Becoming Maddie (The Casterhouse series Book 1)

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Becoming Maddie (The Casterhouse series Book 1) Page 3

by Hannah Gittins

  Raising her hand she put it inside his warm one, surprised by the tingle the contact caused. It was large, slightly damp, firm but gently all at the same time. Maddie focused on keeping her breath even from the simple touch.

  “Madison.” She said as calmly as she could.

  He must have been running through the park when he had spotted her. His hair was way messier than it had been at the hotel and slightly wet. He had on a red runners top with long sleeves that had a hole in them that he put his thumbs through. He paired this with black shorts and white running shoes. Some people would be put off by the way the damp patches on his top stuck to him or the warm smell of him. Sadly for her she just got a better look at his toned, tight chest and what she was starting to think was a very nice six pack. As for his was rich and deep. It made her head feel light, her body want to move closer to take a deep breath and her mouth water to have a taste.

  “Maddie.” He said back.

  Only people she knew called her that, then again, only one person had ever used her first name and she wasn't in a hurry to go back to those days.

  Giving him a quick nod in agreement she let go of his hand and held it out for the lead from the approaching boy, needing something solid to hold onto. She needed to stop the shaking or at the very least hide it.

  “That was awesome.” the fresh faced Ethan exclaimed.

  Marvin on the other hand had quickly stood to her right and lent himself into her leg, his eyes never leaving the stranger.

  “I am pleased you had fun Ethan.” Maddie said placing her hand on the dog's head trying to soothe him and show that nothing was wrong.

  Ethan smiled at Maddie and Marvin before turning to look at Aiden. Recognition, or at least that’s what Maddie thought it was, flicked across the young boy’s face. He opened his mouth as if he was about to say something but Aiden got there first.

  “I don't think the ducks thought it was awesome.” Aiden said looking down at the boy.

  She should stop this. Sarah doesn't know this man she might not like Ethan talking to this stranger. Mind you, if Sarah was actually here she would probably be speaking to him right along with her son. Or drooling like all the other woman watching them...not that she noticed them of course. She definitely didn't let the daggers they were staring her way bother her.

  “They are fat.” Ethan replied. “The need the exercise.”

  Aiden laughed again, warm once more but not as loud...still totally appealing...still totally mesmerising.

  “You’re right, they do look like they need toning up a bit.” Aiden looked from the boy to the husky but wisely didn't reach down to pet him. “You’re Mum and I were just talking about the ducks too.”

  “My Mum is here?” Ethan's head swung from side to side looking for his mother.

  “He's not my son.” Maddie said softly. “You’re Mums at home Weeman.”

  Aiden's eyebrows raised as he looked between the two of them, then quickly apologised.

  “Sorry I just assumed.” Then he chuckled. “All I seem to do is say sorry to you.”

  “Maybe you should behave.” Ethan announced with a cute cheeky smile on his face. “That's what my Mum would say.”

  Maddie’s eyes flicked between boy and man. Although Ethan was open and friendly these two seemed to be slipping into easy banter with no problem at all. Now what was that about?

  “Well then she is very smart and very right.” Aiden started to bend down to be on the boy's level but in doing so got closer to Maddie. This, Marvin, did not like. His ears went flat against his head, his top lip came up to show his teeth and a deep growl came from deep within the husky.

  “Marvin.” Maddie said sternly.

  Aiden turned slowly on his bent legs to look at the dog who growled again.

  “Why is he angry?” Ethan asked a little unsure, this was a side to her happy husky that Ethan didn’t know.

  “Marvin, enough.” She said wishing that Aiden would just move back, preferably back to the hotel or some other place miles away from her...many miles away from her.

  “He's not angry little man.” Aiden communicated. “He's just protecting his mum. I bet you protect yours too, don't you?”

  Straight away Ethan relaxed and nodded his head. “Always!” he declared loudly.

  Aiden straightened and looked Maddie straight in the eyes, one half of his mouth flicking upwards like he knew something funny that she didn't.

  “We should go home Ethan.” She said not wanting to be around this strange, but appealing, man any more. He was way too familiar with her. Especially considering the only reason she knew him was because he was rude to her. Now he was here in the park making her neighbour's son feel better and laughing at jokes that she didn't know. Plus she couldn't understand why her hand still tingled from their brief touch. Wrapping the lead round her hand a couple of times she took a hold of Ethan's hand. Why could she not stop the shaking? “Let's get you home for your tea.”

  “Okay.” Ethan said trying hard to hide his disappointment.

  Feeling bad for the boy but not wanting the man to bump into them again she said. “Don't worry we will come back soon.”

  “When?” he asked looking up at her with huge eyes.

  “Some other time.” Not wanting to answer him again because she really didn't want to say, she raised her head to look at Aiden one last time. Now what was he smiling at? “Nice to see you again.”

  At that he laughed again. Now she understood where he got those deep laughter lines around his eyes and mouth. He found everything funny. Things that weren't even remotely funny!

  “Liar.” He mumbled, then louder. “I am sure I will see you again soon. After all I have to convince that fine looking husky that I mean him, or you, no harm.”

  Surprised by his words she gasped and straight away his eyes snapped down to look at her mouth. Now her lips felt like they were tingling the same way her hand had been. Pair that with the warm, melting look in his eyes and she had had enough. Or at least she couldn't take anymore. Smiling quickly at his chest, not wanting to meet his eyes again, the three of them left the park and headed back to the block of flats. Ethan talked the whole way with her half listening and replying when she needed too. Marvin's tail didn't wag as he was unsure about his master's mood. Maddie was unsure about her mood too...but the park had definitely not helped with the restless feeling.

  It didn’t even cross Maddie’s mind to ask Ethan about the look on his face when he had seen Aiden.

  Chapter 3

  Walking towards the playing field with her loyal companion at her side, Maddie found herself actually excited about her day. Looking around she smiled to herself as she searched for her neighbour and new friend Sarah. After dropping off Ethan the other night Sarah knew straight away something was wrong with Maddie.

  Thank goodness that just earlier that day she had taken that step to being not so hermit like. Or maybe it was a bad thing. If Sarah hadn’t noticed that something was wrong Maddie could have gone and buried her head deep in the sand.

  “Go home and chill.” Sarah had said softly to Maddie. “I will get Rosie and Ethan eating and have Betty from downstairs come up to watch them for a bit. I will be around in half an hour with a bottle of wine and we can talk it out.”

  With that she had ushered Ethan in and basically shut the door on Maddie leaving her no chance to say anything. So Maddie had followed the orders given and headed to her flat and tried her best to 'Chill'. It hadn't worked at all therefore by the time Sarah had arrived at the door Maddie was ready to break all her own rules (about keeping her private life private).

  After two glasses were poured, pillows placed on the floor and bums on them everything seemed to come out. By everything she meant everything. Her whole past and everything up to date. Sarah listened to every word. There were moments when her new friend got angry, cried and laughed but the one thing she didn't do was leave. She sat there and when the glasses were empty she filled them and when
the story was over she hugged Maddie and held on for a long time.

  “Honey.” she whispered into her ear.

  It was funny because in that one word Maddie felt slightly better. It had taken a little bit of the ever heavy weight off her shoulders. But then Sarah had asked about the park.

  “I don't know why he gets to me so much.” Maddie said softly after explaining about Aiden. “He got to me at the hotel and it was even worse at the park.”

  “Didn't he apologise for the hotel thing?” Sarah asked having raised her brows.

  Maddie’s head was back in the park so never noticed as Sarah quickly hid her reaction.

  That was it in a nut shell…Aiden had apologised. He had said he was sorry and if she was honest with herself it wasn't even that which bothered her anymore. It was just him. The whole thing that made him, him. The way he walked, talked and looked her straight in the eyes every time he spoke to her. It was like he saw too much and she worked hard to keep things hidden. But it was more than even that. It was how he made her feel. Like her heart had awoken and was now racing in her chest every time she saw him or was even remotely close to him. But it wasn't just her heart that reacted it was her whole body...every single inch of her body.

  That in itself scared her. Never before had she felt her body react so strongly to a man. Aiden, she knew, was no ordinary looking man. His general size made her feel small and easily broken. Too many times in her life she had been hurt by men half Aiden’s size. What would he do to her? And yet there was something deep inside her that said Aiden wouldn’t do anything to hurt her, at least not physically, but could she trust that feeling? It was best to remain on the side of caution…super caution.

  “It doesn't matter anymore cause I am never going to see him again.” She declared to Sarah.

  The night had ended with Sarah convincing Maddie to come along with them to Ethan's under 13's football game on Saturday.

  Hence Maddie being here in the playing field scanning the crowds for her new friend and her family with a smile on her face. She and Marvin were no longer alone.

  Spotting Sarah standing on the side lines she scratched Marvin's ears and made her way over. Bouncing around the woman was a yellow haired girl, her mouth seemed to be moving and as she got closer Maddie could hear her happy little chatter about a butterfly that had landed on her hand. Sarah was nodding and smiling at her daughter but was also looking across the field to where the boys were in a huddle.

  “Mum look it's Marvin!” the little girl exclaimed.

  Turning with a happy laugh, Sarah exclaimed “Maddie” just like her daughter. There really was no doubt that Sarah's light was in her children too.

  “…and Maddie.” the Girl cried.

  Smiling herself, Maddie bent to greet the little one.

  “Hi Rosie.” she said softly. “Would you like to say hello to Marvin?”

  Jumping up and down on the spot, Rosie clasped her hands together so tight that her knuckles turned white. She had obviously been told that she couldn't just reach out and pet Marvin the way you could other dogs.

  “Yes please.” she said barely controlling her excitement.

  Giving her dog a scratch again Maddie laughed out loud and took Marvin's muzzle off.

  “Okay sweetie what I need you to do is hold out your hand as flat as you can and let him smell it. If he is okay for you to scratch him he will lower his head. Okay?”

  “Yeah.” Rosie said her voice having changed. “I want him to love me.”

  Reaching out Maddie tucked a lock of Rosie’s golden hair behind her ear.

  “I have only just met you properly now and I love you already.” behind her she could hear Sarah sigh a little. “So I know Marvin will love you too.”

  Rosie looked at her with big blue eyes that were filled with total trust. Slowly she unclasped her hands and stretched her arm out to the husky. Her little palm was facing upwards (it had a slight tremor) and the husky slowly bent his head to smell it. Then quick as a flash his tongue came out and gave her a big lick. Rosie squealed with a little girl’s delight. Marvin moved forward into Rosie arms and started to lick her face. Her laughter just got louder and louder until finally she cried out.

  “He loves me!”

  Laughing along with her Sarah replied “How could he not Princess?”

  Maddie straightened and turned to look across the pitch.

  “Thanks for that Hun. She has been super nervous, but crazy excited, about hanging out with Marvin. I think it had a lot to do with Ethan going on and on about your walk in the park.” Sarah said softly.

  Chuckling, Maddie looked back down at the girl and her dog.

  “I think he needs to play with her as much as she wants to play with him.” she said gently.

  Turning away from the two she looked across the field.

  “So tell me who I am meant to be cheering on.” She said tucking her hands into the pockets of her navy blue zipped jumper. She had dressed warm with dark jeans and her trusted knee high brown boots. Added to that a big red scarf that she tucked her chin in. Her brown hair up in a plain ponytail with wispy bits blowing around her face.

  “Well Ethan is playing for The Big Bears, they are in Red, lucky scarf choice by the way.” Sarah said quickly turning to her and flashing her red jumper under her grey knee length jacket. “And the team we want to crash and burn, in a nice way, of course…” She winked at Maddie. “…is the Growling Gorillas. Don't ask about the names, each year the new kids get to pick a new one. The old Coach used to hate it. Having to get the kits re-stitched, having what he called 'immature names' and lastly the kids in general.”

  A surprised laugh broke out of Maddie's lips.

  “Sounds like he was in the right job.” she said.

  “He totally was.” Sarah mocked. “Seriously though he was awful and we wanted him out, he wanted out so much it just became a waiting game till we could find a new coach to replace him. The old one now works at Ethan's school as the Gym teacher.”

  “What?” Maddie gasped. Surprised that the Coach that hated working with kids had now taken another job working with kids.

  “Yeah I know.” Sarah sighed then started to sound annoyed. “He won't let Ethan play on the school team.”

  “What?!” Maddie gasped again. Then carried on “Why won’t he let him join the team?”

  Sarah looked down at the dog and Rosie, giving a huge sigh.

  “He says that Ethan has attention problems and doesn't focus on what he has been told to do. So basically he has told the Headteacher that Ethan is untrainable.” she looked up at Maddie and the anger was clear in her eyes. “There is nothing I can do about it either. I have tried everything that I can think of.”

  Maddie could see the outrage in her friend’s eyes and she knew that it would be in her own. Sometimes people that were in a position to care, change and help little lives are the people that hurt and let them down most. Although it doesn't happen to just the little lives, sometimes it happens to the big people too. People can just be so cruel.

  “He looks like he is having fun here though.” Maddie said, trying to lighten the mood. It was a gorgeous sunny day and she wanted to bring that back to the mood.

  “Oh he loves it here.” she smiled again looking across at her son warming up by kicking a ball back and forth with another boy in the team. “The new coach is amazing. He isn't taking any pay so that the money can go towards the team. I mean, it’s not much but it’s amazing that he does that. And he makes the kids come out of themselves and just have a good time. He’s a straight talker mind you. Definitely doesn’t mince his words. Coach doesn’t swear in front of the kinds but that doesn’t stop him with the adults. You get used to it.”

  Maddie wasn’t too sure she would. Straight talking is hard especially for a person that doesn’t talk about anything serious at all.

  Maddie sighed as she looked across to the boys laughing and joking with each other even though they are about to play a competitiv
e game, Maddie commented

  “It’s good that the Big Bears have a Coach that puts them first. Are the chances of a 'congrats your team won ice cream' high?”

  Glowing with pride whilst looking at her eldest child Sarah responded “Yes, I think the chances are very high.”

  Turning back to check on the girl and husky, Maddie found them getting on like old friends. Marvin was letting Rosie tie the ribbon from her hair round his neck while she gibbered away. The dog’s tail wagging the whole time. He looked up at Maddie giving her a massive doggy smile with his tongue hanging out his mouth.

  Yep, totally getting on like old friends.

  Sarah's hand shot out and grabbed her arm. “Look there is the new coach.”

  Turning around to look the smile froze on Maddie's face as she looked to where Sarah was pointing. There, in black baggy shorts and a matching Big Bears red team top with ‘Coach’ written in capitals across the back, was Aiden. He had his back to them as he talked to the boys who were once more in a huddle. The top was fitted and showed off his broad shoulders and the tight muscles in his back. Although the shorts were baggy they did nothing to hide his cute butt. His hair was like it had been in the park windswept and all over the place. He turned his head to the side to look down at the boy to his right. She was too far away to hear what was being said but Aiden was paying full attention to the boy as he spoke. The growth on his chin showed that he had not shaved for a couple of days at least and the look was a good one on him. It added just a touch of roughness to him that made a quiver shoot through her body. A quiver that she working hard to ignore.


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