The Laird's Future Bride

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The Laird's Future Bride Page 4

by Hazel Gower

  Magan nodded. “Fine, son. I will leave it down. Ye can go now. I’ve much to do to get yer bride ready.”

  Holly felt Duncan’s gaze on her before he turned and left the room, and she was alone with his mother.

  “I’ll have someone bring yer things in here. Do ye have any more clothes with ye?”

  Holly did have three more period dresses with her. She’d bought them off the internet for a great price, not much different from what it would have cost her for hired clothes. The person she’d bought them from sold them for renaissance fairs. “Yes I have three more dresses: a green one, a red one, and a gold and silver elaborate one.”

  Magan almost bounced with her excitement. She grabbed Holly’s hand and pulled her into the sitting room. “Come, we have a lot to do this morn.”

  Holly didn’t argue because she knew it wouldn’t get her anywhere. She would bide her time and try to enjoy what she could.

  Chapter Four

  Duncan hadn’t stopped since he left his chambers. He’d been organizing men to get everything ready for his wedding. He knew his mother would have given the women orders. His men had arrived back from a successful hunt, they’d found a boar. It wouldn’t be ready for the nooning meal, but it would be by the evening.

  Neither his mother nor Holly had left his chambers. Ian, the guard he’d had on the room all morn, had just switched with Mason. Ian told Duncan that nothing but giggles and his betrothed’s occasional protest could be heard from the room.

  Duncan now paced before the priest as he waited for his bride. She was late. He tried not to worry because he kenned with his mother and Mason she wouldn’t run, but that didn’t make it any better. Duncan wished his da could have been there, but the king wanted one of the MacLeods at his back as much as possible to keep him safe, so they complied.

  The chattering of his clan stopped, and he turned to see his mother hurry in. At the door on his brother’s arm stood an angel. Holly was in a gold fitted dress with white ribbons and embroidery. Her breasts looked like they just squeezed in. Her hair was out as he requested, except for a braid, twined with flowers, making a crown on her head. Holly’s face looked fresh, her eyes unfocused until they met his, as she slowly walked down the aisle to him.

  Growling at her slow pace, he met her halfway and took her from his brother. The clan laughed, but Duncan didn’t care what they thought. He held her hand, and together they walked to the priest.

  The priest started and droned on, but Duncan’s gaze never left his bride’s. She seemed captured by his stare and didn’t look anywhere but at him. Duncan didn’t hesitate when the priest asked him to repeat after him, but Holly wasn’t the same, she stuttered and didn’t repeat the “obey him” part. As soon as Holly said, “I do,” Duncan bent to kiss her. He didn’t wait for the priest to announce them and tell him he could kiss his bride; instead, he leaned down and took what was now his.

  Holly couldn’t believe she was married on Valentine’s Day, and to a Scottish laird at that. She sat at the top table next to Duncan and stared out at the many unknown faces. Duncan still held her hand. He hadn’t let go of it since he’d met her down the aisle of the chapel. The celebration was in full swing. Everyone was drinking, eating, and laughing. She looked around for Duncan’s brother, Callam, finding him at the end of the table studying her. When her eyes met his, he turned away.

  Callam had been a surprise. He’d come to take her to the church, and she’d gotten her first good look at him. Holly hadn’t known he was Duncan’s brother. Callam had blond hair like Magan’s, and wasn’t as big or tall as Duncan. The thing that got Holly was that Callam had the face of a model, or what she imagined an angel or Greek god would look like. He had blue eyes like Duncan’s, emphasized by his blond, shoulder-length hair. His lips were full and his chin was chiseled. Holly found it hard not to stare at him, but he wasn’t the one that made her heart flip or her stomach flutter. He didn’t do anything for her when he touched her.

  Music started, and Callam turned, catching Holly’s gaze again. She felt heat creep up her neck at being caught staring. Holly closed her eyes and turned back to the people before her.

  “Dance with me, wife,” Duncan’s gruff voice startled Holly before he pulled her up and had her stumbling into his body.

  The instant Holly’s body touched him, her stomach fluttered and her heart seemed to beat almost out of her chest. Holly stared up into hard steel-blue eyes. Duncan’s face looked like it was set in stone. His jaw was tight, and his muscles looked tense. Had she done something wrong? Was he regretting marrying her already?

  “Okay. I don’t know the dances though.”

  “Ye’ll learn as we go.” He dragged her out to the floor.

  Hours later Holly was having a ball. Duncan was a good teacher, and she was surprised at how patient he was with her. She’d picked up the dances quickly. People had shown her and she’d copied. They’d just finished eating dinner. The music and dancing had started back up again, and by now Holly had most of them down pat.

  Callam came over and bowed. “I would love to dance with ye now I ken ye won’t step on me toes.” Callam took her hand, and she giggled as he made elaborate gestures and changed the dance, refusing to swap her for another partner. They were acting silly and Holly was happy and having so much fun. It wasn’t until Duncan’s scowling face stood in his place that she realized she’d done something wrong. He dragged her away from the party and up the stairs to his rooms in silence.

  Duncan let her go to slam shut the sitting room door. He walked her to his bedroom and locked that door. Holly gulped as he advanced on her with his menacing glare. She felt like prey being stalked by the big bad wolf.

  Holly felt the bed against her legs and Duncan towered over her. “Ye are mine.”

  Duncan’s lips captured hers, and she felt his hands snake around her back and undo her dress. He pulled the dress down until it pooled at her feet. His lips left hers. “I like this ‘bra’ and ‘underwear.’” He fingered her lacy bra and j-string before he pulled them off.

  His mouth made its way down her body with gentle kisses. He slipped her shoes off and laid her on the bed. Duncan stood and undid his clothes, and before Holly had a chance to move, he covered her body with his naked one.

  “Ye are me wife. I dinna share. I will nay let anyone else ever touch ye.”

  Holly furrowed her brows and wondered at Duncan’s strange wording. She didn’t have much time to ponder as Duncan’s mouth took hers again, and his hands skimmed over her body. Her body started tingling, and a burning need built within her. His tongue slipped past her lips and met her own.

  She was doing this. She was going to lose her virginity. Holly slowly brought her hands up to run across Duncan’s broad chest. His muscles bunched and he pulled from her mouth on a growl.

  “If ye do that, it will be over before we even get started. I canna think when ye touch me.” He held her hand above her head in his meaty hands. Duncan took her mouth again with a fierceness that consumed her. His fingers trailed down her arm and over her body, pausing to caress her breasts. Holly arched into his touch.

  She knew her orgasm would be big. Nothing like what she gave herself. When Duncan’s callused fingers slid between her folds, she moaned and moved closer to him. He played with her clit and pumped a finger in and out of her pussy until she was ready to explode.

  “Please…Duncan. I need to come. I need to—” Duncan’s fingers left her, and she groaned, desperate for release. She felt the head of his cock at her entrance. The smooth round surface rubbed her pussy lips before his mouth found hers and he kissed her as he pushed home. Holly screamed into his mouth and grabbed him hard.

  “I’m sorry, Holly.” The use of her name had her staring at him and forgetting the pain.

  “You do know how to use my name. You didn’t call me lass.”

  Duncan brushed his lips over hers. “Aye. I have said yer name before.”

  “Only once when I told you it, since
then I haven’t heard anyone use it.”

  “I'll nay call ye lass now. Ye are me angel.”

  The stinging pain from Duncan taking her virginity had gone. She stared up at him, his face looked contorted in pain. She looked down his body to see his muscles straining. Reaching up, she touched his tense jaw. “Are you okay? You look like you’re in pain.” Holly wriggled to see if that made it worse or better.

  Duncan moaned, “Can I move now?”

  Holly moved around to test first and nodded. “Yes.” The tingling burning need was flooding back. She gripped him to her, needing an anchor.

  Duncan moved within her at an easy pace at first. His head came to rest in the crook of her neck. He started nibbling at her shoulder and moved up and back down. The nips sent jolts straight to her pussy. Holly didn’t know where to focus her attention. Her body felt like it was burning up.

  Holly reached for the release she knew was close. Duncan’s thrusts were speeding up and getting harder and deeper. She held on tight, not wanting to fall by herself. Her fingers trailed down his back, and she sighed as she rested them on his tight arse, which squeezed tight with each push into her. That was what undid her, the feel of his straining perfect round globes. Holly let herself fall, gripped his butt cheeks and let oblivion take her. “Duncan,” she yelled, as wave after wave of bliss washed through her. She felt her muscles contract, tightening on him.

  “Shite. God’s teeth.” Duncan drove into her one last time and stilled. “Holly,” he howled as he emptied into her, holding her tight before he collapsed on top of her. Duncan’s fingers came up, and he caressed her check. “I am never letting ye go.” He traced her lips before he took them with his own.

  Slowly Duncan eased off her. He sat up and reached the cloth on the bedside table. Holly’s cheeks burned with embarrassment as he cleaned between her legs, put the cloth in the bucket of water, then lay back down and pulled her on top of him. She laid there and listened to his heartbeat until she closed her eyes and let sleep take her.

  Duncan had woken his wife twice more in the night. The third time, he felt like a bastard when she winced as he entered her, but he couldn’t get enough of her. When he had originally brought her up last night, he was angry and frustrated. Duncan was ready to kill his brother. It started when he noticed his brother staring at his wife. What angered him was that when he looked at his wife she was staring right back at his brother. He’d asked Holly to dance to get her away from his brother, but a couple of hours later his brother was dancing with her, and she was giggling and laughing with Callam.

  He’d been so furious and full of jealousy that he’d grabbed Holly and had taken her to their chambers. He was going to show her whom she belonged to, but as soon as his body touched hers and she was naked, all he wanted was to be with her. How could such a small being have such power over him when he’d kenned her for so little time.

  He ran his hands up and down her back, and she moaned, “Nooo. I can’t do it again. I can’t move. I’m moosh. Leave me be.”

  Duncan couldn’t help his chuckle. “Nay more, lass. I’ll give ye a rest.”

  “Mmm,” she mumbled as she snuggled into his chest.

  Duncan kenned he needed to get up and work, but he was reluctant to leave Holly’s embrace. He was surprised a servant hadn’t already come knocking on his door to come in and clean, but reckoned his mother likely had something to do with that.

  The sun shone through the cloth across the window. Today would be a good day to do things that couldn’t be done in the rain. Sighing, he carefully slid out from under Holly and got out of bed, washed his face, relieved himself, and got dressed. He turned back to the bed one last time and watched Holly, her long raven-black hair spread on the bed and around her. Her lips were slightly parted and she held the blankets to her. Tearing his gaze from the sight before him, he turned and left his chambers, closing the door carefully so as not to wake her.

  Walking down the stairs, he saw the hall was busy with his men breaking their fast later than they all usually did. Duncan suspected they’d celebrated hard last night. Everyone had thought he would never marry. He had surprised them when he married without waiting for King James to choose someone for him.

  He sat at the head table and a serving woman came over to him almost straightaway with a plate of food and another with a jug and poured his drink. His mother came over to him, wearing a huge grin.

  “I see ye’re finally up, son.”

  Chewing on the bread, he swallowed. “I am. I thank ye for nay opening the doors and disturbing us. I would ask ye to leave Holly to sleep a wee while longer.”

  His mother nodded. “I ken she’s been through a lot in the last couple of days. I’ll let her sleep.”

  Downing his drink, he shoved the last of his food into his mouth. “I thank ye. When she does awake, could ye show her around the keep?”

  “Of course. Dinna worry about her. I’ll look after her.”

  Leaning over, he kissed his mother’s cheek, then he stood and strode out of the hall. Today was a fine day indeed.

  Holly awoke to an empty bed. Her body ached all over, but the most tender part was between her legs. She didn’t know how long she laid there, not believing everything that had happened to her, but it must have been some time, the sun she could see peeking through the cloth of the window looked high in the sky.

  She was married to a highland laird in the fifteen hundreds. She’d lost her virginity to a man she hardly knew. Last night had been wonderful, like a dream. When the pain had gone, Holly had enjoyed making love. The second time had been better than the first. Duncan had been gentler with her, seeming more in control. By the third time she was sore, but it still felt amazing. Holly was happy she’d waited. Even if she didn’t know Duncan, he’d made it memorable.

  Slowly, she sat up and looked around the room. The fire was out, and the window had the cloth over it. She saw her clothes from last night on the floor, and her suitcase sat open on the chair by the fireplace.

  Easing out of bed, she winced as her body protested the move. She got a clean cloth from the bowl of water on the bedside table and cleaned herself as best she could. She took the green dress and underwear out of her case and tried to put it on, cursing when the stupid period dress wouldn’t do up without help. Getting organized as much as possible, she then opened the bedroom door and was surprised to see Magan sitting on a chair with needlework in her hand. The sun shone through the open window.

  Magan put her needlework on the chair as she stood. “Good, ye’re up. How are ye feeling?” Magan studied her carefully, and Holly could feel the heat creeping up her cheeks.

  “I’m fine. Well, a tad bit sore, but good. Do you know when Duncan left?”

  “Ye have been in bed most of the day. It’s time for the nooning meal. Duncan was late to get up, but he’s been up for hours. He asked me not to disturb ye.”

  “Oh.” Holly bit her lip, unsure what to do. “I’m sorry if I have stalled any of your plans for the day.”

  “Nay, ye have nay. I haven’t been up here long. I thought I would show ye around the keep.”

  “That would be nice, thanks. Um, could you help me with my dress first, please?”

  Magan smiled and walked to her. “Sure, lass. Come, we’ll fix yer hair too. It’s verra long.”

  Holly wrapped her fingers around a strand of her hair. “I should cut it, but ever since I was a little girl I have wanted to be like Rapunzel. I love the idea of the long hair and the prince using it to climb up and save me. My parents loved my hair too. One of my best memories is of my mum brushing and playing with my hair as she told me fairy tales. They always said it would be a shame to cut it off.”

  “It would be a shame to cut it. It’s beautiful.” Magan did her dress up and brushed Holly’s hair and braided it, then opened a drawer in the table and got out green ribbons to tie into her hair. “There, we are done. Ye are now ready to go see the keep. First, we will go break yer fast. The nooning me
al should be ready.” Magan held her hand and together they walked out of the rooms and down the stairs.

  The large eating area had only a few people scattered about when they entered. Magan took her to sit at the head table. A serving woman brought a plate with bread, cheeses, and grapes, placing it in front of her, along with a goblet. Feeling parched, Holly took a large sip only to sputter at the taste of sweet wine.

  “That is wine.”

  “Aye,” Magan said beside her. “Does it nay taste right? Ye drank it last night.” Holly watched as Magan took a sip from her goblet. “It tastes the same as mine.”

  “It is a little early for wine. Can I have water, please? I didn’t drink much last night, and I am thirsty.” Holly had been too nervous to drink too much yesterday. She hadn’t noticed that what she did have had been wine.

  Magan looked shocked for a moment before she nodded. “Yes. Is there something else?”

  “A glass of milk would be nice.”

  “Are ye sure ye want milk?”

  “Yes, please, if you have any.”

  Magan nodded and called a serving woman over. “Get me a goblet of milk.”

  The woman’s eyes widened, and she seemed too surprised to take the goblet straight away. “I can have water if milk is too much of a hassle to get,” Holly said.

  The woman’s gaze snapped to hers, and she looked Holly up and down before she nodded. “I’ll get ye some milk, Mistress.” With that, she scurried off.

  Holly turned to Magan. “Have I done something wrong?”

  “Nay. It’s just that only bairns drink milk.

  “Oh, well, I’m not a big drinker. I don’t want to get drunk.”

  “That’s fine, lass. They should just put it down to ye being English and strange.”

  Holly didn’t comment as the serving woman came back with the goblet of milk. Holly ate and drank in silence, hoping she wouldn’t do or say anything to mess up again.

  The castle and the grounds around it were stunning. Holly had never seen anything so beautiful. After she and Magan finished their meal, Magan had taken her to the kitchen and introduced her to all the kitchen staff. Then Magan had introduced her to the other staff who cleaned the castle. There were so many names for Holly to remember that she thought it would take weeks for her to learn all the faces and names.


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