The Darkness: The Conglomerate Trilogy (Volume 2)

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The Darkness: The Conglomerate Trilogy (Volume 2) Page 25

by William S Frisbee Jr

  "Nothing," Amanda said. "They have little history or it has been scrubbed. According to the news and other sources I contacted, their biggest problem is illegal trade with a small colony in the dark systems. The governments appear pro-Topa, with no known terrorist, rebel or separatist groups for about a thousand years. This place is boring."

  "There is also nothing in the news about why the Conglomerate fleet is assembling at the wormhole," Jeremy said. "Public correspondence refers to it as 'training exercises', and the patrol cruiser docked is part of a rotation from that force. Seems they have been watching that wormhole for about eight months, which is a long time to be on a training exercise."

  Luke nodded. "Share the assassination attempt data with the patrol cruiser and ask their opinion and keep trying to dig up data. Something odd is going on."

  "Shum?" Luke said looking at the silent Pral. "If the station is controlled by enemies, should we fear the patrol ships?"

  Shum shook his head, his emotions unreadable. "I do not think so Commander," Shum said. "Patrol vessels are deployed away from their home system. This reduces graft and corruption among Conglomerate defense forces. Patrol vessels are also rotated through systems. I wold recommend confirming the race manning the vessels and confirm they are not Dazi, but they are unlikely to be sympathetic or subservient to the locals."

  "That's good," Luke said. "Any word on repairs?"

  Musashi, standing against the wall behind Luke spoke.

  "The Captain has accelerated the repairs and canceled less critical ones," Musashi said. "He is working complicityto get out of here and I am keeping him abreast of the situation with the station."

  "Thank you," Luke said and looked at the surrounding people, his eyes coming to rest on Shum.

  "I want to know more about that Tlorc weapon," Luke said, "manufacturer, how it got to Papi, was it designed for Dazi or another species. Everything."

  Fall Shum nodded.

  * * * * *

  "Almost done," Bruce said. "I have droids and bots checking all the repair work to make sure those bastards didn't tuck a bomb, or otherwise sabotage the repair work. That is our current delay."

  "Good," Luke said, feeling tired and paranoid. "The Conglomerate patrol vessel seemed unconcerned with the assassination attempt and is recommending we work with station security to get it resolved."

  Bruce scowled.

  "The repair teams seemed competent enough," Bruce said. "And helpful. From what you've described this doesn't sound like them."

  "I don't understand it," Luke said. "Maybe they were Dazi robots with red internal fluid. We have a Tlorc Pral killer to prove the attack occurred but nobody seems to believe it. Is there any word on that?"

  "The weapon is unmarked and appears to be made for Dazi," Shum said. "There is no license attached to the weapon. I recovered some DNA from the weapon and it is Dazi. The DNA pattern does not have a match in the station security database."

  "So, Dazi security is involved?" Morals asked.

  "No," Shum replied. "This Dazi may have chosen not to be identified and may not have a Conglomerate ID. This is not unusual with some races. With the Dazi it is about fifty-fifty. This station does not require Conglomerate ID, and it does not use DNA in native security protocols."

  "So, back to square one?" Luke said.

  "We have no additional leads," Shum said.

  "Next steps Commander?" Bruce asked.

  "Maintain high security, keep double checking the repair work, let's get out of here as soon as we can," Luke said.

  Bruce winced and Luke looked at him.

  "Not much repair work was done," Bruce said. "Three of the engines are on-line, we have decent speed, minimal maneuverability, and the wormhole drive works. The Proud Infidel is barely space worthy."

  "Can it get us to Bronkaw Prime?" Luke asked.

  "Yes sir," Bruce said. "As long as we don't have to fight we should be okay. If the Proud Infidel is too costly to repair, we could refit it as a cargo hauler."

  Luke nodded. There was pain in Bruce's voice he understood all too well.

  "Standard Topa clause states that if our ship is destroyed, they will repair or replace it with something of equal or greater value," Luke said. "We might not be able to afford a Nalee ship but we will get something."

  "Some Broma piece of crap," Bruce muttered.

  "I'll make Topa Suresh get you something better," Luke promised. "I think he can afford it."

  "You are getting a Nalee ship," Bruce said with a grimace. "He likes you. Me? Not so much."

  Luke didn't smile with warmth. "Yea, but you have saved our lives."

  Bruce nodded. Not much to say to that.

  Luke looked at Shum.

  "What was your message about and who was it to?" Luke asked.

  Falla Shum dropped his eyes, a human emotion.

  "The message was to Topa Suresh detailing my observations of you and humans," Shum said staring at the table. "It was also about the danger manifesting in the darkness."

  "And?" Luke asked, not surprised, or concerned with that.

  Shum's eyes shot to Luke in surprise.

  "And asking he reinstates me as a Tal. The Topa will need all the Tal they can get with the destruction of Ubashi," Shum said watching Luke.

  Luke nodded.

  "We will try again in Churen," Luke said. "There is more of a Conglomerate military presence there and hopefully less subversion."

  Shum nodded, Luke thought he looked surprised.

  "That looks like it for now," Luke said. "Let me know if anything changes. Thank you."


  From Papi

  Despite a high level of alert, the departure from Papi was uneventful. Bruce kept everyone at battle stations until they were outside range of Dazi-Sakalli's weapons range. All the living decks were pressurized again and overall the damage to personal effects and everyone's quarters had been minimal. As the latency to the Dazi network link became unworkable people had less to do and Luke tried to keep everyone busy in the gym turned dojo.

  They were still a day out from the wormhole to Churen and Luke was teaching his students one of the basic karate katas when Shum entered. He was not wearing his armor or carrying his battle staff. Instead, he was wearing a lightweight fabricated Ultio uniform like Luke.

  Upon entering he bowed and stood, waiting to be acknowledged. Luke bowed to his students and then asked Brita to lead them as they repeated the kata.

  "Can I help you?" Luke asked Shum.

  "I wish to learn your martial arts," Shum said and Luke stared at him.

  "That is a step down," Luke said.

  "I disagree," Shum said. "It is a step up. I have reviewed the camera footage of our fight on the Dazi station. You had already killed one of the Dazi and were attacking the second by the time I was ready to fight. If I was the superior warrior, then I would have saved you. Instead, I allowed us to walk into that trap."

  Luke looked up at Shum and crossed his arms. A lot of things went through Luke's mind as he stared at the taller Pral. The alien had behaved like a human in body language and behaviors. He was integrating with the crew, and sometimes it was hard to look at him and see him as an alien. One of the more annoying things Luke had experienced with aliens is he did not always understand their body language or facial expressions. Shum was different and Luke felt he could read him as well as most humans. Luke didn't know what that meant or why. Why had Topa Suresh sent Falla Shum to him?

  Shum remained silent, watching and waiting as Luke stared at him. At this time though, Shum remained unreadable.

  Luke nodded and glanced over toward Musashi, who was in the back of the room watching others repeat the martial dance.

  "All right," Luke said. "In addition to unarmed combat I want to see if we can make you some human style battle dress. I will also expect you to learn human hand weapons although I think your battle staff may be superior."

  "Thank you," Shum said with a bow.

bsp; "I want you to work with Musashi first," Luke said. "He will test you and begin your training. Seeing as how our bodies are very different I would rather have his analysis on your capabilities before we test your limits."

  Shum bowed and Musashi walked over.

  "Have you been listening?" Luke asked.

  "Yes," Musashi replied and looked over Shum.

  "Biologically you are slightly more frail than a human," Musashi said. "The Pral have spent too much of their lives relying on their technology."

  Shum remained silent, watching the black droid.

  "I will have to work with you," Musashi said. "It will be an interesting challenge to find out what you are capable of."

  Shum bowed to Musashi.

  "Can we make him battle dress?" Luke transmitted to Musashi.

  "I don't know if the manufactories are up and running yet," Musashi said. "I will check with Ensign Four."

  Luke nodded and headed back over to the others, correcting stances and moves. It was obvious most had been practicing except for Amanda and Jeremy. Luke sighed.

  The door slid open and Luke glanced over. Commodore Morals entered and stood there staring at Leonessa. Luke noticed as she went through her kata she seemed to take pains not to look in his direction and her form had deteriorated with the distraction.

  Luke went over to the Commodore.

  "Can I help you?" Luke asked.

  Commodore Morals nodded in greeting. "Thank you, Commander," Morals said. "I wanted to talk with Lieutenant Commander Ferraro."

  "Lieutenant Commander Ferraro is busy," Luke said, not caring for this little prick interrupting the class, or his rank informality with Ferraro.

  "She is just practicing unarmed combat," Morals said. "Hardly a useful skill for shipboard officers. It's not like she will find herself unarmed facing a Caliphate soldier."

  That was one of the wrong things to tell Luke and Morals knew little about the wormhole trip from Sol to Josaka when that had been a real possibility.

  "It is more than that," Luke said, trying to warn Morals through the tone of his voice, but the Intelligence Agent wasn't paying attention.

  "It has merit for its cardio exercise properties for sure," Morals said. "But in this day and age it is an outmoded form of combat, with assault rifles, battle dress and warbots. She can practice her hobbies at another time. I have more important things for her to be doing."

  Then Morals saw Falla Shum practicing with Musashi and he motioned Luke's attention toward them.

  "Are you sure that is wise?" Morals asked as Musashi was teaching Shum basic arm blocks.

  "How so?" Luke asked, trying very hard to keep his temper in check. Luke relaxed his hands which wanted to ball into fists and forced his shoulders to relax. Morals was oblivious.

  "I think the fewer aliens know human capabilities and skills the better," Morals said watching Shum.

  "You just said unarmed combat is obsolete," Luke said. "Why would you be concerned if Falla Shum learns an obsolete form of human combat?"

  Morals nodded, his eyes never leaving the two. "It will allow him to gauge and assess human reaction speeds and threat stimuli."

  "Do you consider yourself a warrior Commodore?" Luke asked and Morals turned his attention back to Luke.

  "Of sorts," Morals said. "I prefer to think my way out of conflict and I prefer not to sink to the level of physical confrontation."

  "Like on the Dazi station?" Luke asked. 'Sink to the level'? How arrogant was this prick?

  "What do you mean?" Morals said.

  "You didn't contribute to that fight," Luke said, trying not to clench his teeth.

  Morals nodded. "I would think the reason for that would be obvious. Perhaps next time you will allow me to carry something more than a hold-out pistol."

  "I killed the first attacker with my sidearm," Luke said and Morals nodded, focusing his attention on Luke.

  "I was very impressed with your reflexes and accuracy Commander," Morals said, picking up something from Luke's body language. Perhaps the fact that Luke was leaning forward as if in preparation to attack or aggressively defend. It might have been the way Luke's eyes were almost squinting and focused on Morals.

  "You are an exceptional officer," Morals said. "I have nothing but respect for you. I have seen reports on your previous actions, and of course have seen everything there is about your actions at Naantali. Your actions against Caliphate battle fleets are the stuff of legends. You are a quintessential warrior, Commander."

  Now Luke's eyes narrowed to slits, and he relaxed his muscles. Complements from possible enemies made Luke more cautious.

  "I can tell bullshit when I hear it Commodore," Luke said and Morals' eyes widened.

  "It is the truth I assure you," Morals said, ignoring the threat.

  Luke mentally took a step back as he glared at Morals. While this upstart Commodore was under his command, back within the Jupiter Alliance he was senior to Leonessa and he could make life very difficult for her. Luke knew if he pushed the officer too far he would take out his frustration and anger on Leonessa. Here on this ship Morals was a senior officer to Leonessa and Luke had no authority to interfere in that command relationship.

  "Kick him in the ball sack and get back to the kata," Musashi sent.

  "As the senior officer of this expedition," Luke began, forcing himself to relax. "It is my duty to make sure that everyone can do their job. You and Leonessa are under my command as allied officers. Since Leonessa is part of my command team, I must make sure she is physically and mentally able to perform her job. I use martial arts to help hone the mind and body into a single and effective weapon. You may consider unarmed combat, and what we do here, to be obsolete, but I assure you it is critical to the effectiveness of my team. Even Falla Shum, an alien, realizes that."

  Morals nodded, but didn't look convinced.

  "Furthermore, you may think he is testing human reflexes and capabilities, but that works two ways," Luke said deciding to throw the agent some victory.

  Morals nodded again, his eyes turning back to Musashi and Shum.

  "Ah," he said. "Now I understand why the droid is teaching him. Clever."

  Luke barely avoided rolling his eyes.

  "With the assassination attempt I need my officers to be focused and ready," Luke said. "I will ask that you refrain from your debriefings of Leonessa until we return to Athena."

  "I have reports to prepare," Morals said with a frown, even he knew Luke did not have the authority to ask that. "She is instrumental."

  "I can give you access to our logs," Luke said. "You can also work with Colonel Gray, who will help. He has been with me for nearly four decades."

  Morals nodded. To date Luke had been reluctant to share any of his logs, but if it would get Morals out of Leonessa's hair then it would be worth it.

  "That would be helpful," Morals said, still looking doubtful.

  "And I could probably give you a half hour a day to answer questions or fill in any blanks," Luke offered, knowing he would regret it.

  Morals smiled and Luke resisted the urge to punch him in his perfect teeth.

  "That would be most helpful," Morals said. "Thank you, Commander."

  Luke nodded, not trusting his voice. He was giving Morals way too much. Did he fail to understand a Commander as a New Alamo mercenary was not the same as a space fleet Commander? Did the intelligence officer consider himself to be Luke's equal or superior?

  "I will contact Colonel Gray and let him know," Luke said. "Now if you will excuse me?"

  "Of course," Morals said beaming. "Thank you, Commander."

  "Gray," Luke transmitted. "I want you to share operations logs with Commodore Morals. Nothing confidential, but just enough to keep him occupied studying the Conglomerate."

  "How could you do that to a fellow Marine?" Gray asked.

  "It gets him off Leonessa's back," Luke transmitted.

  "And onto mine," Gray said.

  "Shut up boot," Luke trans
mitted, trying to hide his smile from his students.

  "Sir, Aye, Aye Commander, Sir," Gray transmitted, his sarcasm implied. "I'll have that pipsqueak running around in circles."

  "He's pretty sharp," Luke said. "Try not to be obvious about it. You might play on his ego."

  "Oh," Gray said. "I can play the dumb droid grunt really well and I had Nelson going for decades."

  "Yea, I noticed," Luke said.

  "I miss the blue bastard," Gray said.

  "Me too," Luke said, not wanting to remember right now.

  "I'll take care of pipsqueak," Gray said.

  "Semper Fi," Luke said.

  "Semper Fi," Gray said.


  Wormhole to Papi

  Luke felt tired as he stared at the screens in his quarters. He was going through one of Brita's reports on the systems in the darkness beyond Papi. Considering what planets might have been terraformed and where the Tonkan empire was. Was it right on the edge of Conglomerate space, or were there several border systems? What would the Conglomerate response be and could New Alamo, or Athena take advantage of their proximity? There wasn't enough information.

  His door chimed, and he looked up to see it was Leonessa. He gave the mental signal, and the door slid open to admit her. He looked around his room. Shum had moved out, and it looked somewhat presentable. A droid from the Proud Infidel crew took care of his quarters, and both had survived the attack but isn't wasn't like there was anything to give the room a personality.

  Luke stood and instantly regretted the speed with which he did so. He was still sore from the workout with Musashi and his nanites weren't done repairing his muscles.

  Leonessa came in and Luke tried to keep the smile from his face. She was beautiful. But her eyes scanned the room and there was a tension in her posture that didn't seem characteristic.

  "Come in. How is it going Leonessa?" Luke asked, trying to head off any formality.

  "Doing fine," she said, not saying his rank which was informal enough, but not his name which might have been too informal.

  "Can I get you anything?" Luke asked, curious why she was here, was there a way he could get her to visit more often?


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