath she had not known she was holding. “I found his clumsiness endearing. Now that he has gotten comfortable, it seems to have disappeared. Honestly, I miss it to some extent.” Her mind went back to the early days of their acquaintance at her cousin’s house party. Had she been more calculating, she would have tumbled herself to the ground with him.

  Lady Lovington cocked her head to the side. “What is that in your hand?”

  Claudia had not realized she played with it. She unfolded her fingers revealing the sixpence. “Her Grace gave it to me. I suppose I should put it in my slipper.”

  “Allow me.” Lady Luvington plucked it from her hand, then bent to put it in her shoe. “Lord Shillington will make you happy.”

  “He already has.”

  The duchess reentered the room, her skirts rustling behind her. “Lord and Lady Wexil as well as Lady Jane, have arrived. The minister is already in the garden with Lord Shillington.” She glanced at Lady Luvington, then back to Claudia. “Lord Luvington has also arrived. Lord Wexil will escort you down the aisle. The bride is all that is missing. Shall we?”

  Claudia looked to Lady Luvington, surprised to hear Julian had come. She offered a nod, her eyes sparkling. “It is time.”

  Minutes later, Lord Wexil led her down the aisle, toward a large stone fountain depicting lovers. Butterflies seemed to take flight in her stomach as she glanced around at their family and friends. But the moment her eyes locked with Henry’s, everyone else failed to exist.

  The ceremony passed in a flurry of emotion and promises. When the minister announced them as Lord and Lady Shillington, Henry pulled her into his arms and gave her a toe-curling kiss. She had no inclination to tell him it was not the thing for polite society.

  He broke away finally and scooped her into his arms, cradling her like a babe against his chest. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders and laughed as he carried her back up the aisle and through the townhouse. She could hold her tongue no longer when he stepped onto the front porch. “What are you about?”

  “We have waited long enough.” He winked at her and continued to their carriage.

  It became quite obvious he meant to depart. “What about our guests? The wedding breakfast?”

  He placed her in the carriage, then climbed in beside her. “They will not miss us. Her Grace has it all in hand, but if you want to stay, I will honor your wish.”

  She shook her head. “I want nothing more than to consummate our union. I have done little more than long for your touch since the day we met.”

  He tugged her into his arms and knocked on the carriage roof, signaling his driver to go. “If you continue to talk like that, we will not make it to our bed.”

  * * * *

  Henry carried Claudia from the carriage to their bed. His body ached with the need to claim his treasure. He removed his boots and coat, then climbed in beside her, holding himself up on his elbow to look down upon her. “I love you, Lady Shillington.”

  “And I love you, husband.” She pulled him down and he met her lips, delving into her honeyed sweetness, unable to get enough. He wanted to kiss every inch of her, explore every curve and nook of her body. He sprinkled kisses across her collarbone as she worked to divest him of his waistcoat, cravat, and shirt.

  He sat up, allowing her to pull the linen shirt over his head. She tossed it to the floor, then ran her hands over his chest while she sucked and nipped at his flesh, driving him mad with passion. He worked to open the back of her gown, pulling at the lacing until he could slide it down her body.

  She wriggled out of the frock, then turned her back to him. “Hurry,” she demanded in a breathy plea.

  He kissed and teased her earlobe and neck as he unlaced her stays. The garment fell away and he slid his hands down the front of her chemise to cup her breasts. She arched into his palms, soft moans floated from her lips like sweet music to his ears. “You are so beautiful.”

  She turned in his arms, bringing her lips to his. He pushed her chemise and petticoat down the length of her body until her plump breasts and the smooth plane of her stomach were revealed to him. She lay back and he sucked her nipple into his mouth, teasing one, then the other, as she squirmed beneath him.

  “Henry, I need you. Take me now.”

  He met her searing gaze, his own need nearly too much to bear. “Have patience, love.”

  She whimpered as he kissed a trail down her stomach. Her legs fell open when he pressed a kiss to her mound before moving to lick and tease her thighs. “Henry.”

  His cock jumped at the sound of his name on her lips. He discarded her silk stockings and garters before sitting up on his knees. She reached for the fall of his breeches, her fingers working to free him. Molten desire flowed through his veins when she took his length in her hands. She rose to bring her lips to his all the while working his erection. His pleasure built fast, demanding release.

  He placed his hand on hers, and looked deep into her passion filled eyes. “I want you too much.”

  She spread herself on the feather mattress, her legs open in invitation. “Then take me. I am yours.”

  He plunged into her slick warmth, filling her completely. Her cry of desire drove him on as he pulled out and pushed back in. Wrapping her legs around his hips, she met him stroke-for-stroke. Her inner muscles contracted as she screamed out his name with her release. With one final thrust, he spilled into her in an explosion of ecstasy.

  Body sated, he rolled them so she came to rest on top, his cock still nestled in her warmth. Their hearts beat against each other as their labored breaths filled the space of the bedchamber. She was more than he had ever dared to dream of.

  “Henry.” Her warm breath tickled his chest.

  “Yes, love?”

  “You are everything I ever wanted. Thank you for not giving up on us.” She dropped a kiss on his chest.

  He tightened his hold on her. “You are everything I always needed.”

  Turn the page for an excerpt from the next book in Amanda Mariel’s bestselling Ladies and Scoundrels series:

  Scandalous Wallflower




  London, 1843

  Lady Jane Shillington had never been a social butterfly. Gentlemen did not fall all over themselves to court her. They most certainly did not spend their time calling on her. At two and twenty she had never even been kissed…until him. She lifted her hand to her lips and stared at the handsome rogue sleeping in her bed. When he entered her chamber last night, pure madness overcame her senses. She lay still as if she had expected him. No shriek of surprise or fear crossed her lips. Excitement thrummed through her veins where the fear and outrage should have been.

  The sight of Lord Keery in the dimly lit room stripping off his overcoat, boots, and breeches enthralled her. Her body warmed and ached in places it never had before as the rest of his garments followed. When he climbed into her bed and pulled her into his arms, she melted into him. Like a wanton, she had reveled in his deep probing kisses. She did not resist when he slid his hands under her chemise and did not push him away when he fondled and kissed her breasts. She had wanted everything he offered and longed for more.

  He rolled over and pulled her against him. Moments later, his soft snoring filled the room. She laid against his warm skin, caught in a storm of desire and anger as he rested peacefully, his arms still around her.

  How could he have fallen asleep in the midst of what they were doing? She could only assume the port he’d consumed was to blame. His intoxication was no doubt what led him to her room as well. She had tasted the rich wine on his lips and smelled the sweetness of it on his breath.

  Surely he had meant to join another lady. One experienced in the art of love making, not a forgotten wallflower who was fast becoming a spinster. Still, she was captivated by his touch, and more than willing to give him her virtue. Disappointment still sat heavy in her chest this morning as she lay on her side next to him, her head propped up on her hand.


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