Becoming Maddie (The Casterhouse series Book 1)

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Becoming Maddie (The Casterhouse series Book 1) Page 12

by Hannah Gittins

  Maddie opened her mouth to say yes when Aiden cut her off.

  “She can’t. She’s staying at mine tonight.”

  Sarah spun on the spot so fast Maddie was impressed she didn’t fall.

  “Really?” She gasped. “I mean….that’s nice.”

  Again Maddie opened her mouth to say something.

  “Yeah really.” He replied to the first reaction Sarah had. “Speaking of which we need to be getting going. Will catch up with you soon Sarah. Make sure Ethan is training.”

  Her friend looked at Maddie, bugged her eyes out, waved at her and said “Right you are coach. Have fun.” Then the door was shut.

  Maddie stared at the door for a deafening second then all of the day’s events hit her. Working, lunch with Fiona, more work, running home and then this whole scene with Aiden and Sarah. She just wanted to put her feet up and relax.

  “You have a choice.” Aiden started in a voice that suggested she probably wouldn’t have a choice in whatever he was going to say next. “You can walk down the stairs to my truck or I am going to carry you.”

  Maddie looked up at him with her mouth dropping open. When had she lost the ability to talk for herself? Aiden wouldn’t care, he was having too much fun bossing her about.

  “Well?” He asked looking her straight in the eyes.

  Did she had the fight in her to say no? She didn’t want to go? Was it too much of a risk? Well she could look at it as being stuck at Aiden’s with Aiden when she wanted to be home alone packing. Or she could look at it as staying at Aiden’s with Aiden and that was so much safer than alone at hers.

  “Maddie.” He growled his voice was now holding his annoyance at waiting on her.

  “Okay.” She whispered but he heard her.

  He looked surprised for a moment then took her hand and led her and Marvin back down the stairs to his truck. Before she knew what was what they were seat belted in and heading to his house… Where ever that was. Marvin sat on the back seat, his tongue hanging out, if anything he looked pleased to be leaving their home behind and going to Aiden’s. Maddie had little doubt that somehow the dog knew that was exactly where they were going.

  Then a thought struck her, ‘What was Aiden doing at her flat in the first place?”

  Chapter 10

  They had driven to his place in total silence. Maddie hadn’t really thought about where Aiden lived but, even if she had, it would not have been on the street that he did. It completely lacked personality of any sort. Every building was basically a white block that held 4 flats. Every brick path to each door was laid exactly the same way. Every post box at the end of that path was the same. Guess what, the windows…they were the same. The place was perfectly clean and symmetrical. Every law was moved to exactly the same length, an inch within its life, and every door opening had a hanging basket that had some white flowers in it. Maddie looked at them on the way past to try and see what they were but she had no idea. She was not a big gardener.

  The place had no Aiden in it anywhere. Mind you the place had no anyone in it.

  “What?” Aiden said looking down at her his eyebrows raised.

  The ride over seemed to have calmed his anger and if anything he seemed to be in a really good mood. He had pulled up, gotten out and opened the door for Marvin before walking round to help her get out. Maddie was so lost in her own thoughts about the surroundings that she had just sat there waiting on him without really being aware that that was what she was doing. He had given her a half smile in a way that said thanks for waiting. This had made her both pleased and annoyed so she decided to just push it deep into her head, along with all other confusing thoughts, and just focus on her surroundings and making it through tonight.

  He had wrapped his hands round his waist and smiled as he slid her down his body. Maddie looked him in the eye the whole time. She was totally hypnotised by the change in them. They went from warm caramel to burning hot dark caramel. Her pulse picked up and she found herself pushing into his body as she slid down so that she could feel every inch. As her feet hit the ground he gave her a little half smile and let her waist go but didn’t move away. Maddie had to bite her lip to not reach out for him, to not ask him to kiss her and to not ask him to never let her go.

  They stood motionless for several sexual filled moments. On her part she was trying to breathe normally. Aiden on the other hand looked like he wanted to eat her whole. She wasn’t sure that she would say no either.

  He stepped away eventually and started to walk away from her. Maddie needed to talk and change the mood of things. This was not how she wanted tonight to go.

  “This isn’t exactly what I was expecting.” She said following him into a building, along a dull, boring, but with brilliant white walls, corridor to his flat door on the right.

  Marvin trotted along next to her. He sniffed at every corner and looked like he wanted to wander around but he never left her side. Maybe this was because he picked up on her mood or because they were somewhere new. He had never liked going to new places that much. It was never really an issue because Maddie rarely went anywhere new anyway.

  Aiden unlocked the door but paused before opening it. He looked at her as if he was going to say something but with a little shake of his head he pushed the door open and walked in. Marvin shot away from her and ran into the flat. He sniffed around before darting into the other rooms too.

  If Maddie had thought the outside looked bad she was stunned to see the inside.

  When you got a place there was only so much you could do to change the outside but inside was totally different. That was the place where you could stamp who you are on your home. It was the place where you could make it 100% yours. So that you could come home from a hard day and feel like you were at least able to relax and enjoy what was left of your day. That’s why you can always tell so much about a person by their homes and you have to be careful who you invite in. At least that’s what Maddie thought the inside of homes should be.

  Aiden’s home had nothing. The front door opened onto a square living room. It had an arch that led into a rectangular kitchen. There was a little hall that had 2 doors coming off of it, bedroom and bathroom she guessed, but it wasn’t the layout of the flat that shocked her. It was the nothingness.

  There was nothing on the walls, there was next to no furniture and he had nothing electrical. But more than that there was just a lack of things. There was no pictures of friends and family, no little ornaments or even anything at all that said something about Aiden.

  “This wasn’t what I was expecting either.” She whispered. “This is where you live?”

  Aiden dropped his keys on the armchair in the living room (this happened to be the only seat in the room) and turned to look at her.

  “What were you expecting?” He asked looking her straight in the eyes.

  This had the effect of making Maddie feel ashamed of her words.

  “I didn’t mean anything by it.” She stated quickly.

  Aiden tipped his head back and laughed. Marvin came running back into the room with a sock in his mouth and his tail wagging. Clearly he had decided that he liked the place and Aiden’s socks were not going to be safe anymore.

  “You finally open up a little and actual say something I think you really mean for the first time and then you start to say sorry.” He chuckled.

  Blinking at the man before her, Maddie decided the feelings she was having were too confusing and had to be shut away with the others. So instead she decided to keep talking about his place.

  “There is nothing in here?” She said looking around.

  He looked around too and then sighed.

  “Yep, there is nothing in here.” He muttered.

  Aiden reached out taking the sock from Marvin’s mouth. He tied it in a knot to form a sort of ball before throwing that down the hall for the husky to run after. Which he did straight away the fur on his tail flapping around crazily.

  Of course there was nothing there. Je
ssica had stolen everything from him. Maddie just guessed that it hadn’t really struck her just how much Jessica had taken from him. Or had he not had that much to start with? Would it be too nosey to ask? Well Aiden had said that he wanted her to ask what was on her mind.

  “Jessica?” she asked.

  Sighing again he walked further into the room and put his hands in his pocket.

  He looked almost defeated. Seeing it actually made Maddie’s heart hurt. What was that about? It was just that there was something…disturbing…about seeing him stood looking beaten. Maddie had never thought that she would see him like this. He always seemed so strong and acted like he could take on anything. But maybe it was good that something touched him, and that something being family, well…maybe that wasn’t so bad.

  “Sorry, I…,” Maddie stuttered. “I was just surprised.”

  She had been. How could Jessica, his own sister, do this to Aiden? Maddie didn’t have any siblings but she liked to think that it would not be like this between her and them. Marvin sat at her feet and dropped the sock ball and looked up at her waiting for her to throw it. At least he was having fun and not sticking his foot in it like she was.

  “Yeah, this probably isn’t the best place to stay tonight but I had already pushed myself into your place twice.” Aiden said taking his hands out of his pockets and turning to look at her. “Next time I go into yours, which will be soon, you’re going to invite me because you want me there. In the meantime, make yourself comfy while I change and get the take out menu.”

  With that he started to walk past her and head down the hall. He was wearing oil covered blue combat trousers and black hoody. As he turned to walk into his room he reached behind his back and pulled his jumper off. The t-shirt- got caught and rose too, giving Maddie a little view of his muscled back. Her heart beat picked up and she quickly turned away.

  “Why don’t I cook?” She called out trying to not think about other areas of his body that might just be as, or more, muscly.

  She heard his laugh from the bedroom, the one that she was coming to like, a lot, it sent more heat through her. As if Maddie could get away from the strong feelings she moved to the wall furthest away from the hall and crouched to give Marvin a rub down.

  “You could do that.” He called out back to her. “I would be impressed if you could cook with no pots or pans.”

  Maddie quickly lifted a hand and hit her forehead. Of course she couldn’t cook… Jessica had taken everything…they were literally just talking about it. Taking a deep breath she ignore his laugh coming again from the bedroom. He had clearly taken her silence as a sign that she realised that everything was gone. Aiden found that hilarious because that was what Aiden did.

  Cringing at her own silliness she buried her face in Marvin’s neck and moaned. Marvin just tried to lick her ear.

  Today had been crazy and to add to it she was going to end it here of all places.

  “Indian or Chinese?” Aiden asked walking back in.

  * * * * * * * *

  They had ordered Chinese and ate it out of the tubs. Aiden had nipped out to the shops before the food arrived. He picked up a bottle of wine and some candles. Maddie did her best to try and not think about how thoughtful it was to have picked up the candles that when lit they made the living room feel soft and cosy, not to mention hugely romantic. She had turned the light on in the room but Aiden had given her a raised eyebrow that said he knew what she was doing. So Maddie had turned it off again and ignored his chuckle. So much for trying to kill the mood. This was not meant to be a cosy meal for two. Well it was a meal for two but just a couple of people having a takeout nothing more.

  Aiden had gone to the bedroom and come back with some pillows that he dropped on the ground and pointed at them saying ‘sit’. So she had and they ate. Marvin laid stretched out under the window that looked out onto the street. He snored softy so Maddie knew he was definitely out for the count. He obviously thought she was safe enough in Aiden’s care. Maddie was not sure she agreed but let her dog sleep.

  Before she knew it they were even talking. Or rather Aiden talked about funny stories from the garage. There was 4 of them that worked there with Aiden. Harry, who had been there since the dawn of time and had become of one the family according to Aiden. Al, who had been brought in to do a lot of the more expensive cars. Pete was the funny guy that worked on all the bikes and liked to wind up Al. Most of the funny stories revolved around Pete and what he got up too. Lastly there was Gail who worked in the office and gave the guys as good as she got. Out of all of them Maddie thought she would like to meet Gail the most. Actually that’s not true she thought they were all great.

  More than the running of the garage or the people that worked there she learnt about Aiden. About how much he loved the people and the cars. About how much he wanted the place of his childhood to grow and get stronger, to mean the same thing to the people around him too. By the sounds of it they all definitely felt the same way about the garage as Aiden did.

  “You’re not saying much Ruby.” He said laying out flat on the ground and putting his head on a pillow.

  Crossing her legs under herself, Maddie frowned and took a drink of her wine. She couldn’t share work stories like he was because she hadn’t worked at the hotel that long. She couldn’t share stories about people that were close to her because until recently she didn’t have any people like that. Mostly though she couldn’t share stories about her family and people that were basically family because she didn’t have any anymore. Any stories that she might have shared were not worth sharing or even remotely happy.

  “Why do you call me Ruby?” she decided to ask instead.

  “I don’t think you are sharing.” Aiden said putting his hands behind his head and crossing his legs. It was like he was starwatching rather than staring at the celling.

  “What?” she asked confused.

  “You’re not sharing.” He shortened what he was saying rather than making it clearer.

  Why did it matter if she shared or not.

  “Aiden I never share.” Maddie stated trying to make it clear.

  He turned his head away from the celling to look at her. The look is his eyes made her fidget although she never once looked away.

  “I told you that when you started sharing with me I would start sharing with you.” He said.

  Jumping to her feet Maddie started to collect all the cartons and wrappers before heading towards the kitchen.

  “What does me sharing or not sharing have to do with you calling me Ruby?” She snapped.

  Why did he insist on knowing all about her past? Why couldn’t he just let it all go and leave her alone? Okay maybe not leave her alone in his flat, she was grateful that he was letting her stay here after all, but she needed him to back off from finding out about her.

  As she put the rubbish in the bin she heard him laugh. All this did was make her grind her teeth.

  “How was lunch with Fiona today?” He asked letting her off the hook with the sharing part.

  How did he know about her lunch with Fiona? Had Aiden and Fiona talked about it? Had Fiona shared what the topic of conversation was? Walking back into the room quickly she looked down at him and crossed her arms trying to think of some cutting remark. She was fed up of being bested by him. He always seemed to be one step ahead of her.

  “Calm down Ruby, Fiona text me last night and asked if I thought you would be okay with it.” He informed her giving her a half smile. “Figured you wouldn’t mind plus it might help you loosen up a bit if you went out with somebody other than what you normally do.”

  It was so nice of Fiona to want to check that it would be okay to have lunch. To check that it wouldn’t be crossing some kind of line. Although it had been awkward to start with it was a fun meal that she really enjoyed and would actually want to do again. What she didn’t like was Aiden making that choice for her, deciding that she needed to have someone take her to lunch, deciding that her normal routine
was not good enough. He knew nothing about her but he was always bossing her about and demanding she spill her entire life to a stranger.

  Maddie didn’t know what came over her but that anger that she felt about Aiden, Him and everything else going on crawled around inside her till she felt that she couldn’t hold it in anymore.

  “How do you know what my normal routine is?” She said from between her teeth.

  “Babe.” He replied.

  Like that was actually a reply.

  “How do you know what my normal routine is?” Maddie asked again now tapping her foot.

  Turning his head he watched her foot hitting the floor over and over again. Looking up at her he gave her a full blown smile that she was determined to not let get to her. Marvin lifted his head and looked at her too. What annoyed her more was that he looked like he was smiling at her as well? There was nothing funny right now.

  “I don’t, but I bet I can guess it.” Aiden challenged her and at the raise of her brow he carried on. “You work through everyone else’s lunch because you think they have better things to do than you. Then when you take it you grab a sandwich and sit inside the office, alone, then go back to work before the time is up. I am right, aren’t I?”

  Maddie didn’t always sit inside the office. Sometimes she went outside, sat in the sun and people watched. But telling him this would only prove him right.

  Her lack of immediate response made him laugh. Again. Maddie still didn’t find anything funny.

  “I win.” He chuckled sitting up.

  “It’s not really the point if you know my routine or not.” Maddie snapped.

  “No?” he asked. “Then what is the point.”

  Sighing angrily Maddie put her hands on her hips. Aiden watched the movement with humour clearly written all over his face.

  “The point is you don’t get to decide who and when I have lunch with people. You also don’t get to give me into trouble when I jump out of your truck. I can jump out of any car or…or…or, well, a truck whenever I want.” Maddie was on a roll now. “You don’t get to trick me into you giving me lifts to my flat or to Mario’s or anywhere else. You don’t get to take me on dates or to Eddie’s and Fiona’s house. You don’t get to boss me around but most of all you don’t get to demand to know my past.”


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