The Darkness: The Conglomerate Trilogy (Volume 2)

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The Darkness: The Conglomerate Trilogy (Volume 2) Page 37

by William S Frisbee Jr

  Kasnal bared her fangs in pleasure, breathing in with a sigh. It would have been nice to have fought the ancients, to pit her technological claws and fangs against theirs, to see if fighting spirit was more dangerous than technological excellence. There would be many centuries of conquest. Perhaps some of the ancient's slaves might rise up and challenge the Vress, but then, perhaps not. This was just the beginning salvos of a long war. Perhaps she would breed and host her brood in one of the creatures. The Vress would need more warriors.

  She surveyed her remaining battle ships, cruisers and destroyers and then her gaze fell upon the wormhole to their next target. The prey had called it Bronkaw Prime.

  * * * * *

  Falla Shum opened his eyes. They were coming here. Were the ancients she thought of really the Tal?

  Sliding to his feet Falla Shum slipped into his armor and stared at the wall. It was showing a star field, the Seefa Nebula, where he had been born and spent most of his early years learning the ways of the Tal. Shum closed his eyes and saw the burning, dying worlds the Vress would soon be sweeping through. If the Tal had been destroyed as Krasnal thought, then the Conglomerate would be torn apart and sink into an age of violence, death and darkness. Even without the Battle Singers mustering their fleets, the peoples of the Conglomerate would fall upon each other, slaughtering their enemies in orgies of death and destruction.

  If Krasnal was correct, Ubashi was destroyed and if Shum had still been a Tal in Ubashi, he would be dead.

  Shum didn't know what to do, or what to think, his mind was going blank and he had only questions but nobody to ask. Topa Suresh was missing, most likely dead. Was Shum the last Tal senior officer?

  No. Shum stared at the floor. He was no longer Tal; he was Falla. No longer trusted to defend the Conglomerate and now was when the Topa needed the Tal more than anything else.

  Now Shum understood why he was Falla. How had Topa Suresh known? Why hadn't he had Shum killed?

  Sinking to his knees and bowing his head Shum let his grief overwhelm him and he screamed at the floor. He understood now.



  Luke brushed off imaginary lint as he looked at the door. The chair was comfortable but he couldn't keep his feet still, or lean back and relax.

  "You look fine," Duncan said glancing at Luke. "It's just dinner. I'm the one that is cooking it. Musashi told me about your cooking and a need for an exorcist when you try."

  Luke looked at Duncan. Dinner would be fine, more than just dinner with Leonessa would be better, but Luke didn't want to tell Duncan that.

  Luke's living space was spartan. There was a rifle rack by the door, but even that was empty since it was reserved for guests, or when Luke didn't want to put his rifle in his sleeping room.

  A rifle rack by the front door?

  Duncan's gaze followed Luke's.

  "What's wrong?" Duncan asked. "Want me to get some rifles to put in it? Maybe a sniper and a scout rifle? That would be a good mix. Something to spark a conversation with?"

  "Most people don't have rifle racks by the main entrance," Luke said.

  "Why not?" Duncan asked looking at Luke his face a mask of puzzlement.

  "They just don't," Luke said.

  "But it makes so much sense," Duncan said, turning back to look at it. "Your guests would feel more comfortable if they didn't have to worry about holding onto their rifle or dropping it. Besides, if they didn't want to rack their rifle, you would know they didn't trust you."

  "Uh," Luke said. "Most people don't carry rifles everywhere they go."

  "Most people on this crew do," Duncan said. "That would be most people I know."

  Luke nodded. He would explain later. Any second the announcer would buzz. His hands were sweating, so he stuck them in his pocket to dry them. He wouldn't have this problem if he were wearing his battle dress.

  "Why are you so nervous?" Duncan asked.

  Luke looked at Duncan. How to explain this?

  The announcer buzzed and Luke shot to his feet. She was five minutes early.

  "Shall I get it?" Duncan asked, already knowing the answer as Luke approached the door and signaled open. Luke was still trying to figure out what to say when the door opened, revealing Falla Shum. Luke's tongue froze.

  Shum didn't look well. His skin was darker, and it looked damp. His eyes were wider and the corners of his mouth were twitching.

  "What's wrong?" Luke asked as he looked at Shum. Maybe he should have worn kept on his battle dress.

  "I know why I have been cast out of the Tal," Shum said, looking at Luke's knees. "Can we talk?"

  "Um," Luke said, wanting to help but wondering if he could get this resolved by the time Leonessa got here. Luke sighed. That wasn't right. Duty before pleasure.

  "Have a seat," Luke said standing aside so Shum could enter.

  Shum walked fast, then slow, then fast, he seemed uncertain as he looked around, his eyes fastening on a chair that would hold his over tall frame. He sat down and stared at the floor, becoming as still as the chair he sat on.

  Luke marched over and sat down in his chair, just as the announcer buzzed. Shum looked up, his eyes wide and Luke felt his heart sink as he stood back up. Damn.

  "Open," Luke said, standing back up and the door slid open revealing Leonessa.

  Her smile lost some of its shine when she saw Falla Shum.

  Luke glanced at Falla Shum who looked up.

  "Is everything okay?" Leonessa asked looking at Shum. She looked concerned, perhaps thinking she had misread Luke.

  Shum shook his head.

  "No Leonessa," Shum said. "I have discovered why the Topa have discarded me."

  "I can come back later?" Leonessa said, and Luke tried to keep the disappointment from his face.

  "What the Commander knows, his Soma should know," Shum said. Leonessa glanced at Luke, curious but not wanting to intrude.

  Luke nodded.

  "Please have a seat," Luke said motioning Leonessa toward the chairs wondering how bad it could be. Some disease? Shum had eaten the main course at a formal meal with the wrong fork? Leonessa took a seat and Luke sat down next to her so he could watch Shum.

  "I have another life as a vassal of the Battle Singers," Shum said staring at the floor.

  "Seriously?" Luke asked. How could Shum know? What did it matter?

  "Yes," Shum said, his eyes never leaving the floor.

  "So?" Luke said. "What does that mean exactly?"

  Shum looked up at Luke and Leonessa.

  "It means my soul is linked with the enemy," Shum said. "I cannot be trusted for the enemy can link to me as I can link to them."

  "How do they do that?" Luke asked.

  "It is an ability of the Battle Singers," Shum said. "The Pral are sometimes linked with other souls, other beings, other consciousness. We do not dream, we live the lives of others. Sometimes we can link, sometimes we cannot. My other life is a fleet Grand Marshal, a member of a race called the Vress. They are vassals of the Battle Singers and they are seeking to extinguish the Bronkaw from the tapestry of life."

  "The Vress can see through your eyes?" Luke asked.

  "No," Shum said and then shook his head, uncertain. "Maybe. I do not think so, but the Battle Singers can, if they know of this link. They can read my soul, they can know me and in that way I will betray my fellows without knowing it."

  "Prove it," Luke said and Shum stared at Luke in surprise.

  "How?" Shum asked.

  "Tell me about the Vress," Luke said. "And their war against the Bronkaw."

  "The Vress are winning," Shum said. "They are behind the attacks and they are not alone. Vassals of the Battle Singers are scattered all throughout Conglomerate space and everywhere they are launching attacks from the dark systems. They launched attacks against the Tal everywhere and they are trying to start numerous civil wars throughout the Conglomerate so they can weaken and conquer the various nations. That is why there are no heavy Bronkaw
vessels in the system. They are all off fighting the Vress. The Vress have conquered Maaga and now they have now invaded Bronkaw Secund. Shortly, they will invade Bronkaw Prime where they intend to eradicate the Bronkaw. So few Bronkaw ships have survived and they are fleeing here to Bronkaw Prime. Those ships are also infected."

  "What is their fleet strength?" Luke asked.

  "They have ten battleships, ten cruisers, ten destroyers and twenty frigates. They do not seem to use fighters but they launch boarding parties and have boarded three Bronkaw vessels that are even now in transit here."

  Luke stared at Shum. How could he believe Shum? How was this possible? Either way, Shum believed it and Luke had a hard time believing Shum was crazy.

  "Why are you telling us this now?" Luke asked.

  "I was not aware my other life was current," Shum said. "Sometimes we experience our other lives in the past. As time goes on the link grows stronger and more lucid. More is learned."

  "Tell me more about the Vress," Luke said and glanced at Leonessa. She remained quiet, looking between Luke and Shum.

  "They are smaller, from a higher gravity planet. Hunch back bipeds they have strong legs, claws, talons and they are predators. They breed by injecting their eggs into a host where the broodlings eat their way out of the host. Their broodlings are born with basic knowledge, speech, weapons use and lower level skills. Usually a brood has about ten hatchlings but rarely do more than three survive the process as they are also predatory toward each other."

  "These sound like some nasty creatures," Leonessa said. "What is their link with the Battle Singers?"

  "The Battle Singers have likely uplifted them," Shum said. "Helped them gain intelligence, helped them reach the stars. The Battle Singers thirst for emotion. Combat, with the intense fear, pain and other emotions is most satisfying to them. They can also link with other creatures but theirs is not a natural process. You have spiders which is the closest analogy I can use. The Battle Singers are like spiders that sit in a web. They are linked with the threads and they enjoy the struggling of prey in their web. They experience their prey through their vassals, most vassals don't even know they are linked, but they can sometimes sense when a Battle Singer is happy and it provides a feed back loop."

  "How is that possible?" Luke asked.

  "The human race has not even scratched the surface of quantum physics," Shum said. "Even the Pral are still learning about it. The answer is in that field of study."

  "What should we do?" Leonessa asked looking at Luke.

  "We can't stand against ten battleships," Luke said, marshaling his thoughts and plans. "Even if the Bronkaw battleships survive. I think our only option is to retreat."

  There weren't a lot of options. The Bronkaw had modern ships and if they were losing then what could the Tigress do?

  "What are the chances that the Battle Singers have other spies here in Bronkaw Prime?" Luke asked looking around him.

  Shum shrugged. "I don't know. Possible."

  "We will leave the Bronkaw to die?" Leonessa asked, her voice rising, Luke could hear the anger and frustration there.

  "I don't see a choice," Luke said. "The Tal are not coming. We need to warn our people."

  Leonessa stared at Luke but remained silent. There was hurt in her eyes but she didn't challenge him. She had to know he would not leave the Bronkaw to die, she had to know it in her heart.

  "Shum," Luke said, realizing she was about to argue with him. "Return to your quarters. I want frequent reports. I'm sorry but until I know more, I will have to limit your access to our operations. Is there a way to break that link so they can't spy on you?"

  "Kill my other life," Shum said. "Or kill me."

  Luke nodded.

  "Please get me as much information as you can. Ship types, numbers, tactics, anything and everything you can. No matter how trivial," Luke said. "I want to know when they intend to make transit and how much time we have left to escape. I need more information on the Battle Singers. How easily they can acquire vassals or spies and what their range is. Do they have any forces between here and Sol that we might encounter? Anything and everything you can get me."

  Shum nodded.

  "I'm sorry Commander," Shum said.

  "Thank you. Perhaps we can save the human race, the Bronkaw have already lost if what you say is true."

  Luke nodded and watched Shum leave.

  "You are going to just let the Bronkaw die?" Leonessa asked when Shum left. She sounded angry and hurt.

  "Of course not," Luke said with a sigh now that Shum was gone. "Topa Suresh hired us to help the Bronkaw. I have a good idea of what kind of help the Bronkaw need and we will give it to them."

  "You are counting on the Battle Singers listening in to Shum, aren't you?" Leonessa asked.

  "Of course," Luke said with a grim smile. "My biggest worry right now is other spies."

  "One battleship against ten?" Leonessa said. "Not counting the cruisers, destroyers and frigates?"

  "I have ideas," Luke said. "I expect to give the Bronkaw a fighting chance."

  Leonessa nodded.

  "You believe him?" Leonessa asked.

  "Topa Suresh has trusted me, and he seems to be a step ahead of the game," Luke said. "Yes, I will trust what Shum has told me."

  "Good," Leonessa said.

  "Here is what I need from you," Luke began. "First, we need to contact the Nalee. I hope we have enough time."

  "I guess this means dinner is off?" Leonessa asked.

  Luke's shoulders fell and his eyes dropped to the floor.

  "Yes," he said looking back up at Leonessa, hoping she would understand. "I'm sorry. We have little time and, well, I'm sorry," Luke said.

  Leonessa nodded and gave him a sad smile.

  "I expect another invitation," she said and Luke smiled.

  "I promise," Luke said.


  Bronkaw Audience

  "What about your meeting with Grand Marshal Vokasa?" Duncan asked.

  "Shit," Luke said now remembering it. "Prepare to record a message then, the Grand Marshal's eyes only."

  "Grand Marshal Vokasa," Luke stared at the video pickup. "I would like to apologize for not being able to meet you in person. I have received intelligence you are not winning your battles in the Bronkaw Secund system and your forces are fleeing. A large enemy force is en route here. There are ten enemy battleships, ten cruisers and ten destroyers with assorted frigates. Two Bronkaw battleships and a destroyer have survived and are fleeing but they are fighting off boarding parties and are unlikely to be in any condition to fight once they arrive.

  "For this reason, I am taking my forces to the Bronkaw Secund wormhole and I will engage the enemy there. I will make it appear as if I am fleeing through Tagrin. I believe I can inflict heavy damage when they arrive if I can remain undetected. It has also come to my attention that there may be enemy spies in the system. We have one such spy aboard my vessel but he is unaware of my plans. There may be others and they may not be aware they are spies.

  "If we can help the ships that have been boarded then we will do so," Luke said. "But it is our intent to ambush the Vress coming through that wormhole and inflict the maximum amount of damage. We expect your fleeing vessels to transit into this system in three days, we expect the Vress battle fleet to arrive only a few hours later."

  "Go with Honor," Luke said ending the transmission.

  "You think he will be angry for not making the meeting?" Brita asked.

  "Probably," Luke said. "But I'm sure Topa Suresh didn't send me here to massage his ego."

  "Do you even think he will get that message?" Brita asked and Luke shrugged.

  "What about having the Nalee ship yards move into range of the wormhole?" Brita asked.

  "They have weapons," Leonessa said. "But if the Vress could board the ship yards we might never root them out if half of what Shum says is true about them."

  "Good point," Luke said. "I think it is just us

  "Maybe the ship yards should retreat to Trugin or another system?" Leonessa asked.

  Luke nodded. "Contact the Nalee commander and make your case," Luke said. "We can't allow the ship yards to fall into Vress hands. The Conglomerate will need those ship yards if we are to win against the Battle Singers although I'm not so sure Tugrin is safe. Do not reveal we aren't fleeing to Tugrin though. Maybe they can tuck in close to the Bronkaw home world. Let the Bronkaw concentrate their forces."

  * * * * *

  "Message from the Grand Marshal," Halsey sent. "For your eyes only Commander."

  It was simple text but was authentic according to the system.

  "Thank you. Do what you feel is necessary. As a Topa agent you will receive my support. Go with Honor."

  Nothing if not brief. Luke stared at it for several seconds. It left too many questions and so much unsaid. Did the Grand Marshal remember him? Was the Grand Marshal still pissed? Luke sent it on to Brita, Leonessa, Jeremy and Amanda.

  "Wow," Brita sent back to a group chat. "That says a lot of nothing."

  "Yea," Luke sent back. "I hope he is just busy."

  "Agreed," Brita sent.

  "The Nalee will fill up our holds with missiles," Leonessa said. "And the droids are updating the missile software. The Nalee are also moving the station closer to Bronkaw Prime and the Grand Marshal is assembling the Bronkaw fleet there."

  "Which makes the most sense," Brita sent. "Since Vokasa doesn't know if the enemy will come in through the Secund, Mari, or Krisali. At this point all the wormholes are suspect."

  "The Proud Infidel will rendezvous with us before we reach the Trugin wormhole," Leonessa said.

  "Good," Luke sent. "Now what am I missing?"

  The link was silent.

  * * * * *

  "We have finished loading the missiles with new parameters," Halsey reported. "The Proud Infidel has faked the wormhole transition and we are entering stealth mode. We are now running silent. Be advised."

  The Tigress, Crusader and Proud Infidel, changed course away from the wormhole to Trugin and set course for Bronkaw Secund. Luke checked the readings and was satisfied with the stealth of all the ships. The enemy would have to be close to see them. The only vessels in the area were the battle wagons. All mobile ships had been withdrawn to the Bronkaw home world and the two battle wagons guarding the Trugin wormhole were not close enough to get a good reading. They had been pulled back to avoid the same abrupt fate as the battle wagons at Mari.


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