The Darkness: The Conglomerate Trilogy (Volume 2)

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The Darkness: The Conglomerate Trilogy (Volume 2) Page 10

by William S Frisbee Jr

  "I have not counted recently," Falla Shum answered. "How many humans are there?"

  Allison nodded, unafraid of offending Falla Shum. Luke didn't care for that kind of attitude, Shum wasn't a slave or a fool. He was now a member of Luke's crew and that put him under Luke's protection but Shum appeared to be taking it in stride.

  "What kind of government do the Topa use among themselves?" Allison pressed.

  "With all due respect ma'am," Luke said, before Falla Shum could answer. "I have been tasked with a mission by the Topa and they expect punctuality. My staff and I need to prepare. As Topa Suresh suggested, I will need at least one Athena or Jupiter Alliance officer to accompany us if you can spare them. I will contact your office, or Admiral Wyatt as soon as I have consulted with my team, and I will let you know how many we can take. If you are so inclined."

  "Perhaps Falla Shum could stay here and answer questions while you consult with your team?" Allison suggested, an icy edge coming to her voice, forcing Luke re-evaluated her and he didn't like his conclusion. She was a bitch used to getting her way, and Luke suspected she didn't care if it was at the expense of others. She wanted to throw her weight around?

  Luke smiled, putting no warmth into it. "Thank you Chief Executive Allison Perro," Luke said more formally and with a maximum level of coldness in his voice. "However, Falla Shum is now part of my team and I need to consult with him as well as others."

  "Commander," Allison began in a condescending tone, and Luke knew she would use her rank and position to force her way. That wouldn't end well but she didn't know. Part of him wanted to stay and put her foot in her mouth, physically if not metaphorically.

  "Chief Executive," Luke said before she could continue. "Thank you for your time and attention. Perhaps we can talk later. Have a nice day."

  She stared at him shock, his dismissal of her like a splash of water to her face. Luke spun about and walked away before she could say anything else. He noticed Mark almost leaping forward to intercept Allison before she could call him back. His actions were not lost on Luke as he walked away. Luke knew he was about to lose it with the leader of Athena if she continued to try to have her way.

  As the door closed behind him he heard Prime Minister Harrison trying to soothe her ruffled feathers.

  Politicians. Why did they have to be the ones that survived wars instead of the honest warriors?


  Topa Meeting

  Luke looked around as the door slid open. The conference room aboard the Proud Infidel was a lot more ornate than his had been aboard the Leonis Ultio. The table was wood paneled, probably some simulated plastic, and the walls were also wood paneled with various pictures showing various knights and medieval fighters.

  Most of the walls looked like they could double as a display and there was room for at least twenty people, although Luke had heard the crew of the Proud Infidel was usually less than ten.

  The Proud Infidel was classified as a battle cruiser by Conglomerate standards, approximately four hundred and eighty meters in length, she was large and heavily armored. Unlike Luke, Bruce didn't have smaller support ships and his ship had half of the Leonis Ultio's drone fighter complement. Bruce preferred heavy armor, big guns, numerous missile racks and a modest amount of warbots, organized into what he called "Centuries", each with a hundred warbots controlled by a team of sentient droids. Bruce only had five of these centuries though and didn't appear to utilize them for more than ship defense or security. It seemed like a waste, but it was Bruce's ship.

  Bruce was the only other person here so far, sitting at the head of the table and glaring at the display in front of him.

  He looked up as Luke walked in but his scowl didn't go away.

  "Captain," Luke said in acknowledgment. Bruce nodded at him but his frown remained. Luke didn't fail to notice that Bruce did not stand up as was expected when a senior officer entered the room.

  "We are going to miss the offensive," Bruce said, as if it was Luke's fault. Luke didn't miss the fact Bruce had not used his rank either.

  Luke nodded and sat down to the right of Bruce.

  "This doesn't piss you off?" Bruce asked.

  "Yes," Luke said. "But right now, my options are limited."

  "Why did you take Topa's job?" Bruce growled.

  "Why did you take the job?" Luke asked.

  "Because Admiral Harrison ordered me to," Bruce said. "He said, if I didn't do this he would relieve me of command and send someone else."

  Luke raised an eyebrow.

  "Now I have to play cargo hauler instead of attacking the Caliphate. I thought I could finish playing mercenary and return to being a fleet officer, doing my duty and fighting the Caliphate. Honorable work. Why can't you get some merchant ship to haul you to Bronkaw Prime? The Twisted Elf is still in port."

  Leaning back Luke caught Bruce with his gaze and thought, trying to recall everything he knew about Bruce. A mental prompt began to display data on his internal view.

  Bruce Simmons had been an extremely competent captain with the Jupiter Alliance before New Alamo escaped. As a mercenary, he was a good and competent killer, getting more combat focused jobs than anything else.

  One note from Mark Harrison in Bruce's profile was that Bruce preferred to kill rather than show mercy. Luke was familiar with the belief. Go against a mercenary and die, it inspired fear and indecision among one's enemies and discouraged them from fighting. It wasn't Luke's way though.

  "I have found the Topa have a reason for almost everything they do," Luke said, not interested in bickering with Bruce right now. "I don't always understand it, but Topa Suresh chose you to be my escort and backup. I've looked at the contract and it says YOU, not the Proud Infidel, or just a battle cruiser class vessel. I have found they usually know a lot more than they share, if only because sometimes it gives us enough rope to hang ourselves with."

  Luke paused and looked closely at Bruce. "I seriously doubt this will be a simple, or peaceful mission. Topa Suresh said it will be dangerous, so it will be. Don't think your part will be easy either. I hope you aren't too attached to your paint job."

  The hatch opened and Falla Shum entered, ducking to avoid banging his head.

  "Any idea why Bruce was chosen," Luke asked Shum.

  "I am not privy to any special information," Shum said. "I know Captain Simmons is an experienced and dangerous officer. While there are several mercenary officers, Captain Simmons has a reputation as one of the more lethal, less tolerant ones. This should indicate something of the nature of the mission. He was not chosen to command so it is likely to be complex, but also require a high level of violence and fewer qualms about killing."

  Luke and Bruce stared at Falla Shum as he came in and sat down beside Luke.

  "Permission to speak freely Commander?" Bruce asked, finally using Luke's mercenary rank.

  "Always," Luke said. "I always want the truth and your opinion."

  "It's bullshit. I don't want to be your cargo hauler or your taxi driver. I'm a warrior and I should be with the raider fleet that is about to hit Earth and kick the Caliphate's ass back to hell. I am a fleet officer, a combat leader, not a taxi driver. My place is on the front line, not hauling cargo. No offense."

  Bruce scowled at Luke, waiting for Luke to explode and start yelling. Instead Luke sat back and thought for a moment.

  "I agree with you," Luke said calmly. "You are a combat capable leader and you should be in the thick of it. I don't need a taxi driver or a cargo hauler. I need a bad ass combat veteran who will take his ship into the jaws of hell to kick the devil in the balls. Now, if you think for one second this is going to be nothing more than a peaceful jaunt across the Conglomerate to hold some emperor's hand and kiss some Topa's ass then you, Captain Simmons, are a bona fide idiot. Topa Suresh is paying top credit for you. After myself you are the most expensive human mercenary, and if you haven't checked the contract you should, because Admiral Harrison did not want to let you go. He forced
Topa Suresh to pay almost triple your standard rate."

  Luke paused and leaned forward slightly as he lowered his voice and continued.

  "In case you hadn't noticed there is a human war on and while Conglomerate credits are important, we are no longer cut off from Earth. Our ships and commanders are more useful here than on the other side of the Conglomerate. I spoke with the Admiral and he did not want to let you, or your ship go. In case you haven't noticed New Alamo and Athena don't have many battle cruisers and the Proud Infidel would reduce that firepower by one third.

  Luke was silent for a few moments watching Bruce before he continued. Bruce still looked angry but he was thinking it over. "According to the contract I could release you from service right freaking now but I won't because Topa Suresh said this would be dangerous and without the Ultio I need the best ship available, and that is yours. With the profits from this mission we will be able to buy technology and ships that will help us take on the Caliphate. Also in case you missed it, New Alamo will be getting some new ships in two months or so and that is likely to further delay the offensive.

  "Are there any other questions?" Luke asked, keeping his voice calm.

  "No Commander," Bruce said, somewhat calmer and staring at the medals on Luke's chest. Luke wanted to turn away but perhaps it would remind Bruce that Luke was always in the middle of the fight and not satisfied with missing it.

  Bruce glanced at Falla Shum who appeared to be staring off into the distance, ignoring the exchange. Having one of the Pral, here in his conference room, was not something he had much experience with.

  "So, how many tourists can you fit on board and what is the status of the Proud Infidel?" Luke asked, getting back to the real purpose of the meeting.

  "I have quarters and facilities for maybe a hundred," Bruce said with a scowl. "With Conglomerate automation and technology, I don't need that many. I have nine human crew, about twenty sentient droids with five hundred warbots, organized into five groups. I don't have the ground combat capability that you do in the form of tanks and support craft. The Proud Infidel is designed for space superiority, I have good sensors and some decent cargo capability. I have medium grade internal factories and extra heavy armor. She doesn't have the mass or punch of the Ultio but she can hold her own against any comparable Conglomerate vessel. She is a tough warrior queen."

  Luke nodded. "Are we clear on the chain of command?"

  Bruce nodded. "You are the fleet admiral, I'm the flag captain. I fly and fight the ship, you make the high-level decisions."

  Luke nodded. It is how he had worked with Nelson. Not having him nearby would be hard.

  "I expect you to question my decisions and play devil's advocate whenever possible," Luke said. "I expect you to instantly carry out my orders. My last 'flag captain' was a droid, a damned good one and it will be hard for me to adjust, but don't let that be an excuse for not putting me in my place. My droid did. Are we in accordance?"

  "Aye, aye Commander," Bruce said.

  "So, the Proud infidel can take at least eighty more humans?" Luke asked. "How do we keep from getting all those slots filled with spies and flunkies?"

  Bruce smiled and Luke could tell they were now thinking on the same wavelength.


  Message from Admiral Wyatt

  Luke reread the e-mail from Admiral Wyatt. Athena would send Lieutenant Commander Leonessa Ferraro and Lieutenant Junior Grade Gretchen Carmichael. They had both been promoted one grade in addition to receiving medals. Luke found it interesting they would send a junior officer like Carmichael on the mission but the important one in his mind was Leonessa.

  How would she feel about it? Would she resent being taken from her family? While it wasn't Luke's fault, he was sure he would get the blame. It was human nature.

  He had said nothing to her since the meeting with Topa Suresh, and after the meeting she had left with the rest of the Athenian delegation. Luke wished he knew what she thought about it. Now she was again being taken away from her mother and he hadn't even met her. Once again, she would go into harm's way in unexplored space.

  Athena was also sending a Commodore Davis Morals, Jupiter Intelligence and another officer Commander Nikos Pavlis which Luke could not remember meeting. The Commodore's profile showed he had been a line officer and commanded several ships in battle against the Caliphate while Commodore Morals' history was vague and uninformative. Luke wondered what his real rank was since he could be almost any age and JAIS, Jupiter Alliance Intelligence Service, was one of the undisputed masters of deceit. Were they pawning him off on him to get him away from Athena?

  "Thoughts?" Luke asked Musashi and Gray as they looked over the dossiers.

  "High explosives," Gray said. "Either delivered by missile, rocket or mine. Don't let the bastards get near us."

  Musashi gave Gray one of his approving looks. Gray shrugged with a smirk.

  The door chimed and Bruce entered when Luke sent his authorization to open.

  "Spooks," Bruce said as soon as he entered and saw the dossiers displayed on the wall. Luke nodded.

  "You know them?" Luke asked since Bruce had more experience with the Jupiter Alliance.

  "No," Bruce said. "Morals is a spook, but I'll bet that Pavlis is too, despite his dossier."

  Luke shrugged looking back at the screen.

  "Best sleep with your door locked," Bruce said and Luke cocked an eyebrow at him inviting more.

  "JAIS is sneaky and I wonder who they really work for," Bruce said.

  "Why do you say that?" Luke asked.

  "Long story, but they are the reason I went with New Alamo through the wormhole instead of staying with the Jupiter Alliance," Bruce said. "They are so crooked they couldn't draw a straight line with a ruler and robotic help."

  "I've never worked with them," Luke admitted. "They stayed away from New Alamo."

  "Yea," Bruce said. "There is a history there. The previous Prime Minister Joel Carlson, before Harrison, had a run in with JAIS and kicked them out. Caused a lot of bad blood with the Jupiter Alliance. I don't know the details."

  "Thank you for the warning," Luke said.

  Bruce nodded. "I also got word their shuttle will dock in an hour. Just thought you might want to know."

  "Don't run from them," Musashi transmitted to Luke.

  "Kiss it metal head," Luke replied and pointed at his rear end using the table to shield his actions from Bruce, but Musashi could see.

  "Thank you," Luke said aloud for Bruce. "I would like to be there."

  Bruce nodded, but Luke could tell the captain didn't believe him either.


  New Crew

  Luke watched the shuttle slide through the atmosphere shield and into the bay. He felt giddy and butterflies were dogfighting in his stomach. Would she be mad at him for being taken away from her friends and family? The time they had spent on the Ultio had been brief and full of emotions. Brita and Jeremy stood beside him. Amanda was performing various tasks on Athena, spending time with her father, but she was scheduled to return in a couple hours. After that, the Proud Infidel would depart for Churen and then a long string of systems to Bronkaw Prime.

  The hatch opened and the first one out was Commodore Morals, a short stocky man with bright blue eyes and an unchanging, emotionless expression. Luke thought he did a good job of concealing his disappointment. At first glance, he didn't like the guy but he couldn't say why. Maybe it was his lack of emotion, maybe it was because Luke knew he was a keeper of secrets.

  Luke met him as he stepped down. Bruce was there as the Captain of the ship. Brita was also present even though she didn't need to be. She was Luke's second in command and Luke was learning to appreciate that she was more sociable.

  "Welcome aboard Commodore," Bruce said. Behind Morals was Commander Pavlis.

  "Thank you, Captain. Permission to come aboard?" Morals asked.

  "Permission granted," Bruce said and returned the Commodore's sa

  The Commodore stepped forward to shake Luke's hand.

  "It is an honor to meet you Admiral," Morals said. "Thank you. I've heard a lot about you and it is an honor to finally meet you in person."

  "The honor is mine," Luke said. "I look forward to working with you Commodore Morals."

  "Liar," Musashi transmitted and Luke ignored him but wanted to wipe his hand off anyways. It took a conscious effort not to.

  "Incidentally, as I am in my role as a mercenary the correct title is Commander," Luke said, loudly enough for the others, as he gave Morals a smile. "But you can call me what feels comfortable."

  "Thank you, Commander," Morals said and stepped aside to greet Brita.

  Leonessa was next out but Luke had to deal with Pavlis next. Her brown and orange Jupiter Alliance uniform made her look like Pavlis and Morals, but there was no mistaking her smile, figure and sparkling eyes.

  "It is an honor to meet you Commander," Pavlis said showing more emotion and sincerity than Morals. He still had a clipped British accent that reminded Luke of Nelson. He seemed likable but Luke remembered Bruce's warning. Pavlis wasn't the memorable type, plain face, darker skin, bald and an average physique, he was the person most people would forget within minutes. The only thing that set him apart was his smile and the way he could catch you with his sharp eyes that seemed to catch everything.

  "Thank you, Commander Pavlis," Luke said. "This should be a very interesting journey to Bronkaw Prime."

  "Hello Commander," Leonessa said with a smile and Luke wanted to hug her. She seemed happy and her smile was genuine.

  "Congratulations on your promotion Lieutenant Commander," Luke said. "Well deserved."

  "Thank you," she said but Luke saw the ghosts reappear behind her eyes. Was he to be a reminder of the people she had lost?

  "How is your mother doing?" Luke asked, wondering if there was anyone else she might be missing.

  "My mother is doing well, she didn't want me to leave again though" she said with a sad smile, causing Luke's heart to sink.


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