Becoming Maddie (The Casterhouse series Book 1)

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Becoming Maddie (The Casterhouse series Book 1) Page 31

by Hannah Gittins

  Maddie couldn’t help but agree. Her mother clearly wasn’t thinking about how much this would affect the girl considering she would have to come to football next week and have to look her coach in the eye. That was who Aiden was to the girl after all.

  “Besides she saw you arrive with Aiden earlier. Not to mention it has been round the playground that the hotter than hot, badass coach has been tied down by an unknown, beautiful woman.” Sarah added.

  Maddie let Sarah calling her beautiful pass her by. She may be making steps to think better about herself but she was really not there yet.

  Not being able to watch any more, Maddie turned to look at the children playing with her dog. She wasn’t ready to have to face a woman coming on to her man. There were things that she might want to do about it but wasn’t sure how to go about it yet. Were they even in the place where it would be okay for her to publicly lay claim to him. They did love each other and tell each other often. So was that okay?

  “You should go over there and snog his face off right in front of her while I distract the daughter.” Sarah said completely seriously.

  A bark of laughter broke past her lips before she could stop it. Aiden and the woman trying to jump him, looked across at her with questioning looks. Maddie just smiled. Aiden returned the smile but the woman tried to kill her with a glare.

  “I can’t do that.” Maddie chuckled.

  “Why not?” Sarah asked back instantly leaning into her husband and putting an arm round his waist. “I do it all the time.”

  Turning to look past John’s body to see Sarah properly, Maddie raised her eyebrows.

  “She does.” John said almost shocking Maddie.

  She had almost forgotten he was there because she was getting really caught up in the girl chat going on. Moving so that she was facing front and her back was straight she tried not to blush.

  Then it hit her. Here was a man that was willing to talk to her about this. Maybe he would be able to say what she should do.

  “Do you mind?” Maddie asked John carefully.

  For some reason Sarah found this question hilarious. Her head fell and she gripped onto John tighter as she let the laughter flow out of her easily. As much as Maddie was confused it was nice to see her friend laughing. Sarah really was much happier when her husband was home.

  “I don’t mind.” John said smiling at his wife with a wicked look.

  Sarah winked her eye at Maddie.

  “My husband loves it when I do it.” Sarah stated. “He is just being polite.”

  John laughed out loud and kissed his wife before saying,

  “Damn right I do.”

  They seemed to be sharing a ‘moment’ so Maddie turned away. 2 kids, 10 years of marriage and they still had ‘moments’. It warmed Maddie’s heart. Once more, she was very pleased her best friend had that.

  What Sarah had said made her blush, again, and it was a little too much information about John than she needed but she thought it would be fun if she got the same results with Aiden. Although there was no way that she was going to stride over there and just kiss him. That was hers and Aiden’s she wasn’t giving that to anyone else.

  “Do it.” John said earnestly. “Whatever you are thinking, do it.”

  Looking up at him, John gave her a slight nod and before she could over think it anymore Maddie started to walk towards Aiden, the woman and her daughter.

  As she got closer Aiden looked up at her and smiled.

  The woman turned to see what he was looking at and frowned heavily.

  Her eyes took Maddie in from top to toe and seemed to find her wanting. Trying not to let that affect her Maddie kept her eyes on Aiden. He loved her and she knew he loved the way she looked. He told her all the time.

  When she was within reach Aiden held his arm up and Maddie walked right under it. Aiden’s arm rested round her shoulders and tucked her in so her front was almost flat to his side. The woman let go of Aiden’s arm straight away.

  “Cheryl I would like you to meet Maddie.” Aiden said introducing her to the woman that would not let him leave. “My girlfriend.”

  A happy shiver shot though Maddie. Would she ever get used to being called that?

  The woman’s mouth formed a perfect ‘o’ as she again took Maddie in from head to toe and again she seemed to find Maddie wanting.

  “It’s nice to meet you Cheryl.” Maddie said super politely as she held out her hand.

  The other woman recovered her fake smile and held out her hand to shake Maddie’s. She gave Maddie a weak half-hearted attempt at a shake and pulled her hand back ASAP. Cheryl clearly didn’t think either Maddie or Aiden would notice as she then wiped her hand on her leg.

  Aiden’s arm round her shoulders tightened and he looked like he was about to say something but Maddie got there first.

  Looking down at the little girl she asked. “What’s your name?”

  The girl, who had really short, almost pixie like, blonde hair looked a little worried as her eyes flicked between Maddie, Aiden then her mother.

  “Isabelle.” She finally mumbled.

  “I saw you play earlier and thought you were amazing.” Maddie said smiling down at her. “That goal was kickass.”

  Right in front of all their eyes the girls face lit up and bloomed. Isabelle had the cutest little over bite and the biggest grin.

  “Yeah?” Isabelle asked not quite believing it.

  “Definitely.” Aiden declared. “By far one of my best players.”

  This time the girl looked just at Aiden. Maddie could tell that this beautiful little girl did not often get praise. She decided right then that whenever Maddie could she was going to tell Isabelle how well she played. Get to know her better.

  “Really?” Isabelle wanted more confirmation. “Even better than the boys?”

  Aiden laughed down at her and Maddie chuckled.

  “Even better than the boys.” Aiden assured.

  Before anything more could be said to the little girl the mother cut in. Clearly Cheryl was not having fun with the attention not being on her. That or she did not like that he daughter was getting praise or played football. It was probably both though.

  “Isabelle close your mouth.” Cheryl snapped. “Everybody can see your teeth.”

  Just like that the light left her face and Maddie felt her heart hurt for Isabelle. She wanted to bend down and tell the little girl that it would all be okay and that one day she would be able to escape her mother. That until that day came Maddie would be here to talk to and build her up if she needed it. Looking into Aiden’s face Maddie could see that he was thinking and feeling the same thoughts.

  Aiden would be giving poor little Isabelle more attention from now on. Definitely trying to build up her self-confidence.

  Great man.

  Again before Aiden could say something that he might regret later Maddie cut in and looked at the woman.

  “Well I am afraid I have to steal my hunk away.” Maddie said going on toes to kiss Aiden’s jaw. “We have plans sweetie pie.”

  The woman’s mouth scrunched up in a way that showed many lines in her face that said she did this often. Aiden looked at the woman then down at Maddie with a smile on his face.

  “Yeah, babe we do.” Aiden replied.

  Holding his hand up for a high five from Isabelle, which she gave with another smile, Aiden then turned to Cheryl and said in a fake polite voice.

  “Thank you for the offer of a meal this week but Maddie here is the best cook and I hate missing a night with her but you are welcome to come round one night?”

  At that Maddie had to fight the squeak that was in her throat but smiled as big as she could at the woman and nodded like she agreed with what Aiden was offering.

  Cheryl glared daggers at her but put a grateful face on when she looked at Aiden.

  “Thank you so much for the kind offer but I think I will have to give it a miss.” She said sweetly. “I just remembered I have plans but I would love to
catch up with you next week after the game.”

  Aiden nodded and started to walk away from the mother and daughter, taking Maddie with him.

  “Of course,” He said over his shoulder. “Maddie and I will look forward to it.”

  This time Maddie had to put a hand over her mouth to stop herself laughing. Looking at Sarah, as they approached her and John, she could see her hand over her mouth too.

  “My baby gets jealous.” Aiden whispered in her ear.

  The huskiness and the closeness sent shivers down her spin and back up again.

  “A little.” Maddie whispered back blushing again.

  Aiden laughed loud this time and held her closer as they reached their little waiting group. Marvin run to her and licked her hand before running to Rosie. Yep her husky loved her but he loved Rosie too.

  “That looked fun.” Sarah said laughter still in her eyes.

  Maddie thought about and it had been nice showing Cheryl that Aiden belonged to her and she belonged to him. Saying that though it hadn’t all been nice.

  “Poor little girl.” Maddie muttered.

  The group went quiet as they watched the mother and daughter get into their expensive car and leave the parking lot.

  “I hope she doesn’t pay for what I said.” Maddie said starting to worry.

  Aiden looked down at her and then at John. Something passed between the two men.

  “Right bitch.” Aiden said and John nodded.

  “Looked it, man.” John replied.

  “Maybe get Ethan to befriend Isabelle so she can hang out with us more.” Aiden asked in a way that wasn’t really a question.

  “Yeah.” John replied. “Well get on that tonight. Should try and give her something good to hold onto so she knows what is waiting for her when she gets free.”

  Maddie hugged closer into Aiden and Sarah did the same to John.

  These two were good men.

  Awesome men.

  Slowly the group started making their way to the parking lot. John started talking and telling them quietly so that the kids wouldn’t hear that he was trying to convince Sarah to get a dog. The bickering between the married couple was so funny that Aiden and Maddie were laughing as they got to the cars.

  Sarah and John helped buckle Rosie into her seat and check Ethan’s seatbelt before walking round to say bye to Maddie and Aiden. Before they managed to finish they heard someone shout something.

  Marvin who had be quietly stood at Maddie’s side turned and started growling. Looking down at him Maddie frowned.

  “Bitch, I want a fucking word with you!”

  Marvin, as if he understood the words started barking loudly and growling more.

  Before Maddie could turn round Aiden stopped her.

  “Sarah get in the car and get the kids out of here. Take Maddie with you.” Aiden said quickly looking at them each in turn. “John can you get the police here ASAP but stay here with me to keep Jessica here.”

  The shouting was Jessica? Fear shot through Maddie. Her legs started shaking but something else came over her too. Determination to not let the fear control her.

  Maybe Maddie should have stayed in bed after all. The park seemed to be filled with ‘man snatching’ woman and ‘crazy abusive’ sisters.

  Sarah took the keys her husband was offering and jogged around to the driver’s side.

  “Maddie come on.” She called semi pleading.

  Maddie looked at her friend and then at Aiden who was giving her a hard look, He really wanted her to get into the car and get away from whatever Jessica wanted to say, or do to her. Looking at John she could see he had his phone out of his pocket and was subtly calling the police already.

  “Bitch!” Jessica screeched from behind her, clearly annoyed that none of them had turned round to acknowledge her yet.

  Marvin started to move away from Maddie, still barking. He was very slowly headed towards Jessica to protect her.

  “Maddie!” Sarah said again more urgent this time.

  She couldn’t leave, Maddie had been running for a long time but no more. John would have the police on the way and both he and Aiden were here. Nothing would happen to her if she stayed. Just nasty words but Maddie had some of her own to give back this time. No she wasn’t going anywhere.

  “Sarah go.” Maddie called to her friend. “I am going to stay.”

  “Maddie.” Aiden’s tone was like steel.

  Holding her hand up so he could say no more to try and convince her to go. She looked him right in the eyes. If he could read her mind she really wanted him to see that she had to stay here. That she was not prepared to run away anymore.

  “No Aiden, I am staying.” Maddie stated.

  Looking deep into her for a second or two he nodded.

  “Sarah out of here.” John shouted at his wife having seen the nod Aiden had given and wanting his family to be clear of this mess.

  Sarah gave Maddie a quick worried look, Maddie smiled trying to reassure her friend, then jumped behind the wheel and got out of there.

  “Are you all fucking deaf? Your runt hears me.” Jessica shouted at their backs.

  They all just ignored her as John spoke into the phone then hung up. Turning back to Maddie and Aiden he asked.


  “Marvin stop.” Aiden said to the still barking dog. “Guard.”

  Instantly Marvin came back to stand by Maddie. Although he had stopped barking he still growled angrily. He stood so close to Maddie that she could feel the heat coming from his body. Just having that made her feel a little better.

  Aiden looked between the 3 of them and sighed. He didn’t want this to happen. It was going to be hard and it was his sister but Maddie knew he would do whatever he had to do to keep her safe.

  “Let me talk to her.” Maddie said.


  Jessica was getting much closer.

  “No.” Aiden said firm and straight to the point.

  “Aiden, please!” Maddie said wanting to say more.

  “No.” He just repeated.

  John put a hand on Aiden’s tense shoulder to get his full attention.

  “It might be the only thing that keeps her occupied long enough for the police to get here.” John explained. “Jessica steps out of line we cut in.”

  Maddie nodded. That sounded exactly like what she wanted to happen. Although Maddie wanted to talk to Jessica she did not want to be left hang out there to be attacked in a way she couldn’t handle.

  Aiden ground his teeth and Maddie could feel the tension flowing over him. Not wanting to give the go ahead using actual words he just nodded.

  “Whore, fucking pay attention.” Jessica shouted even though she must only be a few steps away from the three of them now.

  This was it. This was Maddie’s first chance to stand up for what she believed in. This was her chance to be strong. That and she could tell Jessica exactly what she thought of her and what she had done to Maddie and her own family. Especially Aiden.

  Turning round slowly she crossed her arms and cocked her hip.

  Maddie was ready.

  Chapter 26

  “So you answer to whore now?” Jessica said with a cruel smirk on her face.

  Maddie didn’t reply as she took in the woman stood in front of her. Jessica’s hair looked even worse than it had done not that it looked great before. It was lank, greasy and had not been brushed in a good long while. Her clothes looked in about the same condition. They were dirty and hung from her even thinner frame, all of her looked thin, like skin ‘n’ bones. Jessica had on a pair of denim jeans that looked like they would fall down at any minute. A pink blouse, well a blouse that use to be pink but was leaning closer to grey, with a denim waist coat on over the top. She had on the same awesome black cowboy boots.

  Maddie still couldn’t wrap her head round how someone that clearly had such good taste in boots could be the way Jessica was. She hadn’t shared this thought with anyone because she was awar
e how superficial it sounded but that didn’t stop her from thinking it quietly to herself.

  “Don’t look at me like that bitch.” Jessica snapped crossing her arms.

  It struck Maddie that she seemed almost embarrassed at how she looked. If that was right then why did she let herself get into that state?

  “How was I looking at you?” Maddie asked calmly.

  The bedraggled woman in front of her just snorted.

  “Like you are better than me?” Jessica replied waspishly.

  Maddie shook her head and crossed her arms mirroring the angry woman. Behind her she could feel Aiden’s heat. He was stood close enough that she knew he was there but he kept far enough away that he was letting her lead the conversation. Basically he had her back.

  “You’re wrong.” Maddie said softly losing some of her fight. “I don’t look at you like that. I look at you with pity.”

  It was hard to stay angry at someone who was such a mess.

  Jessica bent forwards and spat on the ground. This cause Aiden to growl and John to move forward a little. Marvin just kept growling at her feet.

  Jessica turned her head slightly so that she was looking Aiden in the eyes and not Maddie.

  Maddie found herself bracing even more than she already was. Whatever was about to come out of Jessica’s mouth was not going to be good.

  “Nice to see you in person Brother.” Jessica said, her face twisting into an evil smile. “Instead of sitting outside my flat in your stupid truck. That’s right I saw you that’s why I knew to stay away.

  That’s why Aiden had been getting home so late at night. Maddie had put it down to him looking for Jean because he hadn’t stayed out like that since. Clearly that wasn’t what he had been up to at all.

  “We both know you were staying away because of the police and not because of me.” Aiden replied trying to keep control of his anger.

  If the police were watching Jessica’s flat then why did Aiden feel the need to watch it as well. How often had he been going there? Maddie didn’t know what to think or how to feel. Betrayal wasn’t a question because he trust Aiden to look after her. Confusion as to why Aiden felt the need to sit outside Jessica’s place was definitely more likely.


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