The Darkness: The Conglomerate Trilogy (Volume 2)

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The Darkness: The Conglomerate Trilogy (Volume 2) Page 14

by William S Frisbee Jr

  "We can leave a couple probes further out to watch," Luke said. "Link to them with tight beam. They can go into stealth mode?"

  Bruce nodded. "We will have to double up accommodations on the command deck. The probes should work though. They have a life span of a month."

  "Great," Luke said. "Also leave a fighter wing here, turn on self-destruct if you can, so they don't get captured. I want it to look like we were destroyed, and the fighters had nowhere to go."

  "We might use them as sensors as well," Bruce said liking the idea and looked at Erica. Drone fighters were expendable. People were not.

  "I'll get them configured," she said.

  "Any chance of going through the wreckage of those ships?" Morals asked.

  "No," Bruce said. "We won't find anything bigger than a fist, and even then, it will be so fused and shattered as to be recognizable. Plus, the velocity is high, trajectories would also be interesting. We could spend a month or more trying to find anything. Shall I get you a space suit?"

  Morals scowled at Bruce. Bruce turned back to Luke, dismissing the Intelligence Officer.

  "So," Luke said before they could argue. "Let's move everything we need to the command deck and get us into that asteroid belt in the radiation shadow of Nani Five."

  "It will get cozy," Bruce said looking around at the survivors and doing mental calculations.

  Luke shrugged.

  "It will still be better than being on one of those frigates," Brita said and glanced at Luke. "Those were cramped."

  Luke nodded and wondered what or who else he would lose.


  New Teacher

  Leonessa was staring at a view presented by her InnerBuddy, trying to make sense of the sensor logs, but her mind kept wandering.

  "How are you doing?" Luke asked Leonessa, her mind stuck on the flight across the Josaka system. Luke seemed calm and unconcerned, like being in a half dead ship hunted by unknown enemies was a common occurrence for him. Maybe it was.

  "I remember when we were aboard the Shrike in Josaka, being hunted by the Caliphate," she said, it felt too much like now. "We were crippled, unarmed and dying. Our luck can't last forever, especially mine."

  Luke nodded. Right now they were the only two people in the conference room, except for Musashi and Gray who were sitting against the wall, lost in their own tasks. Luke and Leonessa could be alone for all it mattered.

  "It won't end like that," Luke said. "I have confidence in Bruce. He is an experienced officer."

  Leonessa didn't think he was implying she was inexperienced, but she caught a flash of panic in his eyes as he might have realized what he said.

  "I know," she said watching him, and, Leonessa decided to ignore it, he didn't seem the type for subtle insults, it just wasn't him. "But who will come to rescue us if it gets worse?"

  Luke seemed extra tense as she watched him.

  "You are an excellent officer and you aren't alone this time," Luke said as he looked at her, confirming her suspicion. His gaze unwavering.

  She let a ghost of a smile come to her lips, was she that transparent?

  "No," she said. "I'm surrounded by too many war heroes to be too worried."

  Luke rolled his eyes.

  "What?" she said, not sure why he would roll his eyes like that.

  "I just get tired of being called a hero," Luke said. "Most of the time I'm just trying to get through another day. Survive another battle."

  Leonessa took a deep breath and let it flow through her. "That's your problem," she said. "You may not inspire yourself, but you inspire others. What you think about yourself isn't as important as what others think of you sometimes."

  Luke shrugged and Leonessa suspected he didn't know how to respond.

  "You aren't worried at all, are you?" Leonessa asked, catching Luke by surprise.

  "Sure, I'm worried," Luke said and Leonessa could hear it in his voice. "Worried sick. There's just so much I can do. I've lost all my ships and a lot of my friends. The only people we can expect to come into the dark systems looking for us are our enemies, but the Proud Infidel is not dead. In theory, we could rebuild the ship, Conglomerate damage control systems are that good. We just need time."

  "And if there is a larger force in the next system?" Leonessa asked.

  "Then we don't stick around and fight," Luke said. "I have no problem ordering a retreat."

  Leonessa nodded and looked back at her display.

  "We didn't expect to be attacked by a military force," Luke said and reached out to grab her hand. "Next time we will. I am worried, but that's part of life."

  Leonessa grasped Luke's hand. She liked the contact, his smile and his confidence, even if he denied it. After appearing in her dreams for so long, now he was here, and she didn't quite know how to handle it. She expected him to let go any second and was glad when he didn't. He gave her a warm feeling and his presence was calming.

  "Should Gray and I leave?" Musashi asked. "Give you two some alone time?"

  Leonessa scowled at the black droid. He was too observant sometimes and lacked anything resembling tact.

  Luke glanced at Musashi and Leonessa suspected he was sending the droid a silent reply. Musashi shrugged and turned away while Gray acted as if nothing had happened.

  Luke let go of her hand, he seemed startled and embarrassed as he sat back and looked away.

  What could she do to teach Musashi how to shut up? Something painful would be nice if the black droid felt pain. Why did Luke tolerate such an insolent, obnoxious, piece of equipment?

  "Sorry," Musashi sent her privately, catching her by surprise.

  "No worries," Leonessa lied as she sent back. She wasn't used to this silent communication just yet, and it was taking some practice.

  "So, do you like him in that special way?" Musashi asked.

  "That is none of your business," Leonessa sent back.

  "He likes you," Musashi sent.

  "This conversation is inappropriate," Leonessa sent. She wasn't about to share any information with the droid.

  She saw Musashi shrug, he seemed bored, and she felt the urge to lash out at him.

  "You seem tense," Musashi said. "I hear sex helps relieve tension. A good alternative is a good hard work out in the gym."

  "You don't have any tact or class do you?" Leonessa sent, trying not to lose her patience with a mere robot.

  "No," Musashi sent. "Gets in the way of truth and understanding."

  "Why does Commander Kishi put up with you and your attitude?" Leonessa sent.

  Musashi looked up at her in surprise.

  "Why wouldn't he?" Musashi sent. "He doesn't surround himself with people who will massage his ego. He is not that kind of person. Are you?"

  Luke looked up, perhaps noticing the hidden exchange, and he glanced back at Musashi.

  "Everything all right?" Luke asked, an edge in his voice as he glanced at the two.

  "Your droid could learn something of manners, tact and inappropriate conversation topics," Leonessa said glaring at Musashi.

  "If he could learn," Luke muttered and Leonessa smiled.

  "There's not something you could do?" Leonessa asked. "Order him to wise up or something? A program? Colonel Gray is a consummate gentleman."

  "Thank you," Gray said and Leonessa smiled at him.

  "Once a droid develops their personality, it gets hard to change it," Luke said. "They aren't robots with programming. Their brains are a crystal matrix that gets formed and shaped by their experiences and training. Their brains are like an organic being's, unique and unable to be duplicated. Musashi is just a prick."

  Leonessa nodded.

  "I'm right here meat sack," Musashi said.

  "I noticed metal head," Luke replied looking back at Musashi.

  "You want to spend some alone time with me in the dojo?" Musashi asked.

  "Colonel Gray," Luke said. "Would you and a few of your Marines like to spend some alone time with Musashi for me?"r />
  "We would enjoy that very much Commander," Gray said looking at Musashi who shut up.

  Leonessa cocked an eyebrow at Luke, wondering what that was about.

  "Musashi is good, but he would get his ass kicked by a couple Marines," Luke said.

  "It would take a couple," Musashi said and Luke shrugged.

  "So?" Luke replied. "I think they would enjoy it but I think you are writing a check your tin can body can't cash."

  "I know I would enjoy it," Gray said.

  "Now knock off the bully attitude, and learn tact metal head," Luke said. "Or I will ask Colonel Gray and his Marines to teach you some manners."

  "I had best get to work then," Musashi said.

  "Let me know if he misbehaves," Luke sent to Leonessa.

  "Thank you," Leonessa sent back.

  "One thing I've learned with Musashi, the more shit you take from him, the more he will give you," Luke sent. "He is not naturally a bully but he will push people to see how far they can go before they fight back. That is what he wants, people to resist and push back at him. He says it makes you stronger. I've learned to ignore him though."

  "Good to know," Leonessa sent. "Thank you."

  Leonessa glanced at Musashi who was focusing his attention inward to his InnerBuddy, or whatever he used. Human robots could act human, but Musashi wasn't acting, if you didn't see him you might confuse him for a real person.

  Turning away Leonessa suppressed her smile. Here she was, in deep space, in a crippled ship, thinking about the emotions and attitude of an annoying robot.

  * * * * *

  Luke tried not to think about what Musashi had been asking or talking to her about. He wanted to know, but he didn't. He was getting annoyed with Musashi's attitude though. The droid was becoming more obnoxious and the threat of some alone time in the dojo wasn't something Luke appreciated.

  Luke was going to apologize to Leonessa for Musashi when the door slid open and Morals entered.

  "Lieutenant Commander Ferraro?" he asked. "Want to continue the debrief? It looks like we don't have a lot to do."

  Luke looked at Morals and out of the corner of his eyes saw Leonessa's shoulders tense, her eyes partially close. There was apprehension in every fiber of her being. Did Morals see that?

  "She is working on backtracking the path of those enemy ships, going through sensor logs," Luke said. "If you don't mind she has quite a bit to do, but I understand if you want to continue the debrief. She is being very helpful here though."

  Morals' eyes widened, almost imperceptibly as he looked at Leonessa and Luke.

  "That's fine," he said with a nod. "Anything I can do to help?"

  "We have the drive signatures," Luke said. "If you want to go through our logs and see if you can find any matches that might help."

  "How so?" Morals asked.

  "Well, both Captain Simmons and I both log all vessels we encounter, along with their drive signatures. When we log them, they are broadcasting their identity, unlike our attackers. I just need someone to try to get some matches," Luke said. "Maybe Bruce or I have encountered one or more of the ships in the past. There is enough variance in the drives to make a perfect match impossible but maybe something close?"

  Morals nodded. How could he say no? This was a regular job for Intelligence Officers and Luke knew it. Although it was beneath a commander, it wasn't like Morals could dump it on an underling.

  "Great," Luke said. "I'll send you the files."

  "Excellent," Morals said. "I'll be in my room. Maybe I can get Commander Pavlis to help."

  Maybe he did have a flunky to pawn it off on.

  "Thank you," Luke said as Morals turned around and left.

  "I already did that," Musashi said out loud when the door closed behind Morals. Luke was glad Musashi hadn't spoken up earlier, but it was interesting he spoke where Leonessa could hear.

  "Yea, but it gets Morals away from me," Luke said and then glanced at Leonessa who was trying not to smile. Luke relaxed.

  Musashi gave Luke a thumb up and went back to his work. Maybe the droid had known and was helping Luke score points.

  "What do you do for fun?" Luke asked Leonessa, trying to think of some way to keep her talking, find out more about her.

  "I like war games," she said, "and reading history. These days though it appears my more serious hobby is getting clobbered by Mister Musashi there."

  Musashi, looked up, smiled and then his eyes glazed over. Luke recalled he was trying to compile a list of all Jangol's ships and his allies based on his trading interests. The Proud Infidel had an extensive database, and it had been updated when they passed through Chonka. There was also the Ultio's data core which had data in it.

  "He is an obnoxious prick," Luke said with a smile. "But a great trainer."

  Leonessa nodded. "You have had him for how long?"

  Luke thought about it, "about a few decades. Seems like forever."

  "Nobody has made sentient robots with a real and unique personality so far," she said staring at him. "They can make some impressive simulations, but they are always limited and the best ones that can learn go insane within a year."

  "Yea," Luke said. "I think Musashi went insane that first year."

  "I'm right here meat sack," Musashi said, his eyes focusing on Luke, "and unlike some, I have excellent situational awareness."

  "Of course," Luke said, but his tone of voice didn't agree.

  Musashi smiled, a devious grin.

  "I have been neglecting your training," Musashi said.

  "Shit," Luke said. When Musashi acted like this, it wasn't a good thing. Musashi nodded.

  "Do you know how?" Musashi asked and Luke just stared at the black droid. Like a prisoner looking at his torturer.

  "A true master can teach others," Musashi said and glanced at Leonessa.

  "What?" Luke said wondering what Musashi was talking about.

  "I think you should be the one to teach Leonessa and Brita," Musashi said. "I believe even Commander Pavlis wants to learn. You can teach him too."

  "Then what do I need you for metal head?" Luke said with a scowl.

  "Why I will train and grade you of course," Musashi said. "If you are slack training them, then I will punish you. Your pain and suffering will know no bounds. I will help with the rag dolls, but I think it is time to take your training to a new level by having you train others."

  "Are you serious?" Luke said and Musashi nodded.

  "Yes. When we have access to the gym again, you will train them," Musashi said.

  "You will do this," Musashi transmitted. "Or I will make your life a living hell."

  "And if I order you to train them?" Luke transmitted back. "Or maybe some alone time with Gray and his Marines?"

  "You won't," Musashi said. "Because I am right. It is my job to make you a warrior and a real warrior can train others. I have neglected that part of your training in the past, but now it makes sense."

  "Why does everyone want me to be a teacher?" Luke asked. "Did you get this idea from Topa Suresh?"

  "Actually, yes," Musashi said. "It makes perfect sense. You have reached a plateau, and it is time to change the game, help you grow. Helping others to grow provides excellent feedback. I'll keep you from screwing up too badly though."

  "Metal headed prick," Luke transmitted and Musashi smiled.

  "I will notify Major Summers and Commander Pavlis," Musashi said. "This should be interesting. You have time to think about how you will proceed."

  "Gee thanks metal head," Luke said trying to remember the last time he had managed a class.

  "My pleasure meat sack, I live to serve," Musashi said.


  JA Ambassador

  The Jupiter Alliance ambassador wasn't much to look at, plain, average height and build, with his light brown hair up in a fashionable pony tail, he wasn't a memorable man in any way but he had been far too insistent about a meeting. His messages said it was critical, and should be cons
idered confidential. The meeting hadn't started yet and already Mark was sick and tired of the cloak and dagger, 'everyone thinks they are important' bullshit. Mark stared at the ambassador and tried to ignore that nauseous feeling in his stomach. Why couldn't he push this guy off onto someone else?

  To be fair Ambassador Ralph Sutton was highly placed in the Jupiter Alliance, a trusted confident of Secretary General James Abbot, if reports could be believed, and Abbot's chief ambassador. Like nearly everyone, the ambassador appeared to be in his twenties or thirties and seemed taken aback that Mark would allow his external appearance to age so far as to have wrinkles and gray hair. In the Jupiter Alliance, it was almost unheard of. According to his public dossier Ambassador Sutton was about a hundred and twenty years old and had served as a member of the Jupiter Socialist Party for over half of that. Mark had spoken with him during several official functions and had been impressed with the Ambassador's quick wit and understanding, but there was something about the ambassador that Mark didn't like, and he was still trying to figure it out.

  "Thank you for seeing me," Ambassador Sutton said as he shook Mark's hand. "I appreciate you seeing me on such short notice."

  Mark nodded and glanced at the corner where Felix was. The creature was watching the ambassador like a cat watching a mouse.

  "This room is secure?" the Ambassador asked.

  "With the most advanced Conglomerate technology available," Mark said, and the Ambassador nodded.

  The ambassador nodded and opened his brief case, placing a small, featureless glowing blue dome on the desk between them.

  "If you don't mind," the Ambassador said. "This will help my peace of mind and too much security is not a bad thing."

  Mark nodded looking at the device. Some kind of bug jammer? He would have to ask about it later. Right now, even his network access outside the room was limited but Mark would have it in his memory buffers for later.

  "I"m sorry to drag you into this," the Ambassador began, not sounding sorry at all in Mark's opinion. "However, the Jupiter Alliance has a serious problem with the Athena colony."


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