Becoming Maddie (The Casterhouse series Book 1)

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Becoming Maddie (The Casterhouse series Book 1) Page 20

by Hannah Gittins

  “You really are fucking burning me up, Ruby.” Aiden growled as he finally pulled out and thrust back in again.

  Maddie nearly came right then.

  His words, his touch, him.

  Being surrounding by him and connected to him was so overwhelming Maddie could barely breathe but she knew she needed more. Her body was screaming out for it.

  Tilting her hips and cupping his ass in her hands she encouraged him to pick up the pace.

  Aiden didn’t let her down.

  He went from slow and hot to fast and flaming. He wasn’t gentle he was rough and demanding and Maddie gave as good as she got. Both of them moved together enjoying every second of the connection. Their hot sweaty bodies grinding against each other adding yet more sensations.

  Maddie couldn’t hold off anymore. It was too strong she was going to have to let it go.

  “Give me you Ruby.” Aiden growled looking down at her with dark, glowing eyes. “Catch fire for me.”

  His hand moved between her legs to touch where his cock was filling her up and he groaned from deep in his throat. Aiden’s fingers then travelled up to hit her clit and it was like a firework had gone off inside her body.

  Maddie’s head flew back, her hair flying, as she cried out her pleasure into the morning. Every nerve ending was screaming with her. He body clamped down on Aiden repeatedly as he kept thrusting into her. He had picked up the pace as he quickly joined her in what had to be heaven. Letting his head fall he buried it into her neck as he groaned along with her still happy whimpers.

  They lay wrapped round each other and still connected as they caught their breath. He was heavy on top of her but she didn’t care, it felt good and, in a way, comforting.

  “Fuck.” Aiden said still sounding a little out of breath.

  Maddie grinned at the celling while she wrapped her arms around his back and squeezed him. Trying to communicate that she felt exactly the same.


  That was the best sex she had ever had right there.

  “You okay?” Aiden asked pulling away to look down at Maddie, his lips smiling a satisfied smile and his eyes looked totally sated.

  She found herself mirroring the smile.

  “Yeah.” Maddie answered almost shyly. Which was crazy after what they had just done but that was exactly how she was suddenly feeling.

  Well, really, she was feeling way more than ‘okay’, but she had already given him a lot of herself today so Maddie needed to keep something back.

  She just felt so out of her depth in this moment. After what they just shared she wanted to laugh until her throat hurt and skip about the room. This was all so new to her and she felt so out there. Shy even…No shy didn’t cover it.

  Aiden’s eyes looked into hers for ages before he blinked slowly.

  “You are hotter than hell and now you give me sweet.” Aiden rasped. “You’re killing me.”

  Again she didn’t know how to respond. She didn’t know what she was doing. She was just being her, Maddie.

  “You don’t even know why.” He said reading her eyes perfectly.

  Maddie shook her head. Aiden then laughed before touching their foreheads together. Whatever she was doing he seemed to really like, as in really like, so she would just keep being her.

  “I’m starving babe.” Aiden stated.

  It was her turn to laugh out loud. Maddie was too but she was surprised that he would just come out and say it liked that. His hands on either side of her head playing with her hair. Their bodies still connected but then that was Aiden. A straight talker.

  “Okay baby.” Maddie whispered, lifting a hand to stroke his cheek and watching his eyes soften at her calling him baby. “I will make you some food. You deserve it after the work out you just had.”

  Aiden full out grinned at her and even though he had just given her a very good ‘seeing’ to she still felt herself quiver round him. He must have felt it too because his eyes got dark again.

  “Go and get cleaned up babe and I will meet you in the kitchen.” Aiden ordered in a gentle way.

  Maddie didn’t mind at all. She bit her lip as he pulled out of her in a way that brushed against her super sensitive body. Aiden then rolled onto his back giving her a kiss as he did so.

  She on the other hand quickly hopped out of bed to clean up and go and cook her man some food. That’s what a woman did for her man because there was no doubt now.

  Maddie was Aiden’s woman and he was her man.

  Her man.

  All hers.

  Maddie loved it!

  Chapter 17

  Maddie had thrown on a simple pale blue dress that had thick shoulder straps and was low cut without giving it all away. It was tight on her rib cage and bust then flowed loosely from her waist down. There were a cute row of buttons that ran from the top down to her waist. All around each one was a cute little white crochet pattern that she had made and sown on herself. This she paired with a cute white scarf that Maddie wound round her waist and white flips flops.

  For some reason she had wanted to make a bit of effort this morning. It wasn’t like she dressed like a slob normally but she found that she wanted to be...well…better looking today. What was the point in doing it, she didn’t really know. This morning Aiden had seen more of her than anybody had in a long time so it made little difference how she dressed now.

  Maddie sighed. She was nervous. Without a doubt.

  Although she was doing everything she could to try and down play it. For once she didn’t want her panicking crazy side to take over. Maddie wanted to attempt to go with the flow and see where it naturally took her. What she hadn’t counted on was how tough that would be.

  Why in the world did ‘they’ call it ‘going with the flow’? That made it sound like it would be easy and you would happily float along, taking part in things that you passed by. What Maddie felt was nothing like that! Nope, Maddie was way too nervous to enjoy the ride right now.

  Opening the fridge she looked in to see what there was food wise. The answer was not much of anything.

  Frowning and biting her lip, Maddie ran her hand through her hair, which she had left down and falling loose around her face and back, she had no idea what to feed them.

  From the bathroom she could hear the shower going off and knew that she didn’t have long to rustle something together for Aiden. Maddie wanted to make him something good to fill him up and have him leave the flat with a happy belly.

  Looking down at her husky, who was waiting patiently to get his own breakfast, Maddie fretted.

  “What can I make him Marv?” she asked the dog whose only reply was to tilt his head to the side. “You are not help!”

  Marvin had been waiting on the red cushion for her to come out the bedroom and feed him. Not to mention being taken him out for his morning walk. Maddie guessed she may be being a little hard on him. It wasn’t his fault there was no food after all.

  “Sorry Marv.” Maddie whispered in the dog’s ear as she bent down to give him a quick rub down. “Who’s my good boy?”

  Marvin gave a cute dog snort in answer and rubbed his head against her neck. He was loving every second of the attention. Gone was the dog that hated being touched and in his place was a happy loving teddy bear.

  “Mummy loves her boy but just now she needs to work out what to feed Aiden.” Maddie said standing and giving the husky one last scratch as she looked in the fridge again. “Then mummy will feed her tough little guy. Promise.”

  Quickly reaching in the fridge she pulled out the eggs and milk. Going to the bread bin she pulled out the last of the bread she had and added shopping to her mental to do list. Whisking some eggs and milk together she then added some nutmeg and cinnamon. Grabbing a frying pan she heated it up and popped in some butter to melt.

  French toast was not going to be a healthy breakfast but it was definitely yummy and feel good.

  As she waited for the butter to melt, Maddie started her coffee maker off (not to
p of the line but a yellow colour that matched her walls) and then, much to Marvin’s relief, fed her dog. As she went back to stand in front of the cooker top she felt two warm, very male arms wrap round her waist and pull her back to rest on a warm, very male chest.

  “What’s on the menu Ruby?” Aiden asked pulling her hair back and kissing her neck.

  Enjoying the shiver that went zipping down her body she smiled as she picked up the pan and moved the melted butter around.

  “Just French toast.” Maddie replied hoping that she didn’t sound nervous or that she enjoyed that simple kiss way too much. “Take a seat at the breakfast bar and I will bring it over when it’s ready.

  Aiden kissed Maddie’s neck again, squeezed her with his arms, before going over to the breakfast bar and leaning his hip on it. He was on the wrong side of it to sit down but seemed like he didn’t even want to. In fact he looked, alarming, totally at home stood in her kitchen watching her cook while Marvin licked his bowl clean.

  “Just French toast?” Aiden asked his eyebrows raised.

  Dipping a slice of bread into the milk and eggs she then popped it into the pan.

  “I don’t really have much food in.” Maddie mumbled as she reached to collect two mugs to pour the coffee into. “I had to make French toast cause that’s all I had.”

  Putting a dash of milk in his mug she handed it to him and started at the soft look on his face. Why was he looking at her like that?

  “French toast is amazing. French toast can be nothing but amazing so I’m more than happy with that.” Aiden stated giving her a smile as he took a sip from his coffee. “You need shopping in?”

  At his simple statement about the French Toast Maddie felt herself glow with happiness. Again he had managed to make her feel at ease and that, somehow, she had managed to do something that made him happy without trying.

  Maybe the ‘going with the flow’ wouldn’t be too hard after all.

  Going back to the pan Maddie flipped the bread and started to get a plate out and cutlery. She wished she had something to go with it. Maybe some cream or strawberries but she knew without looking she didn’t have anything that would complement them. So just plain French toast would have to do.

  “Yeah. I really do.” Maddie answered while putting milk and sugar into her coffee.

  Marvin, who had finished checking his bowl for bits of food he may have missed, walked over to Aiden with his tongue hanging out and tail wagging. Stopping in front of him Marvin sat down and waited for the rub down he felt he deserved.

  Once again it hit Maddie how easily Marvin had accepted Aiden into their lives. Never before had he been so relaxed around new people, especially people that got close to Maddie or touched her in anyway. Her dog loved their neighbours but even then it had taken months before the children were okay to touch him. Aiden on the other hand had been growled at once in the park and now seemed to be fine.

  Maybe it wasn’t just Maddie that knew Aiden was a good man.

  “Does he need walking?” Aiden asked as he scratched Marvin’s head.

  Taking the pan from the heat Maddie grabbed a spatula and slid the toast from pan to plate. Dipping another bit of bread in the egg mixture she nodded her head to the plate.

  “There’s one to start you off.” Maddie said. “And yeah, he does, but I will go for a walk with him after you head out. I want to make sure he is walking okay and see if he is ready for me to start making them longer.”

  Aiden got the plate and went back to leaning against the breakfast bar eating the French toast with his fingers.

  At the word ‘walk’ Marvin’s wagging tail sped up and he looked between the two bodies in the kitchen. Maddie knew he would think he was ready for a good long leg stretch and run around after birds but she wasn’t so sure yet. There was no way that she was going to let him over-do it and set himself back.

  “This your first time out with him since the break in?” Aiden asked quietly.

  How did he know that Maddie hadn’t been the one walking Marvin? Sarah had kindly started take him to the park for a short walk. Short because he was recovering but mainly because he didn’t like being away from Maddie for too long, even if it meant a walk in the park. Really it was her first time out of the flat at all since the break in. Somehow she knew that Aiden would know that too.

  “Em…” Maddie started not really sure what she was going to say. “It will be but I am looking forward to getting some fresh air.”

  Which was totally true. Maddie was really looking forward to getting out and feeling the sunlight on her face and the breeze in her hair. Not to mention the smells and sounds that they come across on their walks. On the third weekend of every month there was a farmers market in the centre of Casterfield and Maddie just loved walking round that, with all it’s hustle and bustle, the smell of cooking food and all the amazing things to buy. It reminded her of the stalls that Jean used to set up at the local fairs back in her home town and surrounding area.

  It was definitely time for her to get out the flat for a little bit.

  “Just take it easy okay.” Aiden said looking at her with a pointed expression.

  Maddie quickly looked away and flipped the bread in the pan. It felt good that he was as worried about Marvin as she was.

  “Don’t worry I won’t let Marv over do it.” Maddie said as she picked up the pan, walked towards Aiden and slip the slice onto his plate.

  The first bit was already gone. Maddie only had 4 slices of bread but she decided to make the next one for him too. She could get a doughnut or something when she was out.

  “I wasn’t talking about your dog Maddie.” Aiden said as he started eating again. “Although he should take it easy too.”

  Maddie stood in front of the cooker and frowned at Aiden over her shoulder.

  Aiden frowned back at her before putting his empty plate down on the counter and walking towards her.

  Wow he must have be hungry he finished that French toast quickly.

  Before Maddie knew what Aiden had in mind he took the pan out of her hand and turned the hotplate off. He did this standing behind her with his arms around her.

  “What are you doing?” She gasped as Aiden turned her around to face him fully.

  Maddie had more breakfast to make him!

  “I fucking hate that that asshole has made it so that when any worry or affection is directed your way you automatically think it’s for someone else. Even your dog for god sake!” He almost growled. Maddie knew he was annoyed but it wasn’t directed at her at all. “From now on I want you to try and realise just how outstanding you are.”

  “Aiden.” Maddie gasped.

  Her whole body had frozen. Aiden had been wanting her to take it steady. He was worried that something might happen to her. When was the last time that someone had felt like that for her?

  The more she thought about it though the more she realised that Sarah had been doing it too and the kids. Even Eddie and Fiona and she had only met them once.

  Aiden reached up and pulled carefully on the little crochet design that she had done around each button on her dress.

  “I bet you made these too.” Aiden stated and he may not have been wanting an answer but Maddie nodded anyway. “Something else that you have changed from plain and made special.”

  Maddie could not look at anything but his eyes. There was something in them that he was trying to tell her and his words were backing that look up but she still didn’t feel like she was there yet.

  “Aiden.” She whispered. This was getting too much for Maddie.

  Way too much.

  “It’s okay. You don’t have to get it straight away but I am gonna make sure you do.” Aiden said. “Good job that fucker is locked up otherwise I would be more than happy to teach him a lesson.”

  Uh oh, Maddie thought. She really should tell him the rest of the story.

  “Aiden -” Maddie started but was cut off.

  “There will be loads of time to work this
stuff all out.” Aiden announced. “It’s the same in all relationships when they start out. For now I am still hungry.”

  With that he moved her so that Maddie had her bum against the breakfast bar. Looking up at him Maddie opened her mouth to say something but the look in his eyes cut her off.

  She may have wanted to ask questions about what he meant when he said that they were starting a relationship, she may also have wanted to tell him about the call that had started all his questions off but for now none of that was going to be asked or said.

  Aiden had something else entirely planned.

  Instead she watched the heat burn in his eyes as he pulled up the skirt on her dress so that it was round her waist and pulled down her panties.

  Just like that Maddie was wet and ready for anything he wanted to do.

  He put his hands around her waist as she put hers around his shoulders and he lifted her so that she sat on the edge of the breakfast bar. Going down on his knee’s Aiden smiled up at her.

  Maddie’s breath caught in her lungs as it became clear what he was planning on doing to her. Aiden was not hungry for food.

  He wanted more of Maddie.

  She had only ever tried this once before and it had not been good. Already Maddie was having way more fun than that. In fact doing anything with Aiden seemed to be way more fun than other times.

  Aiden reached out and touched her clit. Maddie’s head fell forward to watch and she gasped.

  “Soaking wet.” He muttered. “I fucking love that.”

  Then he proceeded to slate his hunger. Maddie had the time of her life.

  When Aiden walked out the door to go to work he had had her, French toast and then more of her. He left with a huge smile on his lips and was ready for his day.

  Maddie was stood by the door with a massive grin on her face, and an obvious skip in her step when she walked.

  Chapter 18

  Having hooked Marvin up on his lead Maddie had headed out for a walk with her canine companion. It felt good to be out stretching her legs. It also felt good feeling the aches in her body from muscles that had not been used in a long time.


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