A Dangerous Love 3: Undeniable Desires

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A Dangerous Love 3: Undeniable Desires Page 1

by J Peach

  A Dangerous Love 3

  Undeniable Desires

  Lock Down Publications


  A Dangerous Love 3

  Undeniable Desires

  A Novel by J Peach

  Copyright 2014 by J Peach A Dangerous Love 3

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems without permission in writing from the publisher, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages in review.

  First Edition December 2014

  Printed in the United States of America

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any similarity to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  Lock Down Publications

  Email: [email protected]

  Facebook: Peach Johnson

  Cover design and layout by: Dynasty’s Cover Me

  Book interior design by: Shawn Walker

  Edited by: Epic Kreationz


  As I stated many times before, this drive I have to keep writing wouldn’t exist if it wasn’t for my two babies, Da’Jah & Da’Vion. Mommy LOVES you both so much!

  I want to thank everyone who has supported me from day one when it was just Him. Thank you for sticking with me. Even though a lot of you didn’t agree with the decision to break Him into a series, I had no choice, but you all still stuck with me. Thank you all so very much. Words could not begin to explain my gratitude for your constant support. Thank You! Thank You!

  To my publisher, Cash. Thanks for your patience with me. I know I can be irritating when it comes to my work. Thanks for being my venting ear when I need it. You’re a great publisher and friend.

  AGAIN, I want to thank EVERYONE who has supported me on my writing journey. NEW & OLD readers I LOVE Y’ALL!!

  Chapter 1


  “Bitch, you ain’t special, yo ass ain’t shit but a quick nut. Another piece of pussy that’s all yo’ ass gon’ ever be to me… You just like every other dumb bitch I fuck. Desperate and thirsty for a nigga to lie you that good shit then fuck you like he mean it.”

  Blaze’s words were on constant repeat in my head. The pain they caused as they continuously played had me wanting to break down and cry. A part of me wanted to think that Blaze was different, hoped he was. But that night proved to me he wasn’t. I felt so stupid for the simple fact that I fell for him hard and so quick.

  Not only was the situation fuck’d up, but the next morning my building manger was at my door. With the constant complaints about the loud noise coming from my apartment, they wanted me out immediately. I had a thirty day time frame. There were a lot of older people in my building so I couldn’t fault them for complaining, it was just stressful. With so much happening at once, that week alone was terrible and I wanted it to be over with.

  “Peach, don’t sweat it sweetie—” Ebony began to insist until Angel cut her off.

  “Bitch, what the fuck you mean don’t sweat it? This ain’t you and King shit. The fuck? After she saved his triflin’ black ass he says that shit to her, hurtful shit at that, and you’re telling her not to fuckin’ sweat it? Really, E? And on top of that bullshit, she’s getting put out of her place because of him. Fuck that. Man we ‘bout to body his mothafuckin’ ass, real shit. Where the fuck this nigga breed from? I would’ve cut that bitch if I was you. I’m pissed the fuck off,” Angel blurted, hostile as she thrust her plate away from her.

  I was with her. Pissed off, but at myself. I knew the type of guy he was. And still, I allowed myself to fall for Blaze. A damn hood. Something I never wanted to do.

  “I know that, bitch. I wasn’t even talking about Blaze’s ass, I was referring to her not sweating looking for a place. With King’s Real Estate Company he can easily find her a house.” Ebony glared at Angel before her eyes rolled hard into her head.

  “I don’t know, Angel, that mothafucka crazy. He’ll probably kill all our asses for trying to kill him if we fail. What her ass needs to do is get a restraining order on that mothafucka, or at least tell King’s ass and stop playing,” Missy chimed in.

  I hadn’t told King about what happened because it wouldn’t end well for either of them. They would both end up killing themselves while trying to kill each other. I honestly didn’t have the time for that stupid shit, I needed my brother more than any hate I felt for Blaze.

  “What her ass—”Angel began to say.

  “Like damn, I’m right fuckin’ here. I didn’t tell y’all asses to meet me here to nag and bitch about what I need to do. Let’s just forget about it, okay? I have too much shit on my mind to continue hearing about Blaze. He ain’t even worth it no more. What I need to do is start looking for another apartment, a new job, and start packing for this damn three day training out in Muncie.

  “Blaze is the last person on my mind right now. I have no fuckin’ job no more, no apartment, nothing. And y’all really wanna sit here bitchin’ about Blaze. What the fuck?” Snatching up my purse, I took out my wallet and tossed a twenty on the table before walking out.

  I knew I shouldn’t have snapped at them, they were only trying to look out for me. Constantly hearing Blaze’s name, though, was literally making my blood boil for the simple fact that all of the shit was happening because of him.

  Teyo had let it slide about me missing work the other day, but Blaze had the nerve to come up to my job and act a fuckin’ fool because I stopped answering his calls. After that night, I added him to my block list and I no longer stayed at my apartment since the building manager informed me that I had to move. I was back and forth from my friends to King’s house. Blaze couldn’t find me at my apartment anymore.

  I ran into him yesterday morning. I wasn’t trying talk to him because he was on that bullshit and I had to be at work. I ended up leaving him in front of King’s house. Of course he didn’t like that, so he brought his good dumbass to my job and acted a whole ass fool. The way he flipped out on me, you’d think it had been longer than the single day I had actually avoided him.

  I was literally in the room with a patient when he came in, dragged me out and into another room, closing and locking us in. I could see if he pulled me in the room to apologize for the shit he said, but nope, nothing like that. He thought I would have forgotten that shit and opened up for his ass. Hell n’all, I was way better than that. I deserved better and respected myself too much to lower myself to him after the shit he said to me.

  Blaze, not liking the fact that I wouldn’t have sex with him, blew the fuck up. Dane came in, hearing the commotion, and Blaze bucked at his ass, telling him he ain’t have shit to do with it.

  I was so grateful that Dane didn’t just stand around like everyone else. The mothafuckin’ slaps Blaze was throwing had a bitch feeling faint and it was all because I wouldn’t fuck him. That mothafucka was crazy. I’d met plenty of thug niggas, but Blaze’s ass was a new type of hood. He lived that shit like no other. It was no way he should’ve been that mad because I said I was done fuckin’ with him. Who could really blame me?

  Even though I was thankful for Dane, I didn’t want his blood on my hands, and when Blaze rocked his ass and pulled his gun, I agreed to go to his house later to talk. That was last night. I didn’t show and I was kind of spooked. Not in a scared manner, but in an ‘I don’t know what to expect’ kind of way.

  After I agreed, Blaze left and Teyo sent me home. Then Teyo called to tell me I could come get my check. He told me he’d pay me for the rest of the we
ek and the one after, but I was fired. He knew I wanted that fuckin’ job.

  “Peaches, hold up,” Kimmy called out to me as she speed walked to catch up.

  Stopping, I looked over at her. “What, Kim?”

  Her eyes rolled up as she came to a stop in front of me. “You know they meant no harm by what they were sayin’. You can’t really blame us, Peach. You’re our sister and he hurt you. We’re pissed, especially after what you did for him. I wanna get Lucky out for his ass— I’m sorry. We’ll stop talking about him, I promise. We just think you should do something, you can’t just let him ruin your life, Peach. He done already made you lose your job and you’re getting evicted. Why? Blaze…”

  Letting out a heavy sigh, I ran a hand through my hair. I just wanted to cry because I knew what they were saying was true.

  “It wasn’t just him, though, but I’ll figure something out. I just can’t right now.” Blaze was to blame, but so was I. It was just as much my fault, especially when it came to my job. I allowed myself to miss those days, it was just everything building up at once.

  “Do you love him?” Kimmy’s head tilted sideways, her eyes slanted as she studied me.

  I couldn’t lie to my best friend, she’d see right through my bullshit. I shook my head no because I wanted it to be true.

  “I don’t know, Kimmy. I don’t want to think about it, or him, okay. So can we please let it go for now?”

  I had fallen hard for him those past few months and even with him being a complete psycho a lot of the time, he wasn’t always like that. We laughed, joked, and played a lot. We may have fought, but what we had was more than that. If anything, the fighting only added to the tension. It made our relationship, in some crazy way, exciting.

  Blaze was a drug I quickly became addicted to. Those past couple of days had simply been hell. My body had been going through the worst stage of detox yet. If that was love, I didn’t want it. I simply hated it.

  “We won’t talk about that gremlin, I promise.” She held up three fingers as if to say scouts honor.

  I laughed while shaking my head as Kimmy took my hand and walked me back inside to the table.

  “I’m sorry, Peach. You’re my bitch, I just think you deserve better.” Angel picked up the twenty I’d put on the table and reached it out to me. “Na, bitch, take this. Yo broke ass know you can’t afford a damn twenty dollar tip no mo.” I loved my bitches.

  “Fuck you, bitch. That was so mean.” I laughed, giving her shove. “And, bitch, that wasn’t a tip, it was for my food. I wasn’t leaving a tip for all you bitches. I can’t afford that,” I told them.

  “Bitch, yo ass can’t afford a twenty dollar meal, the fuck.” Picking up a fry from Ebony’s plate, I threw it at Angel.

  “I hate you.” We laughed until Missy jumped in.

  “Wait, where the hell were you storming off to? Didn’t one of us bring yo ass here?” She asked, and that seemed to make them start laughing again.

  “Right, I brought yo ass here,” Kimmy said, laughing.

  “Fuck y’all! Don’t talk to me no mo.” I loved my friends for that reason right there.

  “I got a question. Why the hell you wait until now to get your window fixed?” Ebony asked.

  “After that stuff happened at your place, I called to make a police report about somebody breaking into my car. I reported my gun stolen, I don’t want shit coming back to me. That damn gun is registered in my name. I’m just being safe.” True, I didn’t want anything coming back to me, which I doubted it would. King had stripped the gun and cleaned it before getting rid of it.

  It had only been a couple days since I shot ol’ dude. Even so, I let what I did go. I wasn’t heartless, far from it, but I couldn’t dwell on something I couldn’t change. I had a decision to make, either let the man I had fallen hard for die or save him. I wouldn’t change the choice I made. I’d do it over again if I had to, so why stress on something if I didn’t wish for a different outcome?

  “I…What?” I asked them as they stared at something behind me. I was just hoping it wasn’t Blaze and some bitch. Turning around, my eyes locked with the man I met with Blaze once. “Y’all stop staring, damn, before he takes that as an invitation to come over.” I snapped at them, causing their eyes to fall on me.

  “That’s a sexy piece of chocolate and he’s burning a hole in yo head,” Missy whispered, smiling over my shoulder.

  “Bitch, don’t you like girls?” I laughed at the glare she gave me before rolling her eyes.

  “Don’t play me. It’s only Mya, so I can admire a sexy man like that when I wanna,” Missy stated with a roll of her eyes.

  “Well, stop looking. He’s weird as fuck,” I told them, referring to the time I met him and he just kept staring at me.

  “You know him?” Kimmy asked, still looking.

  Just make it obvious that we’re talking about him.

  “No, I saw him when I was with Blaze once. His name is Marcus or Mike, something like that,” I told her and she smiled, making me groan. Nothing good ever came from that damn smile.

  “Well something like that is on his way over here.” Just as she said that my phone started ringing and I silently thanked God for the call.

  “This King, I’ll be back.” Getting out of my seat without a glance back, I walked out of the restaurant. I answered my phone. “What do you want, Ha’Keem?” I said, calling him by his first name.

  “Who the fuck is Ha'Keem?”

  The voice that spoke had me pulling the phone away from my ear. I looked at the screen, sure enough it read King, but it wasn’t my brother.

  “Why do you have King’s phone? You know what? Don’t answer that. Blaze, please stop calling me. I said I was done and I meant that. Go fuck with the many bitches you got and leave me the fuck alone,” I said, about to hang up.

  “Peaches, why yo ass wanna play with me? You still mad about that shit? Damn, baby girl, let that go. I done told yo ass ain’t shit done ‘til I say so—”

  “Bye, Blaze.” I wasn’t about to argue with him. It was too tiresome. I hung up the phone with a heavy sigh and a shake of my head. Leaning over the rails in front of End Zone Bar & Grill, I got mad as that ache started in the pit of my stomach, which caused my body to jitter. “Stupid mothafucka, I swear,” I said out loud as my phone started ringing again.

  “Lovers spat?” A deep masculine voice came from behind me.

  Looking over my shoulder, it was him.

  “There would need to be a lover in order for a spat to take place,” I told him and was rewarded with a sexy smile.

  “That’s good to know. It’s Peaches, right?” He asked, holding out his hand. Taking it, I shook it.

  “Right, and you are Marcus… Mike,” I said stretching the names as he shook his head no.

  “Mark. I’m kinda hurt you don’t remember my name, Peaches.” He said my name as if to make a point.

  A small laugh left my mouth. “Well, we weren’t formally introduced so…” I shrugged, leaving it at that.

  “True. I’ll let you pass this time. So where lover boy at?” He asked.

  “I don’t know who you’re talkin’ ‘bout and I’ma need that back,” I stated, pointing to the hand he still held in his.

  “Blaze. Last time I saw him, he was ready to fight a nigga for looking.” He laughed, still holding on to my hand.

  That had my brows rising. “Knowing that, what do you think he’ll do when he finds out you’re actually talking to me as well as holding my hand hostage?” I tugged my hand from his, then rubbed it against my jeans as it began to sweat.

  “When dealing with a woman as beautiful as you, I’ll take my chances,” he flirted with a peek-a-boo smile that showed a little teeth.

  That had me laughing as well as rolling my eyes. “A hood with a sharp tongue, damn. Never good,” I stated, causing him to give me a funny, but cute look.

  “A hood? I don’t know what that is, but I don’t think I like the sound of it. I’m no thug
. All my shit is legit, not that I can say the same about yo boyfriend, though.” He was lying, but he had a point about Blaze.

  “He’s not my boyfriend. He was just an in a moment type of thing, nothing more or less. It was nice seeing you again.” I went to walk around him, but he stepped in my way. “For real?” I laughed slightly.

  “How about I buy you something to eat and you can tell me what I said wrong?” He offered, his smile still intact.

  “You said nothing wrong and I already ate. So if you’ll excuse me.” Moving to the side, he once again stepped in my way. For some reason a stupid smile formed on my lips.

  “If that smile is to indicate anything, I don’t think you want me to leave you alone,” he replied, smiling just as I was.

  “No, this smile is a signal. I’m telling my girls, who’re looking in the window, to help me because you’re crazy.” I nodded toward the window. When he turned to look, I quickly ducked around him to the door.

  “Oh, so this how we playing it?” He asked and I turned away from the door to look at him.

  “I didn’t know we were playing a game.” As I said that he took a step toward me.

  “Can I take you to dinner?” Mark offered once more.

  Shaking my head no, I backed away from him. I wasn’t looking to go to dinner with anyone. Especially not with Blaze’s crazy ass still around.

  “Look um… Mark, you seem—”

  “Fo’real? You about to give me that ‘you seem like a nice guy but I just got out of yeah, yeah, yeah’ blow off? Really? Damn. Look sweetheart, I ain’t asking to be yo man, just a friend is all.” He insisted as his hand pressed against his chest, trying to seem sincere.

  “Hmm, okay, Mark. After this friendly dinner, how long is it gon’ be until you’re expecting to fuck?” I asked straight up.

  He laughed before looking me over. “Shid, to be honest, the first.”

  I laughed, like actually laughed, because he looked so serious which he probably was. But still, it was just something I couldn't put my finger on.


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