Becoming Maddie (The Casterhouse series Book 1)

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Becoming Maddie (The Casterhouse series Book 1) Page 38

by Hannah Gittins

  Maddie said nothing, just gave him the time he needed. When Aiden was ready to go back in he picked her up and walked back into the station. He wasn’t letting her out of his sight again. Or at least until he knew the threat was completely gone.

  Which it had.

  Aiden had held her hand as the pictures were taken of her wounds and evidence taken from her skin. When they had asked Maddie if she needed a rape kit done Aiden could actually feel his heart stop. Then when she answered ‘no’ Aiden felt it painfully start again. At the very least that was something that had not been taken from her. From them.

  “She is okay.” Aiden finally answered the Detective. “Her face needs time to heal, not to mention all the cuts, bruises and scrapes all over her body.”

  “Mentally?” Miller asked.

  The Detective wasn’t being pushy he was just trying to find out what state she was in to see if she would be needing help. Aiden got that. Further down the line that might be something that she did but for right now she just wanted to be round her family. So that was where she was staying till she was ready for more.

  “I think she might still be in a bit of shock but I can’t fucking blame her.” Aiden said the frustration clear in his voice. “She will get there. My Maddie is a fighter.”

  There was a pause down the phone as this information was taken in. Aiden wasn’t sure what the man was thinking but somehow he knew that he felt this whole situation deeply. Maybe that was what made him a good cop but it must be hard to live like that.

  “We are having takeout.” Aiden stated. “There is going to be loads of food you are more than welcome to come join us man.”

  Again there was another silence before Miller spoken again,

  “Thanks but I have a mountain of paper work to do. Maybe another time.”

  Aiden nodded again and looked across at Maddie who was looking back at him. She seemed to have suddenly become aware of his being on the phone for a while and so far away from her.

  “Door is always open.” Aiden muttered, meaning it. “For now though I gotta go.”

  “Of course. Break it to her easy.” Miller said. “Have a good night and look after her.”

  Yeah, this man understood people and he knew what the news would do to Maddie. What was better though was he knew that Aiden should be the one to tell her. That he could do it when she felt safe and was in a place where she could react anyway she needed or wanted to without judgement. Good man, great Detective.

  “Always.” Aiden replied.

  After hanging up he moved round the breakfast bar and walked over to the sofa. Aiden looked down at Marvin who was stretched full bodied on top of Maddie’s legs. Maddie tilted her head back and smiled up at him. It might have been the first smile that had reached her eyes since she got back to the flat.

  Leaning over Aiden picked her up, for what could well be the millionth time that night, and sat down on the sofa with his back to the back rest and his legs along the sofa. Marvin jumped off the sofa and walked round to sit next to Sarah. He was not pleased to have lost his spot.

  Aiden then adjusted Maddie so she was basically laying on top of him and held her close. She wrapped her arms round him and tucked her head under his chin, tucked her head into Maddie’s spot.

  The woman around the sofa took this in for a moment before carrying on talking as if nothing had happened.

  Marvin waited a moment or two before he walked back round the table and jumped up onto the sofa. It took less than a second before he was laid the length of both of their legs, on his back with his paws in the air and if Aiden wasn’t mistaken, which he wasn’t, the dog was snoring.

  Aiden couldn’t blame the dog for not wanting to be away from Maddie, he was exactly the same. At the end of the day, it wasn’t just her that had suffered, their whole little family had. It would take time for them to heal but, lucky for them, time they had. They had each other as well. These were all things that were not going to disappear or be taken away ever again. Instead they were going to be grown on and life was going to be sweet.

  While they were in the truck on the way back to the flat Aiden had slid an engagement ring on Maddie’s finger. He got her smile and wet eyes in return. It may not have been the most romantic proposal ever but Aiden could not go on any longer not having her know how much she meant to him, not have her wearing his ring and not having her sharing his last name. Maddie didn’t seem to mind though. If anything she was pleased that it wasn’t a big deal but instead done in a moment that meant the world to them. They didn’t need a big thing or a lot of drama, they just needed each other.

  At the end of the day Maddie was Aiden’s and Aiden was Maddie’s.

  Whispering in her ear Aiden said.

  “I love you.”

  Maddie replied instantly with,

  “I love you more.”

  * * * * * * * *

  Chris Miller put the phone down and stared at the mountain of paper work on the desk. He wouldn’t be spending the night doing this paper work like he had told Aiden. No, he needed time to get the images in his head out so that when he did write it he was in a non-emotional state of mind.

  Standing up from his desk and walking out of his small cubical, Chris ran his hand over his face and sighed. Using his other hand he pulled out the packet of cigarettes he had bought on the way back to the station. Making his way to the wall of windows he opened the glass doors that led to a small balcony.

  He was not the only Detective that smoked, or in his case ‘sort-of’ smoked, and it was not often that you would come out onto the balcony and not have company. Right now though it was totally empty and Chris was more than relieved.

  Pulling out a cigarette he lit it and took a long drag. As the smoke filled his lungs he felt almost a little more human already. This was it though, this was the only one he was going to have.

  God knows, he deserved this one.

  Yet he still had it better than Maddie had. There were too many woman that lived the life she had. Now there was one that was free and, going by the people that had filled the family room, she would have a pretty good life now, filled with love.

  Chris had helped in that and there was a satisfaction that went with it. As good as that was it didn’t take away from the two bodies that were now laying in the morgue. All because he wasn’t fast enough.

  They may not have been good people and one of them had definitely been the worst of humanity but they were now dead. They were no longer able to think or maybe make the choices that could change their lives. Okay, Charles Wallace would have never changed but there had been a slight chance that Craig Chambers might have. Sure the guy would have needed a lot of help and time in a place where they would deal with his problems straight on. Once he was surrounded by the right kind of people he might have been able to turn his life around.

  Then again this could be why he was on the slippery slope down to being burnt out. It didn’t matter how many awful things he had seen or had to take part in, Chris still felt that, given the right help, a lot of the people that did bad things could be changed.

  Looking out on the view, he took another long draw on his cigarette. Chris could see out across the now quiet, sleepy centre of Casterfield. During the day it was bustling and busy. Standing up there you could see people moving around like ants below. At night though the lights lit up the empty streets and left Chris with his thoughts.

  Lisa had taken Wallace’s life today. Even though he had asked several times she reassured him that she was fine. She also pointed out that if she hadn’t taken that shot then Chris wouldn’t have been there to ask if she was alright. It was a good point but it didn’t take away the weight of taking a life. Chris would keep an eye on her.

  Maddie would be carrying a similar weight. She would be pleased that her life was finally free of the monster that had ruled it for so long but that happiness had come at the expensive of a life.

  Taking another drag Chris realised that this time the weight of Cha
rles Wallace’s death was not too great. He had read Maddie Wallace’s medical record. He had seen the pictures that had been taken of each beating that led up to the final one, the one that lost Maddie her child, the one that made Maddie do her best to break free.

  Yeah, Wallace made his bed and now he was laid in the morgue.

  Shaking his head he tried to let the guilt go.

  Chris put his cigarette out in the ashtray that was resting on the banister. Taking one more breath of fresh air he walked back into the office to get his stuff and head home.

  What he had to focus on tonight was that Maddie Smith was safe and she would never be in danger from her past ever again. Detective Chris Miller had helped in that.

  Tonight he hoped he slept deep and that his dreams weren’t full of the faces of people that he knew were no longer alive. Running his hand over his face again, Chris knew that was a wasted hope.


  1 year later…

  Maddie stood looking around, her hands paused opening the box in front of her and took in what she was seeing.

  Her and Jean’s shop.

  “Craft Time”.

  Although they had been open for months it still hadn’t sunk in that people were coming into her shop buying things. That every day she got to come to work in a place she loved, a place that she wanted to do well. Every night they counted the money that they had taken and when she saw the final figures she still couldn’t take in that people were paying for things she was selling.

  That wasn’t her favourite bit though. No, that bit was when a customer came and asked her questions about something or they asked for tips. She really loved being able to share her knowledge and love for crafts that Jean had given to her. So much so, Maddie had had the idea of setting up a ‘tips’ book. It sat to the right of the counter. It had started as a small thing that she thought would be fun and become a huge thing in itself. Both her and Jean added to it often and flicked through the pages to get to the tips the customers were asking about. Then one day Jean said,

  “Wouldn’t it be good if people added to the tip book too? I don’t know everything and sometimes they have great little things that they have learnt along the way or their parents had showed them.”

  She had been totally right. So that night at home, with Aiden watching and smiling, Maddie made a sign that asked customers to leave tips too. The next day it went up, and before they knew what was what, it had become a huge book that was bursting at the seams with tips and handy hints. Every time Maddie looked in it there was something new that she wanted to try.

  Maddie and Jean loved that book.

  She loved the store more though. Every nook and cranny was full. Every space had a different thing, from baskets that were over flowing with wool to shelves that were weighed down with paper and cutters. When they had been stocking the store there were so many different craft things that Maddie hadn’t known where they were going to put it all. Then an idea hit, why not have a section that was the ‘craft of the month’ section?

  So that was where she was now. It was the first time she was changing it. Maddie had packed up the stamps and ink pads. Having decided which ones she would keep out in another section and which ones she would keep through the back. Now she was doing the fun bit. Taking out the next craft items and setting up the section in a way that was fun and exciting.

  Before she took out the glass cutter she looked across at the till just to check that Jean wasn’t swamped with customers. The older woman was pointing over at her smiling and saying something to younger woman. The customer turned to look at her and smiled to before nodding at Jean and walking over to Maddie.

  The woman had beautiful straight back hair that she had up in a pony tail that swung with every step. She had on a black skirt and black tights with awesome pixie-like boots. Her top was a burgundy, and skin tight and it was cut low but not too low. Around her neck was several silver chains that jingled slightly as she walked.

  Maddie could see that her eyes where a stunning sea green as the woman got closer. Smiling up her Maddie waited for her to speak.

  “Hi.” The woman said in husky, almost smoky, voice. “My name is Tabby and I am here to apply for the post you have available.”

  “Oh that’s great.” Maddie said trying to get to her feet.

  Tabby held out a hand for her to use to help her get to her feet again.

  “Sorry.” Maddie mumbled a little embarrassed. “I am not quite used to having a ‘belly’ yet.”

  As she spoke Maddie ran her hand down over the bump that was getting bigger every day. It was not so big that she found it in the way, at least not yet, instead it was cute but did make standing up from the ground a little trickier.

  Telling Aiden had been right up there with one of the best moments in her life. Of course it had been sort of the plan. Maddie got her coil removed and had talked about it. The first two months had been hard when she didn’t get pregnant. Then finally it happened.

  Everyday Maddie was grateful that she and Aiden had been able to convince in such a short time. It was like Aiden had said,

  “Hold on tight to the good things and be thankful for them every day.”

  Maddie was.

  Aiden had come home to find a gift wrapped box on the breakfast bar, while Maddie hid in the bedroom waiting from him. After a couple of minutes, when he hadn’t come through, Maddie snuck into the living room to see if he was okay. Her man stood holding the silver baby rattle that she bought that afternoon and had wrapped for him, in his hand. Aiden’s eyes were glued to it. Slowly he had turned to Maddie with tears in his eyes.

  “You’re having my baby?” He had asked his voice husky with unshed tears.

  Maddie had not been able to hold them back herself and had let them roll down her face. Nodding at him she put a hand on her belly where the little life they had made together was growing. Aiden had moved across the room and put one arm around her the other on top of her hand.

  That night they had laid in bed in each other’s arms, Marvin taking up most of the bed, and talked about the exciting future ahead of them. They had even talked about getting another flat but had decided that they would think about that after the baby was born. It may not be the smartest move but both herself and Aiden found themselves seriously attached to their flat.

  “You know what you are having?” Taby asked bringing Maddie back to the present.

  “No. Well my husband does but I don’t want to know.” Maddie replied smiling. “Anyways enough about me tell me about you.”

  Tabby smiled bigger but it didn’t quite reach her eyes. There looked like there might be a story there but Maddie wasn’t going to pry.

  “I have been here for a few weeks.” Tabby started. “I have been looking for somewhere I can work while I am here. I have been walking around the shops and caught the flowers hanging outside your shop and knew I had to check it out in here. When the woman at the counter said you were looking I knew this was the place I wanted to work. Doesn’t hurt that I love this stuff.”

  Jean had worked hard at the hanging basket. They were her pride and joy. Maddie may be ‘crafty’ but she didn’t have a green finger, neither did Aiden. Saying that though they had both loved the flowers that Jean had picked for their wedding day. Small, cute and smelled amazing. They had been on every table in the small room they had rented from the hotel she used to work in.

  Remembering the day she had stood next to Aiden, in front of their family and friends, and vowed to spend the rest of their lives together, brought a huge smile to Maddie’s face.

  “The hanging baskets are all Jean’s hard work, the woman at the counter, we own the shop together.” Maddie explained. “I have no green fingers at all.”

  Tabby laughed with a seriously husky tone that Maddie found she was almost jealous of.

  “Well they are great but they were only what brought me in. What kept me here was everything else.” Tabby said making Maddie blush a little. “Especially that
amazing book. I wish I had brought a note book in to jot down some of the stuff in there.”

  Walking towards the back of the store she waved Tabby to follow her. If she was going to ask her questions Maddie wanted to do it somewhere she wasn’t going to be overheard. Opening the door to the stairs that led to the stock room she went down and turned over a couple of boxes for them to sit on.

  “Sorry I would take you to the office but it’s behind the counter and I will get caught by customers.” Maddie explained giving a half smile. “Plus I will have to look at the paper work I hate doing and am leaving till tomorrow.”

  Again Tabby laughed but Maddie was taking in the look of awe she had on her face as she looked round the messy but organised stock room. There was things bursting out of boxes and a table that was covered in some half finished projects. She loved that Tabby looked like she was in heaven as she took everything in because it was heaven to Maddie too.

  As Maddie let her look around the sound of someone running down the stairs caught their attention. Both of them turned to look at the door as a white husky walked in. His tongue was hanging out and his blue eyes went to Maddie straight away as if to check she was okay. His eyes ran over her before he trotted across, licked her hand, sat between her legs and looked at Tabby. His tongue was hanging out and his body was totally relaxed.

  It had taken Maddie and Aiden a long time to get him to relax when strangers were around Maddie. After she had been taken and hurt the dog had become super protective around her. They got him to be calmer for a while but then she had fallen pregnant and things had gotten worse again. Aiden had made it his mission to make the husky be better around strangers when Maddie was there. Now he was protective but in a way that was less threating to others but he was always ready if the situation arouse.


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