Becoming Maddie (The Casterhouse series Book 1)

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Becoming Maddie (The Casterhouse series Book 1) Page 5

by Hannah Gittins

  “I don’t know what I did to make him stop.” he carried on as if he hadn’t even noticed that she wasn't taking part in the conversation. “Got yourself a good guard dog there.”

  Maddie could tell that as he talked, he looked at her every now and again, but still she pretended that she was fascinated with what she was seeing out the window more than what he was saying. Her hands were fiddling with her scarf in her lap.

  “I bet he cost you a fortune.” Aiden remarked.

  She turned around to look at him.

  “He didn’t cost me anything.” she said smartly.

  Aiden smiled looking out the window pleased with himself for getting her talking she was sure.

  “Are you okay?” he asked Maddie, looking pointedly at her hands that were weaving the strands on the end of her scarf through her fingers. Constantly.

  Straight away she stopped what she was doing and sat on her hands. He just laughed at her...oh the cheek!

  “I am perfectly fine thank you very much.” Maddie said waspishly. “I got him from a rescue centre.”

  Aiden looked in the rear view window at her husky and gave a low whistle.

  “What was he doing in a rescue centre?” he asked.

  Looking out the window again she was surprised to find them on her street. Smoothly he pulled into a space right outside her door.

  “How do you know where I live?” Maddie panicked slightly.

  He looked at her door and then back to her smiling again.

  “It's nothing special.” Aiden said looking at her wide eyes and slightly open mouth. “I know you are neighbours with Ethan so it didn’t exactly take a rocket scientist to work it out.”

  She sat back and looked at her lap feeling the blood rush to her cheeks. It wasn’t like her to always jump to the worst about people but there was something about him that told her she needed to be wary. He was not to be trusted or maybe Aiden was and she just didn’t want to.

  “Sorry.” she mumbled into her lap.

  Aiden sighed next to her making her look up. He was looking at the door to the block of flats with a look on his face that she didn’t fully understand. But she found that she wanted to.

  “You were telling me about Marvin?” Aiden said still not looking at her.

  Turning away from studying his profile she gave a slight whistle.

  “Come on Marvin, in.”

  With the call Marvin turned away from the window and looked at her. His front paws tapping on the seat waiting for a door to be opened for him. Maddie quickly opened her door and jumped down without waiting for Aiden to help her down. It was a big jump and she stumbled a little at the bottom but it was worth it not to feel his hand prints burning on her skin again. Straight away Marvin had climbed over the front seat and out her door to come and stand next to her, tail wagging.

  “What the hell do you think you are doing?” Aiden snapped at her. “Are you bloody blind?”

  Maddie walked round the truck to stand on the pavement in front of him and gaped.

  “Excuse me!” she almost whispered. “What did you just say to me?”

  “I asked if you are bloody blind?” he said clearly and loudly so that people walking past could hear and turned to watch.

  “What the hell have I done to deserve that?” Maddie snapped.

  “You jumped out the truck without bloody looking, nearly fell onto the road where there are cars going past and then you got your dog to do the same. So you not only put yourself in fuckin' danger but got your loyal dog to do the same.” he said pointing his finger at the truck, her and then her dog.

  Marvin respond to his tone and pointing by stepping slightly in front of Maddie and growling at Aiden.

  Although she had not known Aiden long, his sudden frequent swearing was a sure sign that he was furious. At Maddie no less. Well that made it even because she was furious at him too.

  “You can’t speak to me like that.” she growled back. “I am not a child to be given into trouble.”

  “Well stop freaking acting like one.” he barked back.

  Anger flared through her veins and she was ready to have a good fight with him but like always the things she wanted to say flew out of her head and left her tongue tied. The need to release some of the pent up energy that had been building since she met him would be welcomed.

  Aiden seemed to be trying to calm himself down by taking big deep breaths that puffed out his stunning strong chest.

  “Let’s go inside.” he said, a lot of his anger having left his voice.

  “After you spoke to me like that there is no way you are getting inside my home.” She said to him as she headed towards her door.

  Aiden was right behind her though and grabbed her arm and stepped up to her so that his front was pressed to her back.

  “I know you want to burn off the tension you are feeling.” he whispered in her ear as if he was reading her mind. “But we will find much better ways to do it than fighting.”

  Then he shocked her to the core by kissing just below the ear on her neck.

  Tingles spread out from the spot his warm lips touched. They shot down every nerve ending making her suck in air quickly and her brain shut down. How can a simple lip touch make Maddie’s body want to melt and her legs wobble?

  “Breathe.” he said softly in her ear.

  Just like that the mood was broken. She spun around to look at him, breaking his hold on her arm. How dare he touch her like that?

  “I will be breathing just fine when you step back.” The last two words were punctuated with her finger prodding his chest. He didn’t budge. “If you would wait in the car I will be a couple of minutes.”

  Aiden still didn’t step back but instead moved closer to her causing her to step back and so it went until the front door stopped her retreat. Still he pushed in until they were nearly touching, his hands on the door on either side of her head.

  “I need to come up and change.” He said softly, his warmth breath brushing her cheeks. His eyes focused on her lips before travelling back up to her eyes. “Fight it all you like but you will be begging me soon enough.”

  The breath Maddie had be holding left her in a rush as he backed off and waited for her to open the door and walk in ahead of her. Deciding it was time to ignore him again she quickly opened the door and almost ran up the three flights of stairs to her door. As she put the key in the lock a realisation hit, this would be the first time that she would have a man in her home...her sanctuary. The idea of it made her hands stall turning the key. She wasn’t ready. She couldn’t invite him into her home. It meant too much. Besides she definitely didn’t want Aiden Scott in her flat. Not with the way he makes her feel. Not with the way he had just acted with her. Not in any way.

  Maddie was so lost in her thoughts that she hadn’t felt his hand move until it was resting on top of hers and turning the key, then pushing the door open. Softly he touched her lower back and pushed her inside. Once in he shut the door and looked about.

  Well there was nothing she could do about it now. They were in her safe place so the only thing she could do was act like it didn’t bother her and get him out as soon as possible.

  “The bathroom is over there.” She said pointing behind the sofa and bending quickly to Marvin. “You can change in there.” she unhooked the muzzle and lead and stood again hanging them up by the door.

  Still not looking at him she walked into the kitchen, pulling off her scarf she bent for the dog’s water bowl and filled it. Turning back to place it on the ground she saw Aiden was still stood in the doorway looking around the room and then into the kitchen.

  “What?” she snapped feeling supremely defensive of her little place. It wasn’t fancy but it was hers and she has spent a lot of time making it feel comfy.

  He gave her a half smile then walked towards the bathroom muttering. “Nothing.”

  As Maddie did silly little things to try and distract her from the more than manly man changing in her bathroom. She
thought about the kiss on her neck he had given her. If it had been anyone other than Aiden doing that she would be disgusted with how totally inappropriate it was. Somehow, because it was Aiden, Maddie felt a warm achiness that she really needed to stop and quit thinking about it.


  * * * * * * * *

  It had not taken him long to change and she had settled Marvin in with the bowl of water and some chew toys. This meant that in very little time at all she was back in the truck (thanks to his help up again) and they were on the way to the ice cream place. Minus Marvin.

  As they were pulling up outside she could see could see the Clarkson clan waiting for them outside the shop. Rosie was stood on bench playing with her mother’s hair who was sat next to her. Ethan was sat swinging his feet back and forth clearly starting to reach new levels of boredom. Before she could open the door Aiden put his hand on her thigh making her look at him sharply.

  “Wait.” he almost growled. “I will help you down.”

  Then as she opened her mouth to give him some smart mouth cutting comment, he was out of the truck and walking round to her side. He was treating her like a child who was incapable of getting out of a car by herself.

  Aiden reached into the passenger side, undid her seat belt and pulled her out of the cab and placed her gently on the ground. But this time he slid her body down his slowly before her feet reached the floor.

  Maddie tilted her head back and looked up into his eyes, her mouth forming a small O.

  “Over here.” Rosie's happy voice cried out. “We're over here.”

  Quickly stepping away from Aiden she waved to the group and hoped that her blush would be put down to the heat in the sun, the cold in the wind or the warmth from the truck. Really just anything but what had actually caused it. Aiden. As she got closer to Mario’s ice cream place she knew that Sarah guessed right as to what had caused the warmth in her face.

  “Coach.” Ethan said standing up straight.

  “I think you can call me Aiden when we are not on the playing fields Ethan.” he said smiling down at the young boy.

  The smile that lit his young face could have only be described as honoured and proud that he got to call the man that he looked up to anything but ‘Coach’.

  “Can I call you Aiden?” Rosie asked earnestly.

  “Of course you can little girl.” he said tapping her under the chin. “Do you know what flavour you want?”

  Rosie's brow grew serious as she thought carefully about the question. Ice cream flavour was not something you answered too quickly without thinking about carefully. What would you do if you picked the wrong flavour and there was actually a better one to be had.

  “Let’s head inside and see what flavours there are to pick from.” said Sarah having clearly dealt with this serious thinking before.

  “I know what I am having.” Ethan said excited.

  “Oh yeah?” Maddie asked.

  He nodded at her. “I am having chocolate. I always have chocolate. Don't I mum?” he asked Sarah, tugging on his mother’s hand.

  “Yes son, you always have chocolate.” she smiled down at her son letting her hand rest on his head before he ran to catch up with Aiden. He was being dragged along by Rosie who was desperate to see what flavours there were to pick from.

  “It makes me sad.” Sarah said softly.

  Maddie watched the three of them walk into the shop and sighed. She really was stuck with Aiden for the ice cream trip.

  “Why does it make you sad?” Maddie asked Sarah softly.

  Her friend started walking slowly towards the shop her head down.

  “Ethan misses his Dad badly. Rosie's lucky cause she is so young and just wants to play with her dolls with me.” Sarah said again in a quiet tone.

  “Ethan has you too though.” Maddie said.

  “Oh I know he does.” Sarah said as they reached the shop door. “But a boy’s mum is not the same as a boy's dad. I think that's why he loves football so much cause he has the Coach.”

  Maddie looked into the room watching as Ethan talked to the Coach as if he didn’t need to pause for breath. Aiden was looking down listening to him while he held Rosie up in the air so that she could see into the cabinet full of ice cream.

  “It is good that he has that.” Maddie said. “But he will never replace his father and a boy will always need his mum.”

  “You’re right.” Sarah almost whispered then louder. It’s hard for him not having his Dad around to do male stuff with. I know he loves me and when his Dad is home they have the time of their lives, I just worry.”

  Maddie thought about what Sarah was saying is Ethan sucked up the attention Aiden was giving him. It seemed to her that there might be something bigger going on. Something that her friend might want to talk about when they are alone.

  It was clearly getting close to time when Maddie should invite Sarah around for a glass of wine and a chat.

  “I think he is doing great Sarah.” Maddie said carefully. “Ethan seems to have people he can lean on but if you want to talk about it anytime just come across the hall.”

  Whilst talking Maddie had reached out to squeeze her friends hand.

  Sarah blinked quickly and swallowed before squeezing back.

  “What flavour are you going to have?” Sarah asked louder breaking the moment.

  Maddie could see that she didn’t want to talk about it anymore so she let Sarah have that play.

  They walked in and stood next to the group. Maddie made sure that she had Sarah and Ethan between herself and Aiden. This caused him to give a half smile that said he knew what she had done. He winked at her then glanced away.

  “Have chocolate!” Ethan almost shouted at her.

  “Let her pick her own flavour.” Sarah said calming the young boy down a bit.

  Rosie ignored all of this and carried on studying all the choices in the cabinet. Turning to look in to it too Maddie could see why it was talking her so long. There really was row upon row of ice cream in an array of colours. Reading each of the tags next to the tubs she discovered some flavours that she had never even heard of before.

  “I can’t believe you have not been here before Maddie.” Sarah said still surprised after hearing this earlier at the football game. “How can you live in this town and not have been here before?!”

  “You haven't been to Mario’s before?” Ethan gasped.

  Laughing Maddie turned to the group having still not made her choice only to find Aiden staring at her with the same look he had when he stared out the window in the truck. She quickly looked back in the cabinet.

  “Nope I really haven’t been here before. Just never got out that much, and definitely not to a place like this.” Maddie paused. “They don’t let dogs in.”

  Ethan and Rosie laughed, Sarah even cracked a smile. Maddie was being perfectly serious though.

  Deciding to change the subject, she smiled and stated. “I think I am going to take your advice Ethan and have Chocolate.”

  “I think I will too.” Sarah said looking towards Rosie. “What about you Princess?”

  Looking between each of the adults and then the ice cream choices once more, she stated

  “Chocolate.” clearly not wanting to be left out.

  “Aiden?” Sarah asked.

  Maddie looked to the man as he gently placed Rosie back down on the ground.

  “I guess I will have Chocolate too.” He looked up and straight at Maddie. “I don’t want to miss anything.”

  Looking away she tried to making her heart stop racing. She needed to calm down. Its only ice cream and then she could get home. She would grab Marvin and walk for ages. Clear her mind of him and everything that has passed today and the other days. Go back to her old life and routine. Talking a deep breath she looked back at the group and smiled.

  “Looks like everybody is having Chocolate.”

  “CHOCOLATE!” Ethan and Rosie jumped up and down waving their arms about.

��Maybe they don’t need the sugar.” Sarah said laughing as she looked at them.

  “Probably not but it will be fun watching them running around like hyper bunnies.” Maddie remarked.

  Suddenly she realised that Aiden was no longer in their little group but instead stood at the counter handing over money for all the ice creams.

  “Aiden.” She said quickly.

  He carried on talking to the man behind the counter, took the receipt off of him and put it in his back pocket straight away.


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