The Darkness: The Conglomerate Trilogy (Volume 2)

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The Darkness: The Conglomerate Trilogy (Volume 2) Page 4

by William S Frisbee Jr

  "With the Commander's permission, I can upload the helmet cam footage to your system," Musashi said.

  Luke shrugged, hoping there had been nothing embarrassing.

  "Thank you," Bruce said. "That sounds interesting."

  Bruce opened a link and Musashi sent the data.

  "Was it your plan to ram the Ultio up that juggernaut's tail pipe when you came out at the end?" Bruce asked.

  Luke nodded. "Do you think there would have been another way to stop it?"

  Bruce chuckled. "No, but it took a lot of guts to try it. I'm glad you did, and so are a lot of people on New Alamo and Athena."

  "How did the New Alamo get here?" Luke asked.

  "The Topa moved it," Bruce said. "I'm told at the request of Prime Minister Harrison."

  "They just moved it?" Luke said staring at Bruce. "Just like that?"

  "I understand that the Prime Minister made some promises to the Topa, some kind of agreements, and then yea, the Topa just moved it, docked ships and everything. New Alamo arrived shortly before Athena did. We had only been in system for about three hours when Athena showed up, broadcasting a mayday and screaming for help."

  "How did the Topa do it?" Luke asked.

  "Some over-sized Topa ship, about the size of a small moon, shows up and opened a direct wormhole for New Alamo and then we slid through it, just like when we came from Sol the first time," Bruce said and shrugged. "Makes you wonder why they worry about some barbaric monkeys from Sol when they have those kinds of resources to crush us with."

  "The people of Bizzen don't have the technology to crush us," Luke said and Bruce shrugged.

  "Haven't been to Bizzen yet," Bruce said. "Anything worthwhile?"

  "Not now," Luke said as he glanced toward Leonessa. "Wasn't there for site seeing."

  Luke looked at Leonessa. Her face was grim and Luke imagined she was thinking of her crew. Her crew had been flesh and blood, not droids. Reaching out he squeezed her hand. Her eyes met his, and he nodded, hoping she remembered their conversation in the hallway of the Ultio. He had nothing to offer her now, no reason for her to stay and he knew Athena would call her back to duty and away from him. There wasn't a damn thing he could do about it either, unless he migrated to Athena, but even then, he would be assigned to a different ship or stuck in the bowels of a Jupiter Alliance intelligence office doing reports.

  "It happens," Luke said feeling the tension in her hand, seeing the stiffness in her shoulders. "I won't tell you to get over it because it isn't that easy. I can tell you that every day the pain will be less, maybe a little, maybe a lot, but it will decrease."

  "Thank you," Leonessa said.

  "Consider this," Bruce said picking up what was going on. "Every single one of your crew mates knew they might lose their life. It was a choice they made, knowing full well that nobody, especially their leaders, or followers, were perfect."

  Leonessa nodded, but she didn't meet Luke's eyes.

  "Commander Kishi is right," Bruce said leaning back. "Every day the pain will become less. You might not know it at first, maybe for the first week, or month, but it is true. You aren't alone."

  Leonessa nodded.

  "Do you have family? A husband on Athena?" Luke asked, dreading an answer to the second question. She didn't have a ring on but that meant little these days.

  "My mother," she said. "There is nobody else. I got a message from my mother a few hours ago. She is okay."

  Luke nodded, relieved. He stared at her wondering how he could remain close to her. Was she Elena? Really? How could he know for sure? Did Topa Suresh? Is that why he called her his Soma? Did it matter?

  As the shuttle came to dock Bruce smiled. His eyes were unfocused, and he was likely watching a screen on his InnerBuddy.

  The engine stopped and the droid pilot authorized debarkation. There was another noise that Luke began to hear, almost an engine noise but it didn't sound like a healthy engine. Maybe battle damage? An air exchanger getting ready to fail? He hadn't thought to ask if New Alamo had sustained damage and felt guilty for his lack of concern.

  Bruce opened the hatch and stepped back so Luke could exit first. That is when Luke realized it was cheering, there was a sinking sensation as he realized why they were cheering.

  "Shit," Luke said, his feet frozen.

  "Move it meat sack or I will push you," Musashi transmitted with an evil grin plastered on his face. He and Bruce had probably been tapped into the external view of the shuttle through their InnerBuddies and had known what would happen.

  Luke glanced at Musashi, aware the droid would not hesitate. Without any choice, he put one foot in front of the other. It was an active effort. Maybe they were cheering about something else. Bruce's grin told him otherwise and Luke wanted to sit back down until they went away.

  Filling the landing bay were thousands of people. No other shuttles were in sight, and there was an honor guard already lined up at present arms. The soldiers of the honor guard were NADF commandos in full dress uniform, and Luke stared at them for a second. What a waste. They weren't trained for a dog and pony show, they were warriors, trained to fight and kill, and Luke wondered how many Brita knew. They were combat troops, not spit and polish pretty boys trained for a parade. Luke tried to remove the scowl from his face. Prime Minister Harrison had once read him the riot act about that. Heroes don't scowl, it gave the wrong impression, and he was supposed to act like a hero. Or so the Admiral always told him, threatening to send him in front of crowds until he got it right.

  A wide red strip on the floor led to a platform with a podium crammed full of people. Prime Minister Harrison and several other, probably important, people were there. Most likely the entire New Alamo council, none of which Luke knew or cared to know. Then Luke noticed there were also shorter, furry, Caleet and some officers in orange and brown Athenian uniforms. It looked crowded on that dais and Luke wondered if there was still time to turn around and return to the shuttle. Unfortunately, Musashi was there, right behind him blocking his escape.

  When Luke look stepped into the hatchway and more people saw him, the crowd cheered louder, Luke could feel his face turn red as he forced a smile and waved. The war against the Caliphate was just beginning; people here should prepare, not celebrate. There had to be more important things to do. Over the loud speakers the unofficial anthem of New Alamo played "Texas, Our Texas". Luke had never thought it appropriate. Texas was on Earth and that was not a place he ever wanted to return to.

  Standing at the top of the steps, Luke saluted the New Alamo emblem which was displayed to the right and then started down the steps as people yelled and screamed, the tempo rising. Luke couldn't make out their words but they looked happy. Musashi followed behind Luke and behind him would be Leonessa. Various drones zipped around near the ceiling recording everything, waiting for Luke to slip up and embarrass himself so it could be plastered on the New Alamo social networks.

  Approaching the platform, Luke nodded at the honor guard and mouthed thank you as he passed them, making a note to shake the hand of their officer in command, Major Brance. Maybe it was his imagination, but they seemed to stand taller as he passed them.

  Luke reached the platform and Prime Minister Harrison came down the steps to meet him, beating all the others. He was wearing his dress whites, his admiral stars gleaming, so it would Admiral Mark Harrison today instead of Prime Minister Mark Harrison. He made the NADF officer uniform look good though. Very distinguished and appropriate but Luke was still wearing his battered armor. The music faded away.

  "Great job Commander Kishi," the Admiral said, his voice amplified so others could hear. "That is twice you have saved New Alamo."

  "Thank you, Admiral," Luke said, not sure what else he could say, or if there was anything he could say to get him away from this circus faster.

  "This is Admiral Wyatt," Harrison said, introducing an Athenian officer. Admiral Wyatt was a short, thin hawk like man with blue aggressive eyes that seemed to take in eve

  "An honor to meet you Admiral," Luke said, wondering if one admiral outranked the other, then realizing he didn't care.

  "An honor Commander Kishi, really," Wyatt said shaking Luke's hand. He turned to Leonessa who had followed Luke.

  "This is Chief Executive Allison Perro," Harrison said motioning toward a short stocky woman with jet black hair and vibrant, aggressive eyes. Her handshake was firm but her smile looked forced. She said nothing, just nodded like she had a lot on her mind.

  "Welcome back Lieutenant," Wyatt said to Leonessa. "I have heard about some of your exploits and I am very impressed. Now Athena has another hero."

  Luke watched as Leonessa hesitated with the Athenian Admiral. Luke wondered if they knew each other, or if Wyatt was just a mythical figure for her. Some high-ranking officer that was only seen and never talked to.

  "Thank you, sir," she said, sounding almost shy. Not the Leonessa that Luke was familiar with at all.

  Ensign Carmichael was even worse and stammered when she met the Admiral.

  Brita seemed at home and comfortable with all the high-ranking officers, enjoying all the attention, even when it wasn't focused on her. What it would take to intimidate her in a social setting?

  Off on the side lines Luke saw Amanda and Jeremy smiling at him. Jeremy gave him a thumbs up, and then Luke saw Colonel Gray, standing nearby. He was no longer in armor and he looked fresh but his face was emotionless. Luke wondered if he had been involved in the fighting but knew Gray's skin was self-healing and this long after a battle he wouldn't be showing any damage. Luke walked over to him and shook his hand.

  "Good job Colonel," Luke said grasping Gray's hand in both of his own.

  "Thank you, sir," Gray replied with a sad smile. Luke realized that even Gray must feel the loss as he glanced back at the other diplomats and officers, some of which were staring at him as if he were crazy. Talking to a droid? Treating it as if it was human? Luke didn't care as he let go of Gray's hand and shook Jeremy's and Amanda's hand before he went back to the circus, standing there waiting for him.

  He hoped he wouldn't have to give any speeches. Admiral Harrison recapped Luke's exploits making Luke sound like a super hero, and then turned the microphone over to Luke. Damn.

  "Thank you all," Luke said and glanced at Admiral Harrison. "It is good to be back."

  Luke stepped back and Admiral Wyatt stepped forward. Admiral Harrison was scowling at Luke as Admiral Wyatt talked about Leonessa and how she had led the survivors against impossible odds, rescued her crew and returned to Athena. She didn't get to speak though which annoyed Luke, but looking at her, it didn't look like she was ready to. Harrison had probably expected more from Luke. It would be an interesting conversation later.

  More people spoke and Luke tuned them out. New Alamo council members, the Chief Executive of Athena, and others. It was mind numbing but finally the people in charge figured that was enough speeches. The people were getting bored so all the 'important' people retreated to a nearby storage hanger that had been converted to a party room. Luke would now get the dubious honor of a meet and greet with high-ranking officers and political flunkies. Joel Carlson, one of the main founders of New Alamo was there, but he kept his distance. Luke tried to stay close to Leonessa but the well-wishers seemed intent on keeping them apart and preventing Luke from escaping. Everyone wanted to talk to Luke and tell him what a great job he had done, and everyone ignored Musashi who followed Luke around like a dark shadow.

  Only the fantasy of drawing his sidearm and shooting people kept him from doing it.

  * * * * *

  It seemed like weeks before Admiral Harrison pulled Luke into his nearby office for a private conversation. The office was nice, probably the dock master's, and it had several walls showing nearby space and the hangar floor, which was still full of people. It reminded Luke of Mark's office, about a half hour away by tram.

  "Damned good job," Mark said and looked at Luke. It almost looked like the Prime Minister was trying to see into his soul. "You've changed."

  It was hard to be belligerent to the Prime Minister now, but Luke wasn't sure what had changed.

  "You think?" Luke said, trying to regain his composure as he sat down in a chair without being asked. For spite, Luke gave the Admiral the finger.

  Mark laughed.

  "Well," Mark said. "Maybe not too much. But I think it is a good change."

  Mark sat down and steepled his fingers.

  "So, now I must figure out what to do with you," Mark said, and Luke felt uncomfortable. Technically, Luke was a member of the NADF, although detached for duty as a mercenary. The problem was that now he had nothing other than a pair of light frigates. With the war against the Caliphate about to resume Luke knew he would be recalled to active duty, and he wasn't sure how he felt about that. Luke had gotten used to operating on his own without a senior officer breathing down his neck. He had money saved up, and perhaps he could retire for a little, but that held no appeal to him. It was not in his nature to let other people fight his battles for him, and there was the score to settle with the Caliphate.

  "Any suggestions?" Mark said leaning back and looking at Luke over his steepled fingers.

  "Give me a ship and send me at the Caliphate?" Luke said.

  Luke wanted to be with Leonessa but that wouldn't be possible. Maybe New Alamo could get a loan from the Conglomerate and have a new ship built?

  "Or I could use my frigates," Luke said.

  "All our ships have capable captains," Mark said his eyes focused somewhere else besides Luke, probably reviewing an InnerBuddy screen. "You have earned it but I can't deprive any of my captains of their command. Every single one has asked to launch at the Caliphate, they all want to test new Conglomerate technology against the Caliphate. You are also too senior to be a mere frigate commander."

  Luke scowled at Mark.

  "Maybe I could send you over to Athena as a military liaison," Mark said. Luke didn't fail to notice it looked like Mark was holding his breath. Waiting for Luke to start yelling?

  It would put him closer to Leonessa but the politics and military bullshit would be a problem. It had its pros and cons. He was also less likely to have a senior officer breathing down his neck, well, a close one at any rate.

  "Sometimes I can read you like a book," Mark said, his smile and eyes focused on Luke. "I saw you watching that Lieutenant. Ferraro was her name?"

  Mark damned well knew her name and Luke scowled at the Prime Minister.

  "I don't know what you are talking about," Luke said, trying to pass off the lie, but Mark grinned. The Prime Minister saw through him, dammit.

  "I don't have many options," Mark said. "I know if I keep you around here for too long, you will assassinate me, go crazy, or jump on one of your frigates and try to find the edge of Conglomerate space. That is assuming you don't head off on a one-man assault mission against the Caliph."

  Luke didn't know what to say, there had to be another option.

  "I know you won't become a social butterfly overnight," Mark said. "But do you think you could handle a liaison job with Athena for a short while? It will be a lot of politics, some ass kissing, which you won't do, I know, and I will need to warn them about. But being the Hero of Naantali and Josaka, you will carry a lot of weight and it is a good PR move for us, sending our greatest hero to Athena and the Jupiter Alliance. Besides, right now it is as close as I can get you to the war."

  Luke struggled to keep his feeling masked so Mark didn't see how much he despised the idea. Leonessa was the only bright spot.

  "I won't be kissing any ass," Luke said. He already knew it would end in a disaster for Mark, but there was Leonessa to consider.

  "I know," Mark said. "I will warn them, but I expect you to at least try some tact. You have heard of tact, right? If you don't I will bring you back here and bury you in a tunnel where the Intelligence weenies will dissect your brain for eternity."

  "Thank you," Luke said trying
to keep the sarcasm out of his voice.

  "Great," Mark said and Luke thought the Prime Minister was a little too happy. "I will also notify your apprentices."

  "I don't have a command any longer," Luke said, although he realized he didn't mind them as much as when they had been assigned to him.

  "They are assigned to you for at least a year. You will have a ship in a year's time if I can get you one. I have to warn you though, repairs to New Alamo, Athena and Breadloaf have priority."

  "Breadloaf?" Luke asked and Mark smiled. It was a mischievous smile that made Luke instantly regret his question.

  "That is what they are calling the Bronkaw battle wagon," Mark said with a shrug. "Although I think people wanted to call it Kishi station."

  "Oh, hell no!" Luke said, glaring at Mark like it was his fault. "I like Breadloaf."

  "That's what I thought," Mark said with a laugh.

  "So, let me go schmooze and coordinate getting you sent over to Athena," Mark said. "I still have to get Wyatt to approve. You can hide out here in the meantime."

  "Thank you, Admiral," Luke said, meaning it.

  * * * * *

  Mark left with a smile, happy with himself. Luke had argued little about the apprentices and it appeared he liked that Lieutenant. Luke deserved a break, and the next question was how he could take care of his fanatically introverted friend and hurt the Caliphate at the same time. . .



  Mark stared at his 'window'. It showed space, pulling from an ultra-high definition camera looking out over the Houston 'Tributary' and port. His entire wall was the screen, and it looked like a massive crystal-clear window. A pair of cruisers were docked there, upgraded former Jupiter Alliance ships with New Alamo markings on them. They were proud vessels attached to "H" shaped pier that stretched out into space, a fragile link to New Alamo. The pier acted as a heat vane for the station and a dock for larger vessels. Both ships had suffered damage during the fight with the Caliphate and were being repaired by pod like repair bots that drifted around them.


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