Becoming Maddie (The Casterhouse series Book 1)

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Becoming Maddie (The Casterhouse series Book 1) Page 8

by Hannah Gittins

  What had she given away? She had picked that because it shouldn’t have given anything away! Running the story through her head she still couldn’t come up with what it might be. The story had been picked carefully to not share anything about her past…or really anything about her other than she loved dogs.

  “This Maddie is the Maddie I have been looking for.” He carried on talking as he straightened and looked down at her as she tilted her head further back to look at him. “She hides away under a very strong protective shell. But I knew I would get her out and to be honest I am having fun dragging her out too.”

  Maddie frowned up at him. There was only one Maddie and he was not getting to know her anyways. Before she could open her mouth to say anything Aiden carried on.

  “I will be back at 7 tonight to pick you up.” He said as he walked away from her and picked up his beer to finish it.

  “Pick me up at 7?” she stuttered.

  “I am taking you out for Dinner.” He bent and gave the non-growling Marvin, definitely not protecting his mistress (traitor!), a scratch before making his way to the door. As he opened it he turned to her, “While we are at Dinner we can talk about who was on the phone earlier.” and with that he shut the door and left.

  Maddie stood staring at the door. Thoughts were racing through her mind and she didn’t know which one to pick first. The kiss? The sharing (on her part only she noticed)? Or the dinner invitation? Well it was less a Dinner invitation and more a Dinner order. That, she was coming to realise, was Aiden’s way. Sarah had not lied when she said he was a straight talker.

  Sarah. Now that was something else she had to think about. It hurt that she had lied to her. After everything that they had talked about, everything they had shared over that wine, and she had lied to her the whole time. Trust was not something that she had a lot of anymore. There had been a time when she would have trusted anybody. A mountain of faith for any person. But life had beaten that out of her in more ways than one. She should have stayed shut off from everybody like she had been before. Then when she had to leave, which is in the next few days, she could have done it without any bother or heartache at having to leave anybody behind.

  Right there was the problem, because although Sarah had hurt Maddie and broken her trust she would still be sad to leave Sarah, Ethan and Rosie. Now she may have only known them for a short time but they seem to be in her heart already. She wasn’t totally certain how that had even happened but it had.

  It had been a long time since she had had friends. Was it okay to have lied to a friend? Should she forgive her?

  The weight of what had become a crazy day hit her shoulders and made her knees give. She fell back to sit on the sofa, Marvin jumped up next to her straight away, and stared into the empty fireplace. This day had been like no other and there was no way that she could make it through a meal with Aiden Scott.

  Suddenly her brain decided that this was the moment to run through the kiss again. Her fingers went to her lips as she thought about the heat that she swore she could still feel.

  She needed her friend to talk to.

  Marvin sighed and rested his head on her leg as if sensing that his mistress needed some comfort, loving and time to think. She ran her fingers mindlessly through his fur, maybe he wasn’t such a traitor after all.

  Suddenly the doorbell went scaring Maddie out of her thoughts and making her jump. Her reaction made Marvin pay attention too. He ran to the door and started barking. Maddie had no idea how long she had been sat, running through her thoughts, but what she did know now was terror. Fear raced through her veins and she started shaking.

  He had found her already!

  Chapter 7

  The doorbell had stopped ringing but almost straight away there was knocking on the door. Maddie hadn’t moved a muscle. Marvin kept barking at the door but there was no way that she was going to stop him. In fact it might put him off or think he had the wrong flat.

  “Maddie!” A female voice came through the door.


  “Maddie I know you are in there.” Sarah’s voice shouted through the door. “I know you are mad at me but I can explain.”

  Maddie sat on the sofa staring at the door. Her heart was racing and she could hear her pulse in her ears. One phone call and she was already jumping to think her past was literally knocking on her door trying to get at her.

  “I didn’t lie to hurt you.” Sarah said through the door pleadingly.

  Blinking herself quickly back to the present Maddie jumped to her feet and ran to the front door. Opening it quickly she explained.

  “Sorry, I wasn’t ignoring you. I just…well…I just-”

  “What are you saying sorry for?” Sarah cut in. “It was me that lied to you. I shouldn’t have. I just didn’t really know how to tell you after everything you shared. Then I got thinking about it and thought maybe it would be good for you to be chased a little bit, you know, to make you feel attractive and wanted.”

  Sarah stood in front of her fiddling with her finger nails and looking at her with pleading eyes. There was no doubt that she meant everything she was saying and genuinely wanted her friend to understand.

  Maddie smiled at her and held the door open for her to come in.

  “Come in Sarah.” Maddie said softly. “Is someone-?”

  Once again Sarah cut her off by throwing herself at Maddie and wrapping her arms around her waist and hugging her so tight the air was pushed out of her lungs. This was the second time today that she was touched like this. Okay the arms round her earlier had felt completely different (‘completely’ just doesn’t cover how different it felt) but it didn’t take away from how good this felt too.

  Slowly Maddie lifted her hands up and wrapped them round Sarah and gave it a tight squeeze before letting go. So she was making steps into getting closer to people but it was going to take her a while to get used to it, Especially all the personal affection that people gave each other. Stepping back from Sarah she shut the door and turned to find Marvin all over her guest.

  “You were going to ask me something?” Sarah said looking at her clearly still not convinced that Maddie had forgiven her. Maddie gave a little laugh.

  “I was just going to ask if someone was looking after the kids.” She said.

  Sarah moved away from Marvin but didn’t walk to the sofa but instead stayed hovering at the door.

  “Yeah, Betty popped up from downstairs to look after them for a couple of minutes.” Sarah replied shifting on her feet.

  “I really should meet this Betty from downstairs. This is the second time you have had her look after your two.” Maddie said confused as to why Sarah still looked uncomfortable. The thing with having not had many friends for a while she wasn’t totally sure what she should be doing right now. Or even what was going on. “I have a date with Aiden tonight.” She blurted out.

  Maddie didn’t know what made her say that but she couldn’t take it back now. And going by the look on Sarah’s face it was the right thing to say.

  “A date?” her friend shrieked out. Then right in front of her Sarah started clapping her hands and jumping up and down on the spot. “YAY! A date.”

  At the sight of Sarah’s excitement she could feel the dread spread through her so fast that she thought she was going to be sick and sway a little on the spot. How had she gotten herself into this mess? Oh yes, Aiden had given her a mind blowing kiss that left her so stunned and lost in the ‘Aiden fog’ that he had left before she could even start to say no.

  “I’m not going.” Maddie said quickly having just had a plan pop into her head. “Do you think I could come round to yours tonight? At about 7?”

  At her question Sarah started out-and-out laughing in her face. In fact she was laughing so hard that she had to bend over to try and keep her balance. Maddie crossed her arms and waited for her to stop.

  “Sorry hun.” Sarah gasped still trying to catch her breath and wiping tears from her eyes. “You know you can�
�t come round to mine at 7 as much as I want you to come for tea one night. Marvin too.”

  “Why not?” Maddie exclaimed.

  Sarah put a hand on her hip in a way that made Maddie realise she was not going to like what her friend had to say next.

  “You know fine well that if you come round to mine he will just come and get you.” Sarah replied.

  Maddie was right she hadn’t wanted to hear that.

  “Plus, that’s not all you know.” Sarah continued with a growing grin. “He will go and get you no matter where you hide. He knows a lot of people that will have no problem in telling him where you are. Plus Casterfield is a small town. People talk.”

  Letting her head fall forward Maddie knew that she had no choice but to go on this date. She would just have to find a way, and the words, to make it completely clear that this was a one-time thing and definitely not a date. She was just going to have to make him listen.

  “Are we okay?” Sarah asked quietly cutting into Maddie’s thoughts.

  Looking up at her Maddie thought about how to answer.

  “I don’t really make friends with people.” She started. “I also find it really difficult to trust.”

  Sarah, who was looking nervous again, nodded slowly.

  “But I really like you and have a good time when I’m with you.” Maddie carried on. “I just need you to be honest with me no matter what.”

  Straight away Sarah’s head started nodding much faster, maybe even a little crazily.

  “Of course I will.” Sarah promised making a crossing motion over her heart. “I am really sorry.”

  Maddie smiled at her. “I know you are.”

  Neither said anything for a moment or two. They just stood taking in what had passed and how important their friendship had come to mean to them both. It meant a whole lot to Maddie that’s for sure.

  “What are you going to wear?” Sarah laughed clapping her hands again and walking, finally, to the sofa.

  * * * * * * * *

  Looking at herself in the bedroom mirror for the millionth time Maddie fidgeted. She adjusted the scarf round her neck again. It had taken Sarah and her ages to work out what she was going to wear. It of course doesn’t help that Maddie didn’t know where they were going for food. So did she dress up or go casual? The choice was also limited to how many outfits she actually had to pick from. Which was not many, and none of them were posh going out clothes. So casual with a sexy but classy twist it was.

  So there she stood in a comfy but smart pair of black jeans with red kitten heels. Her top was red silk with capped sleeves and a scooped neck. It showed cleavage but in a ‘they are here’ way and not in a ‘they are about to fall out’ way. The top was tight at the chest and over her ribcage then flowed down to the top of her jeans. She would have to bear in mind that when she bent her top rose a bit a showed skin at her back. Not that that was indecent but Maddie had something there she didn’t want people to see. Round her neck she had put a little red scarf that she could just not get to sit right!

  In annoyance she pulled it off and threw it on the bed. Looking at herself now she frowned. The top was something that she had bought but never really worn. It had looked so good on the mannequin but on her…Well she had more curves and Maddie thought it didn’t work as well. Sarah had not agreed and told her if she didn’t wear it then she was going to fall out with her. So Maddie had given in to peer pressure and kept it on. Plus Sarah had said Aiden would fall at her feet if she wore it. That, of course, wasn’t why Maddie really gave in…

  Looking at the clock she whimpered. Five minutes till this ridiculous date that wasn’t a date. Picking up a set of plain, mock diamond studs she put them in her ears and then put on a matching neckless. It sat nicely but might draw more attention to her cleavage than she was looking for but she had no time to change so it would have to do.

  Her hair was up in a tight bun behind her head. It was the way she wore it to work and it kept it out of her face. Sarah had wanted her to wear it down but Maddie had let her win on the top, there was no way she was wearing her hair down.

  The doorbell went again. Although logically she knew it was going to be Aiden coming to pick her up there was still a flicker in her pulse that said it wasn’t. Ignoring it and taking a deep breath she went to get the door, Marvin trotting at heels.

  Opening it she looked up at Aiden with a nervous look. He stood in front of her in loose fitting blue jeans and a tight, black long sleeved thermal with a green t-shirt on top. Boy was she pleased that she had gone causal. Maybe even now she felt too dressed up compared to him. Maddie wondered if she had time to change.

  Marvin raced out to greet Aiden and jumped up to say hello.

  “Down.” Aiden commanded and straight away Marvin did as he was told.

  So instead of jumping Marvin stood waging his tail looking up at them both waiting for the loving that he felt he was due.

  Aiden’s eyes started at her feet and worked their way up. She could see his dangerous half smile touching his lips. When his eyes reached her face they were warm in a way that made her want to squirm. Then suddenly that look was gone and it was replaced with a frown and look of disapproval. Now what had she done?

  “I’m just going to grab my bag.” Maddie said turning away and feeling a bit hurt at his look. Although she didn’t want to admit it she had worked hard to ‘look okay’. She knew that she was never going to reach ‘looking good’ but she was pleased with ‘looking okay’ and even Maddie thought she looked that in these clothes. Maybe she should have not given into Sarah and chosen another top instead of this red one.

  A hand reached out and grabbed her arm quickly. It didn’t pull her around or spin her like she was ready for but instead stopped her. Nothing more. Then slowly she felt a hand in her hair pulling out the pins and dropping them on the floor. The hand that was holding her arm let go and pulled the band out of her hair and it all fell down around her shoulder. Pulling away from him she spun to look at him raising her hands to try and control her hair, the spin having caused it to fly out and fall everywhere. Maddie could not believe he just did that.

  “What do you think you are doing?” She snapped.

  Aiden smiled and pulled her hands down from her hair making it fall loose from her grip and down over her shoulders. It landed in gentle waves that she had always wished were straight.

  “I hate it when you wear it like that.” He simply stated.

  “I don’t remember you getting a say in how I wear my hair.” Maddie almost growled at him.

  Marvin huffed and walked over to the red cushion feeling that he was not going to get any cuddles any time soon.

  “It’s fine that you wear it that way at work.” Aiden started to say. “It makes men not notice you and I am okay with that because I am not in the mood for competition right now. We have other stuff to deal with.”

  Maddie couldn’t believe the words that were coming out of his mouth. What is he even talking about? There is nothing wrong with her hair like that. She liked men not noticing her at any time. Besides they have no other stuff to deal with.

  “There is nothing wrong with my hair like that.” She decided to tell him. “Plus we have nothing to deal with.”

  He chuckled and just smiled at her. He crossed his arms and leaned against the front door frame.

  “I like wearing it like that!” She snapped almost stomping her foot.

  Aiden smiled and looked at his feet.

  “Nobody else has a problem with it.” She continued trying not to stomp her foot.

  “Maddie, as much fun as I am having right now, are you going to stand there and argue about your hair the whole night or can we go out for dinner?” He asked calmly but with a huge grin on his face. Once again he was finding something funny in a situation that she found nothing funny about.

  Hot red embarrassment burned its way across Maddie’s cheeks. She was being so ridiculous standing here arguing about how she wears her hair. It shocked her t
he way he touched her, it was familiar, gentle but most of all it freaked her way the hell out.

  Realising that she was just stood looking at him and he was grinning at her, Maddie turned quickly and went to her room to grab her bag. What she didn’t do was think about it too much as she picked the red scarf off the bed and tied it round her head like a hair band. She didn’t think about how it looked not too bad when she caught a glance in the mirror or how it actually felt nice to have her hair down for once. The one thing she did think was that she was not going to share what she wasn’t thinking about with Aiden.

  Walking back into the living room she checked her bag for her purse. She was not going to let Aiden pay for the whole meal. This was not a date.

  Walking to the door she saw that Aiden was looking at her with the approval and burning heat that she had been wanting when she first opened the door. Angry with herself for being pleased that she had it, she turned away from it when all she wanted to do was relax in it, walk into his arms and thank him for it. She couldn’t come to want that stuff, couldn’t come to rely on him. For one reason she was leaving, for another, the men in her life, so far, had not been reliable. What made Aiden any different?

  “Let’s go.” She said quietly.

  Aiden stood away from the door frame.

  “What just happened there?” He asked her.

  Maddie ignored him, took her keys out of her bag and bent to say goodbye to Marvin.

  “You shut off from me.” Aiden carried on saying. “Why?”

  “I don’t know what you are talking about?” Maddie said in a flat tone before saying to Marvin, “Mummy is going out for a couple of hours but she will be home tonight and will take you for a late night walk.”

  Marvin gave her hand a lick and sat back enjoying the love. Maddie needed a moment or two to get herself together. How did he manage to read her so well? What it really meant was that she was going to have make sure this whole night that she kept her emotions and thoughts to herself.


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