Lilly (Angel Series Book 3)

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Lilly (Angel Series Book 3) Page 25

by Tracy Lorraine

  Dec immediately goes to pull his phone out of his pocket as Nic grabs the bag he brought in and helps me towards the toilets. “Oh,” I shout over my shoulder towards Dec, “and maybe call Lucas.”

  After an hour, my contractions start coming hard and fast so the midwife tells Dec to bring me in.

  “I’m so sorry for ruining your mum’s day,” I say to Nic.

  “Are you crazy? She would have loved it. She always wanted to be a midwife. Come one, let’s go.”

  “Aren’t you staying here?”

  “Seriously?” she asks, looking around.

  She has a point; the only people left here for the wake are a couple of elderly neighbours who are propping up the bar and watching the horse racing on the TV. “Okay, come on then.”

  Nic helps me get in the car after laying out a waterproof cover on the seat. They’re maternity pads but I’m fairly sure I could have picked up the exact same thing in the puppy training department in our local pet shop.

  “Hurry up,” Dec says anxiously from the driver’s seat.

  “Seriously, Dec. You need to chill out a little.”

  “You are about to push out two kids. Two, Lilly. Not one, like most normal people. Two. How are you so calm?”

  “What’s the point in panicking? There’s nothing I can do to slow this down. It will happen as it will happen. Have you managed to get hold of Lucas yet?”

  “No, still no answer.” So much for me telling him to keep his phone on loud just in case.

  “Lucas is on his way,” Dec announces as he walks back in the room after answering his phone.

  “About bloody time,” I grate out as I feel another oncoming contraction. “He’d better not miss this.”

  Five hours later, I’m on my back with Dec holding one leg up and Nic the other while the midwife looks intently at my nether regions. If I cared about anything right now, I would feel sorry for my poor brother, but I don’t. My only focus is the pain I’m currently experiencing.

  I was planning on having an epidural. The midwife agreed, but there was an issue with another woman and by the time the anaesthetist actually made it to my room, it was too late. So here I am, enduring the joys of labour with only gas and air to dull the pain. And let me tell you right now, that stuff does shit all.

  “Argh,” I groan as one contraction rolls straight into another. It wasn’t so bad earlier when I got a break in between, but this is torture.

  “That’s it, Lilly. I saw the head. A few more like that and baby number one will be here.”

  “Lucas,” I mutter. “Need Lucas.”

  “He’ll be here, honey,” Nic says softly. I’m so glad she’s here. I’m not sure how I would have done this without her. Dec’s great and all, but he’s like a fish out of water. Nic seems to know what I need and when.

  “Okay, one more like that and we’ll have a baby, Lilly. Come on, you can do it.”

  I clamp down on Dec and Nic’s hands as I give it everything I’ve got. I’m vaguely aware of a bang, but that’s about it as I focus on the task in hand.


  Fuck knows how I got here in one piece or without being pulled over. The second I saw Declan’s name on my screen, I was running for the car. I just knew it was happening. I told her not to fucking go.

  I pull the car into an empty disabled space outside the maternity ward and run as fast as I can while taking in the signs for the right way.

  A midwife or nurse or someone points me in the right direction for Lilly when I briefly stop at reception. She can obviously tell I’m in a rush from the look of me.

  I just swing the door to the room open as I hear the midwife say, “That’s it, Lilly. One big push.” I’m frozen to the spot as I take in the sight in front of me.

  “Lucas,” Dec shouts. When I look up, I see that he’s in almost as much of a panic as I am. “For fuck’s sake, come here.”

  My legs do as he says, although my brain is elsewhere.

  I’m about to become a father.

  I take over Dec’s position as Lilly grunts and groans. I look up at her and I think I fall in love with her all over again. Her hair is matted all around her head with strands stuck to her sweaty skin. Her face is red and covered in sweat. Her eyes are closed as she focuses on pushing. I don’t think she’s even aware I’m here.

  Seconds later, I hear the words I never thought I’d hear.

  “Congratulations, you’ve got a daughter.”

  There’s a few seconds of silence before a tiny cry fills the room. I look over to the midwife, who’s holding this tiny person in her arms before she passes her to Lilly, whose eyes are now wide and filled with tears.

  “Dad, would you like to cut the cord?”

  “Uh—” I start as I pull my eyes away from my wife and daughter. I’ve read all about this, but right now, everything I’ve ever learnt has gone as I stand and stare at this little person.

  “Lucas?” Nicole prompts.

  “Yes, sorry.”

  The midwife tells me what to do and I follow her instructions exactly. Once the cord is cut, I turn my eyes back to the most precious people in my life.

  It’s not until I put my hand over Lilly’s on our daughter’s back that she looks up and registers that I’m there.

  “You made it,” she says as her first tear drops.

  “I wouldn’t miss it for the world, Lilly. You did amazing.”

  “You weren’t here; how can you say that?”

  “Because she’s perfect, just like her mummy.”

  After a few minutes, the midwife takes my daughter from Lilly to get her cleaned up, checked over and weighed.

  “Are you ready for number two?” the other midwife in the room asks just Lilly lets out groan. “I’ll take that as a yes.”

  I briefly look around and see that both Declan and Nicole have disappeared.

  “Come on, baby, you can do this. I want to meet my son.”

  Lilly was incredible. I want to say that I helped, but I think I pretty much stood there gawping as my son was born. It was the most amazing and surreal experience.

  Although both babies are a good size for twins at just over 5lbs each, they get whisked off to special care to be checked over properly. I diligently follow them so they’re not alone while the midwives attend to Lilly. She’s so exhausted that I don’t think she even hears me tell her where I’m going, let alone realises that I leave the room.

  I stand in the corner of the room and watch as the nurses check every inch of both babies. I guess they do the technical things I read about, like checking their oxygen levels and that kind of thing, but I’m too busy staring at the perfection that is my children. My daughter has a light dusting of blonde hair and a cute little button nose like her mummy, and my son has dark hair like me.

  I thought I loved Lilly before, but having just watched her deliver my babies into the world has blown away what I felt for her before. Lilly and the two little people in front of me are my life. Fuck all the bad stuff that happened in the past. I have my own family now, and I’m going to show them every day how amazing and important they are.

  The nurses nod me over when they are finished. They explain everything they’ve done and that they’re happy with both of them; they just need to monitor them for a while to make sure they progress and eat as they should.

  I sit down between my two little people and look between them. I feel like I could look at them for days and it would never be enough.

  Eventually, I get distracted by voices in front of me. When I look up I see Lilly in a wheelchair with one of the midwives behind her.

  “Are they okay?” Lilly asks in a panic.

  “They’re perfect. This is just a precaution because they’re early.”

  “Oh thank God. I was so worried when I realised they were here,” she says, starting to tear up.

  Lilly thanks the midwife before standing on unsteady legs so she can see them properly.

  “Sit here,” I say, giving her my sea
t. After all, she did all the hard work; she should be the one making use of it.

  “Look what we made,” she says softly, looking between the two cots.

  “Look what you did. You were incredible. I’m sorry I almost missed it.”

  “You didn’t though. You got here.”

  “So, names then,” I suggest. “Are we going with what we agreed?”

  “Yes, I think they’re perfect. Especially hers,” she says, nodding towards my daughter.

  “Okay, so Natalie Elaine and Nathan Christopher. Welcome to the world,” I say, giving them both a kiss on the nose.” When I look up, Lilly has tears streaming down her cheeks and a huge smile on her face.

  I lean down and put my lips to hers for a sweet but innocent kiss. “I love you, Lilly Dalton,” I say when I pull back. “Thank you.”

  “What for?”

  “For trusting me. For believing in me. For becoming my wife. For giving me the most perfect children in the world.” Her tears continue to fall as she listens to me.

  “You make it easy, Luc.” Now I’m not sure how true that is, but I accept the words from her anyway.

  “Okay, lovely, are you ready to have a go at feeding these gorgeous little ones?”

  Lilly excitedly agrees. I know she’s dying to hold them properly.

  The midwife pulls the curtain around and I watch as Lilly has her first attempt at feeding. I find the whole thing incredible. Not only has she grown both of those perfect little humans, she’s now keeping them feed and watered. I’m in complete awe.

  “You have some visitors at reception. It’s technically not visiting hours, but I’ll let them in for a few minutes. You’ll need to be quiet though,” a nurse says when she pops her head in.

  “Shit, I forgot all about them,” I admit.

  “They look a little exhausted,” the nurse says with a laugh.

  “Let them in.”

  “When I was wheeled down here they were both fast asleep in the corridor,” Lilly says. “The midwife wanted to wake them up but I said no. Nicole had her head on Dec’s shoulder; they looked so sweet. I’ve never seen them like that before.”

  “Hey, how’s it going you two—or should I say four?” Dec asks when he gets to us.

  “They’re prefect.”

  “Of course they are. You made them, Lills.”

  “Congratulations, hun. You were amazing,” Nicole says, coming over to give Lilly a hug.

  “So, who’ve we got here then?” Dec asks, looking down into the cots.

  I let Lilly tell them their names and the reasons behind them. Nicole bursts into tears when she hears what we’ve called our little lady.

  “I hate to distract you from these two, but I’m kind of stranded here now and it occurred to me that you two have two cars. Any chance of me taking one back?” Dec asks to my horror. Lilly’s car has all the baby paraphernalia in it, so we need that one. That means I’m going to have to give him the keys to my Jag. The huge smile on Declan’s face tells me he knows that, as well.

  “Stay in the slow lane and do not go over seventy. Actually, on second thoughts, don’t go on the motorway at all.”

  “Yeah right, whatever,” he says, still smiling. I swear he looks way more excited about the prospect of driving my car than meeting his niece and nephew.

  “I’m serious. If you damage her, I’ll damage you.” My threat is laughed at by everyone in the room but me. “Just be careful,” I say, reluctantly handing Declan the keys.

  “Can I come and see you again tomorrow?” Nicole asks Lilly.

  “Of course you can. I’m sorry for ruining today.”

  “Are you kidding? It’s been amazing. Being able to be there for you and these two has been incredible. Thank you for allowing me to help.”

  “I wouldn’t have had it any other way—well, unless he was here on time,” she says, nodding to me. I just shrug. What’s done is done. She rolls her eyes at me before turning towards Declan. “Thank you,” she says, giving him a hug. “You were amazing. A little frantic, but amazing. I hope you’re calmer when it’s your kids being born.” I can’t help but laugh at the look on his face when she says that.

  “I used to think that too, Declan, but look at me now. Your time will come whether you want it or not. You mark my words,” I warn as I look at Lilly. No, she wasn’t what I wanted, but now I couldn’t imagine my life without her. The same will happen to Declan one day. I really hope I get to watch it happen; it should be entertaining, watching him get whipped.

  We all say our goodbyes before Lilly and I take up our previous positions of staring at our babies.

  “What time is it?”

  “Just gone 3am. You should get some sleep.”

  Chapter Twenty-One


  We end up staying in hospital for seven days as Nathan has some trouble eating. The week passes by in a total blur though. I try to memorise every moment with Natalie and Nathan, knowing I’m never going to get these first hours back, but still, it’s gone before I really realise it’s happened.

  Putting them both in the car to come home I think is the scariest thing about the whole giving birth and being new parents thing. In the baby unit, there was always someone on hand to help if we weren’t sure, but we’re about to be let loose to go it alone, and that scares the pants off me.

  It’s the longest journey ever, seeing as we have to stop every two hours to feed them. Giving birth to twins six hours away from home wasn’t the best plan, but it is what it is, and we’ll get home at some point today—or maybe tomorrow. If we were more prepared, we could’ve got a hotel for the night, or even stopped at my parents’, but we don’t have anything for them to sleep in, along with all the other stuff we’re going to need.

  “Lilly, we’re home,” I hear Lucas say quietly as the car engine shuts off. I drag my eyes open and immediately look behind me into the mirrors that allow me to see my babies. “They’re fine. Slept as soundly as you. Come on, let’s get them out of those seats.”

  Lucas insists on carrying them both and refuses to let me help with anything. The first few seconds of being left alone with both of them is daunting, even though Lucas has only gone back down to the car. I’m responsible for both of their lives, for everything they’re going to need. The thought freaks me out somewhat.

  “I’ve got a surprise for you,” Lucas announces when he reappears.


  “I’ve already given them a talking to about backing off if needed, because I don’t want you to be overwhelmed or smothered, but I thought you might want them here.”

  Excitement bubbles inside, because if he’s talking about who I think he is, then yes, I desperately want to see them and for them to meet Natalie and Nathan. I smile and nod at him to get a move on.

  When Lucas reopens the hotel room door, as expected, my mum and dad are stood there smiling with arms full of pink and blue gift bags.

  “Let me see my babies,” Mum demands after she’s given me a huge hug.

  “Thank you,” I mouth to Lucas.

  I look at my mum and dad cooing over our babies and my world feels complete. I have everything I’ve ever wanted, and it’s more than I could possibly imagine.



  In just a few days, my babies are going to be six months old. I have no idea where the time has gone.

  Mum and Dad stayed for a week after we got back to Devon with the twins. They loved spending time with us all, but they were soon on their way back to Oxford when they got the phone call from Ruben to tell them their next set of grandkids were on their way. Emma gave birth a long thirty-six hours later to a healthy baby girl and boy. They called them Alice and Harry, and they are almost as cute as our two.

  I finish up cleaning a mountain of bottles and put them in the steriliser before going to find out what’s going on. It’s suspiciously quiet upstairs, where Lucas should be getting Natalie and Nathan ready for bed.

  I walk through our ho
use and it makes me smile, like always. We moved in a few weeks ago, and I love it. I also love not being in a hotel. I insisted that we had to be in for the six-month mark, because I was not starting weaning in a hotel penthouse with no kitchen. It just wasn’t happening.

  I make my way upstairs and I stop in the doorway of the nursery. Lucas has his back to me. He’s got a baby in each arm as he sways from side to side singing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. My heart melts. This man, who was so freaked out about the idea of becoming a parent that he ran away, is the most incredible dad. He puts them both first in everything he does.

  As I stand and watch, I continue to fall deeper in love with him, just like I do every day.

  When I got that promotion to clean his suite back in Cheltenham just over a year ago, I never could have imagined that he would become not only the love of my life, but the father of my kids. It just shows that you really have no idea what life holds for you.

  I continue to stand there silently as Lucas puts each of them into their cots. Although he showed no sign of knowing he was being watched, he must have known because when he turns around, he has a smile on his face. The closer he gets to me, the darker his eyes get.

  “They’re out for the count. Let’s make the most of it.”

  I try to keep the surprised squeal in when he picks me up and throws me over his shoulder. We just get to the doorway to our bedroom when a loud knocking sounds from downstairs.

  “Leave it,” Lucas growls. “If it’s important, they can ring or come back.”

  “Okay,” I agree. But only seconds later, there’s more banging, along with my name being called.

  Lucas lets out a huge breath before turning us around and heading downstairs. I’m still over his shoulder and staring at his fine arse when he pulls the front door open.


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