The Darkness: The Conglomerate Trilogy (Volume 2)

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The Darkness: The Conglomerate Trilogy (Volume 2) Page 35

by William S Frisbee Jr

  "Admiral Harrison has approved everything," Duncan said. "He has sent official authorizations. All that is needed is your approval. There is also a message from your mother."

  "Why would he do this?" Leonessa asked Duncan.

  "Because Duncan asked," Musashi said. "I think the Prime Minister likes you, wants to poke JAI in the eyes, New Alamo needs high quality officers, Topa Suresh likes you, you are a competent, experienced officer, you aren't a total loss when it comes to martial arts, although he might not yet realize that. Pick a reason. There were no conditions attached."

  Leonessa paused, Duncan knew she was weighing her options. There should be no downsides unless Luke really was not interested in her but Duncan was confident that was not the case. She glanced at Musashi.

  "What do I do?" Leonessa asked. Duncan imagined she would look forward to telling Morals to suck vacuum. Now she could deal with Luke on her terms, not anyone else's, and she wasn't officially under his command.

  "Say you accept," Duncan said. "Then I will process the proper authorizations. As senior officer Admiral Kishi will have to swear you in. It shouldn't take long to get you an NADF uniforms. I have already made the requests of the manufactory."

  "I accept!" Leonessa said with a smile, Duncan tried to calculate the odds of her kicking Morals in the balls or teeth.

  Lagertha came up with a black bundle under her arms, she glanced at Musashi and Duncan.

  Duncan smiled.

  "I just sent the authorizations," Duncan said. "They are in Luke's queue. I also attached a high priority to them. He is reading them now."

  Leonessa turned around, and the door opened again. Luke was sitting there, his mouth open, surprise written all over his face. He composed himself the second he saw her, but Duncan caught that look. Leonessa smiled and winked at him. Luke nodded, his eyes unfocused as he re-read an internal screen. A crinkle appeared in the corner of his eyes and the ghost of a smile played there. Duncan realized he might understand people better than Musashi, which was good, but also disturbing.

  "This is an interesting set of authorizations," Luke said looking up at her.

  Leonessa smiled and Brita looked up, sensing something unusual going on. Her eyes flickered between the two. Pavlis looked up, also trying to figure out what was happening.

  Luke stood up and straightened his armor and sidearm. He glanced at Brita and sent her some files.

  "If you could read through those real quick Major Summers, and serve as witness?" Luke asked.

  Brita began reading.

  "Hot damn!" Brita said and glanced at Leonessa, sharing her smile.

  Leonessa couldn't remove the smile from her face. Brita slid to her feet and stood at the position of attention. Falla Shum, not sure of what was going on also stood. Pavlis stood up, so he didn't draw attention.

  "Raise your right hand and repeat after me," Luke said and glanced at Brita who nodded for him to continue.

  "I, state your name," Luke said. "Do solemnly affirm that I will support and defend the Constitution and nation state of New Alamo against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God."

  "I, Leonessa Ferrero," Leonessa said, trying not to smile too broadly. "Do solemnly affirm that I will support and defend the Constitution and Colony of New Alamo against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God."

  "Welcome to the New Alamo Defense force, Captain Ferraro," Luke said reaching out to shake her hand. Brita was there too and gave her a hug.

  "Welcome!" Brita said. Lagertha handed Leonessa her uniform and Luke stared at it, surprised again, before glancing at Duncan.

  "If you will excuse me, I would like to change," Leonessa said.

  Luke glanced at Pavlis who remained unreadable.

  "I take it you are immigrating and resigning your commission in the Jupiter Alliance?" Pavlis asked, catching on.

  Leonessa looked Pavlis in the eyes.

  "Yes, I am," she said, challenging him.

  Pavlis nodded with a sad smile.

  "Congratulations," he said holding out his hand. Leonessa paused before taking it and shaking.

  "Did you want to tell Morals personally?" Pavlis asked.

  A feral smile came to Leonessa's lips.

  "Yes," she said and Pavlis nodded.

  "I would like to see his face," Pavlis said as Leonessa took her uniform and stepped out.

  "May I ask how this occurred Admiral?" Pavlis asked Luke when she was gone.

  Luke turned to Pavlis.

  "Sure," Luke said. "I'm not the one to ask though as I don't have the entire story."

  "Did your message to Prime Minister Harris spark this?" Luke sent to Duncan.

  "Yes sir," Duncan sent back. "Those are all the details I will share with you now. I would like you to note that the authorizations give you the authority to accept other immigrants and to give them similar brevet commissions in the NADF with final confirmation pending New Alamo council approval."

  "Why?" Luke asked.

  "Because, meat sack, that's why," Musashi sent.

  "I don't know the details," Luke told Pavlis. "You will have to ask Leonessa."

  Pavlis nodded.

  Minutes later Leonessa came in wearing the NADF black with shining silver eagles on each epaulet of her uniform. Her smile was infectious.

  "I hate to break up the festivities," Halsey said. "However, two items of note. We are done taking on the missiles and the hostile task force has confirmed course for the Nalee ship yards."

  "Shit," Luke said. Everything fell into place.

  "Their target is not the Bronkaw home world," Luke said. "Destroy the Nalee ship yards and the Conglomerate's ability to recover and fight back will be hampered, if not crippled. Set an intercept course for the enemy fleet. Notify the Crusader. The enemy does not care about the Bronkaw yet."

  "Intercept in eight hours at four gee acceleration," Halsey said as the ten minute warning for sustained high gravity maneuvers was sounded. Everyone ran to don their battle dress and get to their battle stations.

  "We will increase acceleration when the missiles are stowed," Halsey said.

  "Now this hoovers," Leonessa said as she ran out, followed by Lagertha, but there was still a smile on her lips.


  Defense of Nalee Station

  As everyone arrived in the CIC, Morals froze when he entered and saw Leonessa wearing NADF colored armor. Leonessa gave him a predatory smile.

  "I won't be your whore," Leonessa sent to him privately. "Or your spy and I won't take your mental abuse anymore."

  Morals stared at her.

  "How does your mother feel about this?" Morals asked.

  "She has immigrated too," Leonessa said, her smile growing wider as she saw Morals frown, the gears turning inside his head. A brief look of hatred came to his face before he replaced it with a neutral one. Luke didn't miss the look either.

  "You can't just quit," Morals sent to Leonessa. "You can't just abandon your commission."

  "Actually, I can," Leonessa sent. "I'm a reservist in the Jupiter Alliance, not active duty."

  "A technicality," Morals sent. "We are at war."

  "Check your regulations," Leonessa said. "Especially concerning allied nations."

  Morals did and his scowl deepened.

  Halsey sounded the acceleration alarm once everyone was in their seats and secured.

  "This isn't over," Morals sent as the Tigress accelerated

  "I think it is," Leonessa sent with a final smile, pulling her restraints on and tapping the NADF logo on
her shoulder as if for good luck while staring at Morals.

  Luke turned to the display. Two battleships and four destroyers of unknown capability were escorting the planet killer. Against them Luke had four frigates, a battle cruiser and a battle ship. Tonnage wise Luke was outnumbered almost five to one.

  "Does Tal Bris have any more information?" Luke asked Falla Shum, struggling to turn his head under the brutal acceleration increasing beyond the two gravities.

  "Tal Bris has left the station," Falla Shum sent, struggling more than anyone else with the high gravity. "He is en route to the Trugin star gate. I think he phrased it 'to assemble with reinforcements and avenge the Bronkaw and Nalee.'"

  "He is running," Luke sent on the command link. "The freaking coward."

  "There is nothing more he can do," Shum sent. "Dying with the station is not efficient."

  "The station is not unarmed," Luke said. "He is a coward."

  "Agreed," Shum said, surprised he did. "But he sees things differently."

  "What about you?" Luke asked trying to see Shum. The Pral was laying there motionless, his eyes barely open as he accessed his panels and controls internally.

  "He is a coward," Shum said and glanced toward Luke. "He should stay and fight like a warrior."

  Luke's nod was a strained one.

  "Not very Tal of you," Luke said.

  "I am no longer Tal," Shum said, pride now in his voice. He felt the exhilaration before battle that Krasnal felt. It sang to him. "I am Falla and right now that means I am different. I am better and I am not restricted to Pral expectations."

  "Twenty-four fighters for close in support," Luke sent on the command channel. "Configure the rest with torpedoes and when I give the command, send them after the planet killer."

  "Ignore the battleships and destroyers?" Halsey asked.

  "They can't destroy the ship yards on their own," Luke sent. "And the ship yard might fend them off. I'm worried about the planet killer."

  "The escort will rip us apart," Halsey sent.

  "That planet killer is the priority," Luke sent. "It is all that matters."

  "Understood," Halsey said.

  "Ram the bitch if we have to," Luke sent. "I want that planet killer dead."

  "Aye, aye. Understood Commander," Halsey said, his voice sounding grim.

  Hours later a warning came over that the Tigress would decelerate and there would be a brief period of normal gravity. It was a welcome relief. The battle hadn't started and Luke was exhausted.

  A brief pulse to deceleration and then the Tigress coasted, spooling up power for weapons and shields. The Crusader and the frigates nearby moved into a dispersed formation but with the frigates in the lead to screen against missiles or fighters.

  "Range is thirty light seconds," Halsey announced. "Rotating vessel. Preparing primary plasma lances."

  "First time we get to fire them in anger," Brita said from her station.

  "Fire at maximum range," Luke said. "Concentrate on the planet killer. Maybe we can cripple it."

  "Aye," Halsey said. "Begin firing at maximum range on the planet killer."

  The minutes counted down as Luke watched the displays, trying to find something to do. He glanced over at Leonessa and she glanced back, she looked tense. Luke winked at her and smiled. She relaxed and winked back. It was extreme long range for the plasma lances but the planet killer was massive and didn't appear to be very maneuverable.

  The planet killer was on the main screen. It didn't look like much, a massive metal construct painted black, but the crew could see it was shaped like a large sledge hammer with a short fat handle. Where the handle should poke out, there was a large concave bowl sinking into the ship. Luke expected this was the mechanism used to fire the weapon that killed planets.

  "Entering maximum range," Halsey announced. "Commence firing."

  "Shots away," Halsey said. Luke didn't notice a dimming of the lights or any other sign that three of the most powerful plasma lances he had ever seen just fired.

  It would take over forty seconds before they knew what happened since the speed of light was as fast as their sensors would work.

  Five seconds after the first volley, the Tigress fired another volley.

  Everyone watched the display screen as the plasma beams sliced through space across a distance that most people couldn't even fathom except with meaningless numbers.

  Other shots were fired before the first report came in.

  "Impact!" Halsey said. There was excitement in his voice as the planet killer on their screen flashed, pierced by a plasma round slamming into the starboard side of the ship, near the edge of the 'hammer'. Pieces of the planet killer fell off as it looked like the lance speared into the ship, slicing through the armor. It did not come out the back side however, testament to the tough, rugged design and armor. The shields appear to have either been non-existent, off or weak and it was almost impossible to tell how deep the shot had penetrated.

  The ship maneuvered as the battleships and destroyer accelerated. They would have to realize that the closer the Tigress got the more accurate and devastating her fire would be.

  "Launch missiles and remaining fighters," Luke said.

  Missiles launched from the Tigress and Crusader. Thirty missiles began their approach and fighters launched into space to follow them.

  "They have good acceleration," Pavlis noted. "Looks like their crews are suffering up to ten gravities based on their gravity signature."

  Luke watched the enemy ships surge forward as a single entity minus the planet killer. Missiles launched and Luke counted forty-eight incoming missiles. Four from each of the destroyers and sixteen from each battleship. If the crew was suffering ten gravities, they must be from a higher gravity world. Humans would pass out around five gravities although with upgrades humans could remain conscious to around seven or eight gravities.

  "We have better magazines," Halsey said.

  "Frigates and fighters forward," Luke said. "Tell the Crusader to tuck it in. Next missile volley I want to target the enemy escort ships. Any fighter launches?"

  "Not yet," Halsey said. "Wait. Twenty-four fighters from the two battle ships."

  "Most likely close defense," Brita said. "They didn't launch them until they saw our missiles."

  "Another plasma lance hit," Halsey said. "Starboard side again."

  "Good," Luke said. "Keep at it. Any return fire?"

  "Negative," Halsey said. "They might not have plasma lances."

  "Spread out the fighters in depth," Luke said. "Maximum dispersion. I don't want them to use the missiles against our fighters."

  "Aye," Halsey said.

  Everyone watched the fighters spread out as they approached the volley of enemy missiles. As the fighters came in range, missiles winked out showing hits. Twenty missiles made it past and Luke sighed in relief. With those numbers, the close defense fighters and frigates should stop them. The Crusader had also launched her fighters, holding them back as close defense.

  Another missile volley launched from the escort ships.

  "Damn," Luke said, recognizing the pattern. It was too dispersed.

  "Spread out the attack fighters more," Luke said. "Stagger them, that next missile volley is aimed at them. Put them on evasive, get them around the missiles. Maximum dispersion!"

  Another plasma lance scored on the planet killer. With the range closing, the Tigress was firing a volley every five seconds but the impacts against the planet killer were coming in more frequently. The planet killer had the maneuverability of an under powered asteroid ship and received more hits. One hit smashed into the concave front and Luke watched what looked like sparks race across the surface of the bowl.

  "Begin evasion," Luke said, and the Tigress shook hard as she pulled to port.

  The sparks flickered out on the planet killer's bowl and Luke realized it wasn't firing.

  "What weapons are on that planet killer?" Luke asked.

  "Appear to just be point
defense turrets," Pavlis said. "Can't tell any details at this range."

  "Steady course," Luke said, and the Tigress stopped the starboard roll.

  The frigates and defensive fighters eliminated the remaining missiles.

  Luke linked with Bruce and Halsey.

  "Combine the next two missile volleys," Luke said. "Hit them with sixty missiles on the escorts. I'm thinking the fireworks show on the planet killer wasn't a shot."

  Another plasma lance smashed into the bowl but there were no sparks that flickered across the bowl's surface this time.

  "Enemy mass driver firing detected," Halsey said. "They have a high rate of fire."

  Mass drivers? Not plasma lances? Still a deadly weapon but not as powerful as a plasma lance. Perhaps the Tigress and Crusader had the technological advantage.

  "Evasive maneuvers," Luke said. The mass drivers would get more accurate the closer they got, just like the plasma lances. The plasma lances were faster than the mass drivers in actual projectile speed but the mass drivers had a higher rate of fire.

  "Can you get me details on their weapons?" Luke asked.

  "Looks like they are equipped with mass drivers, maybe lasers for point defense," Pavlis said. "The destroyers seem to be built around the mass driver, maybe a half ton projectile. Battleships also have a pair of heavy mass drivers. All enemy vessels are firing."

  "That's why they took out those battle wagons so quickly," Luke said. mass drivers could accelerate a projectile at high speeds and could be devastating, but they didn't have the kinetic speed of a plasma gun. Evasion was the best defense and mass drivers were easier to dodge. At close range though it would not make a significant difference since mass drivers would win through sheer volume.

  Fireballs obscured the enemy as the missiles targeting the fighters detonated.

  "We lost fifteen attack fighters," Halsey reported. "They are moving to intercept again."

  "Acknowledged," Luke said staring at the display. Another plasma lance hit.

  "Enemy fighters engaging our missile volley one," Halsey reported. "Twelve missiles destroyed. Eighteen remaining. Enemy point defenses engaging."

  Luke watched the missiles winking out. Two made it past the escort ships.


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